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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi everyone, I've just booked my flight and hotel for Seoul. Will be there from 28/12/13 to 8/1/14. I'm going to have a brow lift, fat graft, rhino, and facelift. I would like to have TRM laser for pigmentations but don't know if it works, would love to hear from anyone who had it done. My short list of clinics are: Aone, Chungdam U and Pitangui in that order.
If any forumers will be there around that time, please make contact so we can support each other in one of the most vulnerable time of our lives.
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Hi there

I should be able to PM now but I dont see the option for me to do so.

sorry, i am too new to this

can you try to pm me instead and see if it works?

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Just sharing:

Im engaging the services if Anita and have shortlisted a few clinics for consultation.
JW , jewelry , Rex , pitangui

Highland hotels seems likes good peaceful stay within reasonable budget
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Hello everyone. I've been lurking on this forum for more than a few months now and I'm finally just getting the courage to post anything! Well, I am interested in going to South Korea to have two jaw surgery and rhinoplasty. I like the results I see from Wonjin and View- I'm still researching- but if anyone has warnings for either, please let me know!

I'd have to travel by myself since I don't plan to say anything to friends or family, so I'd like to find someone who would like to travel together, share accommodations, help each other after the surgery (I'm not squeamish at all), and just hang out- preferably female since I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing accommodations with a male, but I wouldn't mind hanging out!

I'm currently in the military, so I have to wait until March/April of 2016 before I can go. I know that is a long time, but I figure it would give plenty of time to save up the money for surgery and some extra spending money for fun. Plus, it'll also give you enough time to gage if I'm a creeper or not and vice vera, lol.

If anyone is interested, please let me know! I don't have PM capability, but I stalk this forum enough that I'll see it if you post to me.

