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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Second day post-op today!

I did my virgin PS, zygoma reduction and vline with Dr Oh at Regen for 13.5mil krw (after discount).

I went into surgery at about 11am yesterday and I think I came out at about 4pm. Waking up from GA was one of the worst experiences in my life... I remembered feeling very cold, nauseous and dull pain on my face... I think my body didnt react very well to GA and I was told that I was crying the whole journey once I woke up from GA all the way to the recovery room. I don't remember the crying part but the first thing on my mind was wanting to drink water very badly but I wasn't allowed to take any until after 8pm. This is to prevent me from throwing up until the GA is released from my body. I did slow deep breathing to try to ease off the nauseous feeling. The 8pm wait felt like forever... I must say being able to drink water must have been one of the best things that happened to me last night!

I highly suggest one to have someone familiar to accompany you after waking up from GA. It was such a comforting sight for me to see fantasyface and our translator once I reached the recovery room and I sort of calmed down when I saw them.

I'm so glad that I decided to take the girls' advice against doing my nose together on this trip as breathing was such a pain last night. I strongly don't recommend doing a nose job with face-contouring surgeries simply because of breathing problems and that your mid-face will be super swollen... Recovery will be hell (at least in my case).

This was the 2nd nightmare for me after the GA discomfort. I had problems breathing as my nose was blocked later in the night by dried blood and mucus. It was horrible because I couldn't clear my blocked nose as it hurts my zygoma area too badly if I accidentally tried to blow it. I couldn't breathe properly through my mouth as well due to the two blood drainers inserted in my mouth and I think that my throat passage way was blocked by some blood and phlegm as well.

I also started wheezing at some point of time in the middle of the night. I think this must have been triggered off by my asthma history so the nurses gave me inhaler of some sort and started injecting more medicine into me which made me feel more nauseous than ever.

My 1st night post-op was so tormenting. I kept waking up because the blood pressure is taken every hourly and the nurses had to keep dropping by to check on my fever and also to *squish* my face to check on how swollen I was (*ouch*). It didn't help that Regen's bed was so hard and too warm(probably due to my fever) even though I switched off the bed's heater. I also developed a bad sore throat which led to coughing (hurts the mid-face area so bad!) but drinking melted lozenges in water worked miracles.

I was seriously regretting putting myself through all these torment. I kept praying to God to remove all the suffering and I told myself it will be over soon thus to just keep breathing... I am so grateful to the very sweet Korean nurse (day-time) and the Chinese-speaking ajumma(night-time) who made me feel so much better by changing the ice pack (so good!) very frequently for me and feeding me more water all the time.

I felt really good this morning after the nurses removed the urine bag, needles and the blood drainers that I attempted a happy little dance and went to the bathroom on my own. The nurses were surprised that I was looking so much better so quickly considering I was so weak last night. heheh.

The most useful things I brought to the hospital for post-op were some money to buy medication, lip balm, Sinecch, lozenges and my iPhone(for taking photos, ktalk, whatsapp, music). The rest of the stuff required were provided by Regen. You should not carry a huge/heavy bag as it'll be difficult for you to bring it back to your hotel post-op.

Right now I'm swelling up like a chipmunk and my face feels so tight. My neck feels very sore and sensitive to touch too. I wonder if anyone has any remedy to share for my sore neck or do I just have to wait till the swelling goes down? :*

Okay, back to mouth wash(this is so horrid) and icing my face (so good!). Will update again soon! x
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Hair grafting was 5 mil won and nose was 7 mil won. I wouldn't recommend hair grafting cos I find this procedure to be the most traumatizing compared to my eye and nose ps.
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Finally booked an appt with view in Feb! The email mentioned that they have a mandarin speaking consultant, so I'm really quite glad to hear that since I won't be going without any translator. If the price is cheap/same as the locals, I really think I might go with them for the surgery straight.
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Hi Karime...I am back in New York. I was unable to get orthodontist treatment in Thailand due to various reasons. I have a facial bone/orthodontist doctor in new york that will perform the final stage of orthodontist treatment.

Being back in New York is tough. I was feeling so much better in Thailand. Family and relatives had a lot to say about my new face. My sister in law said my face looked compressed. My cousin said I looked weird and fake but not bad. My mom I over heard said I looked like a cat to my uncle which said I looked better.

So far I have shut off my phone because I'm embarrass to see my friends. But being born and rise in NYC has made my skin thick...New Yorkers we just say how it is. I respect the honesty thou.

The doctor in NY thought I looked good he was very supportive and is personally helping me thru orthodontist treatment to widen my face. He said it with take 12-18months and will only be a little bit of change. Right now he promise he will help give me a tight bite.

I am about 6 weeks post now. I still think my jaw was pushed in too far and face augmented way too small. The doctor in NY told me to get use to my new look.

I think Dr. Park have done an excellent job but it just wasn't done on the right candidate. I feel it definitely a communication error.

