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Asian Nose Job 3

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Thanks for the smiling picture because that really depict if the nose job was successful for "piggy nose". Most noses look fine when not smiling, but once smile the alar becomes wide while bridge is straight which makes it fake, unappealing, and obvious that one has gotten rhinoplasty.
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I'd like to thank everyone who has reached out to me so far with their stories, thank you for giving me hope. :smile:

I tried calling JW but they didn't respond so I Kakao Talk-ed them, but their replies were vague and unhelpful. ;( I am not sure if I want to go back there for revision, because Dr. Suh uses the open rhinoplasty method and if possible I'd really like to not have any more scarring...

Does anyone here know whether my bridge will return to its original height if I remove the implant? Will there be any scar tissue? Will my skin be saggy? :sad::sad::sad: If anyone here has had experience with I-shaped silicone implant removal, please share your experience with me. I would appreciate it so so much. :smile:

Also, has anyone here ever attempted to widen their nose tip? Cause mine has been made too narrow for my liking and I was wondering whether widening it was even possible... :/
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I might be missing something but is there a reason why for a simple removal of I shape implant they want to do an invasive open rhino? I

I dont know why you want your implant removed but from my experience it should be quite a simple procedure. I had a nasty I shaped implant that started to deviate from a bad surgery done in Thailand. Removal was fairly simple. There was scar tissue on the inside, not on the outside of the skin and some of the scar tissue was excised. You have to remember tho that depending on how much scar tissue is removed it may thin your skin and you kinda want to avoid that. I don't believe any sagging will occur. The nose is kinda different to the cheek bones in that removal of an augmentation won't cause sagging.

Anyways now im having to have a 2nd revision because the 1st one was botched from the surgeon using cartilage and goretex at the same time, which i later learnt from speaking to other surgeons that it was something you don't do. I mean if my botched nose which has goretex and cartilage can be removed using closed rhinoplasty, I don't see why your silicone can't.

With the nose tip, widening will depend on how much stretch you have at the tip. But if it has outward projection due to an implant, then removing it will make it wider as it will lose the projection.

hope that helps x
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Did Dr. Wang narrow your nasal bones as well to mke them smaller? Do you know if this is something he is skilled at? I kno most Asian doctors can do it but they usually have to put an implant over to smooth out the bridge and sides to mke sure its not bumpy.

I'm assuming you went under general anaesthesia, were you intubated?

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Hi, I am new to this forum. I have quite a piggy nose(those 2 holes is bigger as compared to the norms) and my nose slightly look like a pig. Any recommendation of clinics(south korea) and the prices? I am new to this so I dont know alot of information. In addition, I need lips reduction surgery as well :sad:
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That's definitely the most "difficult" type of nose, because it's obviously very easy to just stick an implant in to raise the bridge in case of flat nose. Wide noses are more difficult because you will have to get alar base reduction in addition to probably aggressive tiplasty/cartilage contouring.

If you research the forums, you can get a general consensus on which clinics are know for their more aggressive work.
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Hi taeyang123
Are u still interested to go to dr wang??
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Hi dear ur transformation is amazing!! How much did u pay in total?
If ur nose flexible ?? So far did the bridge went down a lot? As some people says using our own cartilage has chances of reabsorbing back? Causing the bridge to lower etc??
Also which country are u from? =}
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VIP quoted me $18,000 for revision rhinoplasty with rib cartilage - what a racket!!
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i think ur results are great :smile: can u tell me about the paranasal implant? people write like its a bad thing but i think it might help me. i have these smile lines (i forgot what its called, lines from the nose to the sides of my mouth) that i really hate and i think my options are fat graft or paranasal. paranasal raises the midface, right? i've been pushing and pulling my cheeks and my face to see what the problem is. if i pull my cheeks back or up enoug the smile lines aren't so bad at all. does that mean i need cheek lipo instead? ah im so frustrated bcuz i cant know before i have a consultation!
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I'm been lurking on this forum for quite a while, wanting rhinoplasty for around 2 years now. I finally under went surgery with Dr. Ryan Hsu in Kaohsiung beginning of this month. Since this thread has been so helpful to me, I thought I would share my experience as well.
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Is anyone in Dalian now and want to meet up?
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