Happy Plastic Surgeon Hunting! :smile:
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[FONT=&quot]Hello Everyone,[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Firstly, I want to say thank you to those who have shared their experiences and journeys along the way. You’ve helped me more than you’ll ever know, special thanks to ecofriendly for sharing your experience with Anita Services. This by far is the most valuable advice; I’ve received. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Oh gosh, where to start… I’ve recently relocated to Korea with my husband. I’ve been to Korea to visit him in the past and ever since have been interested in getting plastic surgery. It’s been over a year now since I’ve been reading this forum and finally, a weeks ago I’ve had the opportunity to have my surgery done. I wanted to have my surgery asap since I would only be staying in Gangnam for only 9 days, during the 9 days I would also be looking for an apartment in another area with my husband and I wanted ample amount of time to heal before I had to purchase new furniture and all that good stuff. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Before heading to Korea, I had contacted Anita via her email address ([email protected] ) to inform her when I would be arriving and to ask if she had enough space for my husband, myself and 4 big lug gages. Unfortunately, her car could not accommodate, but she would meet me on the second day of my arrival. (On the first day I had made an appointment to go apartment shopping). Anita and I stayed in contact through email since I did not have kakao. On my second day she sent Jason and Yoon to accompany me for my consultations. Instantly, I took a liking to both of them. Both of them are very kind and sweet.I felt at ease having them around. My list consists of clinics were JW Plastic Surgery, REX Plastic Surgery, Pitangui, and Shimmian. JW because I’ve heard great review on rhino and double eyelid surgery which was exactly what I was getting surgery for. REX because my Korean friends back in the states raved that this place was well known to the locals and had a very skilled doctor who specialized in Rhino and double eyelid. I wanted to check out Pitangi because I saw good reviews on a site, when searching for plastic surgery clinics in Korea, and lastly Shimmian because of a forumer who posted a pic of her results, and I thought it was quite nice. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot] Jason and Yoon waited for me the following day outside my hotel at 2pm, and took me to JW first. The front staff of JW scheduled me with a Dr. Woo instead, however, we wanted to see Dr. Ahn for double eyelid and Dr. Suh for rhino. I did not want to be rude, so I sat through the consultation, and because I was curious what he would suggest. I had rhino once before 3 years ago in the U.S but the surgeon there only did the bridge and not the tip. I wanted a revision on the bridge to achieve a higher bridge profile and to include the tip as well. Once the consultation was over, Yoon had told the staff of JW that they scheduled with the wrong doctor, they apologize and said Dr. Suh was in operating and could not do any consultations until tomorrow. I was fine with it, so we rescheduled. [/FONT]
Next Jason and Yoon took me to REX, which was only a 5-minute walk away. During the whole time we talked and I asked for their personal opinion on the surgery clinics. They told me most of their clients who are foreigners usually tend to go to big clinics such as Regen, JW, Bk but the korean’s clients often go to REX. The Dr. at REX is Dr. Chung who use to be one of the best doctors in ID Plastic Sugery, and has been recognized among Koreans during 1997- 2007. He eventually branched off and now has his own clinic. He only takes maximum 4 patients a day. The reason to this, I found out was because he’s very précised and detail oriented, so 3-4 patients is all he can really fit in, in one day. I was really happy to hear this. When we arrived to Rex, the three staff members in the front stood up to greet me. I notice on the walls were framed autographs, when I asked Jason and Yoon they told me celebrities and actors had done surgery here. I sat down on the couch and was poured water. One of the staff there was particularly cute, (her personally and her looks) she came out and brought me in a room to fill out a chart of what I plan on having done, I found out that she was one of the managers there. Soon after we finished, I meet Dr. Chung; he greeted me in English, which stunned me a bit. I informed Dr. Chung of what Id like to have done. I also had pictures of what I’d like my nose to look like, but asked for his opinion on whether this could be achieved, and most importantly if it will match with my face. He touched my face and illustrated the technique for me on paper, and showed me before and after pictures of patients who had similar nose and what he did to improve their profile. He also assured me that what I wanted is achievable and would definitely enhance my profile. We agreed to heighten bridge and do tip plasty, he didn’t believe I needed to have an alar reduction. Which I was really thankful to hear, Dr. Woo at JW had suggested this and it was not something I wanted nor did I think I needed. Then we discussed my eyes, he suggested a double eyelid surgery and nothing further, as my eyes were already double fold, only thing was they aren’t very defined. Once we finished discussing, we headed outside to speak with the manager once more and she quoted us a total of 8.7 million won, 6.7 mil for revision rhino to include tip and 2 mil for double eyelid surgery. Jason and Yoon helped me negiotiate further, and we got it down to 8 mil won. By that time, I was pretty tired, since I hardly had sleep the night before, so I told them I would think it over.

