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Asian Nose Job 3

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hello beautiful people
i am planning to get my nose fixed in korea this summer and am doing research. I have been taking names and clinics from this forum and doing my own research on Korean websites. My Korean isn;t that great so the research is a tough challenge; I will post my results here when I have something.
These 2 nose surgeons have passed my preliminary reputation check on the first few pages of Korean google:
Dr. Suh Man Koon at JW
Dr. Kim Jae Hoon at April 31

I am planning to go in early May; anyone who is interested in meeting up or sharing info please kakao me. kakao id: lizzytheo. please specify that ur from purse forum when you add me
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Hi well to answer your question about closed vs open rhino. To start, this part doesn't make sense. "It is inevitable a distortion of the nasal cartilage in order to access to the nasal framework. It may cause irritate your nasal components in position for example fat, tissue or cartilage to be damaged or migrated from where they are". This doesn't make sense because first it is not inevitable as many people who have underwent closed rhino, myself included experienced no such problems. And second, what is mentioned in the above statement CAN occur as a possibility for both open and closed rhinoplasty. In fact, the chances of this happening are higher with open rhinoplasty because of the method is more invasive. However, you will find that even in the open rhino method, the "irritation of nasal components" are very very rarely experienced. You have to ask yourself, out of all the people you know or read about having had rhinoplasty, be it open or closed, have you ever came across anyone who has "irritated nasal components"? Because I certainly haven't and many of my friends and acquaintances have had nose jobs.

So how I know he is well trained in this method is that besides what knowledge i had gathered over the years from my surgical experiences and through research, I was also aware he was part of a surgical panel in the ipras conference in singapore where he presented his medical research and technique on closed rhinoplasty. I know this because my surgeon in Australia, 2008's president of the ISAPS, Bryan Mendelson was part of that same panel as well where he discussed his medical research and technique on hydroxyappatite granules. I've known Bryan Mendelson for the past 8 years and I have the utmost respect for that man because he is well known not from marketing, but due to his innovation of the hydroxyappatite facial contouring method. Hence he is famous due to his medical achievements and respect within the medical community.

Now before I chose Dr Park to perform my revision rhinoplasty, I went to speak to Dr Mendelson. I explained all the proposed methodologies which the surgeons i had consulted with in seoul had put forth to me. And Dr Mendelson said Dr Park's method was the superior one because it was not only less invasive, it also took into account the damage I had sustained from not just the extrusion, but also the tissue damage to the collumela and internal scarring from the open rhinoplasty performed previously. I then went on to ask Dr Mendelson why the other surgeons I consulted with said my revision, especially for the tip area, cannot be done with closed rhino. And Dr Mendelson explained that closed rhino is very simple for the bridge, but for a surgeon to perform it for the tip, especially a revision case requires a high degree of skill, precision and specialization. In contrast, open rhino is alot simpler for surgeons to perform due to the ease of navigation but the downside is you cannot reap the benefits of the closed method and it is more invasive and tougher on recovery. He then explained that my form of revision is certainly possible through the closed method, but it takes a closed rhinoplasty specialist to perform my revision and that he would recommend Dr Park to undertake my surgery. I will also add another reason why Dr Mendelson's advice means so much to me, is for a few reasons other than his credentials and reputation:

a) He never charges me for a consultation. Anyone from Australia will know that surgeons charge like hell each time you consult with them.

b) Even after my surgery with Dr Park I flew back to Melbourne and went to Dr Mendelson for a check up. He again never charged me even tho he was caring for my post op from a surgery performed by another surgeon.

c) He is a surgeon who would acknowledge when others would be better suited to perform a procedure than himself. This is what he did for me when I requested he perform my revision rhinoplasty. He said he is extremely confident in facial contouring and facial rejuvenation, and while he can perform rhinoplasty, my case was too complicated for him to perform well. Hence he suggested I consult in Seoul.

All this clearly indicates that Dr Mendelson genuinely cared for my well being and shared his years of knowledge and expertise for my benefit. Not once did he ever see me as a fat cheque and not once did he ever charge me for any of my consultations and for the after care he provided me with. When a surgeon of his caliber and reputation is genuine with me, and advises me for sake of my well being, I naturally place heavy emphasis on his advice. And clearly his advice was the right decision for me because I had an easy breezy recovery and my results are great. I pick my surgeons based on proposed methodology, skill, reputation WITHIN THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY and not marketing and their credentials. The thing is, it took me a number of botched attempts to even know how to identify these factors so I try to share as much as I can for others not to make the same mistakes I did.
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Hi K,

Many thanks for your response. I want to find every reason to agree with you since I am very much interested in a method that is less invasive. But I want to be rational and I am glad to see that this is also what you have demonstrated and advised everyone to be.

