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Asian Nose Job 3

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I am here for many months actually haha. I moved mine up to Nov 30. Where are you doing your surgery? and what? :biggrin:
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Oh do you live in korea then???
I'm getting mini V and rhino with Dr. Kim at BK.
NERVOUS=/ :sad:
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Hi, I had fillers injected beginning of the year and it didn't last for 6 months, and I can't remember what make/amount of fillers were used. I had a rhino performed 3 weeks ago as my nose was back to the original state months ago =)
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Hi Hayley,
Ive been to Saigon and did some consultations out there and ended up not doing any surgery out there mainly because I was not comfortable with the facilities and the language barrier.

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Im in the same boat, I signed up for Dr.Kim at BK since I was impressed with the photos on their site and he seems genuine from his news interviews

I think my main concern is making sure Dr. Kim is the one performing the surgery. With 100 surgeries a day each surgery 2 hours, I just wonder how Dr. Kim can give attention to all of his patients. So just make sure he's the one operating on you :smile:

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Keep me posted Loverrly
Im coming one week right after you :smile:
Im doing rhinoplasty
Have you already decided on your clinic? Or still deciding?

Do you know how to hire a translator by any chance

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u can refer back to some of the previous pages to get their email address .. email them and check it out their available date.. sorry that can't PM u.. ur PM still not available .. good luck!!
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Hi there!
Im visiting the same PS clinics as you and am going Dec as well
Did you finalize your dates yet? Feel free to PM me
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Hi turning point! Thanks for seeing my perspective, well I planned on having lip filler, forehead, para nasal, rib rhino and genioplasty... I couldn't afford it so I had a rib rhino and forehead and chin fat grafts...

How I came to my choice of VIP? I wanted to go VIP initially but was very indecisive especially as my research fell into reading other forums like Singapore expats. This forum raved about dr Kao which made me decide on him for a good year untill I felt uneasy about the lack of feedback from patients, I was very close to going to him, feeling unsure I jumped back on TPF and added Kain and asked whether Dr lee lengthened his nose well, he replied and said that he did - I guess I just needed the verbal confirmation. During this time schrodinger added her before and after pics and I was instantly sold, so just like that I switched back to Dr lee.. From my readings my second choice would definitely be Kao, his work is great and skills seem pretty legit.

I have plenty of post op pictures that I'll post soon perhaps tonight or tommorro..

Xx O

It's 4 days post op and I feel fantastic :smile: I know weird huh? Planning on non stop shopping with this amazing friend I made. Apparently all this shopping straight after surgery is really good for recuperation.... So excited I have my cast taken off on Monday.
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Hi, thank you so much for your kind words of support.... Your message stuck with me until today which is day 5 of my surgery. I remembered what you said and I wanted to thank you last week when I read it but got caught up with last minute packing and spending time with my close friends. It's people like you that made me put a lot of effort into writing a thorough review..You seem like an incredibly supportive and humble person thank you thank you thank you koshikat

and just for your uplifting encouraging words I'll post up half the review and before and after photos
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So what has happened in the last 5 days? Apart from the weird *** dreams you get post op. I have plenty of time here moping around recovering so I wont skip any details and start from the very beginning. When I arrived in the airport I was greeted with the driver holding up a sign with my name on it :smile:

never had anyone pick me up at the airport like that, kinda felt cool. As we drove from incheon airport to Seoul (almost 1 hr drive with traffic) I couldnt help but be captivated by the autum trees, the colours...the warmth. It was incredible. It was an endless web of burnt black tree trunks with leaves bursting out in bright reds, yellows, oranges, dusted Off with pinks. It was hypnotic to watch. As I arrived I was instantly greeted by the friendly staff. The reception is exactly the same as the adverts on YouTube, very modern except the chairs are a little dirty. I had an English speaking girl take me to get my pathology and xray business done. An hour later I was told that I was due for my consultation and that I was to head off for surgery straight after, as Tuesday was too tight to fit me in. I shrugged and agreed after all I was ready as I could possibly be. The consultation- this was pretty messy for me I didn't get to show dr lee my celebrity pictures I compiled. Our conversation was to the point. I wanted a longer and taller nose, they said I needed the ptosis correction and I agreed- a friend of mine had also pointed it out so I was very like *meh*. Then they pointed at my forehead and chin to balance it out in "harmony" etc I agreed to it as well. I asked if they could plump out my lips too while they were at it. So in the end I didn't really take control of the consultation and explain to him how many mm I wanted it higher and how "projected" I wanted and all that surgery jargon. I pretty much let him take control of that business I didn't mind. If you feel like its not your style to kick back and roll with it, have your notes ready with its specifications. You have the right to be particular just be to the point. I kinda wished I showed my celebrity pics- but can't go back and undo the undone. After the consultation he ushered me to go with JoAnn for payment I brought cash just like schrodinger except i had brought over the 10 k cash limit ($18,000 to be exact all on hundred dollar bills- my life savings :'( ) I claimed the 18k at customs before I left my country and again as I entered Korea. It was pretty straight forward I honestly thought that there was going to be heavy paper work and a long wait for my money to get processed but all they did was print out a piece of paper for us to keep, for our own records? *shrugs* I had a bank statement proving that the cash was mine but they just looked at it for a second and gave it back like they didn't even need it. The whole time I was panicking to find a foreign exchange booth but the clinic accepted the cash as it was in its foreign form, so I didn't need to exchange it into Korean won which was so dam convenient.

Surgery time- the nurses got me to gown up so they could shave my nose hairs. I walked into a cubicle room where they blasted me with high pressured air and possibly sanitiser? I lay down in the surgical bed, had a canular put in and then bam was on another planet (ketamine "twilight zone", my friend who's a med student told me about this just a few weeks ago) before I knew it it was 11 o'clock on the Monday and I knocked out.

The next day during recovery I met 3 different girls from the same group(apparently there were six of them altogether) they were a group of friends that wanted their procedures done together so they could recover together- no wonder why dr lee wanted mine done on monday he was going to be hammered Tuesday.
Recovery- the stories are true the only thing that really hurt was your rib. Nose was a tad sore I had a few sore bits in my thigh where they sucked the fat out. But bearing in mind attitude has a lot to play with recovery, every time I felt like complaining I just told my self "don't be a little b*tch- suck it up and ignore it", this method worked for me. Kain msged me and told me to exercise as soon as I could to speed up recovery. So I began with my feeble grandma excercises circular motions with my arms and legs and soon progressed to walking up and down the stairs. I did one lap on Tuesday by Wednesday morning I could do four but got puffed out. Wednesday afternoon I walked down the streets to the market and today..

Here are some before photos and "during"... The after photos will come on Monday :smile: excuse my face there is bruising and cuts from all the grafts
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Wow Superfixial, that all sounds pretty encouraging!! And in the 'during' shots your face doesn't look too swollen...& u almost look happy - during recovery!! Lol

Thanks for sharing ur ps journey. Can't wait to c the after shots!! :smile:
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Thanks for sharing your experience. Looking forward to your after pictures!
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Thanks bella, I think it's the non stop shopping every day so far at least 4-5 hours walking around probably increased circulation, the scars and bruises make me look like chucky doll. I can't wait to see the finished product either. Butsso far I'm somewhat content.
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