shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 (Continued... Summary of the first 80 pages, Part 3/4) "for anyone interested in how to heal fast after surgery (particularly jaw surgery), here are some pointers. It seems like a lot, but you'll probably remember most of it by just reading through it once. Healing after Surgery 1. Leave your bed two to three times per day and walk as much as you are able, or as your doctor advises. If you are lying down, make sure you sit for one minute before standing. This is because suddenly standing up from a lying position can make you dizzy and cause you to fall. 2. Lessen your pain with alternating cold and heat, deep breathing techniques and elevating your incision. Less pain means you can move about sooner. 3. Ice packs will be used to help minimize swelling. Constant use for the first 12 -24 hours is most effective. The nurses will assist you with ice packs which should be applied for 20 minutes and removed for 10 minutes. After 36 hours, ice has no beneficial effect. Warm packs to the face after the first 48 hours will help increase blood supply and reduce swelling, speeding the removal of the black, blue, green or yellow discoloration associated with bruising. 4. Use the "head up" position for the first 7-10 days after surgery to help reduce swelling. Expect the peak of your swelling to occur 48 hours after surgery and most should be gone by 7-10 days. In the hospital, the bed should be flexed in the middle to prevent you from sliding to the foot of the bed. At home, propping up your mattress at the head of the bed and under the foot of the bed will help also. Spending a lot of time in a "Lazy Boy" type chair is an excellent alternative. Remember, keeping your head above the level of your heart is what helps reduce and minimize swelling. 5. For the first week, try to avoid instant broth, packaged stuff with a lot of sodium in it, and sports drinks. The salts will encourage water retention which sort of defeats the purpose of trying to reduce swelling fast. 6. When your doctor says it is alright to brush your teeth, a small toothbrush (like a baby toothbrush) will help make oral hygiene less difficult. The importance of cleaning your teeth and mouth cannot be overemphasized. This must be done several times each day to keep the mouth and incision sites clean. This will help the wounds heal quickly without getting an infection. No rinsing of any kind should be done until the day following surgery. The day after surgery you should begin rinsing at least 5-6 times a day especially after eating with a cup of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt. Rinse gently without force. Gently let the solution roll out of your mouth. Do not spit forcefully. REMEMBER: A clean wound heals better and faster. 7. Talk. It is difficult to talk with a bound jaw but not impossible. Sometimes writing things down is easier but the best way to build up the strength in your jaw is to put your muscles to work. 8. Take pictures of your recovery so you can remind yourself that you are healing. Improvement is difficult to witness on a day-to-day basis but, weekly, it is a much more obvious process. Photographs document this and remind you that you are, in fact, improving even though you still feel horribly. It is important to be patient and know exactly what to expect, or your recovery may be very frustrating and upsetting for you. 9. If the corners of your mouth are stretched, they may dry out and crack. Your lips should be kept moist with an ointment such as Vaseline. 10. Always have a wet washcloth on hand. Breathing through your nose is often nearly impossible after jaw surgery. You have to breathe through your mouth and your lips and they will dry out along with your throat. A wet washcloth is the best remedy for breathing. Place the moistened washcloth over your mouth as you breathe and your throat and mouth will become less irritated from the dry air coming in. 11. Following jaw surgery there is frequently some numbness in the upper or lower lip, or both. When this is combined with facial swelling and soreness due to incisions inside the mouth, a task as basic as drinking may present difficulties. There are several tips which may help you: a) You should be drinking a fair amount of fluid after jaw surgery. Daily amounts should be between 2 -3 liters. Fruit juices are an excellent source of fluid, especially apple juice, and prune juice for normal bowel movement. This is a major goal after surgery. The most frequent cause for a delay in healing is a lack of adequate fluid intake. Always have some fluids in front of you and drink frequently to consume 2-3 liters in 24 hours. b) Attempt to drink from a cup if possible. While some fluids may be spilled when drinking in this manner, this is still the most effective way of taking fluids. Place a small towel under your chin if necessary and place a small amount of fluid in your cup. Tip your head back slightly while pouring in the fluid slowly, a little at a time. Close the lips together and swallow. If you have difficulty with this, then try doing it in front of the bathroom mirror over the sink. You will find this gets easier the more times you drink. Or, if you can, drink from a sippy cup. Sippy cups dont spill when turned upside down and they are easy to use. c) Someone earlier said to drink from big straws, but you should NOT drink from a straw at all. The sucking motion can cause more bleeding by dislodging the blood clot. REMEMBER: TAKING ADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF FLUIDS IS ESSENTIAL FOLLOWING SURGERY 12) Watch feel good movies and shows, but if you've had jaw surgery, make sure it won't make you laugh. 13) Listen to music. Music reduces stress, aids in relaxation and may make your body produce endorphins, or the "feel good" body chemicals. 14) Q-tips dipped in saline are great for cleaning out the gunk in your nose. Gross I know, but they do work. Saline nasal spray can also help with the congestion." ---------- MiaAnn agreed NO SUCKING after jaw surgery: "Straw???!! Hell no!!! I remember I got greedy one of the days and ate a cinnamon waffle. Becuase it was so sugary, I tried sucking (just like how you would to a straw) my fingers because I didnt have any napkins. and boy, was that PAINFUL! And it was a SHARP pain. I think I may have either torn some muscles or something because of that.. and till today, that part still hurts. OUCH! " (Continued in the next post...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 (Continued... Summary of the first 80 pages, Part 4/4) ------------------- Warning about dr Jung (Hyeong), unauthorized rib cartilage graft and a lot of quackish dodging and blackmail: ----------------------- "For jung, i have heard multiple bad reviews about it so pls be careful and selective, someone mentioned in forum before that he isnt actually a 'doctor' (idk whats the other term call) . Foreign doctors from other country just need to pay him money for him to release certificate and some little 'operation demo' . Kind of show how he's really not putting patient wellness as priority -3- ! " --Reply: "From what I've heard, he is a doctor alright, but an ENT doctor, not a surgeon or even plastic surgeon. " --------------------- plastic_korea paid 4.2mil @BK for: 1) nasal bone narrowing 2) tiplasty (no implant) and 3) short nose extension w/ cartilage -------------------- ----------on cartilage in rhino...-------------- "artilage graft rhinoplasty is the the safest and most permanent method with the lowest risk of complications and infection. Usually cartilage grafts are either obtained from the septum (parting wall between right and left side of nose) to create or reshape the tip/lengthening the nose. Another option is obtaining it from the ears (usually to reshape nose tip as well). In the case whereby there is not enough cartilage, for example to create a nose bridge on a flat nose, cartilage from septum/ears is not enough thus surgeons will suggest to harvest the rib cartilage for your nose structure. If a strong piece of cartilage is needed, either rib (I heard it makes the nose rock hard ) or septum cartilage are the best but if a softer cartilage is needed, then ear is the best source. " -------------- ---------on silicone and goretex..------ If you choose to have artificial implants for the nose bridge, I feel in general, gortex is a better option than silicone although silicone produces a nicer shape. Doctors usually recommend silicone as it's the most "convenient" material. But as far as I know, silicone has a higher chance of warping (change in shape) in the long run. --------------- --------on nosy friends...--- "My face is getting more normal by the week I think..But for people who knew me, they can definitely tell I look different.. I tell people I had botox to make my face smaller and fillers for my nose. Then they go.. ahhh you look so much better! I think even if I denied it, no one will believe me.. so might as well admit a little.. My face is more defined than before, but I am less cute, I am told. So I guess, you win some, you lose some, right? For my face not moving naturally when I talk, I tell people I had wisdom teeth extracted (haha most convenient white lie) I did have all my impacted wisdoms out a year ago (under GA, in hospital), and my face blew up liker a puffer fish, just like post surgeries took about 3 weeks to go back to normal." -------------------------------- ----wisdom about other people's opinions...