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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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hope everyone has a speedy recovery and beautiful results!!! :heart:

also would appreciate a review of jw and tlps (when convenient) as they're on my consult list

i agree - having a good support network is paramount to recovery. all the best ladies...and let me know if what my friends tell me is true - that there r a LOT of hot Korean guys in Seoul :loveeyes: lol
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O thank u so much!

tlps, was busy, but it wasnt the look that snowstream n i liked. This is just judging by patients n staff.

As for jw, snowstream n i really liked their nj, patients n staff. But we kinda like the angelababy look, so thats y we liked them a lot. Unfortunately dr kwon is booked til end of january so that sucked :sad:

Pm snowstream cuz she got to talk to all the drs. I just sat in the waiting room checking ppl out n im sure w my headband they werenchcking me out too. Lol

Hehehe, ive seen a few young kpop looking guys, so u mite b pleasantly happy wen u walk around.
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Hey Karime,

I can't believe you have already -through with your surgery! Good for you!!! Very excited to see your final results.

I would say when I last posted my pics, I was about 60-70% swollen.. and now, I am at about 40-50% swollen. However, my results are getting better and better. I can't wait for another 2 months.

Initially, my optimism really faded after week 3... and I was getting a little depressed because the swelling was still so obvious and I was so mad at myself for doing the incisional method. Only at week 5 that I actually see the light at the end of the tunnel.

How are you feeling now? I see you are keeping busy with PF threads :smile: Did you eat the ginseng chicken soup? ohh, i really miss Seoul now!
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Oops, I mean dr, Suh of JW iis booked til end of January not Kwon. Sorry. I shud really proofread btr.
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Im so glad u still check in a bit. Wow, still a bit more swelling to go, but imagine when it is finally gone! Ur eyes will b so much more beautiful. I wudnt have guessed u were that swollen from ur pics, but reading ur acct is really eye opening n helpful. Hearing u wished u didnt do incisional n then seeing hope at week 5.

i really wud like to get together w as many forumers to compare the surgeons methods. I think Thiefcat recovered really well and looked great at day 5. I wonder if the method had anything to do with it, how much eye fat the patient has, the way the patient nursed themselves during recovery, etc etc. i wanna c babymodes too, cuz we all had the same operation done, just at different clinics.

I did get to eat ginseng soup when i hung out w the girls. It was so yummy, i wish i had it b4 my face operation, cuz i wudda chowed that thing down!!
While u miss seoul, i miss home :sad: im already ready to go home n c my family n friends now. I do like it here tho, i cant wait til my swelling subsides a little more so that i visit outside the gangnam area.
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hello everyone, I found this forum from cozycot.

I'm wondering if anyone knows about vertical chin reduction at all? or know anywhere that does this, or seen any any examples whilst at clinics?

I've been researching surgery for many years now but have found very little info and never heard any personal experiances, I'm starting to lose hope that I'll ever be able to fix my face :sad:

I have a very long chin yet little projection, I'm like a witch version of rumer willis but with also a hooked nose ( another thing I need to fix), I'm depressed well actually just bored now of being ugly so next year I'd like to take some serious steps towards surgery.

Would really apperciate any help or input if anyone has any information about such surgery that reduces the length of chins, I know of v-line but it isn't so much the width it's the length :sad:
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Once you've healed up enough, you should definitely go to Busan and see the coast. The sea is just so blue, absolutely amazing. But if you want to travel around S. Korea and do the sightseeing thing the best time is October/November as its not too hot and its not too cold. I imagine hitting the coast when its cold and windy is probably the worst experience ever. :P
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You can get chin reduction surgery, it's usually around 4.5 mil won.

Oh and rumor Willis actually already had chin surgery, her old chin was even more pronounced. Damn, if she went to Korea to shave down her jaw and face she'd be gorgeous, cos she actually has really nice features besides the face shape.

