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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hello everyone,

I am considering to take up a lipo treatment in korea. However it seems that most of Korea's clinics offer only the normal Lipo treatment? I was wondering if the more popular clinics offer minimum intrusive Lipo treatment?

I would also like to know if it is actually advisable for me to go for lipo as I am only in my twenties. Moreover, I am quite fit, but somehow I just can't lose the excess weight that I gained after I stopped playing competitive sports.

Any respond/advise to this will be greatly appreciated :smile:
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Hi.. I'm new in here but i have been through many pages.. I will going to seoul on 25 jan - 5 feb.. Pls add me my kakao id : natashaagnes we can meet up there. Cheers
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In my honest opinion, do not go to seoul for plastic surgery. If you are a Korean residing there, then by all means, go. But if you are a Singaporean like me, or a foreigner, THINK TWICE before going, REALLY.

I was just like you guys a few months ago, researching on the best clinics I should go in seoul for my plastic surgery. And whenever I see a person saying that his/her ps did not succeed or advising other people to do their ps in their home country instead, I would just tell myself that I wouldn't be as unlucky as them. But, in reality, there is a possibility that your ps will not turn out like how you expected it to be. And when that happens, I tell you, the feeling aint good at all.

My plastic surgery gave me disappointing results and I had been feeling really, really down the past few months...to the point where I actually had to go to a psychologist. I was crying almost everyday as I felt that my plastic surgeon made me uglier than before. If I had my ps done in my home country (Singapore), this might not even happen as the ps would take extra care to fix my eyes as he knows I can sue him if he didn't do a good job. OR even if the surgery turned out bad, you can just go back to the same surgeon and get things revised immediately. But, for me, I couldn't consult my plastic surgeon as I would have to spend lots of money just to go back to seoul to consult him again. And, to be frank, I don't even trust my plastic surgeon anymore. It really makes a big difference if you are a local consulting the surgeon, or a foreigner consulting him. The surgeon may appear friendly, but, if things go wrong, he might just push away all his responsibilities. EVEN if he says he can help you revise, you would have to spend lots of money again to fly to seoul to let him see you personally and then decide on the next thing to do. And if the surgeon says he has to monitor your condition or you have to wait for few more months to do the revisional surgery, you would have to spend more money again, flying back to your home country and then wait a few wks/months fly back again then see what the surgeon says again. Ok lah, if you are damn rich and can afford to fly here fly there, then by all means do your ps in any country you want. But even if u are damn rich, do you have the time, or even the mental strength to undergo all these? The surgeon may even be telling lies. He might ask you to go back few months later when actually he has to monitor your condition every 2 weeks, just because he's busy or in actual fact, he doesn't give a **** even if you turn out ugly or not.

TRUST ME people, if you are someone who takes pride in his/her appearance, all the more you should not go to a foreign land to do something so important to your face/body. Do it in your home country instead. It's much safer and convenient. ESP if you are a Singaporean like me. The plastic surgeons here are good and definitely, much more responsible. If sth goes wrong, *snap* you are back at your clinic, listening to what the surgeon advises you to do. If you are going for minor surgeries like double eyelids and stuff, why cant you just do it in spore/home country? Are the surgeons that bad here/there? Ok, I'm not sure about other countries, but I know s'pore has many great plastic surgeons who can do your eyes well. Actually, if you are going for a more major operation, would you even wanna take such a risk to do it in another country? IF it turns out good, ok, you are just one of the very lucky ones. But if it doesn't, I tell you, you will feel damn helpless.

Okay, I think what you people might be thinking now are stuff like which clinic I did my ps and what ps I did. Trust me, I did my research and I went to a reputable clinic and plastic surgeon in seoul. But, you see, things still went wrong. I'm telling you people all this as I really, really don't want to see anyone else undergo the same trauma I faced the past few months. I'm genuinely concerned for you guys. I'm not discouraging ps, but I just hope you all will think twice before deciding to do your ps in another country.

All the best. :heart:
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Thank u! My eyes is swelling now but it s not hurt much. Yeah the surgery was very good Now Im just waiting for the swelling go down and remove stitches. I went to iTem. I met Dr Kim for consultant, he told me exactly wat I need to do for my nose and that is wat I want too
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^what clinic did you go to? and what doctor did the work

i think most people are aware of the risks of going to a foreign country..even though more can go wrong overseas i've still heard TONS of horror stories from people that got surgery in my city, and i live in toronto so it's not like some tiny place with no technology etc. that's just how surgery is

i'm personally going to korea because surgeons there have a certain aesthetic that's difficult to find anywhere else. the reasonable price too
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Joining the list! Added my Kakao as well.

January 2014

doudouattsu : 8 January - ?
trishul : mid Jan 2014 (12th or 18th for 2 weeks) kakaoID :ladyboss
shuong: 14 Jan - 27 Jan ( trip confirmed)
keching: 15 January - 27 January 2014 (trip confirmed)
sundaeloveCinderella123: Jan 16th - 28th (trip confirmed)
Penguin23: Jan 19-30
Cumicumi: 25 jan - 5 feb

February - March 2014

Makeover: February 4th - March 10th
ThuyTrang: February 4th - February 12th
pinkjade316: February 10 - 23 Kakao: pinkjade316 (trip confirmed)
CocoApple: February 13-20 Kakao: kirika88 (trip confirmed)
Mizubunnie: February 17 - ?
AnnaCrush2506: February 27 - 9 March Kakao: AnnaC2506 (trip confirmed)
April - May 2014
chicbunbun: April 21 - May 15 Kakao: chicbunbunt
hoebee May 11 - 25cinch87 May 15 - 25
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hey I'm planning to go in early March and I'm also looking into teium for eyelid surgery! I'm from Canada btw :smile:
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Hey Belsim and walkingpenguins!

I'm from Toronto, Canada =) I can't PM you guys, but please add me on Kakao: MYQ8909

Ohmygosh Sasa888, that's awful to hear about your experience =( That's one of the big things I worry about if I go to Korea to get surgery is the accountability thing. Its easy for doctors to not do a good job because they know you can't come back easily to complain. But on the other hand, they don't want to hurt their reputation overseas right? That's what I keep telling myself.
But after hearing that, I'm a little worried now >_<
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Good luck to you , Trishul
I wish all the best for you and I am looking forward to hearing from you your trip :smile:
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ID responded to my appointment reservation. Can you believe this? They said I need to deposit $1000 in order to reserve a consultation. Seriously, you must think I'm retarded, ID.


thank you for e-mail us~!

we would love to help your surgery and consultation reservation.

to make a reservation, we need deposit 1,000 usd to confirm your surgery schedule.

we have very busy surgery schedule all the days, so we strongly recommend you to put deposit and come to korea, we will pick you up at the airport and we will help your hotel reservation, also we will provide free remousine service between id and your hotel :smile:

why don't you come? you will get the best result at Id~!

how did you know ID and Dr. Kim?

I love him because he is very very great for facial contouring surgery :smile: I love him!

you will get the best result with him.

please e-mail us for more inquiry, and we will be happy to help your coming :smile:

which city do you live in?

thank you and take care :smile:


ID Hospital

ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(from facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)

tel: +82-2-3496-9783 / +82-2-3496-9787 (English Hot Line)
E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com
webpage : http://eng.idhospital.com
YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/idhospitalkorea
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/idhospital.eng
Address: ID Building 574-2 Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
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