------ "In the end, it's your body. If people (even the ones close to you) do not respect your decision, its their problem and it shouldn't be yours. I think your parents might be upset at first, but once they see how happy you are post PS and good results, they will learn to deal with it. They are family, they love you. " (I totally agree! Luckily the people close to me are incredibly supportive! ^^) --------------- ------list of most sued PS clinics in Korea----- (link not working... address was shortened, where is real address?) ------------ ----nonsense about silicone being best for implants...-- Reply: "I disagree here, I have looked through Kain's research before (see his past forum posts in previous closed forum), he provide many insightful sources on how silicone is quite bad. Is very prone to infections and high risk of revision , many surgeon prefer it cuz its easier , its shaped in general standard size. Goretex and Cartilage are augmentated according to your nose and what you like, thus better fit. Well, then again it depends on your nose. If you have a very thick skins on your nose, your implant can be secured more easily. I have a very thick skin on my nose, I did it last year, it improve my whole profile so much. Glad I did it, having said that, I know nothing last forever. Well, no pain no gain, yess ! " --------------------------- itsumobaby mentions how her eyes were ruined and acculift and mini-v botched by ID looks older because too much fat removed from cheeks ----------------- --------FORGET WASTING YOUR MONEY ON HOTELS!--------- " If you're interested in a free place to stay (at least for consultations so you don't feel rushed), or just want to make friend(s) during your stay in Korea, I highly recommend Googling "couch surfing." I won't provide the link because I don't want to be seen as promoting the site, and I do think think there are other available hospitality exchange sites you'll find helpful. My friend just happened to use this one. She made sure to contact a verified member with a lot of positive vouches. If you aren't interested in staying at a place with others, then this website might help ( It's less popular, but it allows you to actually rent rooms/apartments/houses for yourself. For example, if you're staying in Korea for 7 or more days, a person in Seoul is on vacation and renting out their apartment. It houses one person, but can fit two if you want. The price is only 17 dollars a night, which is even more of a steal if you split it with another person! ( " ---------------- "Does having a plastic surgery in Australia expensive?" --Reply: "Yep super expensive and if you ask me, the end result is just so-so. not that the dr's here are bad, I just don't think they have much experience with asian i think sometimes nose looks unnatural and don't even get me started on the áfter' pics for eyes. So it didn't take me long to decide to go overseas " ------------- 3 skin clinics posted: Hus-hu clinic Reply: "Think his-hu clinic won award for best foreign care clinic. But I saw somebody Posted saying they have good english staff only but treatment s lousy. The other 2 Think they don speak English." --------------- Bella147: "Yeah too many mixed reviews for bk & id - I'm staying away tbh...although I'm sure they also do good work as well, depends on dr u get" ----------- Question to marir: "hi u r back! can u share which clinic ur fren went for her two jaw surgery?" --Reply: "For her double jaw, she went to View. But I have to warn you that she got most of her research from the reviews I combined from a Korean cafe site, which wasn't even that extensive because I got too busy to continue. Which is why I felt bad when she called me from Korea to let me know she picked View, because I had never read any reviews about it on PF, and I was worried she'd be unhappy with her surgery because of my research. But I'm glad/relieved that wasn't the case lol. That being said, she does look amazing afterward, but honestly speaking, I don't know if her transformation is that common from View, since I haven't read any other reviews other than the ones from Korean cafes. Sorry!" -------------- ------Dream&Dream don't confuse!----- 드림 클리닉, or Dream Clinic (Changed name to Before&After). Dream Plastic Surgery is 드림 성형 외과, which is an entirely different place. (Note: don't confuse b&a with Before&After either... haha) --------------- -----Page 77 Detailed account on consultations at Dream, Regen, Teuim, Oz-------# Post #1142 -------------- ----money exchange----- "I exchanged it at Nong de-moon shi jang... which is like an outdoor market at a currency exchange stand. she gave me 1 CDN = 1070 KRW which was pretty good considering the Korean currency is continuously dropping. The airport and banks weren't as good with rates." ------------ ------marir's cafe research----- or: (Jaw dropping results from NJH Plastic Surgery, great transformation Girin=amazingamazingamazing ^_^ superbesteveramazing33 :> x 10000000 View looking great... ) marir3 thank you so much... -------------Above=all til page 78. Everything important should be included! To be continued...-------------- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 (Pages 78-80...) -------------------------------------- "Haha yeah, them ulzzangs don't look as striking as models. Personally, I think Jessica Stam for eg, is quite stunning. She looks like a doll! Yes, us Asians will never look that different from each other, so I guess all you can hope for is good results that complements your features. " (I looked up Jessica Stam. She's stunning? I guess beauty ideals really ARE very personal... ^^ ) "It is a good thing to know that locals go there, but since locals don't have the luxury of being able to name the clinic or doctor that messes up their surgeries to the public like we can, there's always that extra step of caution we have to take with clinics foreigners haven't reviewed yet. " -------------- kimjoo wrote: "It's been 3 days since I had my two-jaw surgery at Grand! Before surgery, I had a final meeting with Dr. Kang about my surgery. He said I might not need genioplasty and will make a decision during surgery whether or not to go ahead with it. I said that was fine, and he confirmed that if I still want genioplasty in the future, I can come back to Grand. I remember being put to sleep so quick in the operation room! When I woke up, I was so cold and my throat was so dry. When I was fully awake, I was taken to my room, where I stayed for 2 nights. Dr. Kang came to check up on me everyday at multiple times. I was so grateful whenever I saw him. I had a lot of things attached to my body. 1. A urinary catheter (taken out on same day as surgery), 2. breathing tube that went through my nose and down my throat (taken out morning after surgery), 3. IV (taken out on discharge day), and 4. blood draining tubes (taken out on discharge day). I was nervous about the removal of the blood draining tubes, but since they were inside my mouth, I felt more discomfort than pain. Actually, I barely had much pain post-surgery - it was more discomfort. I think I asked for painkillers only 3 times... and the nurses were surprised at how quiet I was. I did not feel nauseous or light-headed the whole time I was in the hospital. Now I know why people advise against having nose and facial contouring at the same time. Breathing will be so difficult! Anyway, I'm happy that I went through with the surgery. I cannot wait for swelling to go down so that I can see my final result!" ------------------- -------------------- itsumo continues about her failed surgeries @ ID: "look at my email that ID sent me back in response to my surgery, and in my defence i only called her 3 times in total because she is deliberately not replying my emails and my kokao messages that she read, she even blocked me on kokao" ---quoting the message: "hey~ i don't wokr everyday... and all day... if I can't email you... please wait... and when i check your e-mail... i'll reply... but you told me alwasy... reply right now... i can't... okay? please don't call me... the number is my personal phone... last weekend my brother's wedding... so I was busy.. i can't reply please wait... I will try to email you ASAP sunday is closed... but you call me alllllllllll day. i understand... you're worry about your face. but we promise... Dr. Park will treat you. please don't disturb ... i have privacy. i'm not your personal secretary... i try to resolve it... i know you... that you have asymmetry... Dr. Park promise... we'll give you flying ticket... but we can't give you accommodation. thanks (sent from --------------------------- "Wellllll.. first of all many thanks to Marir.. ...just done looking thru your 156 pages... all look amazing.. Woojin & View have few times pop-up in the list. and many other ps clinic, 1) Ruby PS 2) NJH PS 3) Girin PS 4) Befor PS 5) Namu PS 6) YK PS 7) JK Shin PS 8) Cocoline PS 9) Top Class PS 10) Gangnam PS 11) San-Bum PS None of the above have english website except YK PS... are these clinic located in Seoul (Apgujeong area)? Anyone heard any of experience of these clinic ?" ------------------- -------about looking different&hiding it...