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Asian Nose Job 3

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Silicon implants are generally safe if you ask me. The problem starts when the physician performing the procedure hasn't had the proper training and board-certification. Who wouldn't be scared after seeing all of the surgeries gone bad. But in a country that has hundreds to choose from, you really need to take your time and sift them out.
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I forgot to mention that if you need a revision for whatever reason, silicon implants are the easiest to remove when compared to a rib implant. Goretex? I haven't read much on this though. Why would you prefer this over the rest?
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I have to agree with Cheon. Silicone implants generally ARE safe. It's true that extrusion and warping can happen (and good lordy the pics of extrusion are scary) but it's important to remember that silicone implants have been used for a very long time and for many different types of surgeries. Goretex has a higher rate of infection (at least I think from the sources I've read) and can be more difficult to remove in certain cases.

The type of implant you decide to use depends on 2 main factors, the doctor you choose and your own personal physiology. I've had a silicone implant for a very long time and there haven't been any complications (other than the fact that I'm not satisfied aesthetically). Rib is generally the pick of most people because using your own tissue is considered safest and it seems to be able to give the most dramatic results, but even then warping and absorption is a possibility.

IMO, money isn't nearly that important if you're determined to go under the knife. Yes rib is often much more expensive and good doctors will be even pricier but if you prefer the results that rib and/or a doctor generally gives, take it from someone who has been there before; it's a hell of a lot better to spend more money initially than to spend a smaller amount and have to deal with the headache of having a result you don't like AND having to spend more money to get it fixed. Revisions are much more expensive than primaries.
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I don't know where that rumour of Goretex having a higher infection rate came from. All tests and statistics has indicated that Goretex has a lower rate of infection than silicon. As pointed out in an old post by kain: # Well like I said, if the surgeon is using an I implant, then the risk of extrusion is significantly decreased and the only cause for concern is infection, which still is a low probability. If handled by a skilled surgeon I do not think one needs to worry.

I used to have a preference for Goretex, but in terms of artificial implants I think I'm back in the silicon camp, or perhaps even Silitex. Most cases of silicon I've seen looks aesthetically fake and obviously done, which is exactly what I would like to avoid. But looking at some of the b&a pics I've seen from some K-clinics using silicon has been quite impressive. As long as they're not using an L shape implant, I wouldn't have a problem.

Rib is a good option. Since I'm a guy I'm not too concerned about incision scar on my chest, but generally concerned about the hardness. I hear it makes the nose rock hard, and I could imagine it being a nuisance in some aspects of life.

Another material I've stumbled across is dermal grafting from your butt crack. User Nenepatio had this done at Bomvit Clinic. She hasn't came back to update us on the outcome few months down the track. Hopefully it turned out good. Dermal graft gives a much softer and natural effect, countering the stiffness of the rib.

This will be my primary rhino, so yes naturally I also want it to be my last. Which is why I'm leaning for towards an autologous material as I feel silicon and goretex arent exactly future-proof.
Ah you may be right about the infection rate with Goretex. I had heard from several surgeons before that Goretex seems to have a higher infection rate but that was probably based on their own experience and not on a study of any sort.

I always thought that dermal grafting was only for serious revision cases after there was an extrusion or something, admittedly I haven't done too much research on it.

I agree with you though that autologous material is probably the best. I'm definitely looking at rib myself because it seems to give a much more dramatic result compared to other implants. I've also heard that rib is very hard to the touch although the discussion about flexible tips a while back make me feel a bit more comfortable. I've heard some doctors do a rib rhinoplasty with ear cartilage at the tip though, I wonder if that would make the tip softer.
There's not much information about dermal grafting yet (at least not in English). Apparently its a hot topic in Korean discussion boards.

A surgeon I consulted with in Bangkok also told me that Goretex has a higher infection rate, but that was just his way to put a blanket over the fact that Goretex is no longer supplied in Thailand.

Dr Wang Ting has videos showing how flexible his patients nose is after using rib. Its actually quite crazy.

Here's a case where he revised a GoreTex'd nose and replaced it with rib: http://www.wangmd.cn/english/2779.html

