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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hey sanmi!
yeah... 3 weeks is really such a short time. It feels like forever though.
I was looking at some post op pics of other girls who did facial contouring, and it seems like at 1 month they looked rather deswelled. And then at 3 months they really had a slim vline !!! I hope this is for my case too!
Thanks for your message, its nice to hear some positive comments! (sick of hearing that I gained a lot of weight...)
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dont be bothered abt those negative stuffs. it affects u n ur recovery.
u hv come so far already and just a little bit more to go.. :smile:

I know M the same as u. those impatient type who wants to see instant or fast results but got to control the mind and think of other things to do to keep our mind occupied. n believe that beauty will comes after all the swelling is gone.
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stay positive! i believe it will improve, give it some time =))
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Also adding on to my experience in Seoul.

Initially wanted Snow Streams translator N but she was booked during my period in Seoul.

Even though she was booked, she was very helpful and gave me some tips and advice via email.

I met up with her and Karime for BBQ lunch. She's sweet and good natured! You'll be in good hands with her.

Even though I'm post op, I Kao Talked her asking about some plastic surgery ad I saw in the subway and she said she would help me find out the name of the clinic. Cos I liked the ad and also thinking of doing my eyes.
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The name if the clinic in the picture you posted is Top Class plastic surgery.


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Hey everyone! I initially have been stalking another thread, but I decided to join here because it seems more active :smile: !!!

Below I copy-pasted a post I made a couple days ago~

I am turning 18 soon, and am currently saving up to get cheekbone reduction, and quite possibly V-line done next year. I am really favoring smallface clinic's results.

I've gotten my double-eyelids and nose done at designerPS clinic in June 2012. They did such a wonderful job to accommodate me and my needs. The consultant lady was SO nice, she treated me like her little sister. I got my surgery the day of consultation (right after consultation actually. This was not planned.) She held my hand when I was getting shots and stuff, and I just absolutely loved how nice she was. When I got out of surgery and was knocked out, she had food for me because apparently I was saying "I'm hungry.." over and over again during my nose-job, hehe. Too bad I couldn't eat because the anesthetic nurse lady said I couldn't >_<;;
I have endless positive things to say about this lady!!! She took some selcas with me after I came back on my 2nd follow-up I think :smile: Everything was for $4,400 USD. She gave me her email and number to call, and wants me to visit when I go to Korea, and my mom said if she comes to America, that she can stay with us, hehe. She was amazing, the most sweetest lady ever.
The eye-lid surgery went well, the shot's hurt a little, like little pinches, but hey NO PAIN NO GAIN!! I got a small out-fold. Honestly, I wanted bigger folds but I was just so overwhelmed that when he showed me what he would do before surgery (when he was marking me), I couldn't say anything x__x I would've said "A little bigger?" but I honestly could not speak... The doctor was a kind of older guy, seemed very smart and kind of scary! But very nice.
The nose surgeon is a younger guy, hes very nice and friendly. I got silicone+ear cartilage tip on my nose.
Again, I couldn't say anything, and I would've requested a higher starting bridge, and more up-ward tip, but overwhelmed me couldn't say anything... >_<;;

My overall experience at Designer PS was AMAZING! I was kind of scared (secretly, haha ^.^) but everyone there is just so friendly and nice, it makes me want to cry now. They helped my mom so much with bank stuff, and transporting. We got this coupon for a taxi but we didn't use it because hey! taxi drivers need money too >.<

If you have any other questions about anything (about me or the clinic I went to) you can email me at ki.hailey95@gmail.com

Also, I was looking through ID Clinic's b/a photos... Anyone else catch the girl's ear difference..? Her whole ear looks completely different.. the cartilage and the lobe. Her neck even looks different.... Her hairline/sideburn hairs are different.... Her "after" forehead is flatter.... The only thing that looks IDENTICAL is her facial expression, eyes, nose, ect.... I feel so suspicious now, like they just photoshopped a person's eyes/nose/mouth onto another person's face+head :/

click on the three links below. yes i am very observant haha :P

ID clinic PHOTOSHOP ?? #1
Evidence #2

I hope my previous post made many aware that clinics in korea DO MANIPULATE THEIR PHOTOS!! Not all, but you may not even notice.
Personally, I am disgusted and sick with clinics that have obviously photoshopped pictures. I recently stumbled upon a couple obviously photoshopped pictures in Banobagi's eyelid surgery gallery.

evidence#1 evidence#2

Look at the pupils. Our pupils are not oval, they are round. They clearly stretched the eyes upwards to try to make the outcome picture have bigger eyes.