---------- " I dont think I look "worse", I just look different! I think I wasn't that prepared to be this different. I think the eyes did it all.. especially the swelling will take a while to go away. To make matters worse, i did not tell anyone that I was having the surgery, so the thought of facing the real world scares me now. " "...The eyes just makes such a dramatic change to your face..." "To those of you that wants a "better version of me" and not a transformation, I would suggest to keep to the conventional methods first if you could. i.e. better make up skills, more big eye contacts, lose weight via working out, etc. Having P-S if you need to - perhaps consider other more subtle surgeries. i think a nose job or chin/ mini V enhances your look without changing your loooks too much." --Reply from egg_tartlet: "I did just the nose and mini V, and I equally look as different, can't get away with I lost weight. I tell people I had fillers in my nose and botoxed my face to make it smaller. I would recommend non prescription glasses (frames only) They did wonders for me for the first few weeks, it takes away a lot of the weirdness." ---------------- -------------Above=all til page 80. Everything important should be included! To be continued...-------------- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 I shouldn't even be up at this time... haha... I'm just so excited and happy so i did some more work on this.... ---------------------------------------------------- (Summary of the pages 80-106... Part 1/6) ---------------------------------------- "I remember seeing a case like yours on a different plastic surgery forum, where the girl kept emailing ID about a revision because they made her face look 'handicapped'... but nobody responded back to her emails or her calls, so she had to fly to Korea again, only to be told by Mr. Park that he couldn't fix her problem, and that she shouldn't have gone to him in the first place (which wasn't what he said pre-surgery). All I could think was couldn't they have just replied to her email or phone call, and told her that, so she wouldn't have to waste money on a plane ticket?" -------------------- "Could anyone advice me the different between open rhino and close rhino?" --Reply:"From what I understand, open rhino is where the doc cut the centre bottom part of the nose, lift it up to insert the implants and the cartilage to refine the tips whereas close rhino is where the doc cuts inside of the nose to do the insertion and refinement. Open rhino is preferred as the doc can see much better compared to close rhino tho." ---------- ". I have been corresponding with JW and the consultant sounded nice. It seems like it is one of the clinics who can achieve what I want when i tell them my problems. So far, I have checked on soompi and Purseforum and no bad reviews except I vaguely remembered someone mentioned that a lady had to do nose revision as there is a bump on her nose aft surgery. I guess I won't kw if I will choose JW until I go for the consultation. 3 other clinics I am contemplating are TLPS, Chungdam U and B&A clinic as I love their b/a pics. Initially, I considered ID, Regen and Teuim. But I had 2 bad dreams abt ID and I remembered in my dreams, someone told me not to go there. Hence I rather follow my instinct, although not to say that ID is not good. Regen insisted on using foreign implant for my nose altho I emailed the consultant a few times asking for alternatives. Final solution she gave me was to go for filler and I'm like thinking, "why do I want to go for temporary fix if I am going to Korea for PS?!" Lastly, I heard that Dr Kwon has left Teuim. Hence no point going to he is not wrkg there, as I wanted him to fix my eyes." ---Reply: "May I ask where did u hear from regarding Dr Kwon left teium? Oh no.... Bad news for me... " --Reply:"I heard from another forumer as we have been exchanging emails and will be meeting up in Korea for moral support after our PS. She heard from someone else though but I am not sure who. I dropped her an email earlier today to ask if she heard from the consultant or another forumer tho. So I am also not 100% sure but if Dr Kwon has really left Teuim, then I won't be going there for consultation hence I took out from my list."" --------Reply: "So Dr. Kwon is just out of town? he didnt leave Teuim? The response I got back from another doc told he is no longer there. I have it wrong? Here is what the other doc wrote to me: [Hello~ I'm Dr. Cha, another doctor in the Teuim plastic surgical clinic. Dr. Kwon would visit to USA for medical seminar and holiday. So, I am replying about your question during Dr. Kwon\'s abscence(2012.11.24~2012.12.2). Dec, Jan and Feb are the busiest season (especially from the middle ten days of Dec to the first ten days of the next new year) If you want to reserve your schedule, you need to be confirmed earlier. I'm sorry to tell you that Dr. Kim has leaved the Teuim clinic and you can't get any surgery from him. But, it doesn't matter to get any surgery you want at the abscence of Dr. Kim. "] ----------------Reply: "based on the response that you have, Dr Cha mentioned that Dr KIM left Teium and not Dr KWON right? He only mentioned that Dr Kwon will be going to US for a medical seminar." -----------------Reply: "I guess Dr Kwon is around still.. I read from somewhere he left Migo years ago and set up his own clinic "Teium". Unless he closes down Teium otherwise he cannot just leave like that" ------------------------------- -------------------------- --------------- " How much JW quotes you?" "JW quoted me 4 million won for nose as I wanted to correct my hump, refine my tip and reduce alar. 2.5-3 million won for my eyes. " ------------ ---------ON "TRANSLATORS"------------- -----------About Zoe... Cautionary story?------------- "Just to share with all my experience with Zoe. I decided to tell her my 3 choices of clinics for consultation more than one month in advance as I thought it is good to give her ample time to make appts for me. Last week, when I mentioned to her if it is possible to change one clinic to another, while we keep the rest of the 2 clinics the same, she threw me a bomb saying that she can't help me do translation anymore as I wanted to change one clinic and she said she had this client and based on what the client went thru, it made her think a lot and that plastic surgery is much more difficult than I imagine and ask me to think carefully which clinics I want to go and she said she can't help me anymore. The same thing happened to my friend as well when she wanted to take ID out of her list. I was taken by surprise as we didn't give her any last min changes but I guess Zoe must be too busy with a lot of clients now." -----Reply: "Just read this after I received a reply from Zoe regarding changing up my clinics. *Whew* I would've been worried to death if it had been the other way, but she was surprisingly okay with it. I did mention that the reason why I wanted to change ID was because of the increasing amount of negative reviews mentioned on multiple forums, but understood if it was too late for the change. She replied back saying she will change it for me and actually do recommend Regen for they specialize in the surgeries I want done." (Makes you think... Be careful with these "translators"!!) ...Continued: "Regarding Teiums, I am so sad to hear that Dr. Kwon may have left the clinic! That is one of the clinics I have made an appointment with and I was solely going there to meet Dr. Kwon. Well, I can't risk losing Zoe over attempting to change yet another clinic, so I will stick with the plan and go check it out. " -----Reply: "i think the reason why she was reluctant to let you change the clinic because she have already discussed her commissions with all the clinics. you dont need her permission to change clinic, you can just email all the clinics yourself. i think its better this way. =)" ----Reply: "This was exactly what me and my friend, another forumer thot too. Initially, we had decided on some clinics which she often brings foreigners to. But when my friend wanted to change to another clinic which is not under her "recommended" list, she dropped her first, even thought it was like 3-4 weeks in advance notice." ---------------------- ------------------------ (PLEASE LISTEN... if you choose your clinics but what your "TRANSLATOR" is okay with you will most likely end up with BOTCHED SURGERIES... Please please please try to think about this with reason... not all clinics are good and your translator should not affect your decision... and these "translators" don't translate without getting their cut from the surgeries, try to only have them translate your shopping spree or whatever else and you'll find out... Please take care of yourselves and don't be manipulated ) -------------------- "Maybe she is being more open/lenient since there are other translators out there who may be taking some of her work load off. Or maybe she wasn't really familiar with the clinics you ended up choosing?.. Not sure what the deal was, but hope she doesn't flake on me." ---------------------- -----The other side of the coin:------- "I think the purpose of translators is not only translating. She was there with me the whole way. The fact that when I was wheeled out of the operating room, and she was there to pat me and tell me everything is ok, is worth double what I paid already. When I was not fully woken from the GA, she was there to help me and change my ice pack, and stayed a few hours with me until a translating nurse came to work the night shift. She helped my buy food when I was feeling down, she went with me to every single checkup post op, which was 7 times in 7 days. She comforted me when I was going through the "OMG what have I done, will I look like this forever phase." during the swelling time. She was there for me when I needed a shoulder and someone to talk to during my mental and physical up and downs before and after surgery. Most of all, she was being a friend, someone