Anyone know any more about Dr Wang Ting?
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Haven't checked the forum for awhile. I just under three weeks post op now and my far graft swellig has gone down significantly, thank goodness I was starting to get really worried! I really like my bigger forehead and defined chin, the grafting on my cheeks makes my face appear more full. I did the 3d rhino at migo and as promised by their clinic I have a much sharper and more defined profile now. My bruising had finally gone and I'm starting to see more definition in my nose but it is still swollen especially the tip. Will take abt 3-4 mths for 70-80% swelling go down and 1yr for final results to show. Apparently the tip takes longest to heal. I had silicon and am quite happy with the results actually. I also had many queries abt using artificial implants and questioned all the clinics but as most of you have mentioned it Depeds more on the technique of the surgeon and method. Silicon is used in about 90plus percent of procedures. I was recommended 4mm by migo but Dr kang ended up doing 4.5. I was actually recommended 5mm by Navi. If I were to do again I'd probably for go for the 5 as my nose as bridge were quite flat before. I got asked whether I wanted straight or curve and whether i wanted the tip to be lower or upturned. Originally I thought straight was more natural but was told otherwise. The "ski slope" I'd very popular with Koreans and the celebs. So I got slight curve and slight upturned. My face and nose is changing every day so it's a little nerve racking waiting to see the results. I used to have quite wide big eyes but they look smaller not sure if it's from swelling though :/
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If I remember correctly, they quoted us$7800 for primary rib rhino a month ago.

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Hey there,

Thanks a lot for helping us out !!! Well I might say USD 7800 is cheaper compared with VIP and O&Y. Did you go consult there ?? How do you feel about it ?? Can share with us pls ?? :smile:
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You're most welcome. I did consult there. Shimmian is a small clinic with a sitting area that prolly measures about 8x16ft, and they're a pretty busy. I saw bout 4or 5 patients who had their noses still in casts when i was there for consultation. i saw patients from china, japan, korea And i was told indonesia too. Overall, I felt that my consultation there was not as thorough or comprehensive as I would have liked it to be. Didn't adress my very obvious nose issues i.e. deformed columella and asymmetrical nostrils until i specifically pointed em out. Even then, the surgeons at shimmian n O&Y didn't go into details about feasible procedures to correct those issues but just simply stated that they can be improved. Aargh
I think it could be the language barrier too that's getting in the way of effective communication.

I felt VIP gave the most in-depth consultation in comparison. Be it by emails or walk-ins. This is my email consultation with VIP...just to give an idea on how detailed they can be.

"From the photos, I can tell part of her skin on the nose tip is damaged due to the infection. It must be pretty bad infection on her nose.
In order to correct the external apperance, the best and only method would be full rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty.
Rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty would give the satisfying final result for her as there is not much structure of her nose and to correct the external area, I might need compositive graft (ear cartilage+skin graft) on the tip area.
Rib cartilage #7 is the straightest and most sufficient material for full autologous graft rhinoplasty.
I would have to incise 3-4 cm underneath the breast line and use endoscope to harvest the rib cartilage.
Not only it is most safe, the final result will be permanent.
I will also have to harvest fascia and dermis for the tissue graft.
The downside is the recovery phase. Unlike silicon materials where only skin needs time to recover, for full rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty, both skin and cartilage needs time to heal and absorb.
Since rib cartilage is the thickest material among autologous tissue graft rhinoplasty, it takes more time to heal.
Most of the patients' swelling goes down in 2 weeks but the final result has to wait for at least 6 months or a year.
After 2-3 months patient's nose swelling will go down and the result will start to show better and better.

Along with her rhinoplasty, she should also do paranasal augmentation.
Paranasal augmentation is to fill in the depressed nasolabial folds so one's nose can look more definite and have more youthful looking face.
Then I could use rib cartilage to fill in the depressed folds which will make one look younger and give more give definition for the nose.
After rhinoplasty, I think her appearance can be improved greatly."

Hope I answer your questions, otherwise, feel free to ask.
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I really wish there was more info available on Dr. Wang. The flexible nose tip looks amazing! Haven't been able to do that in ages since I have an L-shaped silicone implant.

Have there been any members on the forum here who have visited Dr. Wang's clinic or gotten a consultation with him online?
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Wow, I think they copy and paste.
Just change a little bit procedure but the way they write is exactly the same!
I have received the email like this just that there's a difference of needing a mid facial contouring for my case. But you did at O&Y right ?? Despite of their rough explanation and all :smile:
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There is... if you read Chinese... lol
But you can't view the pictures unless you sign up.
Naturally, I archived them into pdf files.
Download here: http://goo.gl/4KJL9

I think the girl in the 3rd and 4th file are the same... I can't tell. But basically early in the thread during her initial recovery days she was very depressed and unsatisfied, about a month or two later the attitude gradually became more and more positive. I'm basing this all on Google Translate, and Asian-English translations are usually horrible.

Few members here talked about having their rhino does with him last year. But none of them came back to share their experience.
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BTW, if anyone wants a free photo simulation, hit me up. I've been doing it for myself, and I realised others might need this to have a good idea of what they should expect to see. I work in digital graphics so naturally most of my days are spent on Adobe anyway so it's no problem.

If anyone is interested, raise your hand, and if there's demand I'll get something going.
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