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Asian Nose Job 3

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Yes, I had all of them at once. :P
It was rather uncomfortable than painful since my face was swollen and I was not able to breathe through my nose for 1 week. However, if I would rate it with uncomfort with pain, it would be 7 out of 10. It was totally worth it though. Just think of it as you give up 1 week of your life to be prettier forever. :biggrin:
I hope this helps !
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Ahhh really?? I thought they were meant to be one of the top :/ maybe I should take them out of my list!

How about Grand PS? Have you heard anything about them as they are currently one of my tops
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I have heard a bit about Grand. It's actually on my top 3 hahaha. Their prices are quite decent, but for some surgeries, they are quite expensive. BUT they are negotiable too. They are also reputable in Korea.
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This is just my guess. Judging from her old photos, I'd say she had eyes, nose, and V-line surgery. Or it could be Photoshop. Who the heck knows, these bloggers photoshop themselves beyond recognition.
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hi does anyone know which implants I would need paranasal or premaxillary to push out the base of my nose? my subnasal curve was lost during a liplift and now the base of my nose is pushed in too much. will an implant alone do this or is something else needed. I tried to post a pic but it didn't let me.
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Hey everyone,

Found some pretty helpful videos on youtube to better understand what goes on during a simple open rhinoplasty procedure. I find it extremely helpful to understand what any plastic surgeon has to do during the surgery and what happens when we're under anesthesia..

Videos are a bit graphic (much like most Discovery Health shows) and if you get queasy looking at blood, I don't recommend watching! I am not promoting / endorsing any of the doctors seen in the videos - please just use this as a reference tool to better understand the procedure.

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I've basically been following your posts because it seems you and I have the same issue. Silicone implants have so much negative reviews when it comes to long term, yet I wonder why plastic surgeons in Korea totally push for it. I want to do rib cartilage because I'm terrified of any complications in a few years. What have you decided on? Where and when are you going? I'm going in Aug/Sept

My top so far are Wonjin, Grand, Cinderella, and Banobagi

I was really interested in Grand the most but they say silicone is the way to go eventhough they know I want rib
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i think it is just photoshop/fillers.. she admits she photoshop her pictures
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I read in this other forum that basically the reason why Asian doctors prefer silicone is because with Asians, their body accepts it more in comparison to caucasian ppl who are more likely to have complications, which is why Western drs prefer to use autologus. Whereas asian people are more likely to warp with autologus which is why Asian Drs prefer silicone (even to goretex)

I will try and find the link again... But yeahwl thats what I read!!

Although other reasons I have heard include...
:: better shape (more sharp which is how some Asians like it)
:: less complicated for revisional
:: easier to operate
:: less invasive compared to autologus (rib)

I mean most Doctors I have emailed say it gives better shape and is easier to shape during operation which on turn will make a better nose overall...
Dr Park from OZ seemed against rib because he said it leaves unnecessary scarring and results arent as nice
And Another Dr said goretex wasnt good because it shrinks over the years (i think it was ID who said that but cant remember lol) but silicone holds it shape.

Idk tbh... Personally Id use goretex or this new oen called silitex which is a mix between silicone and goretex... I think its silicone wrapped in goretex? But good shape with bonding... Seems good right??
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Anyone else going to Korea around mid July or early August? I think I'm gonna get my nose and eye revision done at Grand.

I think one week stay should be sufficient? :cool: I won't wanna be strip searched at the airport cuz my bug eyes don't match my passport. lmao >.> speaking of which, i prolly need to update that stuff after surgery.
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I'll be going in August. Hmm you'll probably have to stay a little longer than a week.

Oh but it's both a revision? A week may be sufficient then?? Revisions take less time to heal?? Bandaids off sooner??
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I remember my eyes took about a week for it to be "acceptable" enough to go out. But I know my skin tends to be super sensitive....

Judging from pictures online, noses don't seem like they need as much time to heal They are still swollen but it won't scare people unlike swollen eyes.

maybe I'll stay 10 days.. get some shopping done :graucho:
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hello there! i'm 22 and from toronto. i didn't read all of the posts and they will make me really confused. however, i need help.

i finally decide that i'm going to get a nose job. my top is dr. jung from korea. i love korean plastic surgery. i'm leaning towards goretex paranasal because i have protruding mouth (monkey mouth) which i find so ugly.

i've read in previous posts that dr. lee is also good at paranasal and changing protruding mouth? please let me know. i'm attaching my pics to ask for your opinion on who to go for and what type of procedure i should take. also i'd like to know about the prices in korea. thanks !!! :smile:
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