I relied heavily upon on when I was alone in Korea. To be honest, I think the best thing that I did was hiring her. I think I would have gone crazy if I was going through this alone. Yes there was a translator at Regen, where I had my surgeries, but she was very mechanical and she didn't care about me at all. She won't even remember me the next day. She also didn't translate everything. I don't know about commission or no commission, I don't really about that, but if you do enough homework, you can decide which clinic, which Doctor you want, but for the price we pay translators. I think it's worth every penny." - (yes they do a lot... do they deserve to get paid for what they do? of course... Should it be a secret HOW MUCH they get paid? Is the "hush hush commission" really the best way? That's for you to decide...) --------------- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 (Summary of the pages 80-106... Part 2/6) --------- "Not sure if this contributes to anything, but just sharing my experience with a translator I tried to contact. I told her that I didn't really need translation since I'm planning to go Grand and ID (and maybe somewhere else, haven't decide), and these places have English consultant which I have already communicated via emails, so I only need someone to be there with me on the surgery day itself after I have decided which clinic to go to, in case I have some last minute technical questions that I need translations and also as an emotional support. Most importantly, to me, after care is as important as surgery. So it would be nice to have someone as a form of support esp when I do not know where is the place I could find meals (obviously, I don't know Korean to tell some of the stores that might not know English I want congee/soft food and take-aways), but I was given a not-so-pleasant reply that it is not her duty to help me with buying food/ meals even when I'm swollen (I actually need a translator to help me tell the waiter..oh well). She can tell me where, but I can get them myself. She can pass me some shopping guides, and I can shop myself. But if she feels like shopping and have the time, she could join me. Maybe I'm asking for too much, but I thought this reply sounds totally opposite from some of the good raves I've been reading. And oh, she told me she's increasing her charges by at least 50usd more next yr. Just my two cents worth. " -(above you see they're really not translators... if you go to an English speaking clinic you DON'T NEED A TRANSLATOR!)---- ----(if you get a translator get a GOVERNMENT TRANSLATOR Or hire someone local that has never even heard of PS clinics!!)-- -----(Haha i know i know... you know what I mean!)--- ---------------Reply: "Before i came to korea, i asked Z the same thing that i needed these things, and she just replied me that shes not a caretaker and that i should hire nurse or somewhere else if i needed those kind of service." ---(YES, REALLY, HIRE A NURSE! A CARETAKER... will end up costing you a lot less in the end! ----------------------------- -(Another POV for balance... Translators aren't SUPPOSED to take care of you, do translators in your country? Then what makes you think they'd do in Korea... Remember that as well ^^ You can't EXPECT these service from someone who is JUST a translator!) --------------more...--------------- "example, girl A without zoe paid 5k usd(after zoe helped her to neg for discount) girl B without zoe paid 4k usd, same clinic, same procedure. " (haha yes... how they HELP you "negotiate" a "Discount"! Don't be fooled!) -------------------------------- "She also mentioned thaat a lot of big hospitals change doctors to operate on you while you are out." (Yes, be very very VERY careful with big clinics...) "the translator also said that there IS NO WAY we are EVER gonna find out if our doctor has been swapped.... because the translator cannot accompany us throughout the operation, once up till we are asleep. once the operation starts, the translator need to be outside. This is when the doctor has a private lift for them to escape... " ----Reply: "make sure choose the clinic with no lift inside ... just joking" -(that's a good idea... haha)- -----Reply: "choose a doctor with no legs or suffer from lift phobia " (hahahahahah!) --------Reply: "omg.... thanks for sharing the info! It makes me wonder hw to choose the rite clinic now, especially if the actual doc escapes from the lift... very scary indeed!! Is it possible to help me check with her regarding her opinions on TLPS and Chungdam U? I can't email TLPS cos no one has the email address, Chungdam U nv reply me. Thanks!! " ---------------------- fantasyface: "She (it's a mandarin to korean translator, I'll add name if i find out) is actually the only translator that advise against plastic surgery and kept asking me to reconsider and whether it is necessary to do the procedures. i like her for her honesty. I contacted another translator supposedly in a big translation company, she told me she will ensure that the doctor stay the same throughout the operation. I asked her "aren't you afraid of the blood and gore?" she replied that she is used to it. After talking to several others, i realize there is NO WAY the translator could be there to witness the she is obviously lying" "Been receiving a lot of pm so i think i will say the clinic name that three translators discouraged me from going... the clinic is Grand. " "She also mentioned that it is commonly known among the plastic surgery circle that ID is famous for switching surgeons during operation as Dr park is not available to operate on all the patients." "She also mentioned that few months ago , a person became paralyzed after going for two jaw surgery." "She mentioned that i shouldn't worry about whether the doctors will change during the surgery, she said it doesn't matter as long as the result is good. She also said that for facial contouring its better to do it at big clinics as they have their own in house anesthesiologist. The biggest concern about this type of surgery is not waking up or ending up with imbalance profile. As this is a bone surgery ,it's irreversible unlike eyes and nose. She told me that as long as you are going for any facial contouring rest assured the result will be obvious, the main concern is the safety of the operation..." (I totally agree, asymmetry in bones is horrible and hard to correct so it's pretty much a permanent flaw in your face. I agree that safety is the most important thing!! Bad anesthesia=you won't wake up to see your new face... Even if it's pretty. Big clinics are NOT The only places with good anesthesia though. Many almost-big, middle-sized etc clinics have good anesthesia. There are even small clinics with good anesthesiologists BUT those are a lot harder to find... Small clinics are also risky, DO YOUR RESEARCH!!) ----------------------------------------------------------- -----(Shows how stupid they think you are... don't let them be right!!)------------ "the translators i have are all mandarin translators... i find english translators market to be too small and not enough competition.... chinese translators seem to have more clinic names to give out." (Chinese translators are not always any better... they recommend jewelry despite so so so many botched surgeries on Chinese patients...) Bella147: "Bottom line is I wouldn't trust a clinic's translator...I mean they only work for the clinic lol I know Z will get commission, but at the end of the day she gets it no matter which clinic u pick (as long as it's on her 'list') so at least she's more independant than a clinic translator" ----Reply (egg_tartlet): "You are absolutely right! When I consulted with Banobagi, the clinic consultant/translator, which happened to be the same person. Kept telling me what was wrong with my face. I think if you are not 1000000% sure the surgeries you want and you don't want (which is a lot of us) When consulting alone, it's very easy to get coaxed into more surgeries. You expect them to know better, so you do rely on their advice. And may end up with more surgeries than you'd like. Banobagi's consultant who happened to speak Chinese was trying to talk me into Two Jaw which meant I would need dental treatment for 2 years AND part with 4 of my perfectly healthy teeth (12mi). I had all my problems solved with mini v line (6mil) Banobagi gave me two options.. mini v line, which they stressed was "camouflage", and two-jaw would have been perfect. Had I gone with Banobagi, I felt like I MUST do two jaw if you know what I mean... " ------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- "I am not sure about that but I think Chung DamU's after picture is 30% real and 70% photoshop There is a show about the ulzzangs girls and boys that had gone through plastic surgery of Chung DamU clinic.. In real life (i mean in the show) they don't look that good... I think they may be good at eye and nose job but I don't recommend you to do facial contour there.." ---------------About TL PS----------- "For those who didn't know. TLPS was originally The Line clinic, located near SM town building. Recently, the clinic has moved and splited to 2 new clinics, maybe in the summer because when I last went there was in April. One is TLPS, at the same building and you could get there only by cab or bus, no tube station near by. The other is The Line ps, at sinsa station exit 8 (next to 365mc). The surgeons, half stay half move. What im trying to say is, if TLPS has just been established since April, I dont believe there are that many successful cases like what they say in korean cafes, maybe just some adv tactics of theirs? Otherwise, if what ppl said in korean cafes are true, then you should check out TheLine ps as well. " -------Reply: "I didn't know that, so thanks for sharing. I was really interested in TLPS before, because one of my favorite B&A's was from their clinic. The girl looked very natural and beautiful afterward, so I messaged her over Naver, and she gave me the details of her surgery. When I posted it on the previous thread, a Korean purse forumer (kkim120) told me TLPS had good reviews from locals, and that she was planning on checking it out in Korea, but didn't have the time. I also looked into TL's amount of consultation requests per day, and they get more inquiries than The Line and some of the bigger clinics, like Grand.. so that seemed in line with what kkim120 said. Now, I haven't actually seen many Korean 'say' that TLPS has a lot successful cases, as I've only run into two people on Naver who have gone to TLPS." ------------------------------ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 (Summary of the pages 80-106... Part 3/6) ------ ------------BA painful?