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[FONT=&quot]The next day Jason and Yoon met me and my husband at my hotel at 10am and we headed to JW to meet with Dr. Suh and Ahn. JW had us waiting for an hour plus. During this time I got to know Jason and Yoon very well and realized that they really are such decent people. During this time, I also got to observe other patients who had their bandages taken off after surgery. There were three ladies, who came to take of there bandages, all of which had eyes, nose, or both. One in particular stood out to me and I was not fond of her results at all. Her nose was super pointy at the tip and it looked a bit long for my liking. We sat around some more and eventually were called in. I met with Dr. Ahn first, he did not speak English but I really liked him. He did a blinking eye test on me and notice right off the bat my ever so slightly weaker right eye. When I was an infant, I crawled out of my crib and found a pen, and jab that sucker right into my right eye, from then on my right eye was slightly weaker than my left. Dr. Ahn impressed me with his attention to detail, as no dr. I’’ve ever met noticed this before. Dr. Ahn suggests that I do minimal double eyelid surgery since he believed my eyes were already beautiful, he suggest surgery to repair the right eye muscle and further define my double eye lid fold. He illustrated the procedure on paper and showed me pictures and videos of his prior patients who had similar eye structure. Jason also mentioned that Dr. Ahn was the first surgeon ever to right books on double eyelid surgery. Dr. Ahn pointed to the books he wrote on his book self. A total of 6 volumes, which is currently taught in university of plastic surgery in korea today. I was already really impressed but now I was blown away. Dr. Ahn and I concluded our session and I was brought to another room to meet Dr. Suh[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Dr. Suh greeted me in English and once again I was taken back, he asked me what I would like to have done. Once again I showed him my pictures and told him what I wanted, and asked what his thoughts were. His response was exactly like Dr. Chung, to heighten the bridge and do tip plasty, he would use my ear cartilage if need be, if not then just septail cartilage. I was not fond of using my ear cartilage as Ive read this is more painful of a healing process than the actual nose surgery. Dr. Chung however, gave me the option of ear, or nose and artificial skin. I asked Dr. Suh if he thought I should have an alar reduction as well, and his replied stating that my nose width is boarderline, it was not big and it was not small. He felt it was unnessary as once the tip is heighted my width would appear more narrow and therefore alar reduction was not needed. I was so relieved to hear this, because quite frankly, I was not ready to have alar reduction, especially with the scar being visible even 4-5 months post surgery. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Next Dr. Suh asked my husband what he would like to have done. (I wont get into the surgery with my husband. As this post is long as it is)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Once the consultation was over, I was really torn. I really like both clinics very much. At that point I knew, I did not want to waste time looking at any other clinics. I knew it was between these two and so I asked Jason and Yoon for their thoughts and they confirmed that JW and REX are very popular and are great clinics for rhino and eye, but both believe Dr. Chung at REX was highly skilled in rhino, eyes, and jaw surgery. That day I came home and emailed Anita, just as I had every night up to my arrival in Korea, and I asked for her opinion. When I found out her friends and people she personally knew had done surgery there, I knew I had to come back to REX one more time just to confirm and see what my husband thought. My husband came with me and he had a consultation for rhino as well. I asked my husband for his opinion on the two clinics and he said he really like Dr. Chung and felt comfortable with him. At this point I’ve heard such good things about him and really like his easy going, précised and detail orientated personality that I chose him even before we could talk price, though I didn’t tell the sales manager this. (I failed to mention this previously, but I did not feel comfortable carrying so much cash on me, and did not think too much about the money portion, I assumed I could just write a check, lol.) When we negotiated the first time, I was told no discount could be applied if I paid with card. I mentioned the check and they said it was possible. This time with my husband discussed price to include his surgery & negiotiated and the total price to include discount was 12,500 usd. We agreed on this, and scheduled my appointment first, since my husband had to verify dates with his work. I scheduled my appointment to be at 2pm the following day, because I had to look at one more apartment complex. I did not have the check book with me so we couldn’t put a deposit, but REX worked with me, I told them I would have the check tomorrow morning when the first open.