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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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thanks alot for the reply, im considering similar procedure and glad to know how it could make suchaa difference! Its sucha less invasive alternative :biggrin: !
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Yes, i've booked my ticket and accomodation. I've scheduled my appointment with ID hospital with DR Park for my Vline & Zygoma procedures and you? :smile:
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Hey, im in sydney too! im going on 21 nov , let me know yeah. Buddying up will be great idea :smile:
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Hey they have the cost information in their website, I'm going there for multiple procedures alongside skin clinic trip :smile:
Less than one more month till I go there , omgg xD
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couldn't see it... i saw only the cost information mail where i gave my email etc and selected lipo... they say cost info sent... but i'm not receiving the mail =.=
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Anyone did rhinoplasty at Teium before or have seen feedback on their rhino job before? I saw on their website that their eye surgery is their speciality but not sure if they are go with nose as well.

Also, anyone did or have seen feedback on JW eye surgery as well? Seems like they are gd with rhinoplasty but again, I'm not sure about their eye surgery.

JW can achieve what I want with my nose without any implants and seems like their pricing is quite reasonable when I compare.
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Which doctor are you going to at JW? I have consultation with them next week.
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For JW, I am thinking of Dr Suh for nose and I think it is Dr Hong Lim Choi for eyes?

Which other clinics have u shortlisted? So far, I have Teium, JW and Regen in my mind but i am still shortlisting cos I will only be in Korea in Dec.

Let me know your updates when u are in Korea ya? It must be exciting!

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oh yes, I am thinking of doing hair grafting as well cos I have a high forehead. Anyone has done this before or any recommendations on PS? I saw on JW and Cinderella's website that they have such services but not sure how this works.
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I thinik i am going to JW, ID and Regen. Tempted to check out View.
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LOL I love it! What an awesome transformation! It was pretty funny seeing the audience and her classmates reaction :roflmfao:
I'm so happy for her though!
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Lol, I saw this show in Korea last week. So the surgeons are from ID????? Impressive.
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Yeah, I recognized Dr. Park from immediately. I'll definitely will be paying a visit to ID when I come in March!
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Yup! I bought tickets and booked accomodation and everything few weeks ago. Just need to exchange money and buy some protein drink/soup supply and Im set :smile:!

ReinRein : Have you got their costinfo yet? if not I can send you, they email me pretty promptly (I enquired in early september, maybe thats their not-so-busy month , hence the fast reply I got..? )

I wonder would anyone be interested in hearing my rambling on my multiple lipo procedures in face/arm/tummy later. Since I'm not doing any facial contour etc YET. haha. PS can be so addictive, I just did nose last year and now this xD
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