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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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well i don't think there's a problem in trying to look pretty. I mean come on, who doesn't want to be complimented pretty? In my perspective, i think if you want and have the ability to make yourself prettier, why not? I sometimes don't understand why people are so against are so against plastic surgery, especially celebrities. Why do people make such a big fuss about it? I'd rather see plain looking yet talented people than pretty people who cannot act at all.
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You're off a decade with Madmen. The show depicts the late 60s NYC. Are you really saying that the US is 40 years ahead of "Seoul folks from a social point of view" as if in the US the issues of "racism, sexism, lookism, homophobia and narcissism" have been resolved? :rolleyes:

These are the kind of comments that get you into hot water. ;)
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Actually, it's reasonable to bring up related topics when the thread is about plastic surgery in Korea, as long as the detours aren't too off the beaten path, particularly if the posters have been on the forum for a while. That's what keeps things fresh and interesting, and it's like a travel guide that can be helpful if you're new to the country. Moreover, it gives us a sense of the person who is posting, which ultimately helps to deduce credibility.

It's certainly better than when newbies post questions that have been posed countless times without having done any reviewing or searching of the thread beforehand. Or when someone decides to join the board just to ask for someone's photo and can't wait to PM them instead. Some rehashing is inevitable and expected, particularly as some people who've had their surgery lose interest afterwards and new people join the thread. But that also means you're losing a valuable target audience, the people who have the answers you need.
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I was not going to say anything but with so many complaints against you now I feel you have over stepped your mark and your place on this thread. When forumers PM (private message) me which is often I totally respect their privacy not splash it all over the public forum. Respect others privacy instead to trying to constantly seek attention on here and writing negative posts about Koreans not to mention the totally irrelevant posts you write almost daily. Note that this is not just my opinion, many are simply not reading any of your posts at all and simply scrolling past your negative and pointless words. You even mentioned that none of the April group have 'hit you up' think about why this is. Take heed from a seasoned forumer and yes I have over 9 months seniority over you (not that this makes any difference to anyone except you) and over 10 surgeries more which isn't difficult as from what i can gather you have NEVER had any surgery but giving advice, raises suspicion. Finally you are wrong, there is no 'respect for seniority' on here, there are already many silent readers and with you belittling newcomers more people who really want genuine advice may steer clear because of you. Newcomers you are all welcome to voice any question or concern. So get off your high horse, either join in with the subject in hand, stop offending and patronizing members and the Koreans or start a new thread.
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Hi everyone, I am a newcomer to the purseforum and plastic surgery, I just recently wanted to get my nose done, I've been sending emails out to alot of clinics, pitangui's email response is arguably the best, but this price quote on rhinoplasty just shocks me a bit on how low it is, this is what Nicole (international respondent) said to me:

"For your nose, we recommend nasal hump shaving and alar base reduction. The nasal hump will be shaved and a thin slice of silicone will be placed on top of the nose bridge to make the nose bridge straight. Then, the alar base reduction will be performed. Alar base reduction is for big nostrils and a wide nasal bone. The surgeon makes wedge-cuts in the sides of the alar. Then, the surgeon sutures them and makes the nostrils and the nasal bone narrow. The sutures (stitches) will be removed on the 7th day after the surgery.

The approximate price is from 2,500,000 KRW (2300 USD) to 3,000,000 KRW (2800 USD)."

She assured me it's not a typo, can anyone attest to this price and has anyone had or heard of any experience with Dr.Yoo Jae Sung?
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I'm not sure about prices but what you described seem to be minor nose surgery. Perhaps they are that cheap. Please also factor in the clinic you mentioned is currently giving some of the best prices though I'm not too sure about quality. There's a pitangui thread, check it out.
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I've said before that the strength of this forum is in the diversity of the collective feedback, ideas and information out there. That's the biggest draw -- all of the voices out there that provide a glimpse into countless lives as members share their experiences and what they know or think. The steady stream of newcomers is a big and fun part of that. I was a silent reader for a long time and just jumped in the water one day. I'm glad I did.

SeoulforReal has every right to express his opinions. If everyone only said things that we agreed with or already knew, that would be ... boring. I respect his views enough to gently poke at the holes every now and then. It's good clean fun. His posts aren't irrelevant to me, and he has helped people. I hope he continues to join in. "Different strokes for different folks" keeps things lively, and variety is the spice of life. :drinks:
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They seem to be really cheaper than the others. But in my fist mail Nicole quoted 1,000,000KRW for fat grafting and 1,800,000 for nose job. As i was very surprised with those prices, i asked her if it was really for full face grafting and tip and alar reduction. And actually, it was the price for only one area, and only nosetiplasty. The real price was 4,000,000 and 3,800,000Kwr, it's still cheaper, but not that much.

Anyway i liked the personalized advises i had. And for foreign patients, Dr Yoo will perform the surgery himself.
I'm still hesitating between JW and pitangui
Rejected BK (unpersonalized answer and too expensive) and ID (was in my fist choices then i saw this tread my-experience-id-factory-full-report)
Still waiting for IOU, BIO (who cannot answer in english, want to answer me in Chinese, but i cannot write in chinese) , Jewelry, banobagi answers

And i'm looking for more informations about Teuim.
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Anybody know anything about this Pitangui clinic as well as its surgeon Dr Yoo Ja Seong?
Are they reputable? Anyone have any surgical experience with this clinic?
I find their prices pretty reasonable.
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