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Next day, Jason stopped to pick me up and take me to REX to hand the check over. My realtor had rescheduled our appointment for 10 am since the landlord had to push the time up for whatever reason, this was the same time I was to hand over the money to REX. I did not want to be late to view the apartment nor miss my surgery, so I had Jason take my check to REX. (I really do trust him, or else I would never do something so crazy, if you ever get a chance to meet him, you’ll see why). Anyhow, I get a msg from Jason 1 hour later, informing me that the Dr. had no idea what a check was and had misunderstood it for moneygram, but he tried to deposit the check and the Korean bank said the money would not go through til a month ?!… DOH! This cause so much complications as now I had to wire money to my account to do the transaction by card, and who knows if they would charge me the full price or the discounted price now. Not to mention to do a wire transfer it take a few days for the money to go from one place to another. I told Jason, I’ll meet him at 2pm and we will talk to the doctor and reschedule if necessary. Though, really I didn’t want to reschedule as I’ve been fasting and had little to no sleep the prior night. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Once I got to REX, I was completely drained and had no hope of having surgery, with that thought lingering 2 hours prior, I decided to have a snack, because frankly I was hungry and I may not have surgery that day anyways. I spoke to the staff and they told the doctor, I said I would come back next week when the move went through. The cute manager I liked told me, if I wanted they would still do the surgery, and I can pay them later, as they have rearranged patients to meet my schedule and had prepped the room. I informed them I had some food, but apparently since it was an “easy” surgery, it wouldn’t be a problem. This had taken me by surprise as I had not expected this at all. Of course I wanted to get it done and over with right away. Next thing I knew I was ushered to a room to change and had put on a robe. I had to wash my face with soap and do all the hygiene. Once I was done, I was brought into the operating room. I laid down and the nurse came in to administer local anesthesia and sleep meds, I began to feel hot and very nervous, I’m not fond of needles. The IV injection did not hurt, the nurse tried to prepare me for the second shot, she said “berry painful” but I didn’t know what she was about to do, so I looked at the cute manager who I requested to be next to me, and she smiled and shook her head and said “its okay”. Next thing I felt was a very uncomfortable jab in my forearm, way worse than the IV and for the first time I actually yelped. Lol. This was when the doctor made his entrance and he informed me that the shot was for allergy test to antibiotics. He reiterated that I would be slightly awake during the eye surgery, because it requires me to open my eyes, but that the rhino I would be completely knocked out because of the sleeping meds. Next Dr. Chung, got a pen and drew on my face, he should me a mirror explained a few things, and I showed him the picture of my ideal nose once more. I was laying on the operating table, while this all took place and when I finished showing him the picture, he said you will go to sleep now. And just like that, I was out, not sure how long. I was semiconscious when I felt tugging on my right eye and though, I did not feel pain at all, I did feel discomfort. I zoned in and out and recall hearing Maroon 5, I really like the song, but I cant remember which song it was, and when I heard it half asleep I started to tap my foot, and felt someones hand touch that same foot. Not sure what happened after that, but I woke up to Dr. Chung’s voice telling to open my eyes, and I tried but it felt soooo heavy, and he repeated open your eyes, and I tried to again. I must of knocked out again because the next time I woke was to Dr. Chung telling me that my eyes are all done, and everythings going well, and now I will be completely asleep for my nose. I recall telling them all goodnight, and the last thing I heard was chuckling before lights out once more. When I woke up everything was hazy and I was helped up to the recovery room, I heard my husband and felt him next to me. He waited outside with Jason while I was in surgery. He looked at me and said I looked great. That was really nice to hear, because it took years for him to be okay with me having surgery. He never liked the idea. I saw Yoon there and she was translating telling me to put ice on my eyes and lay down until I’m ready. She also reassured me that I looked great. I laid down and iced for about 5 mins before I decided I was fine and didn’t need to lay down. I looked in the mirror and notice my eyelids where really define and my right eye was slightly bruised. I changed and met with Dr. Chung. He told me I moved quite a bit during eye surgery and lost a more blood then he would’ve like. He warned that there would be bruising but that everything went well, and that I would come back to remove the splint & bandages in 7 days, and to come back in a few days for hygiene purposes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Days 2-3 I was extremely bruised and swollen especially my right eye. I was very tired. I took medicine and applied ointment as directed, and woke up every couple hours just to ice and apply eye drops and ointment. I pretty much stayed in all day because where I stayed not many were walking around with masks, I felt very self conscious, even though I know its pretty normal here, but also because I had to try and get some homework done (online). During the evenings, my husband and I would walk the Han river, it was really nice, and even had movie showing out doors, next to the river on the grass. Since the weather is really nice here, we