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Asian Nose Job 3

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I too am seeking revision after going to DesignerPS (local, smaller clinic) 4 years ago and not being completely happy with my nose. HOWEVER I do believe a lot of times the patient is somewhat at fault for not being completely clear of what they want. That was definitely the case for me. Make sure you have pictures of what you want and what you don't want, and several angles.
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Why are you not happy my dear?
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Where in Taiwan?? Which hospital doctor? How was the experience?

Thank you:smile::smile:
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Wish Clinic, Dr Chuang. Pleasant, only doctor could speak English. Doc not pushy, nurses were helpful. I can't speak Mandarin but went there because some people talked about it on Expats Singapore forum. They had deswelling light. But the wait time to see doc was too long for me.
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Oow I see, I wanted to visit him as well, thanks for sharing!

Could you please share the price? Approximately..

And why didn't you choose a Korean clinic?
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Can't remember the price. At that time, never heard of bargaining with clinics so didn't bargain. Anyway, not expensive compared to elsewhere.
Why didn't choose Korean clinic? Well, heard that Korean clinics were extreme and a forummer showed me her good results from Taiwan which is more to my taste...well, you know, higher crease, more Eurasian like.
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I notice that more clinics are having donor rib cartilage. That is from dead body, right? How did they get it and does it absorb into the body if one has it on the bridge of the nose? I find it quite morbid, cox who wants to donate a rib?

I saw on a clinic's site , with limited translation, that some people change to rib from silicone... Does it mean that silicone is sure to cause trouble years down the road?
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Are there any other clinics besides trend that does revision that you guys would recommend? How much is the price for revision usually?

Also, would anyone want to add me to their group on kakao? my id is eommaya0 :biggrin:
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I did not voice what I wanted due to anxiety so they decided what was best and natural for me. I also was 17 at the time so of course they didn't give me a barbie nose. :P Their service was wonderful. It's just my fault for not being clear with what I wanted at all.
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Thank you so much for your reply!
Do you know whether it would be difficult to have rhinoplasty if we try fillers first? Thanks!
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I've consulted with Trend and Dr. Lee isn't a warm or personable person. He doesn't listen to your requests and if you ask questions or have a different opinion as to his he will quickly shut you up. I thought he was absolutely rude and haughty. It seemed he was occupied with other patients and didn't need my business. I'm no longer interested.

I wouldn't choose them. They asked for a ridiculous price (4 times more than the average) with the deposit to set the date and I would have to wait a month. I'm a primary case too. I can tell you more on kakao.
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Nooo why?!! Come on:yucky: I had already set my mind on him, based on forumers' experiences..Maybe he was tired at that time? Who knows..

How much time did your consultation last? Why do you say he was rude? Did you go on high or low season?
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Several girls have said the same (2 I went with and a few outside the forum) about his disposition. I do sense that there might be Trend promoters but, that is only my suspicions.

The consultation was 2 hours for one of the girls but, she went in not knowing what she wanted so Dr. Lee had full control of what kind of nose he wanted to give her. The other girls and myself knew about our noses and had questions to which he didn't like and the average time was only 30 minutes at most for the entire consultation time to which he mainly sat there looking at you in an annoyed fashion.

If he thinks you aren't easy going and let him take full control he will price you much higher and have a distant attitude. He won't per se tell you the consultation has ended but, it's a very awkward environment when a medical professional treats you that way for you to want to leave on your own 2 feet. The best course of action is to go for yourself however.

The clinic is small and Dr. Lee only preforms 1 surgery a day. By no means is that busy like other clinics who do 5 noses a day. For his technique, he makes the exact same noses for every patient. Long, straight and masculine. From the girls that consulted with him, 2 had their noses done at Trend and they both got the same looking noses. I went with them to their follow up checks and other patients had the same noses too. They both want revisions now.

Every clinic has their selling points and their cons. I'm merely sharing what I got from it and everyone here should do their own due diligence.
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Omg!:shucks: What a huge let down. Thank you for sharing here, it really helps a lot.

I don't like the doctor to subject me to his ideal of beauty and not listen to me, I consider it unethical. I also don't like a long, straight, masculine nose (since this is what I kinda have now). Come on Dr. Lee!

Fff they want revision? Because they didn't like their results and don't suit their faces or because their noses are botched?

I was afraid Trend would be too good to be true but I didn't want to believe it:crybaby: And now..
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