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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi all, i have no intention to come back here but i wanted to help some who pm me couple of times. ill just cut n paste watever below;

mine was RIB cart for bridge n ear for tip. i actually do not intend to log in anymore as i feel that i had done my part in sharing all these while. i just wanna share this one more time as i can tell u really need some help.

firstly, i do not work for VIP or any clinic just to put my pt across and im a guy. I went VIP because i can communicate with Joann very well and mostly cuz of my * GUT FEELING*. it was a gamble.

before surgery, my nose was CRAP. when i say crap i really mean crap.CRAP. yes. and it had haunted me for many many years, i was also unable to breathe properly too .

i did very minimal research and i booked flight within a couple of weeks and i flew there alone n met joann. i paid FULL cash the first day straight after short consultation.

VIP took superb good care of me and i took out my cast i breathe thru both nostrils completely in the first time of my life. it was .. orgasmic.

i had shared my whole story and complete guide here several times and i dont wanna repeat it again as i realised many of u cant finish the entire thread, i can understand, too many opinions, and it sometimes freak u out. life is short. just do it. ud been through so far wats there to lose?

long story short, 1 year post op. i still look good. much better than before op and post op first 8 mths. my nose deswell alot and i m 80% happy except for tip is still alittle not so define but i guess it kind match my looks. no warps, no infections, cant see scars . (except the one on the chest but healed 70% after applying snail creams)

i have only one word about joann :" a very nice person and a very good business woman" . if u do not have the money and not matured and not enough life skills to handle relationship and trauma, i suggest you stay home and not be bothered. ull be happier.

Rib surgery is not your daily silicon/goretex story. its about fixing something" broken" . u gonna expect huge swelling( some peep didnt) for 1-2 yrs some take 3( i was told, thick skin ppl like me) .

i m not gonna login n repeat myself again anymore, feel free to flame or watever cuz i dont care.

i love my nose now and everyday it gets better, im not sure about others im pretty sure everyone is different.( i have heard bad stories too ) every clinic has its own salt n pepper, butter and jams. yes it is still hard and i think its gonna be hard like this forever idk and i dont care. i can only say:

" its worth it" .

about officetel: its not your hotel. its not your home.do your own cleaning, cooking, laundry or u can just skip brushing your teeth and flush the tiolet or u can shower and brush at the same time, anything u want. AS LONG AS U RETURN THE OFFICETEL IN PROPER MANNER( be considerate that the next desperate one who step in the same room maybe someone who just undergo the surgery and needs that care and love). TV, internet, stove, utensils, microwave,heater, aircon and nice seoul tower view.dispose your own garbage at the basement.

PS; not gonna login and answer anymore questions so those who think this info is good, save it n paste it here the next time someone ask the same questions again, do them and yourself this favor. cheers! lets hope iphone 10 launch before nose job 6 thread.

good luck all
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For those whom have been, what did u guys do for currency? Did you bring usd then coverted to won? Or did u convert usd to won before going over? Would you recommend bringing travelers checks? Was it difficult to cash? like did they give you a poor rate?
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Some hospitals let u pay in ur countries currency. Most accept GBP, USD, SGD. But obv prefer KRW but All the ones I have asked like VIP, banobagi, oz, bk, teuim, dr wang and dr jung all accept other currencys.

But its upto as it cud work out cheaper to pay in WON as they would base it on the days exchange rate... Which changes all the time... But u can change it before as usually ur own bank or post office would charge less co rate. Airport usually charges quite a lot com rate and in Korea it might be hard to find a good place to change etc.

Travellers cheque for me is always a bit off as its hard to find a place to exchange it for good rate.
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I'm interested in DR WANG in taiwan and Dr Jung in Korea. I love the b&a pics on dr wang's site but can't find anyone who actually went to him on any of the forums. Most just said they're interested. Anyone read or know or has gone to dr wang for rhino? How about dr jung?
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Oi, Rawdude! It's soooooo good to see you again! Welcome back and goodbye (haha). Glad that even a year post-op, everything is working out for you. This makes me EVEN MORE enthusiastic with my surgery at VIP.

Also, I feel the same with JoAnn, she has been nothing but professional and so sweet to me - our conversations have never been dull and she's so good on providing feedback on what's best for me. Other surgery clinics have talked to me very robotically (cut & paste style) and I feel MOST comfortable with her and Dr. Lee.

:biggrin: Five more months!
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Sorry for making you confused. Well, every doctor has good and bad reviews. I have a friend who went to Dr Wang for surgery and her result was fine. But as I have shared earlier in my other posts, his style is very westernized. My friend's face is slim, so the nose fits her well.
There were ppl who complaint about Dr Wang too. The girl who had 3 revisions with Dr Wang was becuz she was not happy about the nose shape that Dr Wang did on hers. She felt it was unnatural. So she went back to him two more times for revision. And as we all know that rib tends to warp. When Dr Wang made her nose bridge slimmer, there were space inside the nose cavity. Hence her nose bridge warped a little bit and shifted down a little bit too. Her nose tip is droopy due to the shifiting of rib bridge. Currently she is considering a revision in Korea.
Hope this info helps.
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Dear All,

I know there are a lot ppl went to VIP in this forum. May I just confirm if VIP has ever done any nose which is with curved bridge and upturned nose tip? I want that style. I wish someone can share me the results to give me some assurance.
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Hi all, have anyone ever had rhinoplasty or double eyelid surgery with Dr. Kao in Taiwan and want to share their experience? I am very close to booking my flight to see him in early July! It will also be great to find travel buddies who are willing to split costs for stay and/or are willing to hang out! I am traveling from the US! Please let me know!
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do u mean dr. wang from china? http://www.wangmd.cn

if this is the site u were on then he is based in china not Taiwan. if u happen to kno chinese there is a chinese forum that has some reviews about dr.wang apparently. i tried to navigate it through google translate but it was too hard lol. u need to sign in for the latter forum mentioned.
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im pretty sure most clinics in korea along with vip specialize in that type of style u are talking about, i think its pretty popular amongst the ppl in korea. when i was in contact with vip a while ago they did some photo stimulation's for me and for the profile they gave me a nice curved bridge and tip even though thats not rlly what i had in mind. im sure any clinic in korea will know what ure talking about.
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oh lol i see. goodluck then :smile: do u think he'll do a photo stimulation for u?
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Can anyone help me out on this?
I have been emailing dr wang ting from china regarding my rhinoplasty and he is accepting SGD for the surgery. (I'm from SG)

He quoted this website " http://finance.sina.com.cn/forex/rmbexchange.html "
that determines the rates but I just don't know how to look at it.

Can anyone help me please?

How do I look at the table? 1 SGD = How much RMB?

Anyone please help me with an simplified explanation? THANKS A LOT!!!

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Thanks for the link greatnose :smile: Umm, my memory is failing me because I can't remember what a warped implant looks like... I tried googling it but my net is acting up big time >.< Is it when the nose tip curves to the side or something similar?

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I saw a patient at the waiting lounge and her tip seemed to be upturned. I think she's one of the lucky ones cuz she either deswelled fast or have thin skin on the tip. I couldn't tell though if her bridge was curved because of the tape but if I remember correctly, I saw a photo on vip's website of a patient with a curved bridge.
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