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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Taken directly from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

How much currency / money / monetary instruments can I bring into the U.S.?

There is no limit on the amount of money that can be taken out of or brought into the United States. However, if a person or persons traveling together and filing a joint declaration (CBP Form 6059-B) have $10,000 or more in currency or negotiable monetary instruments, they must fill out a "Report of International Transportation of Currency and Monetary Instruments" FinCEN 105 (former CF 4790).
If assistance is required, a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer can help with filling out the form.
Please be aware, if persons/family members traveling together have $10,000 or more, they cannot divide the currency between each other to avoid declaring the currency.
For example, if one person is carrying $5,000 and the other has $6,000, they have a total of $11, 000 in their possession and must report it on a FinCEN 105. If a person or family fails to declare their monetary instruments in amounts of over $10,000, their monetary instrument(s) may be subject to forfeiture and could result to civil and criminal penalties.
The FinCEN 105 can be obtained prior to traveling or when going through CBP.
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Thanks a lot lexethan !!
Well unless we go for VIP clinic, we might not need to carry that amount of money for sure :biggrin:
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Anybody is in Seoul now? I just landed yesterday and don't have anybody to go shopping or dining out together. Anybody interested to try Korean food or go somewhere shopping? Plz buzz me asap! I am staying in Gangnam but I can go anywhere in Seoul. Thanks!
You can either reply this msg or send private msg to me. Looking forward to making some frds here! :smile:
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i think u are mistaken... medan is not a clinic in seoul. ( i will not eleborate on this coz its not relevant to the forum thread), my bad, maybe its a tad confusing since i also included it in my signature....

365mc is specialized in lipo and a few forumers posted positive reviews abt it. you might want to look back using the search button for it.
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Lol all the best for your surgery at VIP. So far by the research, they r the best in rib rhino !!! Anyway, have you decided that you will do your rhino at VIP? Not even wanna consult with other clinics at all?
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Kain thank You very much for help. :smooch:

I am looking for someone who knows Korean language, have some spare time and agree translate for me. I wil pay for that, (like I will have to pay if I hire any Koreans translator in my country). I need to find out opinions about clinics who are doing jaw reduction and zygoma reduction. I need opinions about the result of this surgerys from people who had something done. There are some clinics which I already crosse out from my list so I don`t need to know any new opinions about them. If someone is interested that, please mp me.

Hongkongphooey I hope everything go well for You. :smile:
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Hey AlexisV,
Thank you so much. This is really really helpful, so nice of you :heart:~
And can you please send me the email of that girl who did simulation for you?
This is my email: playontagged@gmail.com
Thks in advance :P
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Good luck and hoping you a successful surgery and fast recovery! Would it be too much if you post pictures of your recovery? Hoping for thebest!
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Hey HKP! Just logged in and saw that you had your surgery?!
Hope everything turned out well! Do keep us posted ok

Oh ya, I loveee your new avatar (not sure if it's new but I just saw it, the cartoon CD thingy)! CREATIVE!
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Hi guys,

For those who are interested in creating an account for use in naver forums, you can do so by following the below steps, with the use of your mobile number. It comes with a xxxx@naver.com email as well.

(If you use chrome browser, basically it auto translate korean TEXTS automatically into english which amkes for easier navigating)

Also, does anyone know of any popular korean and / or chinese PS forums?
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HI, there,thanks for replying. I will probably stay through the time you come by. Lets keep in touch! Will this be your first time in Seoul? If you like spicy food, you will enjoy it here.:biggrin: Where will you stay? I am staying in one hotel in Gangnam,but thinking to move to some guesthouse somewhere else.
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Great tip! Of course we should not choose a clinic without going to a real consultation. That is like paying a clinic without going to a consultation.

Kudos on your blog! I can't wait for more of your updates. Do you have any idea why they are cheaper compared to other clinics?
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