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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hair grafting is incisional cos they cut a bit of ur scalp at the back to remove the hair to plant on the place u want. I find it tramatizing. I leaving Korea on 29 dec. u coming to Korea?
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O glad u found a place :smile: im guessing u will go w dr. choi if u decide to choose view.

If u do consults the first day n surgery the next, it shud b fine for rhino and ptosis. Most of the girls had their stitches out by day 7 if im not mistaken. cjchen did rhino n vline n only stayed 8 days, but she knew she was doing it at bk so that saved her a day.

Idk bout the lasik, sorry.
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I found it very traumatizing n i only listened to ur story. Im so glad it is done and over with.
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Hi everyone!

I posted a few message earlier saying i will be travelling on 24 Dec to korea for rhinoplasty revision.I am finally done! Nicole is my translater , she is really good!I only went to 2 clinic, Grand and Dream and here are my experience as below. HTHs all!Sorry it
would be long post....

arrived seoul airport and meet up with nicole, a really pretty girl ! can speak fluent korean, english and chinese.

After checking in my luggage at Highland hotel which nicole reserved for me , we walked down to Grand. (Grand and Dream are only opposite btw)
There are many patients at grand, mostly are foreign. some are bandaged up.Nicole booked my appointment at 2:30, but we waited for quite a long while, and i was getting impatient as we had another appointment at 4:00. So after waiting for abt an hour, i told the english translater at Grand that i need to rush off to another clinic. upon hearing that, they quickly arranged a doctor to meet me.I was surprised,anyway the doctor seems really kind, but i think he came in to meet me during his surgery. after pointing out the revision rhinoplasty surgery i needed, he also pointed out i need fat graft on my forehead, and side of my forehead.
After that was the price negotiation with their consultant, Actually i was really tired of waiting so long and quite turned off, as i already booked my appointment , i still had to wait for 45 min++..Then the consultant offered me a price rocket high
8 million for revision rhinoplasty
2 million for fat graft forehead
0.5million for fat graft face other side
she give me a discount at 9 million. but i told her i need to consider as i need to visit another clinic, she say if i go off i would not be able to do my surgery today. I was insistent and i told nicole i like to go off.
It was already 4 pm by the time we went, even nicole told me , they charged too high.

It was located just next to grand. They just moved their clinic so the place look really new and posh. There wasn't many people, mainly local from what i see. We arranged to meet the consultant, as nicole knew the people there, they let us meet the head consultant. A very nice lady which i forgotten her name, after that i met up with Dr park, they say the head of rhinoplasty surgery. It seems like he is also meeting me with his surgery gown , but he seems really relaxed,he can speak english well too, i told him my problem, he asked me what type of nose i want, and i told him natural. Then
Nicole helped me tell him the rest, which i was really grateful as she remenbered what i told her and she help me conveyed everything to the doctor so he could understand better. He also mentioned i need fat graft for my whole face, which would be better than just forehead.after consultation, we went to meet the consultant again, and i dont dare to bargain...haha.Nicole helped me tell her i wish for a cheaper price.. she said she want to increase the price since i am doing whole face, not just the forehead for fat graft. then nicole told her to let it remain the same price, i also say same price behind her. finally she agreed! the price she quote for revisional rhinoplasty 5 million, full face fat graft 2.6 million.

After i paid off all my money , i was asked to change and prepare for sugery. it was finally the moment! Nicole told me she will come back and look for me after 3 hour.
I was really scared of pain, so i keep telling the nurse to inform me when she is numbing me... she say ok asked to to relax, but i just can't relax and keep fidgeting. So the nurse had no choice, but give me a stabiliser injection. After that i feel like i was in dreamland.Everybody i moving me about, and can feel someone is pressing me here and there... it was not pain strangely. After that i felt myself waking up, i saw dr park operating on me, they had finish the fat graft, and now is my nose. i had no idea why but i kept opening my eyes, Dr park asked me to close my eyes, i think he feel weird why am i looking at him operating on my nose... until the end of the surgery i can feel what he is doing on my nose but there is no pain.I can even feel him humming songs to himself when he is at it.Finally, he completed it and he knows i am awake, so he told me "it's beautiful!" so glad to hear it.

Nicole stayed with me until i was ready to go and walked me back to highland hotel. It was a pleasant experience and i would definitely recommend her to anyone.For myself, i felt if no one was with me, i couldn't have make it.After i recover i will post some before and after nose photo to show u all!

anyone in highland hotel doing surgery btw? we could meet up hehe!
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thanks for sharing .. what kind of material Dr used for ur nose ? what kind of surgery did u have for nose ?
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all the best for the healing process...
looking forward to your update!
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hi Mia~
so glad to hear that dimple like thing is gone... :biggrin:
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lol sure no problem :smile: hope ure recovery goes smoothly. i'll pm u my email.
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lol thanks for letting me kno what u think she got done. her nose is definitely really pretty. i can only hope my nose will turn out like that!!! lol
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hey i dont get it, what is the difference between signing an x on the contract versus your name? could you help explain the differences? thanks alot
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hey i have been interested in getting rib cartilage for my rhinoplasty, specifically my tip cuz i want a more dramatic result. but i have found out that not many ps in korea use rib cartilage for tiplasty. could you please let me know which clinics offered this method to you and what the price was? if you do happen to undergo rhinoplasty with rib i would love to know how everything goes. thanks in advance :smile:
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A previous forumer suggested we not sign out name in case something goes wrong.

He does a better job at explaining this. I think if u look on pg 51 of this 2nd thread, i summarized part of the first thread n i included the page n post number. There is a section on signing the medical contract. U have to go back to the first thread to read about it.
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Hey come join us tonight for dinner. we r meeting around 7. Let me know if u r interested. U dont have pm yet, so ask nicole to give u my ktalk id. Tell her i was the one who went to view on my own or leave a msg here. I will check pf before i head out n me or someone else can stop at highland to get u around 6:45.
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