-------- "BA? The day after my BA, I tried to get up and darn, those things hurt biggggg time. I was very surprised. For the next couple days, I had to slide to the edge of the bed and slowly got up from there while hugging those babes in my arms. I learnt this way, I had minimal pain. " ----"I had silicone back in 2004 done in Central America. I went from A to a little C, but I didn't know I'd have stretch marks from the procedure. So keep this in mind if you want to get BA. The bigger you go, the more stretch marks you'll have. For the next couple months, I experienced sharp pains from time to time (they said it was a sign of your nerves healing)....and they didn't even cut my implants are on top of muscles, not under the muscles. If I had gone under the muscles, they would have hurt more." ---------------------- -------------- "Hi MiaAnn, I think I found t... You went to ID... " --Reply: "Yes I did = the surgeon that did my eyes is Dr. Kim Junesung. very important to have the right surgeon, not only the hospital. Some surgeons are more skilled in one area than the other. " -----Reply: "AGREED! go for surgeon not the website, flashy marketing and the B&A pics only. i would be asking for examples of their work at consult time...and not just the ones on their site, which u would think would be their 'best' work" -------------- odnok:"Hey egg. Where did you go for your surgery? " ---Reply: I had it done at Regen. ----------------------------- --------on side effects and research and other stuff...--------- "Hello pppmmm, The doctors in Korea do not really explain to you the side effects of anything (unlike in the US). In Korea, typically you just tell them the type of surgery you want and how you want to look like. That's what my experience has been - so I would urge you to do A LOT of research before you decide on them. Like you, i have extremely straight natural teeth too. I did mini-V line. I dont think my teeth was deviated (or at least not yet ... I am at 3.5 weeks post surgery now). However, I have noticed that when I sleep, i can't seem to close my mouth shut. I also noticed that my bite is slightly different than before. I dont know what changed, but I feel its slightly different. The sleepign with mouth a little open is kind of annoying, but its been getting a little better. So hopefully with time I can sleep with my mouth close again. For teeth, becuase you can't brush your teeth for 1 week and no tooth paste for 2 weeks, your teeth will naturally turn more yellow after 2 weeks. But after you go back to brushing normally, I think its fine. " "oh my toothpaste for two weeks....salt water can also not be used right?and yes i noticed when i had consultation via email...Id n grand jus said sliding genioplasty has nothing to do with my teeths....but i read so many negative post about this.." --------------------------------------------- "Yeah, we're really lucky we don't have to worry about those sort of things. Koreans aren't able to post negative reviews in public places, such as cafe threads, so you'll often see posts that are suspiciously very positive. When I brought up this concern with my Korean friend, though, he said that there are over 50,000 picture reviews from the cafe I was browsing, and each was linked with the individual's ssn.. so I didn't have to worry about clinics making fake accounts to up their popularity." ------------------------- "So that's why you have to actually make the effort of private messaging each and every single person with your surgery inquiries. That's when they'll send you stories of their experiences, hardships, quotes, raves, complaints, etc., and you realize that they're just people like us, trying to help by sharing their experiences. " ----------READ ABOVE and understand it!!-------------- --------------------- "Yes - that's why I posted my "after" pics and I was SOOOO unprepared for this much of swelling! I did A LOT of research previously and I guess I was blind-sided by the "after" pics in the P-S website. " "But noooo! I really wanted this surgery cuz I'm tired of wearing circle lenses. My eyes went from 20/20 to blurred vision. I'm just gonna have to head to MAC n tell them to teach me how to pack on them dark eye shadows to make the swelling less noticable." (can circle lenses make you lose your eyesight?? Never heard of this...) ------------------- "I've met with Dr. Kim in Shanghai. We had a really great consultation. He informed me of all the risks. I really do trust him as a surgeon! He's been personally in contact with me throughout this process, and has answered all my questions to my satisfaction! " ------------------ B&A pictures from Face Line:# post #1230 "When I first saw that first picture, I about dropped my jaw lol. Her doctor did an amazing job." (I agree... that is some AMAZING FIRST CLASS WORK, truly inspiring! Life saving!) ------------------- "Hi! I consulted with FaceLine back in September. My experience was not so great there because they consulted without doing any type of xray or CT scan. I thought that was pretty lousy. There were a handful of locals there in the waiting room, if that means anything. " -------------------- "I don't really know much about Face Line or JW, but Small Face is really popular among locals. I know this, because it's one of the first clinics my Korean friend noted when I asked him if he knew any popular clinics in Korea. Before, I was pretty confident I would go there, but then I realized they only really do jaw shaving. I would need double jaw or sliding genioplasty for my profile. " ---------- ----------------------- "They didn't do x-ray or CT scan? That's crazy. Do you know if it's because they don't have those instruments, or they just don't do it during consultations? Either way, I don't think it's possible to do a consultation without an x-ray. I was planning on consulting with them, because I really liked their website, but your experience has definitely raised a red flag." ---Reply: "I'm sure they have the equipment... but I was put into consultation without anything, which I thought was totally weird. Maybe it was just my experience, but consulting without even an x-ray seemed a little sketchy... and that`s why I chose a different clinic." -------------Reply: "He basically just looked at my face and touched my jaw, chin, and cheeks. He had things like popsicle stick for me to bite on to see asymmetry... " -------------------------------------- "It's made me realize that I really shouldn't judge clinics based on their websites. Take Before & After Clinic (formerly Dream Clinic), for example. The website design isn't nearly as professional looking as it's counterparts, yet the image consultant there is apparently really popular in Korea, and has worked with some of the most popular celebrities. EDIT: Someone sent me a couple of questions in a message, so in case anyone else is interested, the image consultant's name is Han Gyu Ri. She's a really popular (if not the most popular) celebrity image consultant in Korea. She's responsible for the images of celebrities, such as SNSD, Big Bang, 2NE1, F(x) Krystal and Sulli, Suju, Gong Hyo Jin, Gong Yoo, Wonder Girls, No Min Woo, etc. She also wrote a popular book on how to become celebrity like even if you don't have the genes." ----------------- "I don't think she has a salon, but she does work as the image consultant for Before & After Clinic ( And by "image consultant", I mean someone who either deals with the physical appearances of clients, such as plastic surgery, dermatology, hair, makeup, etc., or someone who deals with the 'image' a person gives off to the public. Judging by her book and the fact that she works in a clinic that provides plastic surgery, I'd say she's the head to toe makeover type of consultant. I don't know much about the clinic itself, though, so I can't really say anything about their plastic surgery. All I know is that this lady has worked with some big celebrities, so they've probably used her clinic's services before." --------------------- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 (Summary of the pages 80-106... Part 4/6) ------------BA painful?