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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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When did you get braces? The lisp could be from the braces... Happened to me :smile:

I was advised to stay as long as possible. I've been in Korea for 2 months and will be leaving at 5.5 weeks post-op. I had to change my return flight because Dr. Kang said "stay in Seoul for another week. What's the point if going back early during holidays? No one can take care of you there if there's something wrong" lol. Normally, he would see his patients at 1week, 2week, 4week, 2months, and 6months post-op. I think staying for 4weeks after surgery is good.
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As much as Korea likes to portray itself as having good English in the media, its actually not true in reality. When you compare it to the likes of China and Japan its some way behind. But thats due to years of them hiring foreign teachers and those said teachers just taking advantage of the good pay and not actually teaching anything worthwhile.

Its only very recently that the government announced that they're gonna be phasing out the foreign teachers and instead hiring teachers who know Korean and English (which is basically their subtle way of saying we're only hiring Koreans who've grown up abroad).

But yeah, in answer to your question, no, the vast majority do not know that much English. Keep things short and simple and also learn some Korean phrases, just make sure you learn the formal version. Most places like hospitals and hotels will have some sort of access to a person who knows English but if you walk into a cafe or something then they're most likely not. It helps a lot if you know someone who can speak English and Korean. Weirdly enough more people know Mandarin than English.
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I agree - I had braces and talk with a slight lisp. I think it's how my tongue hits my teeth and the top of my mouth (when forming words). Don't be too worried about the lisp :smile:
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You've been in Korea for 2 months? How was your living situation and how much money have you actually spent staying for that long? I actually plan on staying in Korea for a similar time period when i go for my surgeries.
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Yes! They know basic English. Coffee shops will be easy because they all have English translations on the menus and the baristas know what you're talking about. Some stores will jack up the prices though. I was in a situation where a girl at a store told me a price in Korean - 15,000w. My sister gave a blank face so the girl said in English 19,000w. For the most part, speaking English will not be a problem (except for older folk).
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Have u been caught out using the informal version?

Not that I would be deliberately rude, but wouldn't there be some dispensation for the fact they know ur not Korean & to not take offense?
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Oh I should have mentioned that I stayed with my family at an apartment near Gangnam station. Sorry I can't be much help in this department.
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Some do n some dont, but dont worry people r so willing to help. I know absolutely zero Korean, but i was able to figure out how to use their bus system which i think harder to use than their subway system which btw is really easy to use even for a car driving gal like myself. Ordering food is easy too. most cashiers know some english or if not, just point to the pictures. Ppl here r great! U will b fine! Best of luck to ya ;)
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the bruises reminded me when i first did lipo on my abdomen area... not in kr but medan
it was really awful but it cleared after about 1 week plus...
i apply this hydrocortisone (?) gel - no idea how you spell it
that i bought from the doctor which was to reduce bruises...
and of course massage the area....
strange thou my bruises didn't hurt at all so i pretty much massage it daily lightly...
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Oh no, i learnt formal versions as most language sites/tapes will teach you this way. But prepare for a long and confusing lesson if you do happen to use informal language, especially to someone whos older than you.

I probably should've added to my post that most people will try and help you, especially the younger generation. They'll whip out a translation app if need be or phone someone they know who knows English.
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I got my braces at a local hospital. Oh...but I think the lisp is also from the gap between my upper and lower jaws .my upper jaw is 0.5 inch behind my lower jaw currently..causing me to talk like a person with a short tongue lol.

Wow,that's quite a long stay in Korea. I'll definitely keep that in mind !^^
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Ohh ok! Thanks for the info :smile:
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Hi Hi.

Here's day 7 photo...
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