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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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lol ya i completely get what u mean, my mid face seems to go on forever! its one of the things that bugs me the most about my face next to my nose. i'm aiming to get in 3 fat grafting sessions, to make sure im fully satisfied with my cheeks. not sure when i'll be able to though since korea is quite a far trip, and expensive to keep going back and forth. i would go to the states but not sure i trust the docs there. lol you made a smart choice with going ahead and juss getting it done. let me know how your final results turn out :smile:
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lol well i guess we agree on something, i am totally in love with her nose. i would for sure bring in her pics to show the docs what kind of nose that i'll be wanting.
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Lol i get ya. I came across this asian doc on the web/youtube in dallas, not sure if thats close to you, who seems pretty skilled in facial rejuvenation using fat graft and fillers. He might b worth checking out and doing research on if u need touch ups later.

Good luck to ya!!
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I thought she is around that age too! IMO, she is younger version of dawn yang in some of her photos. Haha
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Bottom inner corner of my eyes... Not noticeable... Whois ms lee?
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so far on my def likst: View, JW & Teuims

on my maybe list: Migo, Cinderella & Grand

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Hi :smile:

Thanks so much for asking. I m slowly coming along. i m 14 days post op from eyes n vline and 2 days post op from fat grafting. I will post a longer account in a bit :smile:
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This will be my last and final post bcuz as some of u might have figured, this thread can leave u wanting more. Plus, I think i overextended my posting allowance on this thread anyways. It will b in 2 parts since i over exceeded the maximum amount.

Tomorrow, i will say goodbye to Korea :sad: but head back to my family :smile: Seoul is an amazing city filled with great people and some overly tech bathrooms. I quickly learned which button never to push while using the bathroom in the subway. Nothing better than ringing the attendant to come check on u as u use the potty. i also learned to take the taxi, bus, and subway. Not a big deal to most, but i come from a place where everyone drives and speaks English, so for me it was a big accomplishment. Imo, i actually liked the bus better than the taxi. It was way cheaper and faster bcuz it had its own lane n it passed quite frequently.

During my trip, I was blessed with coming in contact w the most amazing people. From the kid who helped me find the subway station to the old lady who found someone to help me find a place to stay the first nite. Kinda bummed i didnt get to travel outside of Seoul, but my last minute fat grafting surgery kinda halted all my plans.

Overall, I loved this clinic! I always felt at ease and if this makes any sense, i never felt i was going in for surgery. it was a real walk in the park. Everyone from the office staff, shampoo girl, the nurses to the doctors were so amazing! N Ms Kim was by far the nicest lady ever!!! i must have seen dr lee 5x after surgery, in passing and during post op visits.

I know i read on the forum to be careful because consultants/doctors will push their services, but that never happened at View. In fact, i begged for fat graft during my stay here, but they really don't recommend it til 3 months after surgery. (I was so bummed, bcuz i knew i will not be returning to Korea for a long time, if not ever.) And, Dr Lee wont suggest anything he feels you don't need, so if you really want something, you need to ask them bout it if they don't suggest it. Then show pictures as to why you want it and the doctor or consultant can explain if it is even necessary to achieve that look.

View is currently working on updating their English webpage :smile: I actually tried to help Ms Kim out, by making a quick form to give to those emailing her about surgical procedures, idk if she will use it. She now probably thinks i had too much time on my hands. Im telling you guys this because if she does choose to use it, i dont want people to start saying, o Karime (pronounced Kari Me, hahaha) is working for View. I am not, i m just anal like that. i even made a checklist for my bnb host to help other visitors staying at her place. So see, just retentive.

Sorry if i m restating this, idk if i posted it already or if i wrote it to someone in a pm, but i never had printed copies of pic of different girls i liked cuz my printer broke right before i left to Korea, so i just had pics on my ipad. But during my consult at View, Ms Kim asked me to tab pics i liked from their books to show Dr Lee. I only got to show him one pic n we talked a bit about my surgery. Well, after a nite of thinking whether i made the right surgery choices, i went back the next day to discuss it w Ms. Kim. she went to the back and brought out my folder. she had xeroxed all the pics i had tabbed and had typed out side comments on each of what i had told her, emphasizing natural looking, etc. then i saw a pic of my photo and dr lee had wrote extensively of my surgical plan, next to my face. I was so impressed and never had second thoughts again.

In regards to my vline n eye surgery, i cant really comment bout my overall outcome just yet bcuz i cant c past the swelling. But i think i will be one happy customer :smile:

As for the vline n sliding genio surgery. never had any pain after the first few hrs after surgery n the pain i did have was from the sliding genio n was a 3 on a scale of 1-10. w no pain meds. i had read here that some past forumers have experienced numbness in their face afterwards, but i never did, even right after post-op. Apparently, Dr. Lee is well-known for that and for minimal blood loss during surgery. i do have a bit of pressure against my lower teeth that is slowly subsiding. As of right now, i can only open my mouth about 2 fingers wide which makes eating a bit difficult. N from what i can remember these past 2 weeks, my smile was not really affected. When i saw Dr. Lee on day 7 post op, he told me "dont worry, no sagging." Ahhh, music to my ears, i just hope there isnt a loss of translation there. For me, the most difficult part about my face contouring surgery was not being able to brush my teeth for a week. Not bad right? Well depending who u ask i guess, luckily all the girls i hung out w had njs so they cudnt smell anyways.
O n i think PS clinics mite recognize each others work by their "signature headwraps" The girls who all had different facial contouring done had different headwraps. When snowstream n i were leaving one of the clinics she visited, the consultant asked her, where r u going now, to View? I cudnt figure y she'd say View until i realized my headwrap may have given it away. I cud totally b wrong, it was just an observation.