-------- "BA? The day after my BA, I tried to get up and darn, those things hurt biggggg time. I was very surprised. For the next couple days, I had to slide to the edge of the bed and slowly got up from there while hugging those babes in my arms. I learnt this way, I had minimal pain. " ----"I had silicone back in 2004 done in Central America. I went from A to a little C, but I didn't know I'd have stretch marks from the procedure. So keep this in mind if you want to get BA. The bigger you go, the more stretch marks you'll have. For the next couple months, I experienced sharp pains from time to time (they said it was a sign of your nerves healing)....and they didn't even cut my implants are on top of muscles, not under the muscles. If I had gone under the muscles, they would have hurt more." ---------------------- -------------- "Hi MiaAnn, I think I found t... You went to ID... " --Reply: "Yes I did = the surgeon that did my eyes is Dr. Kim Junesung. very important to have the right surgeon, not only the hospital. Some surgeons are more skilled in one area than the other. " -----Reply: "AGREED! go for surgeon not the website, flashy marketing and the B&A pics only. i would be asking for examples of their work at consult time...and not just the ones on their site, which u would think would be their 'best' work" -------------- odnok:"Hey egg. Where did you go for your surgery? " ---Reply: I had it done at Regen. ----------------------------- --------on side effects and research and other stuff...--------- "Hello pppmmm, The doctors in Korea do not really explain to you the side effects of anything (unlike in the US). In Korea, typically you just tell them the type of surgery you want and how you want to look like. That's what my experience has been - so I would urge you to do A LOT of research before you decide on them. Like you, i have extremely straight natural teeth too. I did mini-V line. I dont think my teeth was deviated (or at least not yet ... I am at 3.5 weeks post surgery now). However, I have noticed that when I sleep, i can't seem to close my mouth shut. I also noticed that my bite is slightly different than before. I dont know what changed, but I feel its slightly different. The sleepign with mouth a little open is kind of annoying, but its been getting a little better. So hopefully with time I can sleep with my mouth close again. For teeth, becuase you can't brush your teeth for 1 week and no tooth paste for 2 weeks, your teeth will naturally turn more yellow after 2 weeks. But after you go back to brushing normally, I think its fine. " "oh my toothpaste for two weeks....salt water can also not be used right?and yes i noticed when i had consultation via email...Id n grand jus said sliding genioplasty has nothing to do with my teeths....but i read so many negative post about this.." ---------------------------------------------"Yeah, we're really lucky we don't have to worry about those sort of things. Koreans aren't able to post negative reviews in public places, such as cafe threads, so you'll often see posts that are suspiciously very positive. When I brought up this concern with my Korean friend, though, he said that there are over 50,000 picture reviews from the cafe I was browsing, and each was linked with the individual's ssn.. so I didn't have to worry about clinics making fake accounts to up their popularity." ------------------------- "So that's why you have to actually make the effort of private messaging each and every single person with your surgery inquiries. That's when they'll send you stories of their experiences, hardships, quotes, raves, complaints, etc., and you realize that they're just people like us, trying to help by sharing their experiences. " ----------READ ABOVE and understand it!!-------------- --------------------- "Yes - that's why I posted my "after" pics and I was SOOOO unprepared for this much of swelling! I did A LOT of research previously and I guess I was blind-sided by the "after" pics in the P-S website. " "But noooo! I really wanted this surgery cuz I'm tired of wearing circle lenses. My eyes went from 20/20 to blurred vision. I'm just gonna have to head to MAC n tell them to teach me how to pack on them dark eye shadows to make the swelling less noticable." (can circle lenses make you lose your eyesight?? Never heard of this...) ------------------- "I've met with Dr. Kim in Shanghai. We had a really great consultation. He informed me of all the risks. I really do trust him as a surgeon! He's been personally in contact with me throughout this process, and has answered all my questions to my satisfaction! " ------------------B&A pictures from Face Line:# post #1230 "When I first saw that first picture, I about dropped my jaw lol. Her doctor did an amazing job." (I agree... that is some AMAZING FIRST CLASS WORK, truly inspiring! Life saving!) ------------------- "Hi! I consulted with FaceLine back in September. My experience was not so great there because they consulted without doing any type of xray or CT scan. I thought that was pretty lousy. There were a handful of locals there in the waiting room, if that means anything. " -------------------- "I don't really know much about Face Line or JW, but Small Face is really popular among locals. I know this, because it's one of the first clinics my Korean friend noted when I asked him if he knew any popular clinics in Korea. Before, I was pretty confident I would go there, but then I realized they only really do jaw shaving. I would need double jaw or sliding genioplasty for my profile. " ---------- ----------------------- "They didn't do x-ray or CT scan? That's crazy. Do you know if it's because they don't have those instruments, or they just don't do it during consultations? Either way, I don't think it's possible to do a consultation without an x-ray. I was planning on consulting with them, because I really liked their website, but your experience has definitely raised a red flag." ---Reply: "I'm sure they have the equipment... but I was put into consultation without anything, which I thought was totally weird. Maybe it was just my experience, but consulting without even an x-ray seemed a little sketchy... and that`s why I chose a different clinic." -------------Reply: "He basically just looked at my face and touched my jaw, chin, and cheeks. He had things like popsicle stick for me to bite on to see asymmetry... " -------------------------------------- "It's made me realize that I really shouldn't judge clinics based on their websites. Take Before & After Clinic (formerly Dream Clinic), for example. The website design isn't nearly as professional looking as it's counterparts, yet the image consultant there is apparently really popular in Korea, and has worked with some of the most popular celebrities. EDIT: Someone sent me a couple of questions in a message, so in case anyone else is interested, the image consultant's name is Han Gyu Ri. She's a really popular (if not the most popular) celebrity image consultant in Korea. She's responsible for the images of celebrities, such as SNSD, Big Bang, 2NE1, F(x) Krystal and Sulli, Suju, Gong Hyo Jin, Gong Yoo, Wonder Girls, No Min Woo, etc. She also wrote a popular book on how to become celebrity like even if you don't have the genes." ----------------- "I don't think she has a salon, but she does work as the image consultant for Before & After Clinic ( And by "image consultant", I mean someone who either deals with the physical appearances of clients, such as plastic surgery, dermatology, hair, makeup, etc., or someone who deals with the 'image' a person gives off to the public. Judging by her book and the fact that she works in a clinic that provides plastic surgery, I'd say she's the head to toe makeover type of consultant. I don't know much about the clinic itself, though, so I can't really say anything about their plastic surgery. All I know is that this lady has worked with some big celebrities, so they've probably used her clinic's services before." --------------------- ---------------MORE on Face Line below...------- "For those who is interested in the Face Line clinic, I would like to share with you some information that I got from another forum + naver blog link of them Originally Posted by someone who shared new about Face Line Clinic Face-line occupies three floors.Dr.Jin Soo Lee specializes in facial contouring. Dr. Lee's wife does dentistry and there's another Dr. Lee that does eyes and nose only. Safety comes first for this clinic. They take pride in their stellar 10 years of no-accident (neither major or minor) record. The majority of their clients come from word-of-mouth as far as China and Japan. Dr. Lee will not operate on everyone. He refuses patients if he believes what the patient wants will not benefit them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 (Summary of the pages 80-106... Part 5/6) -------------------- This clinic is booked out until December. I consulted with Dr. Lee on Tuesday. Their next surgery opening is on Saturday. Dr. Lee does a max of 3 patients a day, no more.I found Dr. Lee to be humble and frank. He pointed out ALL my problem areas. His approach was different in that he did not want to cut my bone out along the mandible towards my chin but "trim" the surface. He said that this would be more effective in giving me a more narrower face from the FRONTAL view as opposed to just the side view. He did not feel a bone graft on my chin was necessary but will consider it if he finds that I need it. He felt a longer chin would make me appear older. A shorter chin or my current chin, a more youthful appearance. He was interested in giving me a harmonious face, not so much achieve a certain look.