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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hey thanks... Really appreciate it. What happened has really placed a heavy burden on me emotionally but I have gotten a lot better.

I wish what ever surgery you are going to go thru will be a great success! Do keep us updated or let us know if you have any query about going to Korea for PS.
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Onlyif wow that is so *** unfair. I am so sorry for You and hope that maybe some things will get better after couple months, becouse You are just 1 month after surgery. It is not first time I read that kinds of reviews and that also makes me wonder if Korea is one on the best place and more experience in plastic surgery how that things can happen? !

About Your question:

If you are suffering from a cosmetic surgery performed in Korea (asymetry, scars, infections... or any other reason) you can feel this form to the KCA (korea consumer agency) . It's in english. http://www.kca.go.kr/front/english/coun_05.jsp
There is a protection of private information.

WARNING from The Korea Consumer Agency (KCA)
78% of complains after plastic surgery. Only among Koreans consumers. (Foreigners don't know the procedure but according to my korean friend the % must be higher)Be careful with clinics in south seoul (apgujeong, gangnam..) specially one clinic oftenly mentionned here.This clinic X had received a hundreds of complains and considered as one of the top illegal clinic.(ask more information at the KCA)
Phone number of KCA : 02-3460-3000.
You will need a korean assistant to translate. (friend, translator... ) You will always find someone who can speak korean around you like korean teacher, koreans associations, ..It's important to complain because those clinics can destroy a life. ( some koreans women went to suicide after very bad surgery)*reliable information from Korea Times : http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news...13_101689.html
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Thanks Lemoniscate! I really hope so too and truthfully I'm hoping for a miracle despite what the doctors I consulted said!
Been thinking if I should grow a beard to see if it helps for my chin fold, and probably buy makeup to cover up the scar on my nose!
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thanks :smile:

I've got so many questions, apparently i have to reach 10 posts or something so i can start DM'ing people. So after 10 posts I will definitely ask you for some advice! Good to hear that you're already feeling a bit positive. Do you think you will try to fix what the surgeon did wrong later in life? Who knows you're only 1 month in post-operation right? After a few more months everything will gradually completely swell down and everything may start to look better! :smile:
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Thanks for reporting back onlyif. You're experience can serve to shed some light on when things go wrong. What exactly did you have done?

As for your stitching below the gums and difficulty pulling out your lips, I think I know what you mean, I'm 7 weeks out from chin implant and my stitching is pretty irregular too. At 1 month it was a bit like how you described, but eventually it goes down. I generally try not to freak out during the 1 month, show some concern in the 2nd month, and if things still look ugly by the 3rd month, then thats when I cause a stir. I don't bother pestering the doctor during this time because I know what the answer will be: "Give it 3 months" "Still healing/swelling" yadi yada.
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THANKS SZINUJA!! Actually I've read this previously and was looking for it!

I don't deny some of the doctors are very experienced, but I feel that because they think they have done so many surgeries, they can actually get complacent thinking it's just another walk in the park when they do another surgery. And I do think that when things go wrong, especially for foreigners, they tend to cover things up until we depart from the country as they know that by then it will be too late or too hard for them to do anything, and they take comfort in that.
I just wanna make them know it's not true.

Complain I will, to make myself feel better and to know that hopefully things will get better for foreigners who go all the way to Korea for PS. It's not possible that I'm gonna do any revision surgery with them.

I've been there and done that, all in longing of trying to achieve a dream of wanting to look better. Despite my setback, I still encourage people who want to go for PS to do it, but please do make sure you research properly and that PS is not a 100% success thing please pls do be prepared and know what you are going for.

In future if anyone face similar things as I do and you need help or someone to talk to (other than here which is an awesome patform with awesome people), you can kakao me at "onlyifz". I'll see if I can help you with anything or just lend a listening ear.

I did tiplasty, zygoma reduction and vlin (madible and chin reduction)

Actually it's not about irregular stiching or the pulling of the lip thing. I can accept it if the irregular stiching inside my mouth didn't create this mentolabial fold. And even if I had this fold, probably I can learn to accept it if it's centralized, but the worst is that it's not and is deviated towards the left! I'll post a pic when I feel more comfortable and less distressed about seeing it. It looks even worse when I talk or eat, and has started to develop a permanent winkle because it fold my skin so much and often.

I have friends who did their chin actually, but non of them had the fold. Their chin still swelled wholly despite stiching in their gum, but can you imagine since day 1 of my surgery, this 3 cm line didn't swelled at all when every other part of my face ballooned. It looked like the famous valley forge on my chin. I can probably hold 10ml of water in it if I laid down on a grass patch and it rains!

And now when I take photo under the sun/light, I have this ugly shadow casted on my chin like someone used a marker and drew a line there.

I used to hope that it's because of the swelling and understand about the waiting for 3 months until I consulted doctors here as I didn't see anyone who went thru chin surgery having this problem, so I suddenly realized that it might not just be a swelling problem.
That's why I went to consult PS doctors here. You know, just to clarify instead of guessing and wondering.

If it's permanent, I want to know. If it's just due to my swelling and is really temporal, I want to know.
I just want to know the FACT instead of people lying to me and trying to cover their own mistakes so that I can know what to do next and get a grip fast instead of prolonged suffering.

For those who don't have this mentolabial fold issue after your chin surgery, trust me, the waiting of 3 months will help because it's really swelling and it will get better. And if you have other issues, better be sure and find out from professionals instead. It's better to feel the pain and distress all in one shot. There are tons of B/A pictures for you to compare what is normal and what is not too.
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No, thats pretty average. Most people plan that far ahead including myself. lol. It's only the right thing to do.