I am happy with my doctor in New York he is taking the time to talk to me. I just realize from the frontal x-rays yesterday that Dr. Park has given me a split genio ( T-shape cut )to narrow my chin/jaw line. I really wish he explained what he will do before surgery or at least inform what he did after. I just don't think it's fair to the patient.

I am doing fine...I have lost 20lbs and maintaining a weight of 168lbs@72inches. I'm quite lean and thin from running 2-3 miles every day in Thailand. I am starting to like the shape of my head. I love my teeth and smile. I am very happy my mouth is no longer crooked. Dr. Park perfectly canted(rotated) my jaw dead center.
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Hey u!
Glad to hear back from ya :smile:U sound great!

U think New Yorkers r to ur face honest, family is way worse. Now they DONT hold back. after reading what ur family said n once the plasticness subsides, n u urself gets used to it, u will probably look hotter than before.. it sounds like Dr. Park did a great job even if it might not have been exactly what u were expecting, but who knows maybe it'll b the new "in" look for guys n u will get a modeling contract :smile: N getting down to ur new weight will match your new face just completes the package. Sounds like u might have also picked up a mew hobby. Maybe u can run the ny marathon to keep ur motivation up for running! I can already see so much new doors opening for u with this experience.

Glad u found this new mouth specialist in the states. Cant wait til u factor that in as well. N now that the outer u is coming together, dont forget to nurture the inner you as well.

Take care n do update us! I am sure i m not the only one who has been following u and wanting to know how u were doing :smile:
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O i cant wait to c it! Cuz even w cast it looked beautiful!
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Cant wait to c the beautiful new u!
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O good luck to ya :smile: what r u planning on having done?
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Hey AnaDancer,

Congratulations for getting through the most physical demanding and challenging part of the process. I remembered my first night post op - very similar to yours. That was when the term "surgery" really sunk into my head in terms of the actual meaning and definition of it. Blood tubes, IV drips - you feel like you got into a freak accident! I will never want to go through GA again if I can!

The next few weeks will be challenging - not so much physically, but more so emotionally. Keep us updated and wishing you a quick, quick recovery!

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Yo Iaan!!!

You survived buddy! yes, like Karime, I think a lot of us here are following your story. So good to hear from you now.. and to hear your journey. What happened to your first post yesterday? I actually read it before it was "deleted" :smile:

Very glad to hear that things are not as bad as you thought it was initially. In fact, you do like your smile now! Wasn't it what you had wanted to fix anyways?

But I do agree with you - the doctors in Korea do not do much explanation (vs how the doctors in the US). Not much disclosures, explanation, etc. Especially when you compare it to the doctors in the US. that makes us (patients) feel very uncomfortable and sometimes lost unfortunately.

I think you will continue to like your face better. I've realized how much torment and trauma that our face actually endured during surgeries such as this. So your face is still adjusting no doubt.

Wishing you a merry, merry Christmas.... and at least, the world is still moving and surviving after 12/21 :smile:
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Hey Karime,

Aww, thanks for the compliment! No worries dear - I can only imagine what you are going through now. I think a lot of us really underestimate the healing time and the emotional roller coaster that PS will bestow upon us. And the best feeling is to have someone there for you (that understands the journey!).

How are you now? Did you remove your stitches yet? How are the results? You are up late!!

Btw - any one who wants a little support or would like to ask someone who has gone through incisional/ mini-V, you can kakao me. PM me for ID on Kakao.
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Hey girl!

I cant thank u enuf for just being there n for answering soooo many of my questions! Your willingness to share your experiences n recovering process has really helped me keep my optimism n allowed me to just enjoy myself while im here. I cant wait to try the face clinic! After we spoke, i told the forumers here how u got so much compliments on ur skin after treatment. So excited!

I did remove my stitches yesterday n m still just kinda processing the whole thing. Gosh idk how u had the courage to take pics so soon after ur surgery. im def not ready to take any pics just yet bcuz as is i hate taking pics. All my b4 pics r pics my friends took during a nite of excessive partying. Lol

Hehe, im actually up early cuz of the jetlag still, so i figure since today is the first day i can wash my hair i better do it early so i can meet the girls later. I forgot to bring a hair dryer :sad:

Thanks again, i will ping u later w the results :smile:
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how do ur eyes look now that the stitches are removed?
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Ahahaha! Yes, then the 2nd mayan explanation of a new cyclical calendar must be the correct translation of 12/21/2012 :smile: so to a new beginning!!

O yes, merry christmas guys!!
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I pm'd u, but i will do a more detailed write up in a cpl of days. waiting for it to not look like im looking at 2 different ppl at once. Lol

Hearing the accounts of others n looking at other ppls b/a helps me to realize im not too far off from other ppls recovery process and helps me stay optimistic, so im liking it for what it is. Knock on wood again:smile:
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