(I brought in photos) Dr. Lee will reduce my zygoma and re-adjust using wires. Remove my chin implant and bring my chin forward. Trim the surface of my mandible and blend it with my chin. He will correct my asymmetry. My consultant was professional. She did not comment on other clinics when I asked what she thought of them. Instead, she cautioned me against large clinics where there are multiple surgeons. Once you are out, some no-body dr operates on you and you experience problems later. I spoke with the other members of staff and reviewed their before and after photos. They've won my trust and faith. I've decided to go with Face-line.Face-line also has a great post-op care and an officetel. I will write more as I get to know more. Hope the information I have added on this forum will be helpful. I am almost across the finish-line." ------------------------------- "The ppl on this forum are proving great in terms of getting me to think of ALL angles, providing support, general advice ie how to aid recovery etc. if nothing else the support alone makes this forum great - everyone here is on the same boat and understand eachother - try taking to my friends & all they say is that I don't need ps and I'm crazy...they're just being nice, but sometimes nice isn't supportive" (I agree, I find this forum great ^_^ I'm so happy I found it and it's helped me so so SO much I want to try to help others in turn... That's why I'm compiling all these writings and trying to make it easier for people to find all the information in one place, let's all try to help each other! ) "Preach it! I'm so tired of everybody telling me I don't need PS or that I shouldn't "change myself for others." I'm not though! I'm changing myself for myself! It's so nice to be in a community with people who understand what you're going through and support you without any judgement. " (I agree! I'm changing myself for myself and I LOVE love LOVE the idea of looking totally different and pretty... What *I* find pretty ^_^ ) --------------- "Several members have already been banned due to promoting clinics." (Yes, take everything too positive with a grain of salt, see if the person is only promoting a clinic or clinics...) ---------------- "The reason 3 clinics is set is because of the waiting time. I was only in Korea for 10 days, I needed to have the surgery done asap, so I went with 3 clinics, the first consultation started at 10.30am, and the last finished at 8.30pm. With endless waiting for consultants, Doctors, etc... If you want to visit 8-9 clinics, be ready to put aside 3-4 days JUST for consulting. Imagine ALL the radiation you will get from 8-9 CT scans and X rays." (Hey, just an idea... Ask for copies of your x-rays and CT scans! Yes yes yes you can do that! Then at the next clinic say you had them just taken... Maybe no need for new ones? ^^) --------------- "My friend had her vline+zygoma+nose+alar done quite shocking how its swollen and all o_o , so i suggest you guys to be mentally prepared what you gonna look like after surgery not just think about the prettier side of plastic surgery. The process can be quite tough , i was told its like dying moment and you gonna swell so freaking bad .Anyway,we're staying together at awesome studio apartment. " (Yes, it's good to remember the "ugly" time before the "pretty time"... and the pain! Sometimes it hurts to be pretty... at least for a while! ^^ ) (Renting an apartment is a great alternative to hotels/guest houses...) ----------------- -------about zygoma sagging and v-line...--------- "I was set on forgoing zygoma and just do vline until she told me that if my zygoma is prominent, reducing vline will only emphasize the wideness of my cheekbone.... She said since when we get older we are bound to suffer from face sagging and people that decided on cheekbone reduction think that since their skin is gonna sag when they age they might as well do cheekbone reduction. They accept the fact that they might age faster than others for a slimmer face..." (Know what you're getting and be okay with it!!) -------------------- ---------MORE about zygoma and sagging!----- "Dr. Park from OZ: "Many people are afraid of skin sagging after zygoma reduction. But if the patients are young and doctor dissect minimally, skin sagging will not happen." Fushun Ma: "Most methods of the zygoma and zygomatic arch reduction surgery will not cause any facial sagging. However some reduction methods such as the Front End or the Front and Rear End Osteotomy Zygoma Reduction tend to have sagging complications. This is why facial sagging has caught a lot of attention... Why do the two surgical methods mentioned above tend to have facial sagging? When using these two methods the front end or both the front and rear end of the zygomatic arch will be severed from their attachment base and then an inward push of the mobilized bone is done to make the face narrower. In these processes the structure of the strong front end of the zygomatic complex is damaged and the inward pushing will also move the bone and its attaching muscle and deep tissue downward. Thus the facial sagging happens. On the other hand as the most prominent zygoma point is pushed inward and downward the attaching muscle and deep tissues also following this movement cause the facial sagging... [facial sagging can also be] caused by over undermining and over severance of tendons. In this instance, facial sagging (if any) is due to the miss reattachment of the muscle and tendons. The displaced lower attachment of the muscle and other soft tissues contributes to the facial sagging." Some doctor: "A lot of patients undergoing I shaped osteotomy have complained of soft tissue sagging postoperatively, thus to avoid this sagging the overlying muscle attachment and the periosteum should kept intact as far as possible... the osteotomy is not carried out from the external surface of the zygomatic complex but from the internal surface as this helps to avoid the unnecessary stripping of the muscle and the periosteum and ultimately prevent postoperative sagging. Moreover, after the osteotomy, the segments should be fixed with screws. The fixation should be strong enough to resist the pull on posterior cut segment during mastication, which is another key point to prevent the sagging of soft tissues. As the zygomatic arch is a bony arch like structure, even if it is cut at both ends, arched shape does not change... C shaped osteotomy: As the posterior bony segment is well supported by the anterior bone there is no inferior displacement of the cut bone segment after the osteotomy thus preventing soft tissue sagging in the zygomatic area. However, this procedure demands a high degree of surgical skill; only if the two cuts are parallel to each other then only the segments can be moved up and/or pushed medially. Thus a novice surgeon who does not resect the bone completely or parallel to each other, can hardly achieve the desired result." AO Foundation Surgery Reference: "In order not to injure the connective tissue septations suspending the fat pad and to prevent inferior sagging, the dissection should be kept on the lateral surface." --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- "Two jaw is more like corrective jaw surgery, ie you're fixing you're underbite/overbite, Korea is making it a cosmetic thing, when it's really not. " ------------------------ ------------- -------------On lipo---------------- "Hey no worries ! Like what karime said, i think its not much of the pain for this procedure but yeah it will be hard to move because of the tight garment you wear , also its recommended for you to walk , on first day i could walk pretty fast but i got tired very easily but as the times goes ( I keep walking everyday for shopping and other things, it becomes easier) . Also when you walk, the bruises go down faster. About the fat in other area, I dont really know (I did tummy and arm , area where I have most noticible fats). I think after you have lipo you need to exercise (1 month later) , weight loss impact will be doubled and you'll look more toned/lose more as well. Oh and one more tip bring on loose pants, clothes, undies. I didnt bring loose pants , luckily N bring me around to purchase a comfy one Also, i dont know who you have but my translator is 365 in house translator and i think her english is pretty bad , like 50% or even lower, luckily I brought N on first day and I could understand some korean. Also,When the doctor explained to me (the second time , before surgery, didnt bring N, but luckily I understood what he said but when the translator asked to translate she got stucked and didnt said any word, luckily I understand some koreans/english/chinese so all good !) The doctor also mentioned the most painful yet common (among korean) is thighs area (because koreans love small legs) , I think its better for you to go face to face consult instead of pictures, having the doctor to examine in person is more great." