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Asian Nose Job 3

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If it's only for the columella, then you don't really need scar reducing creams. I'm almost 1 year post op and I can't even see the scar anymore.

But if you do want something then try and find Chloramphenicol. It's actually an eye ointment, but my doctor gave it to be to apply it to the scars behind my ears where cartilage was harvested and on my columella. I used it for maybe a month only. And today no visible scars.

I googled this ointment and a lot of people have been using it for scars, so surely it's something.
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u can use kelacote and strataderm for it. I used it after my open rhino and the scar is barely visible now. Just a very faint line.
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I can't exactly picture your appearance but I'll give you my experience with lateral osteotomy.

If you touch the bone beneath your inner eye, and at the sides of your nose, you'll feel it maybe curves forward a bit. At least I did (or didn't realise at the time until after it was done). So what my doctor did was break the bones and reshaped it to make it slope down further but pushing the bones inwards to my skull. So by breaking the bones and making them more sloped, it makes your bridge look higher, when in fact you're just "taking the base away" so to speak and making the bridge looking higher.

You'll definitely notice a difference in the appearance of your nose both on your portrait and profile. And since it changed your bone structure, you get a bit of a face change too.
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Those who had surgery.
When the doctor asked if you want a straight or curved nose, what did you say?
Thing is, I wouldn't know what to say. I guess I'm unsure to what is more suitable to my face. And if I told him this or that, I might come out with a nose I regret forever.
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i don't believe anyone would regret a straight or curved nose because most of us are having asian rhinoplasty. Which means we very likely come from the land of low bridge and flat tip. Regardless of curved or straight, as long as the implant is well sized and placement is symmetrical, it will always be an improvement. And that is what plastic surgery is all about, not perfection but rather enhancements
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Sorry if this isn't the right place to post, but I tried making a dedicated thread and was not allowed (new member).

My girlfriend has just had nose surgery at one of the big clinics in Seoul. She also had facial contouring and hair transplantation, so basically 3 surgeries in 1!

Looking back I don't know why I ever agreed to such a thing, but nothing can be done now. Let's just say the last 48 hours have been hell for us, especially for her.

Anyway the reason I post is because my girlfriend is having trouble breathing. Obviously her nose is fully blocked up, but also her mouth is swollen on the inside. She's also in a lot pain (she has pain medication, but it's not strong enough).

So I was wondering if anyone on here had some advice regarding breathing techniques (specifically through your mouth) or how to help reduce the swelling in there. My main concern is that the big swelling doesn't start until 2-3 days after surgery, so this will only get worse.

Also she says her nose is very clogged (I'm assuming with dry blood) and she's been talking about cleaning it herself with Q-tips. I think this is a bad idea.

With it being Sunday the clinic is closed. I've emailed them, but don't expect a response until at least Monday morning, which is another 24 hours away.

Thank you for reading
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Feel sorry to hear that she has go through a hard time. As I read from others post, it is not easy to go through facial contouring and nose surgery at the same time.
If you have nose surgery, your nose will be block for few days that's mean you have to breath by mouth.
If you have facial contouring, the first few days your throat will be very dry and painful because the long hour surgery. So it better if you breath by nose.
So your girlfriend had the 2 surgeries at the same time, so her only choice the breath is by mouth. I heard it will be better after 2 days or 3. Or wait until they take out the cotton from the nose so she can breath easily by nose.
I don't think there's a way to help the breathing right now because the first few days always the most painful. Just give her support and maybe try to ask the clinic to make you guys feel secure.
Sorry that this reply is not helpful through what you ask.
I also plan to get those 2 surgeries as well but I plan to do it separately, maybe 1 week apart.
Hope she recover well.
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Hi Warren,

First few days will be tough on the breathing part. Try to sleep upright to aid in the breathing cos when you are lying down, the phlegm from the nose just get stuck in the throat and with a blocked nose, it will be hard to breath.

Nothing much I can help either on the breathing part too.. But please give her support and tell her it will be over very soon..
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Thanks for answering questions! I have a few myself. Hope you won't mind.

1. How the flexibility of your nose? (Can you do a piggy nose? Does it look asa flexible as his videos? Would someone who's kissing you realise that you have a fake nose?)

