snowcup Posted March 16, 2013 Share Posted March 16, 2013 Hongkongphooey, meeting up would be great! It would be nice to meet other forumers and provide some support for one another. I contacted Teium and IOU via email to see if I could get a reply to schedule an in-person consultation for a specific date. I tried calling, but the numbers weren't working for some reason. I sent an email with my photo and some notes on my condition to see if the doctor had any specific recommendations for me since my retraction issue may be difficult to correct. Revisions are harder than primary surgery. Are you going to any other eye specialists while you're there? I'm a little curious about Eye Magic, but can't find much info about the doctor. I can't help but feel that there must be some really good doctors there but unfortunately we just can't access them all very well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nyc-angel Posted March 16, 2013 Share Posted March 16, 2013 Day Of Consultation: Went with Nicole to Small FAce clinic for our 10am appointment. Didn't have to wait long. Sale consultant came out in about 15 min to see us. Went to her office and discussed the procedure that I wanted to do. I told her that I was interested in chin reduction (mini V line) Basically told her that I really wanted to reduce my chin as much as possible and make it into more of a narrow V. She said I did have a long face and a chin reduction would really change my face a lot. Then we met with Dr. Lee. He was very nice, even though he spoke no English. But he pretty much explained to me the exact procedure he would do to reduce my chin and how he would make it look as natural as possible. This sounded pretty good to me. I felt comfortable with his explanation of everything. Then we met with the sales consultant right after and she quoted us 5 mil for the procedure. Nicole tried to negotiate lower but the sales consultant wasn't budging from that price. Honestly I figured that 5 mil won was a good enough deal as it was for getting what I wanted to have done ID and other places charge at least 5.5 mil I think. She said I can have surgery as soon as tomorrow. So I thought about it carefully and I decided to go for it. We scheduled surgery the following day which was Wed 3/13 and they took my blood work right on the spot. I only had 4 mil won of cash on me and they were ok with taking what I had on me and paying the rest as soon as I get the chance. The reason why I decided to go with Small Face right away is because I have always liked their results when it comes to zygoma and V line surgeries. I know their style is not for everyone but I personally like their results. I've honestly been interested in Small Face for over 2 years now so they were basically my number 1 choice even though I had appointments set for View and Jewelry. I felt very comfortable there. I liked how the sales consultant wasn't pushy to try and sell me another procedure on top of chin reduction and I really liked Dr. Lee's personality and how detailed he was just made me feel more at ease. I also like that it's a small clinic. I don't think I have to worry about some junior doctor sneaking in during my surgery like in the bigger clinics. So for my own personal reasons I felt it wasn't necessary to go to my other consults. For everyone else, of course I think it's a much better idea to go to as many consultations as you can. I pretty much went with my gut and so far it hasn't failed me yet. Only thing is, you definitely need a translator here! Obviously I wouldn't have booked surgery with them if I didn't have Nicole helping me. So if anyone is interested in Small Face make sure you hire a translatorDay Of Surgery: Arrived at the clinic at 10am with Nicole. We went over some paper work. Signed a form that stated that after 6 months if I wasn't satisfied with my results that I can get revision free of charge. That was comforting to know that they had that kind of policy. Then I went to take X-rays. Met with Dr. Lee again and he went over exactly what he could see in the X-rays. He told me that my main nerve runs kinda low on my chin and that he couldn't reduce my chin a lot. He can only reduce 5 mm. To be honest I was disappointed to hear this because I really wanted at least 1 cm shorter. But he said for safety reasons he couldn't cut close to the nerve so of course I understood. He did say that he can fix the part of my chin that sticks out (my chin unfortunately sticks out kinda like a witches chin) and he said he can totally fix that so it won't stick out anymore and he can definitely make it a lot more narrow but natural. So after he explained everything, I still was a little disappointed that I couldn't go a lot shorter with my chin but at the same time it felt good to know that Dr. Lee was putting my safety first. Then I went to get ready for my surgery. Nurses escorted me to the surgery room. This part was a little scary for me because I never had surgery before and this was the first time I had to go under general anesthesia. Thankfully Nicole was right by my side with the nurses and the GA doctor telling me to just relax. They shoot the GA through IV and I had no idea that it kinda hurt lol. To me it felt like fire was being pumped in the veins of my arm. But in like 5 sec. I was out!Recovery Room: I remember waking up and the nurses screaming my name telling me to wake up! I was so disoriented.. I forgot where I was. But I finally came to. I remember feeling really uncomfortable because my head was wrapped so tight with bandages and my throat was hurting. Helped