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shinyglittery Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 (Summary of the pages 80-106... Part 6/6) --------------- "via, the garment is garment bought from 365mc or your own? i got really bad hyperpigmentation scars from the ones i bought at guardian... its still visible after like 6mths... thou much lighter than before... " ---------Reply:"Its a custom made-to-order garment from the clinic, I bought it. Its measured to fit nicely, I think you shouldnt buy on your own, I was about to do the same thing and they said I shouldnt because of materials, measures etc. They also said if my body were to shrink further I can ask them for alternation for free. ( of course I have to pay the delivery, haha so i'd rather alter it in australia >< ) " ----------------Reply: "ic... shucks... coz the place i went to isn't as specialised as 365mc so they dun have those kind of custom made garments.... =( " -----Reply: "You will know what is pain when you do both thighs, arm, belly and handles. In my case, I didnt do belly and love handles because the dr warned me, that I dnt be able to stand it. So I didnt have those, but instead I had arms, thighs and breast done. My whole body was cover in bandage. It was hell Btw, b4 doing lipo, they will have a whole body checking, like how much the total body fat mass, the skeletal mass, the body proportion is, ect And they will check the fat layer thickness because if you suck too much, you will have loose/bad skin in the future " ---------------------- -------------------Faceline: they have some beautiful before/afters I'm really hoping the sooner the better. Right now I'm just scrambling to get the funds and prepare. I'll definitely be contacting translators but haven't started on that yet. I'm still finalizing my dates. Any chance you may consider moving up the date? No I'm not from SP, but I am Chinese if that counts for anything... I have a very typical large and flat face --------------- “As some of you are wondering whether translators take commission fee from clinics, why don't you just ask the clinics directly, easy and simple” (Maybe you didn't know: this is illegal in Korea~!Maybe not in Europe(the person who wrote this is from Europe)but it is in Korea.) -------------- “yes, i heard walking ard after PS helps a lot for De-swelling n preventing blood clots. but provided our bodies allows..” ----------- “I actually had my nose and eyes done at Grand. Not bad but I still need alar reduction (didn't do first time) and revision on double eyelid (grand didn't do my double eyelid, they just widened my inner and outer corner). I'm still holding my review about them because there is scar tissue left on the outer corner of my eye and I'm unsure of what to say... they said I need more time. It's only been 4 months so I'll keep ya posted. I'm pretty satisfied with my results except for this open tissue because it's noticeable and I can't put makeup over it. ” ----------------- “I hate to say this, because I think some people here who went to Grand were happy with their results.. but I'm honestly not surprised. I remember when I first started my plastic surgery research, I came across a website that advertised they would be able to help foreigners find the best doctors in Korea, because they had all the "right connections," or some hullabaloo like that. Convinced, I filled out their survey with my information, and I later received an email from them referring me to Grand. And I don't know what it was about that email, but it just really drew a lot of suspicion, as I felt like I was being sold a product. They were so set on making me believe that Grand was the best of the best of the best, that I realized they probably aren't if they have to try so hard with their advertising. Anyway, that experience made me realize that just because a hospital/clinic is big and fancy and gets a lot of customers doesn't necessarily make them a good choice. I remember my Korean friend warned me that there are many relatively new, even fancy clinics, that are run like factories. They lure unknowing foreigners in with their marketing tactics, 'popularity,' lower prices, fancy/big hospitals or clinics (that are funded by larger companies). But they were only really established because of the huge business opportunity the Hallyu wave created for plastic surgery clinics. And with the influx of new clinics came an increase for the need of new surgeons, but there are only so many great surgeons (and plenty of mediocre surgeons) to go around. Since he said that, I've decided to do most of my research on tracking down excellent surgeons instead of excellent clinics, because even the best clinics have bad/mediocre doctors” --(RESEARCH IS IMPORTANT!!! Don't be lazy or you'll suffer...) (Read what others say but don't expect anyone else to do all the research for you... otherwise you might end up regretting it...) -------------------------------- "Hey bella147, O no! View has plenny of neg reviews? Do u remember if it for eyes? Nose? Facial contouring? If u remember where u read it, can u tell me so I can read up on it too." ----Reply: "Specifically the nose - apparently very unnatural (very 'caucasian' like) and 'warping' (not sure if this is the technical term, but basically the nose moves). However besides from the warping this might be some people's idea of beauty...maybe view is good for those that want a Caucasian type nose Me on the other hand still want to look like me, just improved and a Caucasian nose will NOT look good on me, but that's me and my face Since I'm wanting to do nose and eyes I don't know about view for facial contouring But let me be clear - no outright negative reviews like 'they ruined my face' just words like 'unnatural' & 'plastic' being thrown around, maybe scarring and healing taking a longer time (& recover time is affected by skill of Dr, but obviously other factors and not all about the Dr). So no hating here - just I want natural and I think view has a different idea of beauty from me that's all " -------------------------------------kimjoo had 2-jaw surgery at grand: "I had my one week post-op appointment today. I got there late because of traffic, so I was there for a long time! Grand took another CT scan and gave me a deswelling warm face massage. I had to wait for the doctor for a while because he was in consultation, which was fine because I met a local there who had cheekbone reduction. She looked great. She asked me if getting two-jaw surgery hurts, and I told her ‘no’ and she became really interested in getting it done too. Uh, she clearly did not need it. When she left, the nurse told me that for most people, once you have one cosmetic surgery done, you crave for more… but that girl doesn’t realize two-jaw surgery is less about cosmetic and it’s pretty serious. ANYWAY when the doctor came, he cleaned my mouth and taught me how to take out the plastic splint and how to put on the elastics. He was happy at how fast I’m healing and said it’s as if I’m already at 2 weeks post-op. I never had any tingly/numbness on my chin/bottom lip, which so far is a job well done. He advised me that healing for two-jaw surgery is case-by-case and there are people who bruise purple and feel numb for weeks. I’m glad I’m a fast healer. I never considered myself as one… as I normally bruise easily. I just have to remember to have over 2L of water, WALK WALK WALK, warm (not hot) compresses every day. Still, the only thing that I HATE is the fact that I can’t eat real food! What I would give for a burger right about now……. " --------------------- (Above everything til page 106! ^_^ ) THERE! All done... ^_^ Now I better go... haha. Ps. everything in () parentesis are my own comments... Just in case that wasn't clear... ^-^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sanmi Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 May I ask if anyone knows if View and Faceline, which is better in sliding Genioplasty and the cost of surgery? I understand that View seems to be popular and lots of their B&A seems quite impressive. I hv been trying to get in touch with them but they didn't reply. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
solomyboy Posted September 22, 2013 Share Posted September 22, 2013 Hello everyone. I have problem with my big square face. Want to have smaller, perfect face shape. But not sure which proceedings suitable for it, maybe zygoma, jaw reduction? So I am kind of decided on view clinic. Anyone know their price and repudiation? Planing to go end of October, would like to join with someone there ( female, coz I am female) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pei-pei Posted September 22, 2013 Share Posted September 22, 2013 I am interesting on facial bone reduction, but I am a 40 years old lady so I concern the sagging after the surgery. Could you please tell me how old are you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 22, 2013 Share Posted September 22, 2013 hello, found this forum while researching on plastic surgery. so much useful information here! i am planning to go to korea end of this year for rhinoplasty. does anyone have any clinic to recommend? thanks in advance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alorsondanse Posted September 22, 2013 Share Posted September 22, 2013 Heads up: My plan right now is to head to Korea in May (hopefully to depart within the first week if not on the 1st day) for double eyelid surgery for my Left eye - currently settled on Banobagi (mainly b/c of their guesthouse & in-house translator, but unless their comes a string of negative reviews about this place, this is most likely a firm decision) from Vancouver, Canada. Currently no plans on hiring translator. Will be staying for 7-8 days and am totally cool to meet up with anyone who'll be travelling during that time period! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pei-pei Posted September 22, 2013 Share Posted September 22, 2013 Hi alorsondanse, I am flying from Vancouver, but I will be there from OCT20 to Nov 04 for my nose revision. Has anyone there around those days? I hope can meet someone up in there from this forum! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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