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Asian Nose Job 3

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I wouldn't say that its not recommended for primary rhinoplasty. It is really dependant on the individual and their pre exisiting nose structure. Different structures have different requirements and thus will warrant different methods.

I personally do not like using rib rhino or any form of autologous graft to the bridge because the rate of potential aesthetic complications that come with it are to be taken into careful consideration. Rib rhino in particular is also a more invasive procedure due to the harvesting and extended surgical time.

Ask yourself one simple question. If you experience one of the following complications from rib rhino:

warping, asymmetry, bumps/humps, uneveness

how would you feel after the fact if you take into account that you just had your own rib cartilage harvested in an invasive procedure only to have a less than desirable nose? This is why I am against using autologous grafts, the risk reward ratio does not balance out for me. The other reason I am against it is because I know several people, myself included who have been botched after full autologous rhinoplasty. In my case I had assymetry, uneveness, a humped nose and worst of all, extrusion through the top of my bridge from the cartilage. Comparatively, silicone is much easier to revise and has a much lower rate of aesthetic complications. My current nose is extremely well done, and was revised using ultra soft silicone as the main implant material
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Hi K Couture! Thanks for giving me some advices these info are super helpful :tup: really appreciate it! and glad to know that your revision went well!
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What did Dream say about your fat injection disappearing/your nose looking the same? Do you have any b&a photos to share?
My friend is going back to dream for her nose revision because she was unhappy with her nose and I wanted to get my nose done there also. I'll be going with her in Sept.
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Hi popcorndreams! Do you mind letting me know what made your friend unhappy about the surgery? coz I'm planning to go to dream too. sorry if you're not comfortable writing about it...
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I'm going to korea for rhinoplasty in end July. However mers is spreading now? Did anyone cancel their flight or will be there in end July? I'm going to JW and Banobagi for consultation.
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Hey all, just wanna ask how much would it cost to get a rhinoplasty in korea?

So far from previous posting, it seems to be around 5mil won? Is that the average price?
I know that it varies depending on what you want.

as far as I recalled from very very old postings, rib cartilage cost way more? And some forummers here said it isn't advisable to take that option for your first rhinoplasty.

Though, Schrodinger "after" pictures using rib cartilage were really amazing.
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Hi im planning to have a revision because my nose tip is still short even when the doctor told me he will bring it down . Im disappointed that it is still blunt and short. I do not have enough septal cartilage and was advised to use donated rib becus ear cartilage isnt strong enough.

Should i harvest my own rib or use donated one ? Both tend to absorb , and i will obtain a scar if i were harvest my own . Its so frustrating that my options are limited due to not having enough septal and the doctor did not do a gd job . I would like to achieve a sharper tip

Kcouture could u kindly provide some advice. Thanks :/
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My tip was performed using irradiated rib cartilage. Its been more than a year I haven't noticed any significant resorption. I wouldn't harvest your own rib btw because the resorption rate is unpredictable. Its invasiveness for an unpredictability. Not worth it. Just use irradiated cartilage.

If your tip is rounded due to fatty bulbous tissue you might want to have some of it excised (conservatively) too to increase your tip projection.

good luck on your revision x
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What can i do if the clinic refuses to do a revision for me ? Can i sue or complain to a goverment body in korea?
My nose is still short and my collumella scar can be seen from the front . This is so frustrating , they claim there was no objective flaws with the surgery. They want to charge me . Im so disappointed and scared . I regret badly.
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I believe you will only get responses should you have experienced gross negligence which has impaired the functionality of your life. Your case from the way you describe it seems too subjective for any official proceedings to take place.

Usually clinic offer free revision within one year tho so i'm surprise they are wanting to charge you! How long post op are you? If u are only a month or 2 in there is a chance you are still experiencing swelling. Either way the full healing process is at the 6 months mark just fyi.
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Hmm I got charged a bit by Dream for my revision, too, because they claimed that the revision technique was different from the primary technique. My primary tipplasty was using ear cartilage to extend the tip and septal cartilage for the collumelar strut. I said I was unsatisfied with the tip and wanted more tip projection, so he suggested using a septal extensiom graft to achieve more projection. Though the end goal was the same (more tip projection), I still had to pay a fair amount for tip revision (although it was somewhat discounted) since the technique the dr chose was different. ... wasn't super happy about having to shell out for a "free" revision, but what's done is done now i suppose.

Just a heads up for anyone who may be thinking about choosing a clinic with "free revision"...be sure to ask about the specifics upfront. It may not turn out to be free!
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nooooo u shouldn't have paid and put your foot down! The only thing they charge for revision is the anesthesiologist fee but even that can be waived if u push hard. Did you change to silicone btw cos i don't think diced cartilage and fg works well for full bridge augmentations
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Darn, you are totally right!! The consultant was super adamant about having to pay for both the donated septal cartilage (since Dr said I didn't have enough left to do the extension, since he already used my septal cartilage for the strut last time) AND fees for the "different technique". I pleaded with her for about half an hr or more, and all she would do is bring down the price of the other procedure (ie fat graft). Maybe I should've shopped around with other clinics in order to have other options argh. How much have you had to pay before for anesthesia fees?

Oh man, so I wanted to do silicone but Dr Park thought even 3 mm may be too high for my face unless I do forehead fat graft...but i've heard the forehead fat graft can get totally absorbed so it's a bit of a gamble. In teh end, he convinced me to try the diced cartilage with fat graft with added PRP one more time...and if it doesn't work again and if the forehead fat stays a bit, he'll do the silicone he said. (Though that would unfortunately mean having to find the time to fly over again, pay for flight and room, etc etc....not sure how i'll be able to take more time off work within the next year, so i'm really, really hoping it stays! O.o) so far the bridge results look ok for the bump and dent where the bridge and tip meet. I know it will go down somewhat in the next months, though, so we'll see. Fingers crossed and hoping not to have to go back for another revision within a year!
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