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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Haha I just saw your consultation thing on Teuim's board when I was posting my photo thing too (hope that didnt sound creepy...), from the picture I really like Teuim's nose since they look sooooo natural and not super high for me but haven't heard anything about Teuim for nose actually..
I also heard for eyes, Teuim tends to give more dramatic/larger eyes while JW changes can be more subtle and natural?

Haha yes please update on your procedures, any info is good info :biggrin: good luck!
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i didn't received it yet... it will be nice if you sent it to me... i pm you my email in a bit... ! :P

would love to hear about ur ramblings! coz i want to know how different is the lipo in korea as compared to where i did mine in indonesia.... the after care and other related matters.... since i've yet to do my arms n leg lipo... done with abdomen only... but i'm not if revision is needed, so the more info the merrier~ LOL!
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yup... Initially I wrote to Teuim via email but they didn't reply me. Afterwhich I decided to write on their website instead but silly me, forgot my password so I had to write on their website again. Very keen to read what they have in mind for my case though.

Problem right now is I rather prefer bigger/dramatic eyes which Teuim seems to be good with but JW can achieve what I want...mainly no foreign implants but use septal cartilage for my nose. I google internet and it was also widely mentioned that septal cartilage is gd.

I was doing research on Teuim on this forum and one forumer mentioned that she regret doing at Teuim as it resulted in scarring but she didn't post any pic or elaborate further.

It is a struggle for me, so I want to see Teuim's reply first, then decide.

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when are you going?

Im going in mid November to do eyes, and am considering Teium too. have you emailed them?
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i think they have surgeons from different clinics featured sometimes?????? unsure because i have only watched clips but for sure not all were from ID...... but that show is sure interesting to me, watching clips online from canada.......... :yes:

hope you are healing up nicely :flowers:
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¨Hi all, thank God I found this forum,

My eyes are very small and very sleepy, so I want to do ptosis correction and maybe double eyelid too. so now i am trying to get information about what clinic is good for this kind of surgery.

Could u advise me Which is the best clinic and doctor for this kind of surgery? I have emailed BK, OZ, Teuim, ID, VIP, Banobagi, and I have received responses from all, and all they have said that I need Potosis correction but Teuim said I also need to double eyelid surgery, so I do not know what which I should select. I am totally confused.

I have read a lot here on the forum, it seems that Teuim is good for eyes. Before I read the forums here, BK was my first choice, have seen many videos from BK. but now I hesitate a little bit, do not know if they are good for the eyes.

I will be really really appreciated if you could share any information about These clinics or others. I really need your help.

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I know that I want to do my nose, but I haven't heard of Shimmian before, I'm going to have to check them out. I have high cheekbones but I don't want to get rid of them, so I don't think I'll get a zygoma. I was interested in getting a V line surgery and then I saw those pics that PomPom1 posted for View. Amazing before and after! The View's noses also seem pretty good. The only thing is that it looks like a V line goes hand in hand with a cheek bone reduction...

I was hoping I would find one clinic to do all my surgeries, because I don't want to fly back n' forth, it's expensive! At this point, I really like Banobagi and View. I'll check out ID some more and Teuim too, but I don't need an epi.

Urgh, so many choices! I guess I'll need to go to Korea and find out firsthand.
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I emailed you rein, let me know when you coming korea, so we can perhaps buddy up and all that!
You did abdoment lipo before? how was the result? do you wear the garment thingy after the procedure?
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I would love to go in Nov but I think more like Dec. I'm in the middle of job searching so whenever I get a new job offer.

Yea, Teium seems promising. I did consider ID too but whats weird is that I did a quick online consultation with them and they recommended some random surgeries....they didnt suggest anything about my eyes which I thought was totally needed for me.

how long are you going for? please do let me know your recovery process. I'm really concerned about the swelling and the stitch marks.
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For epi, Teuim will definitely push on it because the doctor "invented" that magic epi technique, I also only wanted ptosis and maybe epi but for Teuim apparently the ptosis and double eyelid pricing is together...
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So do you know what this "magic" technique is? I mean, whats the difference between epi done at other places like ID or BK vs Teuim? they sound the same to me.
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I had my nose job 3 week ago and let me tell you. Huge difference now vs first week. I take pictures of my nose weekly and I see a lot of changes everytime:smile: Ive switched to warm compress now and it seems to be helping.

Where did u get ur nose done? Have u done ur eyes at all? If so where?
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Ah seriously, fingers crossed! I wanted something really natural, so hopefully all the swelling goes down soon, can't wait for the cast to come off.
I only did my nose, not the eyes; and had it done at Siwoo PS. It doesn't seem like a popular place amongst this forum, but was recommended by some Korean friends of mine.
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