Hopefully going in September if all goes well.

Yea, chin implant. Did it in Bangkok, just silicon, costed about $975AUD (30,000 baht). Tbh, I didn't really research much on chin augmentation, so I just went for it without giving it much thought, I thought it was straight forward, whack it on, walk it off. Wasn't particular about the size or shape. Just stick it in doc, and I'll be on my way. It wasn't until afterwards when I noticed the change wasn't satisfactory that I really started paying attention to chin structure and surgery. But at this point I'm fairly well researched on the matter. Want to get sliding genio soon.

China is a big country man. It's like asking why a certain clinic is based in Atlanta and not Los Angeles, or why a clinic is based in Perth and not Sydney. And we both know just because a clinic is in LA or SYD doesn't mean it's any better than the former. It's a moot question. Dalian is Dr Wang's home city. And from my source, he has has a steady flow of clients and has a very down-to-earth and personalised care for each patient, rather than the factory line vibe I get from the big brand clinics.

Both you guys feel free to PM me. We could have an Aussie pow wow. I am ready to share.
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Ok, sorry I misunderstood you. And I admit I'm still having trouble visualising what you're talking about. I think I do. Maybe if you send a pic I'll know...

Do you mind if I add you on kakao?
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Hi lemmiknox, please feel free to, I've already posted my kakao id earlier.
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Good thing I logged in here before going to bed.

That's a shocking surprise. This makes me want to step back a step or two and really make sure that I'm prepared before I make any decisions. My mom and I walked around Sinsa this afternoon and I found that Grand was just a couple minutes away form Pitangui. I just jot down which clinics to go back to since we really didn't have enough time to actually head for a consultation today. My mom's friends said that Grand is one of the biggest but has a lot of young doctors. I'm wondering to know if Dr. Seo is a director or junior resident.

Be strong, you can get through this. We're all here to support you.....
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Anyway dedicating this song to all you guys, I heard this song when I was in Korea and was touched by the MTV when I listened to it again.

I guess its about cherishing and treasuring what you have now and not wait until you lose it before you learn how important it is to you.

It touched me in a unique way after my surgery. About not just going back to my family with a different appearance outwardly, but also to go back being a better person I guess. Dont forget those who have stood by you when you were uglier.

Better looks with a lousy character don't mean anything.

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I'm glad I saw your post before retiring for the night too.. Thanks your words are really encouraging.. That's what makes this forum so endearing and more than just information. Thank you!

Anyway Dr Seo is the only facial conturing doctor in Grand clinic amongst 30 over doctors. He's about 40 plus I guess so not quite young but I think he is suppose to be a famous doc. How an unlucky person I am for him to be negligent and do a bad stitching on me.

Wherever you go, make sure what are the concerns you want to be addressed. Write it down to make sure. Get a photo so that the doctor knows what you are talking about. Most importantly make sure the doctor address your concern properly and if you don't agree with anything, don't just accept their proposal. reason more about it.

The process is like this -> You will see the consultant first and she will sell to you what to do on your face. After that you will see the doctor, and lastly the consultant again to discuss on the pricing.

So after your consultation with the doctor, ask the consultant to give you 10-15 minutes to think thru what the doctor said and to digest it (especially the methods he is using etc and how he is going to do it) before meeting discussing about the pricing. It's also to allow you to think thru if you have missed out anything which the doc didn't address properly, or if you are unhappy with suggestions that the doctor recommend. Trust me, it can be a lot of things to think thru. Don't be rash about it because it's your face after all.

It's much easier to decide incase you wanna discuss certain things with the doctor again - You are paying lots of money for it so don't feel that you are troubling them too much.

Make sure you consult like 3 clinics and don't be tempted to settle on one before you consult them all!

All the best to you ok and do update us more about it.
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Interesting, Z told me a week ago that she was free in early April (when I planned to go), but then cancelled a few days ago when I confirmed with specific dates so that I could schedule my flight. But now, I wonder if maybe she is looking for patients who would be having more work done than eyelid surgery (if commissions are involved). Plus, she suggested Teium and it wasn't initially on my list until I found a lot of info from this thread.

N indicated she was booked for the entire month as well. I do wish there were more translators that we could call upon. I think I'm less worried about the consults than I am in confirming appointments (and/or surgery) with all of the clinics (IOU, Teium, Bando/Bio, Eye Magic).

I've read most of this thread in the last couple of days, and from what I gathered, April was supposed to be less busy. So thanks for confirming this. I've waited several years to correct my eyes, and now that I have some time to do this, I don't want to wait a minute longer.

I've contacted IOU and Teium via email and am waiting for a reply. I could use some help in getting the right contact for BIO and Eye Magic though. For any Forum members in Korea right now, I'd appreciate any info on contacting these clinics.
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I totally agree. I won't be making a decision until I meet with every clinic and make a decision. I would give it at least a day or two and schedule surgery only and when I have come to a decision.

Also, even the best surgeons can make mistakes, and you should keep this is mind. There is some luck involved in having a good outcome. We can control only so much. That's why in the end, I think it's worth it to be cautious and conservative in our expectations.

With those that feel they have a bad result, hang in there. There are some things that you can tell early on that indicate a suboptimal result (and should definitely contact the doctor about), but know that ultimately even those things will have some improvement and soften over time so I wouldn't rush a revision either, especially with the same doctor. A revision should be thought over as carefully as primary surgery, I think.
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