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Asian Nose Job 3

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hi lemmiknox, I also had similar quotation ( plus 1000 for the revision)

1) Revision with Rib cartilage rhinoplasty US$12,000
2) Mid face augmentation with rib cartilage US$3,000

this is quite expensive :nogood:

not so long ago.... the quotation I found on the forum was :

1. Rib cartilage graft revision rhinoplasty = US$8,500
+ US$1000 (Basic Revision) = US$9,500
2. Paranasal augmentation = US$1,500

So it has drastically increased... :sad:
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Haha yeah they quoted me that too!

What kind of nose are you looking for? Does rib produce dramatic results for the tip or bridge or both? Cos I think i just need my tip refined and seriously don't want to pay 14k if I can get same results with ear cartilage

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I could buy a new f*ckin' car with that money. Just think about that for a second. A car. A $14k car... ='( I want to believe!

My nose looks like it was destined to be a 10/10 nose, but halfway through development in the womb, it just decided to stop midway. At least thats what I tell myself to feel better :cool:

Well apparently, rib is good for a more higher and dramatic bridge. But there are other benefits such as much more natural looking (at the hands of a good doctor), and virtually no risk of infection, rejection and extrusion.

As for the tip, to be honest, I'm not entire sure what the benefit of using rib for the tip is. Ear an septum cartilage is normally used for the tip without issues, yet I've read some posts about some doctors harvesting the rib only for the tip. So there must be SOME inherent value to it. Unfortunately I don't know the answer. Maybe someone else does. All I know is, a refined tip is the result of the size of the cartilage, where it's placed and how much fat is removed beforehand.
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Not long ago the combined cost for both operations were USD 10-12k. Now it is 14-15k. I'm not sure if they factored in a possible bargain or discount, or if they really mean to cost a limb for it.

Looks like they've priced themselves out of the market.
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Ha ha ha, Wait, aren't you a guy? I find this funny because even if it were a unicorn's penis, you wouldn't get the results you want because even with a B0N3r (not quite sure if the correct spelling is allowed here ha ha ha), penises don't have bones/cartilages :balloon:
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Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting although I've been interested in getting rhino done in Korea for a really long time. I've been checking the post on and off for a while but never had the courage to pursue it. However, I'm planning to do it in 1.5 yr after I'm done with school as a graduation/reward gift to myself.

I was quoted by VIP for $11000k too. I emailed them back in Feb. Chloe is the community manager who I was emailing back and forth. She seems to be very prompt and professional. Below is what they recommended:

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]To lengthen her nose to the tip and improve her nose structure, the best method would be rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty.[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty would give the best to recontruct her nose shape, lengthen her nose tip and heighten her bridge. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Rib cartilage #7 is the straightest and most sufficient material for full autologous graft rhinoplasty. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I would have to incise 3-4 cm underneath the breast line and use endoscope to harvest the rib cartilage.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Not only it is most safe, the final result will be permanent and very natural.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The downside is the recovery phase. Unlike silicon materials where only skin needs time to recover.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]For full rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty, both skin and cartilage needs time to heal and absorb. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Since rib cartilage is the thickest material among autologous tissue graft rhinoplasty, it takes more time to heal.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Most of the patients' swelling goes down in 2 weeks but the final result has to wait for at least 6 months to a year.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]After 2-3 months patient's nose swelling will go down and the result will start to show better and better.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]After rhinoplasty, I think her appearance can be improved greatly.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Her nasolabial folds are also depressed in, so for a better enhancement, I highly recommend her to have mid-face augmentation along with her rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Mid-face augmentation is to fill in the depressed nasolabial folds so one's nose can look more definite and have more youthful looking face."[/FONT][/FONT]
I've read somewhere in purseforum and a couple of people had almost similar recommendation so I'm not sure if they just copy and paste.

In any case, Chloe said there is an additional 10% tax charge. That will bring the cost to $12,100! This is not including flight ticket, hotel, food etc.

Is this the right price for rhino in Korea these days? Does anyone know other clinics that do great rhino? I've got consult for Dr. Charles Lee and Dr. Kenneth Kim in US and they are half that price. Dr. Kenneth Kim is supposedly associated with the Dream Clinic in Korea.

Any help, comment, and recommendation is greatly appreciated. This is my first time considering surgery and it's very daunting.


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Hello Elle,

Yes, surgery can be daunting, and worrying hence the importance of doing some research to better understand the procedure you envisioned, which also enables you to check if your “ideal nose” is possible.
Try to gather photos of noses you want, so that you can show them to your doctor for consultation and avoid any misunderstanding.