My eyes: i normally get keloids when i heal from a cut, so my eyes developed them as well. Mine are near the epi incision, so a bit noticeable. I think there was a loss in translation when i asked about it pre-surgery. Just know this is common and some of the other forumers here developed it with their incisional surgery, as well. It will disappear gradually over the next few months, but there is a scar cream that removes keloids/scars that u can pick up at various pharmacies. I know snowstream n adora10 got one, so u might wanna ask them about it. i also think j koh wrote about one in her blog. (i started to read about sg bloggers thanks to another forumer who pm'd me) View does not recommend any eye ointments during healing, so i havent been using anything. I will just have to improve my make-up skills til then. O n i bought super cute geeky frames to hide behind til my eyes deswells. As for my epi scar, my left eye is a bit red, but no one in the States will notice even wout makeup. Dr Lee and the nurse said that will disappear w time too. O n some of u may feel like your eyes belong on 2 different people in the beginning, dont worry, thats normal. i found if u turn ur head to your better side when talking to people, it will b less confusing for them to decide which eye to look at.

Continuing on, during my stay in Korea, i couldnt get fat-grating out of my head. This is what i originally came for, but the doctors here suggested vline before fat grafting. After several last minute email exchanges and verbal requests, View finally said if i really wanted to, i could get fat grafting-yay! but that the only opening they had wouldnt be until after i left Korea-boo. The way Ms Kim explained the surgery dates, made it seem like View may do certain types of surgeries on certain days, but i am not 100%. I asked her which doctor wud perform the surgery and she said both Dr Lee and the fat graft specialist wud work together on me if there was an opening :smile: but there wasnt :sad:

So, at day 12 post op, i ended up booking fat grafting at Migo. Kinda pricey compared to View, but the lady ps was sooo sweet!! I really liked her n it was kinda refreshing to c a lady ps. Overall, the fat grafting of my forehead helped balance out my entire face, but im currently back to stage 1, like 60% swollen, n now, a pillow face. For a cpl days, my eyes burned/teared from the grafting and i was a bit worried bcuz i read ppl can go blind. Shudda asked the dr bout it before, but snowstream had gone there and had great results, so i didnt. The tightness of my eye socket though did give me pretty bad headaches. i almost never get headaches, so i really just tried to nurse myself. Maybe thats y View was against it so soon. the fat grafting dr told me most common complaints w this surgery 1. Rate of reabsorption 2. Possible asymmetry for 2-4 weeks. 3. Acne. I personally wud add plastic pillow face to this list. I think b4 fat grafting i cudda got away the excuse of weight gain in my face from the vline/sliding genio, but fat grafting added the element of plasticness to my face.
On a side note, after speaking to MiaAnn, she told me her translator told her it is better to do lower eyes as well if u r gonna do fat grafting, i agree cuz my lower eye bags are more noticeable, but i am so over any more PS that i m okay w using concealer.
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The best part of my trip by far was meeting the wonderful forumers here. My Seoul sisters Adora10, adoras roommate, ana-dancer, cjchen, fantasy-face, plastic-korea, snowstream, thiefcat and winterntht (haha, im such an teacher, my need to alphabetize it) it was their supportiveness, encouragements and their helpfulness that got me through this experience. Each had a uniqueness to them that made my experiences here extra memorable. I will never be able to truly express what they'd done for me and how being w them helped my healing but a great big hug n kisses to them all. Hope u guys like the new u!!

Nicole, i cant say enough great things about her!! She's just a super cool gal and i hope some of u will have the pleasure of meeting her, even if she is unavailable for translation services, she is still someone ud wanna meet. Kinda like, top 10 things we shud do while in korea. #1. Meet Nicole n Zoe :smile:

Thank you to all who have posted on this forum-past n present, who have helped me in my quest for PS, your experiences and research helped me make the decisions that i did. And to those brave enough to post ur b/a pics. a great amount of admiration to u guys!

Also, to those i have been pming, ktalking n emailing with, your humor, encouraging words, suggestions and answers have made the recovery process quite enjoyable and way less stressful.

To the rest of you. The best of luck!! Try to do as much research back home. Visit ur local ps and get their suggestions n explanations of what u might need. Formulate good questions. I had so many questions, i just forgot to bring them, but i think the question that helped me a lot was *what is the common complaints/concerns u hear from patients afterwards in regards to this type of surgery. It is an open-ended question so u will get more than an y/n answer. And of course, ask questions regarding what to look out for during post op so that if it does happen, u wont freak out. Of course, the doctor may not remember everything that cud happen, but it helps to know at least the most common ones.

Also dont forget pics of what u like and dont like. I mean ive had conversations w some of u n while u do an excellent job of explaining what u want done, i still cant visualize the look u want n we speak the same language. So pics do help! Winterntht had pics of what she loved, liked, disliked and hated. I thought that was brilliant! Plus make copies so that they can keep in your file bcuz the docs go through so much patients in a day to remember.

Much blessings to u all :smile: to those who have exchanged emails w me. I will keep u posted w my progress n please keep me posted on ur surgeries as well.

Sorry so long, thought id get as much as i cud in since it is my last ;)

O n if u spend over 30,000 krw at a store, ask if ur purchases qualify for a tax refund. If they do, save ur receipts n dont forget to get the tax refund form.
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I hv tried to email them with no replies. Hv also called them but the reception dun understand what M talking abt.
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Thanks a huge bunch for being a complete angel! What an experience huh? Bet you'll be looking and feeling a hundred times better in a month or so. :P I'm so happy that your whole trip and experience went positively, I hope mine will be just as fab *hugsss*
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