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Asian Nose Job 3

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ha. sorry for the confusion :P

Are you just getting a primary? Do you know which places you'll be consulting?
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I've been recommended osteotomy by a number of doctors myself! Can you share what your recovery process has been like? I mean, how's the bruising? pain? swelling? I can't seem to find very many Asian rhinos who've had it done/share their experience. What I find online are written by caucasions whose noses are too big/high and shave it down. not people whose noses are too wide... :/
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Thx again but I am doing a revision rhinoplasty and not eyes. But I will talk to him again before my surgery just to be sure him and I are on the same page! Thanks for the advice and i am glad that ur eyes are much better now! Did u also have rhinoplasty too?
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bobbycat, kkim120: today is my 5th day since the surgeries, 2 days to go for taking the cast off. There is very little swollen left for my eyes today but some purple/ blue bruisings. For the nose it seems to be a bit stuffy and sometimes I still have to breath through my mouth. I have the laser treatment for de-swelling everyday so I guess it could be also the reason of my very little swollen. The clinic also provide a free hair washes for me and I think it's very convenience since I'm not allowed to take a shower & hair wash my self for 7 days after the surgeries. The doctor has been checking on my eyes twice and he said the recovery is going quite well.
I have never felt any pain since the surgery. Just get quite tired the first 2 days, I think it was because of the sedation and I couldnt sleep well due to nose blocking problems.
Will keep your guys updated when I take the cast off and stitches out.
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Omg....I was seriously considering Dr. Wang. That is very scary..I'll have to look into it more now. Is this legit news?!?
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Glad to hear your recovery is going well! I'm going to email JW soon... I just had a consultation with a local surgeon who told me that all I would prbably need is tiplasty with alarplasty, so I'm hoping to get a good quote. BTW, would you mind sharing your name with me via PM so that I can mention you to the consultant... I just emailed the consultant and she just asked for your name... I described your procedures as you listed on the forum, so she may have guessed your name... although I'm not sure. If you don't feel comfortable, I totally understand. Also, are you Korean? I'm hoping that being a Korean can help me negotiate a lower price...

Once you get your cast off, care to share before/after pictures of your nose? you can blur out the rest of your face! I just want to see your nose and how well JW does.. :P

If any of these seem to overstep the lines, just ignore me. I just have really high hopes for JW, and want to negotiate rhino+zygoma reduction for 6 million KRW, which seems... unfeasible. But I got my fingers crossed! hahaa
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This is becoming my top choice too! JW and Migo :smile:
When are you planning to go to Korea? I'll be going this September with two other forumers if you care to join us! :biggrin:
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Hi everyone! I just had my surgeries yesterday, stayed overnight and now I'm at my own hotel. (Highly recommended! US$85 or so a night, spacious well-equipped rooms, even has PC n DVD player, free wireless n cheap in room dining)

The initial pre-surgery experience wasn't fantastic, partly my own fault cos I took a overnighter flight in, barely slept n then went straight to hospital on an empty stomach as they said no food 8 hrs before surgery. Had to wait a while as I arrived an hr before reception staff were in, and another hour before doctor was in.

Consultation was alright but slightly pressurizing, perhaps cos I was tired and don't take fatigue+hunger well. Ended up doing mandible angle reduction after a little persuading even though I personally don't have a huge issue about my jawline... The English-speaking nurse who was assigned to me after I settled what surgeries id be going for was very kind and comforting after I started tearing up from jitters (I was very prepared for my rhino but was feeling rather rushed into doing mandible surgery. )

Surgery went without a hitch, woke up abt 4 hrs later feeling groggy, but the worst pain wasn't actually from the surgery itself but the very sore throat I had after I wasn't allowed to drink any fluids 8 hrs before surgery, and I presume during surgery they probably had my mouth open and drained throughout, n then I wasn't allowed to even sip any water till 2 hrs after I woke up.

Am feeling quite alright at the moment... Mostly just uncomfy from the sore swollen jaw, nose feels fine, just throat still uncomfy n generally mucousy n hurts a little to swallow.

My consultant brought me out after I was discharged to buy medication fr pharmacy n then showed me where to get pumpkin soup, which is supposedly good for de swelling. :smile:

Am scheduled for a check up tomorrow morning, anyone up for lunch/ shopping ard 11plus?
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No worries! I did a tertiary rhino, my first two surgery were bad. First time was a simple closed surgery, where dr just stitched the cartilage closer to refine my tip, recovery was a breeze w very minimal swell/bruise, but while my tip was indeed refined, it started getting little dents at the sides of my tip. Second surgery, dr placed an implant in to bring up my bridge and push out the dents, but the results basically just made my nose bigger than before as the tip reverted to normal but the bridge was heightened... So for tertiary I decided to head to Korea. I just went straight to BKas I've friends who had good results w Dr Kim.
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OMG. How awful! Where did you get them done before this time? I hope your surgery at BK turns out fine :smile: Dan4me's nose is BEAUTIFUL!
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I did it in Singapore, first with a Dr Hong Soo Wan, and subsequently Dr Colin Tham. Dr Hong was extremely unhelpful and non-communicative, till today I've no idea why I went to him but for the cheap price, always a bad idea when messing with the face! Dr Tham was very nice, but really poor sense of aesthetics, so while he was willing to redo my nose, I lost hope in his skills aft he didn't seem to understand what was wrong...

To be honest, after the first two bad experiences I really regret having PS... Wish i hadnt started at all! But I feel very hopeful with Dr Kim having seen the lovely work he's done on people I know. :smile:

I wanna see Dan4me's nose too!!
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