I also contacted VIP and got a similar email, I guess they do some copy and paste, but I would say it is quite normal as the factual part on rib rhinoplasty is the same for everyone as it describes the procedure and the healing time….
The price is quite high but keep in mind it is a rib rhinoplasty. It is certainly the most expensive procedure as it requires particular skills and the extraction of rib cartilage.

I would say starting price for rhinoplasty in Korea would be about USD 3000 $ , it depends on the work done (osteotomy, alarplasty….), the material (silicone, goretex implant, autologous tissues) used, etc….

Some forumers from USA did mention that the price in Korea was pretty interesting in comparison to US rhinoplasties, let alone the fact that Korean surgeons are experienced with asian faces ( eyes, nose etc…. ) So that is a big plus :biggrin:

I don’t know the 2 doctors you mentioned, though I have heard of them throughout the forum…

Take some time (you have 1 year and a half ;) to read the thread Asian nose 1 , 2 and 3 ( thousand of pages..) as they contain valuable information, reviews, comments,and before after photos. (Please be also aware that some posts may have been written only for advertisement purpose).
Those threads can be quite confusing at times as you have positive and bad reviews for the same doctor but all in all it makes you think, question your motivation, raise new questions and that is definitely a good start.

I intend to have rhinoplasty and some other procedures this year so I am also looking for information, it takes time but it is the only way to make a better choice according to one’s objectives and budget. ;)
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Hi Elle! Most have gotten similar feedback and prices. Although VIP is famous for rib rhinoplasties, their prices are very high. I think that rates a different for "locals" but its just a rumor. If you're in the US then might as well get it done there for half the price minus travel fees. Plus, you might get insured if it's done there instead of in a different country. Unless of course you're really serious about having it done in Korea.
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Hi Chris!

Thanks for replying! I agree, researching is the key to ensure positive surgery outcome. Is $11000 USD the average price for rib cartilage rhino? I asked VIP about using ear cartilage but they insist rib cartilage will give the best result and sometime you don't have enough ear cartilage to be harvest.

If you don't mind me asking, what other clinics/doctors are you considering? I've selected VIP because they were mentioned quiet frequently in purse forum and they look very professional (according to their youtube vids).

I've read the Asian nose thread 1, 2, and 3 and it's overwhelmingly long! Also, I'm not sure to consider which review is really truthful versus advertisement. I've seen some people posting pictures but for some reason I can't access the link. So, most of the time I just read people's review. :nogood:

Do you know anyone who had rhino done at VIP? It will be nice to get some personal exp.

Also, will you hire a translator? language barrier will definitely be an issue for me. I heard people here talk about Zoe but I can't find her contact information. Also, I need to do research about money exchange, transportation, etc. One of the reason I opted for VIP is because they provide international patient services like lodging, medical care, transportation etc. But I think this is pretty standard nowadays for plastic surgery clinics in Korea right?

Thanks for your advice and I hope we will both experience good outcome!
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Hi Kian!

Thanks for replying to my post! I'm super excited as you can see that people are actually replying to me. Lol.

I'm considering getting plastic surgery in Korea because I believe the doctors there are more skillful in Asian plastic surgery. No doubt that since I live in the US, there are plenty of surgeons I can go to but I want to find someone who is an expert in sculpting Asian faces. I feel that although the surgeons in US are safe, reliable, and is a LOT cheaper but I'm not sure they will give me the result I wanted.

There are many benefits for me if I select to do my surgery in US like you said - save on travel fees, cost etc. And we also have this finance option to use Care Credit - it's kind of like a credit card with no fees for an X number of months (usually 6-24 months) that I can use instead of paying cash upfront if I were to go to Korea.

To be honest, I'm still outweighing the pros and cons of going to Korea or getting it done in US. Obviously, if I were to go through pain and suffering (physical and monetary pain lol), I want to have the best result as possible. I'm just not able to find a surgeon that can exercise the same skills and results as I've seen with Korean doctors.

I've had consultation with Dr. Charles Lee and he is very kind and considerate but his before/after pictures didn't impress me much. I think he goes for a very natural, unnoticeable type of result but what is the whole point of me undergo surgery to get result that is 5% difference of what I had before you know? Dr. Kenneth Kim was someone I actually look forward to consulting since he was associate with the Dream group and has worked in Korea. But he seems impersonal, almost rude at answering my questions. Also he was an hour late. I'm not sure if I want to get surgery done from a doctor who I don't feel like he cares for my best interest. He also asked me if I had nose surgery done before which I never had so I kind of question his expertise.

Have you select any doctor or clinics? Do you have any that you would recommend? Please share your experience if you don't mind.

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