even stayed and watched a movie. The 4th day, I went back to REX to for cleaning. Dr. Chung cleaned my eyelids and informed me that I’m healing very quickly; the scar has fully healed on my eyes. He then cut the tape in between my nostril and cut a few stitches, and cleaned the inside. It stung like a B*. Not fun at all. Once he finished I thanked him and was on my way back to the hotel. Day 4-5 my eyes were no longer swollen just bruised, but the swelling moved down to my cheeks and my skin pigment around my eyes were a nasty yellow. It was depressing. Today is my day 6 and my left eye is almost back to normal, only a tiny bruise on the outer corner, but my right eye is still pretty bruised. I still look like a chipmunk but my cheeks aren’t as bad as yesterday. Tomorrow, I will have my bandage and splint taken off. I’m sooooo excited. I’ll finally be able to walk around and not feel so self-conscious. I’ve checked out of my hotel the last couple of days and moved into my apartment, and where now live everyone is dressed in suits and nice clothes, and I’ve yet to see anyone with a mask, so it’s pretty uncomfortable for me. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Overall, I’ve been very blessed through this journey. My surgery went smoothly with no complications at all (thank god). I have to give props to those who’ve had to travel alone to have surgery in a foreign country. Although, my surgery was not considered a major surgery like v-line surgery and such… I really couldn’t have done it without Anita’s service and my husband. My poor husband has had to see me in different stages of messed up and different shades of purple, he’s been so wonderful washing my hair for me and and making stops to smoothie king and paris baguette to buy me food. Hahah, but enough about him….I’m do feel pretty darn lucky though. And as for Anita’s service, they’ve been truly amazing, they go out of their way to buy me food, that I like, (when my husband’s at work) Jason, Yoon and Anita have become great friends during a time, where I felt depressed and offered me much needed support throughout. They constantly emailed me to make sure I that I’m ok. They never tried to cheat me or my husband’s money, in fact, informed us about Korean Law when our realtor was charging us extra money. Their service is superb and all for $150 dollars?! My husband was so impress by their service ,he tried to give them $300 and they wouldn’t take it, because it was against the law. I highly recommend Anita’s services to anyone traveling alone, or anyone traveling and just need the extra support. They really are good people…[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot] And as for REX, I’m really impressed with them so far. I’ve read many stories about procedures that have gone wrong at other clinics that I almost did not have surgery at all because of the mix reviews. Not to mention the fact that they were so patient and willing to work with the money transaction. Tomorrow I will be paying them half by cash and the other half card, because of some banking issues, and they still gave me the discount, even though they will be charged 10% of tax for the card portion of the transaction. Although I have not seen my nose completely, I’m really impressed with the stitch work in between my nostrils. This was a major concern for me during the consultation because I have a skin condition called keloid, and felt very uncomfortable about having open surgery, but Dr. Chung reassured me that he’s work with keloid patients before and never once out of his 16 years of practice had a failed operation, he even added that if anything were to go wrong with my nose or eyes, he would do free revision, but most importantly he gave me his word that all will go smoothly and it has. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot] I will post back in a few days once my wifi is installed and let you know of my results. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]I apologize for any grammatical errors, and having to write such a long longggggg post, but its my hope that someone will find this info somewhat helpful and from it achieve a successful journey.[/FONT]
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Hi May I know why did u choose these clinics for rhino? Thks
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For the people wondering about the surgeon whos left View, its Dr Lee Sang Woo. According to his naver account (http://blog.naver.com/sangwoolee7_) hes joined Delightful Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Clinic which can be found at http://daprs.com/index.php.

Hmmm, this poses a but of a puzzler for me as View was one of the clinics i wanted to consult at and if he was the facial contouring specialist... well...
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Thank you so much for your thorough review CaliGirl21! I also have Anita as my translator and I will be in Seoul for revision riho surgery in 10 days! @[email protected] JW, REX are also on my consultation booked list! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your reviews. I'm going there alone, and I almost had a nervous breakdown today until I saw your posts! Hope your nose revision result is everything you wanted and more! Can't wait for your follow up post~
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Thank you for posting this. I just found out Dr. Lee was no longer at View and was about to cut them from my list. Now I know another place to look in to. Thanks!!!
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