I do not have access to many who have undergone closed rhinoplasty and this is a huge limitation. So I just draw my preliminary conclusion from the small sample I have. The first thing I noticed is that I was told that the swelling will be much less in closed rhinoplasty than in open method. But it seems to me that Mrslucky (?) in our forum (if I am not mistaken) has used closed rhino and it does not seem that her healing process was any faster or smoother than those who opted for the open method. I wonder if you feel numbness in any area of your nose post surgery and how long does it last. I read your diary until day 5 post surgery but after that you only mentioned that you heal well and you like your result without being very specific about it. If you could elaborate a little more on your result, that would be so helpful. If it is great then that to me would probably be a very persuasive proof.

I completely agree with you about the external scarring (on the columella) but except for the third or fourth rhinoplasty, I would not worry too much about this. If you are interested in discussing and sharing your thoughts, I would like to have more of your insight as to why you think the closed rhino is safe internally instead of just pointing out (correctly) the downsides of the open method. Unless we are clear about each method, we cannot compare accurately. I am concerned about any internal problem, whether vivid or subtle, that we are only able to identity until we look inside or until we age.

I have a lot of respect for Dr. Bryan Mendelson from what you described about him. But it seems that he is not an expert in rhinoplasty even though he can perform it. So I just wonder if his opinion alone would adequately represent the medical community as you put it in the matter in question. In this community, I feel that a question about credentials and experience is a valid one especially when we do not know a good deal about a surgeon. I care about training here because I feel for the open method, we compare the surgeons mostly based on his sculpture and artistic skills but for the closed method, a surgeon needs to go beyond this in ensuring no damages to the internal components and framework while working under such a great visual limitation. And I can't agree more with you about not basing our opinion on marketing information. But in fact, what available online about Dr. Park is almost nothing beyond marketing. That is why I reach out to you.

I love to hear from you. I am very open-minded and genuinely interested in finding out the best way, which I hope also benefits a lot of us.

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Just an update, I'm 16 days post-op and the swelling is slowly going down! However, my nose tip is really swollen, red and tight. It hurts just to graze it gently. I can hardly apply my foundation enough to cover the redness, because it hurts. It shows from under the foundation too! Did anyone else experience this? Or is it not normal to have a red nose tip? I'm worried it might be an infection.

Also I was cleaning my nostrils and accidentally popped something in my right nostril because a mixture of yellow liquid and blood gushed out. It was quite a bit.

I'm really hoping it's not an infection. I know someone else who did her rhino 2 weeks before me, and her tip doesn't look red at all.

What should I do?

Thank you!
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Mrslucky wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared for the swelling process. If you read her posts regarding her healing, she said that she was crying when they first removed her cast. She explained the reason for crying was because her nose was still big. But this was only a few days post op, freshly post op even. Anyone who has done surgery is aware that the swelling process does not end so quickly. Swelling peaks at day 3 and from then slowly goes down. Most superficial swelling lasts up to 3 weeks with residual swelling going down within the next 6 months.

I've had both open and closed rhino and one reason why open rhinoplasty takes longer to heal is due to restriction of the blood vessels. One consultant, not from Dream but from another clinic told me that closed rhino doesn't require the patient to stop smoking, while open does. Tho quitting smoking is of course ideal. The reason behind this is because of the invasiveness from having an incision which cuts open your collumela and lifting and opening of the nose. This process puts more stress on your body and requires much more blood circulation. Smoking in this instance can complicate the healing of the incision site and potentially cause the region to turn black. What I and many others who have found hard to bear with open rhino was the packing. I was lucky in that my packing was only in one nostril and was removed post op day 2. A friend I had met through the forum had her surgery in May, only a few days before I did and she did open rhino at item. She had to have 2 packings in both her nostrils for a 5 days. Hence she had to bear with the discomfort from having to breath through her mouth for the duration. Also note that packing goes all the way through the nostrils to your throat. In comparison to her healing, I had a small sponge like bandage in my right nostril where the incision for closed rhino was made, which I removed after 3 hours or so. Another example of the difference in healing, the worst healing process I have ever had before open rhinoplasty was when I had my jaw reduction and my concentric malar lift. These are both invasive procedures. Comparatively, the open rhino for me left me feeling just as awful and physically weak. The closed rhino however only left me with swelling which comes from all surgery. Besides that I was perfectly fine.

Numbness is guaranteed regardless of closed or open rhino because surgery causes temporary sensory nerve damage. My result went from an extruded, humped and asymmetrical nose (asymmetry in the tip was caused by internal scarring from the open rhino as when the surrounding tissue within the incision region was damaged from the opening of the nose) to a straight symmetrical nose with a defined tip. Results for me were visible immediatedly because it was not only so drastically different to my previous nose and my tissues had also thinned out due to the previous rhino.

