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Asian Nose Job 3

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nope.. no alarplasty.. it is confusing some drs think i need alarplasty some don't need. anyway i will be visiting quite a number of drs in seoul...

i used ear cartilage and L shaped silicon...
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I'm surprised that you didn't think your nose changed much. I always thought that L shaped silicone gave the most dramatic results. Why do you think you looked the same?
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For those of you who have had surgery, how did you wash your hair with the cast still on?

I know it's advised not to get your face wet, but I'm sure some of you would have washed your hair.

It's been 2 days since my surgery and I feel so greasy. It's bothering me.
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Try getting someone to wash it for you salon style (with your head tilted back and your hair in a sink). If you're alone, you can use clear plastic wrap and waterproof surgical tape to cover the cast while washing your hair.
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Hi, thanks for posting about Thailand. I know this post is from more then a year ago, but did you end up going to Thailand for surgery? If you did, which doctor/hospital did you use and do you like the results?
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I'd also like to know :smile: Though I'm not too keen on Thailand because of the 'western' look~ I think they make everyone look TOO western xD Also they can't do certain things at all like bone shaving / v-line etc from what I know... Not sure about a nosejob, might Thailand be okay for that? And is it even cheaper than Korea (for a nosejob)?
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I just had my nose job on Tuesday in Thailand at Bumrungrad hospital.

They can do lateral osteotomy if that's what you mean by bone shaving. Or if you mean removing the hump, they can do that too.
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oh no i meant other kind of bone shaving like v-line (jaw)~ they're not good for that from what I hear~ do you think your new nose looks asian, eurasian or caucasian? ^^ I'm sorry if that's a difficult question to answer xD what exactly did you have done? I hope you're happy with it so far! Do you think the result will me dramatic or just a subtle change after the swelling goes down? Which did you want? Also Bumrungrad is used by most Bangkok surgeons who don't have their own hospitals, which surgeon did your nose there? ^^
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Ah right right. I've never heard of Thailand doing the V-line stuff. At least I haven't been actively searching about it. So I don't know. I do know that Yanhee Hospital offers thats. Don't know if they're good though.

At the moment I don't know yet. I still have my cast one. But I'm liking what I can see. My results aren't dramatic though because my nose doesn't need much altering. I felt I had such a flat tip, so I mainly wanted my tip augmented.
I had lateral osteotomy, tip augmentation with septal cartilage and an ear catilage on top of that, tip suturing, bridge augmentation with 2mm goretex, and some other stuff I forgot.

Bumrungrad is very professional and I was quite amazed. I paid for the Rhino 2.1 package and had an overnight stay at the hospital's hotel and it looked like a 5 star room. And you get 24/7 service in case something goes wrong in the middle of the night. The nurses will come in seconds after you ring for them.
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Certainly more professional than Yanhee I think ^^ Do you not want to say who did your knows at Bumrungrad? If not that's fine ^^ Anyway let us know how it heals~
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Dr Somboon did it. He's the only one who does asian noses
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omigosh go see your doctor
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