a lot that Nicole was there when I woke up good to see a familiar face. She said the surgery went well and it took about 2 hrs. I had to try and stay awake. Nurse would come in every hour to check my blood pressure and my breathing. I kept begging her for water and she said no had to wait 6 hours. Honestly that was the longest 6 hours of my life. My throat was so dry this was probably the worst part of the surgery. To try and stay awake and wait for 6 hours for water! I stayed the night in the recovery room and it was really nice because I was the only person in there. There was an older nurse for the night shift that really took excellent care of me. And it was even more wonderful that she knew a little English! She probably speaks the most English out of the whole clinic staff lol But she was really a sweetheart and I'm thankful that she was there for me and looked after me. She gave me water exactly when it was time and she was very patient and sweet every time I had to buzz her for more water and bathroom help. I didn't sleep that great but I was grateful that I finally had the surgery behind meDay 1 Post OP/ Discharged: Nicole came for me in the morning. I still felt really groggy and weak. The nurses gave instructions on the meds I need to take plus plenty of pumpkin juice. They said I have to come back on Sat. 3/16 for the check up. When we left the clinic I just wanted to go back to where I was staying didn't want to eat out or anything. So Nicole helped bring my stuff to my place. I found my studio on Airbnb and it's super convenient its within walking distance of Small Face! It's like a cozy small studio I have my own full bathroom, fridge, cable tv, etc. and there's a full kitchen just down the hall. It's very clean here and it's only 3 blocks from Sinsa station. Plus it's only $35 a night can't beat that! The older couple that I'm renting from have been totally sweethearts! They felt so bad for me when they saw me come back from the clinic wrapped up like a mummy lol They also helped look after me too I'm very grateful to them for their hospitality towards me. Makes this recovery so much easierDay 2 Post OP: I really see the swelling coming in, not really bad but it's pretty obvious. Before my trip to Seoul I took bromelian and arnica one week prior to my trip. I also took sinecch as directed started that the night before surgery. After reading a lot of reviews online I'm hoping that this can help with the swelling and bruising. Obviously I know I'm still gonna swell and bruise no matter what but if this stuff can at least help me 20-30% I would be grateful! I met up with Nicole in the afternoon and she took me to a nice porridge house. I really liked this place a lot it's exactly what I needed. We ordered vegetable with beef porridge and a black bean one I think.. the bean was was ok but the veggie/beef porridge was super yummy! They give huge portions too and had a nice take home bag for the leftovers. After we ate we walked around a bit then came right back to my studio and just restedDay 3 Post OP: Seems like this is the peak of my swelling. I have super chubby cheeks and my bottom lip is so fat lol but honestly it's not as bad as I was expecting it would be. I made sure I been taking my meds like I'm suppose to. Pumpkin juice has been helpful I think and I been using the icepack on my face as well. Went to Small Face for my check up. The nurses took off the huge bandages that were wrapped around my head and just left a few that were on my chin. This was a huge relief that they finally took off the big bandages. After that the sales consultant that we met in the beginning was amazed how great I look for the 3rd day she said she can tell the surgery really went well and my face is cuter and smaller already lol. Later in the day I met up with a couple of forumers Belle147 and Aeree. It was nice going out to dinner but was so difficult to find a place being that me and AeRee can't chew any food still had fun though Day 4 Post OP: Today I got up and the swelling is already going down. I'm really happy that I didn't get even bigger today but smaller lol. Right now I can't tell my results of my chin yet being that I still have bandages over it. But i think I can tell it's definitely smaller than it was before. I really won't know for sure until bandages are completely off and the swelling goes down more. I'm starting to believe that the bromelian and sinecch did help me. The reason why I say that is because I'm the type of person that swells up really easily. Even when I sleep too long my face gets really puffy. I was really expecting that with this surgery I would've been huge like a pumpkin. But to my surprise it really wasn't bad at all. So it's probably a combination of supplements, pumpkin juice, walking a bit, drinking a lot of water, etc that really helped with my recovery. I'm glad I did take the suppliments because I really think it made a difference for me. I don't know if it'll work for anyone else but I believe it helped me. Today I'm basically gonna chill, watch some Kpop music videos maybe a Kdrama and be ready for my next check up which is tomorrow morning Mon. Sorry for the long read. Will try to update more within the next few days Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lemmiknox Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 ahem* Thou shalt not speak of China in a Korea thread! Haha, yeah it was a real pain that people like Arts and I think there was another member who went to Dr Wang but never came back to update. My source tells me the staff at the clinic