2. Did you bring pictures to show him what your idea of beauty is? How did you communicate with him what you wanted?

3. Did you ask for a drastic change yourself? Can you give a description of your before/after if you're not comfy with photos please?

Thanks :smile:)
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Moody, I'm in the same boat as you! I'm anxiously trying to figure out what kind of nose to ask for. Although having researched many pics of noses on other people (public photos, celebrities, etc.), it's hard to know what would look good on yourself.

I wonder if a certain kind of nose (curved or straight) looks better with a certain kind of bone structure, etc?
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Anyone considering doing rhinoplasty in asia end of aug or later? I'd be happy to meet fellow recovery partners. I've had rhinoplasty from 2013 and my dr failed to make my asian bulbous nose defined and I've been utterly frustrated since. I might not looking for the super au naturele look as my wish is a sharp nose with a high bridge and implants or rib will be the solution according to my desire. I'd love to hear from anyone who's in the same situation as me or has been.

My previous ps used ear cartilage and the tip is round as ever and there's barely any changes from the original nose. What a joke. I also wish to make my square face v-shaped and among other treatments but rhinoplasty is my main concern. Some of the prices in Korea for rhinoplasty are unfortunately too steep for my budget although I clearly see that it's in Korea I should head to If I want to get the korean actress-y nose or just simply a sharp nose, v-line and the whole shebang but I been looking at clinics in Thailand (Phuket and Bk) as well for other options. I live in West-Europe and I been roaming everywhere but its hard to find skilled dr here in Euro who have any idea about asian nose.
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For thailand, its very cheap for rhinoplasty. About $320 usd you can get your nose done. Even more popular hospital, it will cost you about $700usd. But you get what you paid for.

Compare to korea, rhinoplasty is much more expensive. Some famous hospital, may cost more expensive than your home country. Korea is famous for PS, hence personally i prefer to do my surgeries in seoul and i haven regret it at all.

So it all depends you want good work done or budget surgery.
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Hi! I am thinking of going to korea to do sliding genioplasty to change my face shape and elongate my chin...and also rhinoplasty...just started the search. When are you planning to go?
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Blossomy, who was your original doctor if you're willing to share?

Bulbous nose is my biggest concern, too - I'm also afraid I will go through it without much improvement! Wishing you a smooth revision
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Whyar: Thank you for your input, and I'm glad that you're satisfied. If money wasn't a issue I would have gone straight to Seoul. There's sketchy dr everywhere but I believe chances are high that I'll be satisfied if I find a skillfull one in Seoul. Been sneeking around on this thread for a year and I see that prices can differ and when I don't speak Korean, I doubt I get quoted for less than 3mill krw for nose. Pitangui for instance charged simple mandibular jaw reduction 5-5,5mill krw and revisional rhino for 3,5-4mill krw (not far from the prices in Scandinavia) but that was a copy paste mail I received from the consultant. I'm sure there's great messiahs of bulbous nose jobs in Thai for the fraction of the price but I'll do my research and see what I end up with. All the info can surely be overwhelming but I hope to get down to something.

Jasmine 369: I also want to elongate my chin. My chin is short with stubborn fat and the jawline isn't as sharp as I wish. Thought sept would be a good month but there's several things that has to be set before I can book the flights. I'm staying in Euro until I've made up my mind. Have you got any quotes from clinics and are you sure that you want to do it in Seoul? Do let me know how things are.

Wishingstar: Thank you, I had Dr.Molnar in Hungary. My tip is living its own life. It also appears wider (as in -very- wide) when smiling. I talked to someone from Glamour Aesthetic Clinic in Prague and she said Dr Vasek has experiences in asian rhinoplasty and charges 1800 euro. I'm too pessimistic to even let anyone here touch my nose. Where do you consider to do your nose and what's your wish result? Mine would be song hye so I'll have to do a lot more then just narrowing the tip.

1 year after: http://i57.tinypic.com/noc3n6.jpg Spider veins, got that after the surgery too. Great
Now (I have some nose fillers left that was done earlier this year): http://i61.tinypic.com/23m1xcl.jpg No complications, but I wouldn't do it again since it's not permanent and would rather go for nose revision.

If someone's in the same boat as me (or with even similar nose), please don't be hesitant to contact me.
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