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Hey Thanks!! I will totally check busan out. I will endure the cold, cuz idk if i will ever get to come back to korea.
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Never say never! Korea is a great holiday destination even without the plastic surgery. It has amazing scenery outside of Seoul and natural hiking paths. I'm trying to remember names of the places i went to a year and a half ago but nothing sticks out in my memories besides Busan because i remember being told on a super clear day you can see all the way to Japan! I also remember a forest full of Maple Leafs but can't remember where that is.

Also be mindful of travelling on the weekends, especially Friday. Traffic gets super busy because families are travelling out of Seoul to these hiking paths and similar family activities.

Anyway, all the best on the rest of your recovery, try and grab someone to go sightseeing with you, must be amazingly boring on your own at the moment. :P
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Well i went back to view for my hair wash n dressing cleaning and i ran into 3 gals from the forum! I had already met winterntht n ana-dancer, but i finally got to meet fantasyface too! I was so excited! I guess for me, communicating w all yall for so long on this forum n finally putting a face to a name is sooo cool. Even tho the faces will all b changing soon Lol

Well today there were no post ops patients except me, omg, prolly so disappointing for the 3 gals. I m still hopeful that i will look like the girls in the waiting room when i went. I m supposed to start deswelling more from today on, so keeping my fingers crossed.

Okay so i asked Ms. Kim again about her email bcuz ive been getting a lot of pmz and she reluctantly said it was okay to give it out, but she said okay! yay n she said that please understand it might take a long time for her to reply. Shes probably thinking this chick wont stop asking til i say yes. Hehehe

So for all of u have been asking n could not find Views email address previously posted. the lady who i went through was ms kim
For those of u who just joined the forum, She works in the office, but it not a beauty advisor.

Gonna check up on snowstream again in a bit. shes in surgery at migo right now. Wishing her the best!
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O gosh if u can remember the maple leaf forest, id b in heaven. Im a big hiker, so i think i will definitely checking the outskirts out now. Maybe midweek is btr to avoid the traffic.

It is soooo boring when im back at my apartment, so i try not to stay in too long, but today the weather has a bit of a sting to it, so i came back for a bit. thank goodness for purse forum! hehehe even tho the ppl in koRea r really friendly, bcuz i lack the communication skills, i miss having conversations. Not that i can really talk right now, but still.

My place is a bit far from everything, but really close to tlps. Kinda hoped snowstream had gone there instead of migo, so i cud just walk over to her. Only playing. I think she will b happy w her results at migo. The main consultant there was really pretty there. N some of the clients in the waiting room. I was there for awhile. What ive noticed is that each clinic has a look that they r good at, so it is just a matter of finding the look u like.

O but off topic for a bit. I got to talk to the shampoo girl at view n told her about the really cute nurse who helped me during recovery. She had really pretty eyes. She said dr. Choi (k i might have gotten his name totally wrong, but he is the dr that specializes in breasts n noses there, did it) o kinda hoped dr lee had done it. Maybe they do the same technique lol crossing fingers.

Well keep feeding me w things to o. Im a big outdoors person so if anything comes to mind, thanks
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Hey Karime, sorry to break it to you but i'm pretty sure the Maple Leaves were an Autumn thing. But i'll give you the info i've dug up anyway as they are hiking trails after all.

The parks that are closest to Seoul are Bukhansan National Park and Naejangsan National Park. I'm 99% sure i was at Bukhansan judging from the pictures i gleamed off google. On its website, it says its open all year round so i guess thats good news for hikers. The trails are pretty hefty as well, i hope you've got the right footwear. ;)
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Hi Everyone! I'm looking to go to Korea sometime between now and the beginning of April. I want to go for 1 month. My plan is to check out the country (I never been), meet my biological mother (I was adopted), and get PS (eyes, chin, nose). I don't speak Korean and I'm not sure if any of my friends or family can come yet. If anyone would like to go and share a place and help each other recover please message me. Thanks!
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