said there were a few other PF members that had their nose done their so it was more than 2. I don't mind sharing, but since it's not my experience, it's not up to me, you might have to contact him directly. PM me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lemmiknox Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Hey HKP, where did you get your Laterals done? There are a few clinics like BK and Real Cosmetic that boast about how they have a modified technique that prevents recurrence. But I'm not sure how truthful that claim is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lemmiknox Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Thanks for sharing. Get up, walk around, drink plenty of water. Swelling is all about the blood so gotta keep it pumping and oxygenated. After 7-10 days swelling starts to come down, so what you're seeing now is pretty much the worst of it. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kimmmy78 Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Hi all, I plan to be in Seoul from April 6 to 21 and thinking of doing eye and NJ. It's all pretty scary and exciting to me. I tried to contact Zoe but she is not free. Anyone can share Nicole's contact with me? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lemmiknox Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 I think it's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ritchallthetime Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Unfortunately you won't have much luck with Nicole either if other posts by other forumers are to go by, April the least busiest month supposedly and translators are all booked up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Yeah it was really hard to find clinics that actually did (good!) tummy tucks because it is a bit rare in Korea. But after a few weeks of searching (seriously 3 weeks) I found three clinics that specialize in tummy tucks and breast procedures but they are on the expensive side. Probably because they know they are one of the few clinics to do them well. If I can get them to bargain down then I will have it done here. The reason being that I live here (in Korea) so I'd rather get it done here and be close to my doctor just in case something goes wrong. But if I can't get them to go down then I will go back to America and be able to have the support of my family. So I guess there are good and bad points with each decision. This is my top choice: They have done tummy tucks on every type of person: weight loss, pregnancy, old age. And their before and after pics look amazing. But they quoted me by email at 8-9 million won which is up there. For example Grand Plastic surgery quoted me at the same price. It's killing me too because my physical consultation won't be until May when they will let me know what the final price will be. Le sigh! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lemmiknox Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 I'd go to Thailand for body sculpting/liposuction. They're very good and cheap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twinnie Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In some clinics they say that they make a type of surgery that removes a portion of the skin (I think), so that the eye will not close again. Me too am very interested this intervention, then what I've read it could be interesting. But one thing that puzzles me is this: When I contacted Dr. Park, he told me he does not perform this operation because it is unnecessary for the purpose of extending the eye (but instead opens vertically), and that in any case the 'operated eye lashes remain without end. Pretty bad to see! Yet, in all other clinics, they claim to perform this operation! I am perplexed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hongkongphooey Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Do you know the name of the procedure that opens your eye vertically? Yes it is correct after lateral epi you see a big space with no lashes but I didn't mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hongkongphooey Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 I went to ID as I was had 5 procedures and didn't want to go to different clinics for check ups but this time I will so a lot of running around to come! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hongkongphooey Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Yay! Another April traveller. Have you booked your plane tickets yet and want to meet up with the April group? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twinnie Posted March 17, 2013 Share Posted March 17, 2013 Surgery to open your eyes (at least what they suggested to me), serves as the muscle of the eye is too weak and does not open the eye enough that is, when the iris is not visible at 100%. It can be found on the websites of the clinics, what they recommended to me called "ptosis correction". About the lateral canthoplasty, this is what I read on the website of Oz clinic:"Many people misunderstand that lateral canthoplasty can make their eyes elongated horizontally at lateral end because medial epicanthoplasty really make their eyes elongated horizontally at medial end.. But that' not true ! Lateral canthoplasty is not a counterpart of medial epicanthoplasty at lateral end. They are totally different. Lateral canthoplasty moves lateral canthus backward, not laterally. This is only recommendable to whom has narrow and close lateral canthus." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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