While Dr Mendelson is an expert in facial contouring and facial rejuvenation and not with rhinoplasty. However, his years of experience with not just rhinoplasty but other procedures he performs, along with his extensive medical knowledge makes his opinion very valid. And he was right when he advised me to undergo the closed rhinoplasty method. During the period where I was deciding between the different revisional methodologies proposed to me by various surgeons, all of them but Dr Park and Dr Mendelson said the same thing, that my revision cannot be done through closed rhino. That tipplasty cannot be done through closed rhino. This was the unanimous concensus of 7 different surgeon. I chose to listen to Dr Mendelson when he explained to me that it was possible, but the surgeon who performs the closed rhino must have honed his skills in the method, must be specialized in the closed method because navigation using this method is difficult, and that I should trust Dr Park and go with him because he meets the above criteria. And Dr Mendelson as usual as right. So in that instance, a surgeon who was not a rhinoplasty specialist gave me an empirical explanation in conflict to that of 7 surgeons who were rhinoplasty specialist proved to be right over the majority, seemingly more qualified but with less overall knowledge and experience. Also if you are concerned about damage to the internal components and framework, open rhino has a higher chance of that happening, again due to the invasiveness. Obviously both methods can produce good results but my cognitive process was factoring in the aesthetics and health risks. For me it was about healing my extrusion and maximising tip projection and height to the limit which my damaged tissues would allow and the closed method was able to do that.
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ummm i read that you had high soft silicone....did you get it done at Item clinic? Because I know Item uses that type of silicone....

Anyways from what you explained about your nose situation......that doesn't seem right. If your nose tip is red after 16 days and in the state you are describing it does sound like it could potentially be an impending extrusion. If your nose is tender and starting to puss up then that is signs of an infection. Pls go get yourself checked out and get a script of anti biotics called ciproflaxacin 500mg. That's the script I used and this particular type of anti biotics is meant for cases like this to stave off potential infections. But if your nose is at its extruding state it will only hold the infection off temporarily. I wish you all the best!
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Hi K Couture, no it wasn't Item Clinic. The clinic name starts with a P.

Can I go to a nearby GP for the antibiotics or should I schedule an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon right away?

I'm not familiar with the local surgery doctors and don't know who to go to... This is a bit upsetting...
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This discussion tells me that results when it comes to the final look of the nose between closed and open depends on which surgeon is doing the closed rhinoplasty. It seems a surgeon who practices closed rhinoplasty techniques can navigate easier but a surgeon that does not practice closed rhinoplasty cannot navigate it like that. Like a gymnast? They can somersault because they have been training. I can barely cartwheel Hahahaha
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yes schedule an appointment and get the script of anti biotics right away. If you do in fact have an infection AND a potential extrusion, it will need to be removed right away. A plastic surgeon can identify this for you. good luck x
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Hi there

I would like to share a bit of my own experience
My first nose job was done in Canada and it was closed.
Turned out very nice and natural. No one could tell that I Hv gotten my nose done.
But I still wanted my bridge to be higher, so I decided to get a revision in Korea.
I first went with dream because my Korean fd suggested it
I chose Dr park because we both envisioned the same thing
He suggested doing closed incision

To be honest, I didn't know about open incision at that point.
I thought all nose surgeries are done closed
I had a girlfd with me that wanted to get her nose done as well
She passed on dream because she didn't like her consult with Dr park
And ended up going to TL

For both of my closed surgeries, I didnt swell up much and there were no much pain at all. Just felt like hving some pressure on my nose.
My girl fd's one was opened and her face ballooned up for the next few days. And she was complaining that she was in pain. We were both so worried. Thought there maybe something wrong. Later on we both learned that it was normal for opened nose surgery lol
And her swelling gradually goes away

What I would just like to say is
From my experience, I do believe closed surgery is less invasive and healing time is less too
So I will prefer closed over opened
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Hello. In Canada did you do the tip as well? If so, what kind of implant did the doctor use?
If it was ear cartilage, can you pinch your nose? Move it side to side? Is there much flexibility on it?
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the best possibility of outcome will always depend on the surgeon's skill and the most suitable method. This is just a simple matter of open or closed rhinoplasty either, but also the implant types used and placement method. What your nose condition is which includes: do you require excision of fatty tissue? How much can be excises? Is your skin thick or thin? Do you require some form of osteo as some individuals have uneven nasal bases. Its alot more than just this is best that is good. Your decision making process must be tailored to your own condition. If you don't consider all these factors and go in blind you will increase your chance of a revision as revision rates for rhinoplasty are one of the highest amongst cosmetic procedures.
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