I still am considering going to Banobagi for face-contouring surgery, as well as fat injection on forehead and double-eyelid revision, but finding things like this just make me question the honesty of clinics...
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I heard that usually need 10days to get stitches removed. Well, since you're in Melbourne did you go to any clinic for consult just to get the idea? I'm from melbourne too! :smile:
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Thank you for your post! And wow you are so observant! :smile:
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Use before and after pics as guidelines and don't trust them 100%.

The Dramatic Change Explained

Before pics are usually taken when you look the most like a scrub, no makeup nor product and style in your hair.

After pics have had multiple variants because they will be used for marketing. I am a consumer marketer and "all marketers are liars" (it's a title of a book as well). The after pics also have added bonuses - Professional hair, makeup fashion stylists and photographers - Just those alone without any PS can make a lot of people look great. Ever noticed how bride-zillas always look great on wedding day, it's because a team worked on them to make her picture perfect for wedding day.

Photo editing - Filters, blemish correction are used to bring out the best possible complexion and eliminate flaws. Even if they do not alter the photo anatomically, but just get rid of sunspots, acne, scars, shadows, shine, etc... it enhances the overall appearance.

Camera Lens, lights and angles are also deceiving. No camera lens can replicate the human eye, there will always be some variant (for better or worse). That's why some people are photogenic - light bends, bounces and reflects off them in a special way. Has anyone ever snapped a candid photo of you with a high end DSLR camera, or just happen to capture you in your best possible angle and light, which made you look like a model? You even look different in certain mirrors. Have you ever looked great in your mirror at home, but different in the bathroom mirror at work? Again angles & lights. My GF is a model and her photos look great, but when I snap one of her with my iPhone she looks like a different person (then she yells me and makes me delete it =P )

Things to factor in and consider before doing PS

If you are concerned about your appearance and aren't looking for dramatic change, but a mild to natural touch up. I believe if you do the below five to their fullest potential. You may be satisfied with the results and have a new instilled confidence where PS might no longer be necessary.

Try the following Five:

- Hair - A great hair stylist (from a famous school Toni & Guy, Paul Mitchell, etc...) can cut & style your hair to enhance or compliment your face and bone structure. Have you ever had a great cut and noticed how good it makes you look?

- Skincare, Makeup & Cosmetics. Undergo a skincare regiment via a dermatologist or your own prescribed one to bring out the youthful, clear, radiant, glow, which can be further enhanced with costmetics (BB Cream - I'm a dude and rock it, and works wonders)

- Health & Fitness - Eat right to keep your skin and body looking good, don't smoke, and have a great body via personal trainer, P90X, Insanity, etc...

- Wardrobe & Style - Wear clothes that fit and bring out your best features. It's about fit, color coordination and style. You don't have to wear expensive luxury brands, but if you built a good body take clothes you buy off the rack to be altered by a good tailor, and develop your fashion sense, you'll be surprised.

- Take better photos - Make friends with a photographer or a photography hobbyist that won't mind taking some photos of you. Photographers are giving these girls directions, and all their minute facial expression, head tilts, body position, etc... effect the look. Also, photoshop, instagram etc... work and all the models we admire in magazines and ads have had their shots touched up.

Before you decide

Psychology & Influence - Just convincing your mind and internalizing the above as possibilities of why people look good through easily adjustable factors that you can do yourself, might make your self image less critical. When my PS consulting craze and thoughts were at their peak, I noticed I was over analyzing everyone's features and comparing them to my own. I even started measuring peoples faces in magazines to see if they meet the golden ratio. When my GF woke up to a ruler against her nose, I know I was going a little over the top - lol

Of course getting a great PS job done and doing all of the above could enhance everything even more, but if you have 3-6 months to spare before you decide. Give it your best possible effort to do all of the above and see how you look & feel. If you still decide to do it, then when you heal from the operation you're going to look even better.
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I agree - ps can be seen as an 'easy' way out & u still may not get that 'perfect' result. With all ps, ppl need to really think about it before gg thru with it

So when I'm in Korea in march/April for consults I'm gg to be doing some skin treatments first, then c how I feel about ps after consults. I'm also consulting Drs here in oz to compare

However I wish all those that have just gone under the knife & those about to, all the very best - speedy recoveries and awesome results!!! :smile:
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