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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi ferlina (^ _ ^)/ thank you !! :heart::heart::heart::heart:
Yeah i'll probably be in seoul for 1 month, from middle april to middle may. :tender:
I haven't booked my flight yet..lol but i'm in japan.. so.. I could even go there by boat..lol
*** I'll visit about 15 clinics.. but my korean boy friend insist to visit shimmian.. so that's makes exaclty 16 .. *** yeah i'm not a lazzy girl ^^
But i'm sorry I'm not going for the extrem rib thing, so if you want to visit those clinic.. it will be by yourself..
I have a cute piggy nose ( ̄(oo) ̄) and I don't want to change that much.. only to make the tip pointy..
and maybe.. like you i'll retouch my eyes... big eyes, small nose.. kyaaaah i want this !!

Hi Greatnose.. :heart::heart::heart: really ? that's scares me about parkwonjin.. but anyway.. it wasn't my first choice anyway..
far away from faceline ( www.face-line.co.kr) Real Cosmetic Clinic (www.realcosmetic.com) and Grand Plastic Surgery (www.grandsurgery.com) noblesse (http://www.noblesseclinic.co.kr) jwclinic (http://www.jwbeauty.net)

Hi Schrodinger (^ _ ^)/ .. well.. thanks for the info.. i'm not going there anyway..but nice try ..lol
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oh sorry i forgot |・ω・`)
about hotel in apgujeong (near kangnam street)
around 100 usd per night > Hotel La Casa Seoul, Hotel sunshine, Hotel young dong
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Hi guys.

Do you guys think that I should also get alarplasty done alone with my rib rhino?
My main concern is my tip and cone shaped bridge. / \ instead of straight l l

I HATE those piggy nose and am that definitely tells people " I HAVE NOSE JOB DONE " clearly. I'm very sure it is because of the alarplasty that makes the nostril into a weird shape like the pics posted by Schrodinger, the "triangular" nostril shape. It is SO UGLY imo.

For me, around 70% of all patients that went through alarplasty will have that kind of effect and I don't want it. but I'm afraid I won't be satisfied if I don't have my alar reduced too.

In a dilemma right now ~.~

Anyone can advice and share some opinion please?
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Hi zettai! That's great! I think we can meet up as I'll be arriving in Korea in may 3rd. What do u think? Are u staying with ur bf when ur in Korea or smth or alone?
My ex-mngr will be coming with us . The doctors I emailed said that there will be more promotions/discounts and better rates if we have 3 or more surgeries doing together. Fret not, I share the same sentiments as u too- the idea of doing a rib cartilage freaks me out- that would be my last resort too- haha- but ur clinics seem interesting - I would like to consult too.

Pls pm me!
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Where did you get these statistics? I had alarplasty done w/ rib rhino and I don't even have a scar. Did your doctor offer feedback on whether it would look more proportional with alarplasty?
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Hi bisousx,
Can i ask where you got your alarplasty with rib rhino done? & does the clinic use donated rib cartilage? As i don't want to use my own. How much did u pay for it? And who was your surgeon? & when did u get it done? Thx! I'm also looking to get a similar rhinoplasty done - would like nostrils to be narrower as they are flaired up and i have no bridge at all :sad: also looking to get double eyelids done too but still looking for a good ps
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Thank you do much sin2!!!!

I appreciate it a lot! I will text her tonight. And see if she can accommodate me during early may. Once again , thank you! Have u stayed there? Mind send me some pic.s?

Best regards,
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hey thanks alot for the info. ya i think ill juss stick with a surgeon whose rlly experienced in rib and has done it for a long time. but i'll make sure to consider them for my boob job since its a pretty simple procedure. lol haha i told my mom i'm getting a nose job (left out the boob job part... she would freak) but she doesnt believe tht im gonna go through with it.
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Hey eveeyone!!

In an earlier post I said i'd post a picture of my and ask what you guys thought of my considerations of surgery!! So here goes ----> (please be nice!!)




So what I wanted was::

- shaving of hump and wide bridge
- implant to heighten bridge
- bulbous tip
- premaxillary implant
- possibly chin implant (but see how my braces turn out)
- possibly magic epi
- lip fillers and botox

What do you guys think? Most doctors say I shud get everything but the implant and rather than filler get lip reduction, but then others have sais I can have implant if I want...
I just want implnt becaue I am scared that when they shave the hump my nose will be more flat on the top...

Please help!!!

Thanks :smile: xx
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i dont know why their site is doing tht. im curious to look at their new pics.

ya i definitely hate those types of noses. it looks sooo bad and fake... i think thts the outcome we would get if we went to a plastic surgeon in the states yikes. their only experienced in shaving down cartilage not adding any.
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i couldn't have agreed more. :sad:
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well it is a very hard procedure to do and have it come out looking natural. have u consulted with multiple surgeons on whether this is something u rlly need or not. most surgeons i have asked have told me that lengthening the tip of the nose will make the nose narrower on its own.
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hey looking at ure pics we have like the exact same nose!!! except my bridge is higher. i also have a hump on my nose that i want to shave but i dont want a lower bridge. one doctor from the states told me that my shallow radix is giving me the impression that i have a hump when i dont. so he said he could raise my radix to be in line with the rest of my nose so i wont have a hump any more. i personally think u dont need the premaxillary implant, lip fillers, or lip reduction as some have suggested.

i agree with the rest tho. and adding fat to ure chin would be a nice addition to ure rhinoplasty. hope this helps :smile:
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i have attached my PO day 4 with dr kao, and Im happy with the result.

Just hope theres not too much warping.

The nose will resorb about 10%.

Actually swelling is minimal .. I took only pineapples and zinc supplement. I didn't take sinecch.

Actually zinc is very vital for healing and i recommend you to take it for better healing.

For those who attacked me on being crazy about surgery ( qiuqiu, who attacked me just because i say she is advertiser ), hope you understand why my pre-op nose was thinning and silicone was showing its sign.

not a nice thing to attack people when they are recovering. show some basic respect and humanity!
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After 2 surgeries, my nose is still wide and the tip seems to look even bigger than before (it swells up a lot too even at 1.5 years post-revision). I feel like I have the worse nose ever! It does not fit my features at all. I've seen many Asian women with naturally petite and narrow noses. Why can't my nose be like that?!?!

I had my primary surgery in 2008. The surgeon just stuck a huge L-shaped silicone implant in my nose. That was it. Fast forward a couple of years and the silicone shifted and I was afraid the tip would extrude. It didn't look completely nice either. Too bulky on me.

So I got it revised in 2010. The surgeon took the silicone out completely and used ear cartilage for my entire nose. Also got a minor alarplasty which barely did anything good. It actually seems to have made my nose look even rounder and more blobby.

I still hate my nose very much. Funny that I wasn't born with such a strange, wide nose. I never noticed it was wide until a couple years after puberty when people started pointing it out to me. My nose like went through a growth spurt in width. =(

Has anyone gone through a couple surgeries and the swelling just never went down or your nose just never got narrower? I really care less about the height now than the width. However, a more defined nose bridge will my my nose seem less wide.

I just want a delicate, defined, feminine nose like that of Song Hye Kyo or Hyori Lee. That would fit my face perfectly. This broad, fatty nose I have right now makes me look constantly mad and masculine. It really sucks because my other features are very pretty. My nose ruins my face 110%.

I feel hopeless.
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