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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I think you sld consult him even if you dun get to fit into his schedule for surgery. I saw some video of Dr. choi and I believe a dr that can give talks and seminar, perform live surgery seminar will be professional and experience. He recently gave a talk with regards to handling puffy fatty eyelid...which excited me more since i managed to book my consultation with him while alot of the others cannot even get a slot to see him. But now the high expectation became a huge disspointment.

However, I believe I'm in good hands of Dr Kwon and his staff...because they are committed to giving me a gd experience even prior to seeing them.
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For those of you who had jaw surgery - do you still have gum tightness? I'm 8 months post op and I still wake up every morning with my gums feeling really tight, especially where the incisions were made. My face still feels swollen
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No problem. Thanks for the info. I'm glad you sorted it out with Teuim. I am considering them as well. Good luck and please keep in touch with results.
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Teium is also my prefered clinic as I will be doing my eyes.

After your experience, I emailed Parkwonjin again to confirm my appointment. I also told them that if they are too full and can't schedule the surgery during my preferred dates, no point consulting.
They replied me saying no problem..

I tried to navigate the english website to see who are the doctors there are but I can't find any information at all.

In my email consultation, I requested for the eye specialist and they say they will arrange for me to consult with Dr Park.

May I check where can I find information on this Dr Choi you are mentioning? Does he specialise in eyes?
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Hi everyone,

Just want to drop a quick note to say that I have landed safely in Seoul yesterday and have not been frozen to death! hehehe.

Went for consultation today.. (will write about it later after my surgery) and in the end decided on Migo. I went to Seoul for the intention of just fixing my nose but in the end I paid just as much for eyes as well! :P

Anyway hopefully all goes well for me and if I'm still alive I will post about my consultation and surgery later. Having my sugery tomorrow. Please cross fingers for me and pray for me!! Thank you! :smile:

P/S: Please really do check with JW and ID even if you already made appointment with them. I made my appointment with them in NOV and for JW, I emailed them 1.5 weeks ago and JW assured me that they can squeeze a 7pm surgery for me if I'm really interested. ID didn't even reply.

But 2 days before I depart, JW emailed me again and told me Dr Suh is full all the way till 25th Jan and I should tell them when I'm coming to Seoul (I MADE MY APT for 3rd Jan!! what the.....) and made necessary changes to my dates. I was kinda pissed but I knew that JW is out of my list because of previous warning from this forum due to their packed schedule. I think its not the doc fault, but poor co-ordination on the front desk side. JW is now fully booked by patients from China because from what I heard, JW is trying to break into China's market and is heavily advertising their services in China.

Ok..this is getting too long. I will end here and talk to you gals (and guys) soon!
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All the best sorbet0408!!!! I'm sure you'll have beautiful results - migo r very reputable!! :smile:

Shame about jw & ID. Maybe it's fate & on a personal level I'd luv to hear about ur experience with migo..I heard that they're good for nose & eyes, which is y they're still on my maybe list

Sending u some positive vibes from Oz!!! Lol :biggrin:
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JW plastic surgery is sososo bad!! I am sososo frustrated and angry today!! My friend had a skin treatment by Dr Lee(looks young and tall) on 24th Dec, which included BTX, Botulinum Toxin, hyaluronic acid injection and HumanPlacentaLipopolysaccharide (肉毒杆菌,水光注射,胎盘注射). btw, she is at her 50s. Its been 10 days. There is no differences at all after having done these treatments. winkles are still on her face. the skin colour is still the same. nothing has changed!! nothing!! She went to JW today to complain but got nothing!!! JW's customer service is shocking, absolutely shocking!! she was put aside, waiting and waiting (she stayed there about 4 hours), saw different people (translator, manager,doctor..) but got nothing back! she paid 1.5 million won to get the treatments, no effect at all.
Besides this, the whole process of the treatment was soso unprofessional! Dr Lee wore no gloves, no face mask, no uniform (she was in her casual clothes). did not wash hands, she was doing the treatment and touching her mobile at the same time!! she even put the needle part of the injector in her mouth because she could not find a place to put at that moment...the whole process was too rushing and unsafe. my friend was having dripping to put into sleep. the doctor started the injection on her face (so many holes were made with blood on her face) while she was still awake. Can you imagine how painful that was!!!! We thought that was normal but actually it was so not true.. we were treated like fool and we did not even know what exactly was injected into her face.. no effect after so much pain!! we were so frustrated !!! does anybody know what we could do? need help!!! What a bloody creepy clinic!!!! We are leaving Korea soon!! we feel so powerless and helpless....
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Is JW admin part really that unprofessional??
Not sure if anyone made a deposit to see them will they really confirm ur consultation and surgery date with no last min changes?

