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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I'm sure if people were telling you that they looked pretty whilst they were swollen, then you won't have anything to worry about :P

You've got just over a week left in Korea haven't you? Any plans?
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Hey Karime! I would love to meet up but my sister flew in and she's a little shocked about the plastic surgery culture here in Seoul. Plus she has us on a crazy itinerary since it's her first time here.

Anyway, I hope to post a couple bna pics once I figure out how to black out my eyes on my phone.

I hope you're healing well!!
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Hey, how ya doing?

Omg, u have no idea how crazy i looked. The best part is it was soooo horrendously bad that every day i see small progress n feel a little better. So if i didnt look that disfigured, i wudnt appreciate each day as much as I do now Lol

Ooo ritch, i still have 2 weeks left. If i didnt wanna c my family so bad, id be happy bout this, but on a positive note, i m planning on going to busan n the other place u posted. I finally figured out the subway and bus system. Yesterday i was pretty lost, so i found this 9-10yo kid n asked for directions. He was so cute, him n his younger brothers gave me directions. I learned the younger they look the more english they know, so i asked a kid. Lol

Im also trying to get my hair chemically rebonded-straightened, by chance wud u know what they call that here?
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Hey, no problem!
Glad ur sister cud join u for the holidays. We r gonna hit that womens university n go shopping, so if u r there w ur sister n c a buncha girls all bandaged up, thats us!

Cant wait to c ur pics. Idk how to post pics on here w my phone too. I dont wanna accidently post my whole face. Ive just been ktalking my pics to ppl cuz it allows u to crop out a lot.
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Hey ana.dancer!
I've heard about you from Karime and Adora! I hope I get to meet you!
I did nose and facial contouring, and although the first night was rough, I found it manageable. Also my healing has been a really smooth process, I haven't had any 'near death' experiences.
I agree though, the worst part is the G/A... I think all the girls would agree.
I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery!
Best Wishes =)
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Omg u look amazingly great!! Dr. Kang did such a terrific job :smile:
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Kinda bummed that i didn't win the lottery on Friday but alls good, at least the world didn't end! :biggrin:

I don't know how accessible the internet is for you or what you're using for it but they have directions for the park on their website, you know, what bus routes to get on, train routes and stations to take etc.

Haha at asking little kids for directions, as long as you didn't offer them candy or anything, that can get so misconstrued in the west.

I find it kinda alarming you're asking a guy for hair treatments, as if i'd know...but its Japanese hair straightening you're after isn't it? :P I've no idea if they call it that in Korea but its pretty globally recognised as Japanese hair straightening.
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Ahaha! Omg, laughin hard at ur post right now.

But c! Uve heard bout the straightening perm. Thats impressive for a guy! U had me all confused tho, cuz im like i think he's a dude, but he posted to make sure that we get our nails and hair done, so m not too sure. :confused1:

N thanks, will look for a website n not bother little kids anymore :smile:
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Hi Thiefcat,
Thanks for the update! How about endermologie? When can it be done?

Post -op 5 days:
The pain are mostly gone. Mostly tightness on the lower body. Feet is still elephantish and toes blue-black!! At one point, was silly paranoid about getting gangrene that i kept poking the toes to make sure they are still there! ha. :P

You don't have feet problem, do you? How's your arm now?
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Hi Karime,

You are a sweetheart! Thanks. I'll give the feet one more day before i give in and get bigger boots!

Being positive is half the battle won. I'm sure you will recover well and be happy with your new looks!

btw, you mentioned about the face or skin clinic? Can you share the details?

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O wow, hope ur swelling subsides, my day 7 was my big victory day! So u r close!

MiaAnn said she got comps at Face ID or some thing like that that. I saw an iFace, im gonna ask her later if thats the place. Also nicole knows of good places to go so i will find out n lyk.

Give it a cpl more days n then lets all hang out!! Yay!

Will get back to u bout skin clinics :smile:

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Haha, i only know about the Japanese hair straightening because i see it at my hair salon's price card and curiosity led me to search for it online. IIRC it was pretty pricey which is why i googled about it.

Pretty sure i'm the only active guy posting in this thread now. There were a couple of first timers and some regulars in the other thread but don't know where they are now.

Think its ok to talk to little kids especially if they can help you, I thought it was pretty common for women to compliment other womens kids anyway? Unless you're saying they were there on their own, in which case, what are 8 year olds doing at a train station on their own :shocked:
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Hey, richallthetime. I'm a guy but yeah I mostly lurk but don't post all that much as most of the topics are about zygoma reduction and v-line surgery. I'm not going there. Haha. I'm only interested in rhino; rib specifically.
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Hi, is anyone going to Korea next month Jan2013? Im going there alone and am plan to undergo my nose surgery at JW.

Anybody did nose surgery ay JW?
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i asked about her surgeries on PF too lol she's hands down my favorite after. she definitely got tipplasty. i think alar reduction too. with the photo angles it's hard to tell but she might've gotten something (like fillers) to soften the curve of her bridge.

also i ran her review through google translate, specifically this part: 수술비용은 현금 800 만원 -> "Surgery costs 8,000,000 won cash." i'm guessing she meant just double jaw because wow
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