Those that only confirm consultations may face some last min cancellations??

I'm not able to find any more gd reviews on their docs, dr suel n dr suh.. Anyone had gd reviews on them?
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Congrats sorbet! Hope you will have a very successful surgery and everything will turn out as you wanted! Keep us updated yea!

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Is this true? You've got to find a way to rectify this! It's going to be hard to seek legal attention in a foreign country, but from what you've described, it's wrong and inhumane. Something has got to be done.
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Hi sorbet!

I'm glad to hear that it's not as cold as it seems. I heard about migo. Did you hire a translator to migo? As the only doctor who understands English is dr Kim.

I wanna do eyes and nose with them. How much are they charging?

Good luck for your surgery! Excited to see your first day surgery. Pls share with me, I really would be coming over
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Best of luck! Did u consult Cinderella? I'm really thinking to going to Migo too. I reckon there probably is a reason they partnered with kbs aye. Theyre good, pricier than average, but quality :smile:.

Update us when you can, you're going to look beautiful. ;)
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Good luck Sorbet! I'll be following your posts closely because Migo is one of my top choices... I love pretty much all their b&a photos. I'm sure yours will turn out beautifully!!
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I recently had my nose done at JW and just want to clarify a few things. One is that winter is their busiest time, dr Suh is extremely busy and I have been told he has been working 6-7 days a week form morning to night. I actually got squeezed into the clinic early in the morning because they respected the foreign patients time - but I also booked about 6 months ahead of time and also had my deposit a bit screwed up.

For you to get a appointment at JW they said very clearly that you will need a deposit of $500 or so to actually get a SPOT secured. If you do not pay this there is no reason for them to secure you a spot. This may or may not have been made clear by the administrators which is probably a bit bad on their part - but understandable because if they have paying patients, they will prioritise them,

Not someone that decides to go surgery on consult day with a chance they will also say no.

So if you guys want a spot at JW make sure you pay your DEPOSIT. I highly recommend them, and one of the best PS experiences I've had. Not only did they invite me back every few days to have my nose cleaned (instead of trying to pull the gunk out yourself using your own disgusting hands and probably unsterilised tools, they also offer to wash your hair face so you don't get water on your(very useful vs not washing your hair for a week yuck) and do some de swelling light treatments too. They also threw in a driver to drive me back to the airport as well - really great. And also you might meet Yumi, she's the resident translator they give you when you arrive- she's very nice, she helps you fill in forms and translate for your consults :smile:

Their staff may be a bit busy I only got a few minutes with the docs after but i think that's also because I got squeezed in so last minute they didn't have the time for me planned. But the english speaking nurse was very careful and delicate when cleaning my nose - she's quite amazing really.

A korean one came in though, once because I think the english one was busy and she started really painfully cleaning my nose - not so fun. So I guess not all nurses are perfect but overall great.

I just wanted to clear it up because the doctors there are the best, and while I was there, there were so many local people coming in and out it was very very busy for a plastic surgery clinic and the form was also in korean - which makes me feel better since I didn't want to end up in a clinic that just made money off foreign patients that didn't know any better *coughcough* VIP....

Also many many people go to Dr Suh for revision from bad jobs I heard as well from other clinics.

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