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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Oh..but I realised a new problem now that the Dr Kim is gone.
Previously I heard that he was the doc who can speak fluent English.

Now that he is gone, does this mean I will need a translator?
Zoe and Nicole happen to be busy on the days that I am gona have consultations. =(
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I am sorry snowstream i tried to search the videos on youtube and on the others site but seems like the videos are deleted :sad:i think the best way to know is go to consultation and look at their local patient :sad: i am sorry i couldn't help you
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Thanks helloj - in also going to do eyes and nose. Grand is on my list to consult with :smile:
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looking forward to your experience...
althou they are what i read from pf being one of the most sued clinics, no harm to know more of people's experience....
i'm gg to email them for online consult to test them after work

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i think the reason why she was reluctant to let you change the clinic because she have already discussed her commissions with all the clinics. you dont need her permission to change clinic, you can just email all the clinics yourself. i think its better this way. =)

btw can i know who is the other translator? can i get her email or sth? thanks! =)
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Just to bump up this post. Feel free to quote and add your own name in.

November 2012
- Via (20th Nov - 6th Dec)
- Faithhope01 (Nov.26 - Dec.10)
- Oceanbelle (29 Nov - 9 Dec)

December 2012
- cjchen (16th - 25th)
- fantasyface (17dec to 10 Jan): Vline,zygoma reduction
- loverrrly (surgery date dec 8)

January 2013
- sWalloW (6th - 19th)
- shockingpinkz (7th - 23rd)
- Cher87 (9th-30th)
- miso soup (7th - 20th)
- JQ132006 (11th - 26th)
- momo2013 (12th Jan - 7th Feb)
- TP11957980 (15th Jan - 2nd Feb)
-Cherryz (still trying to make appt)

February 2013
- apples. ( Jan 30th - Feb 17th)
- sesamekiss (27th Feb - 12th Mar)

March 2013
- spartakooks (7th-16th)
- R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
- Cherryzz
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The reason 3 clinics is set is because of the waiting time. I was only in Korea for 10 days, I needed to have the surgery done asap, so I went with 3 clinics, the first consultation started at 10.30am, and the last finished at 8.30pm.

With endless waiting for consultants, Doctors, etc... If you want to visit 8-9 clinics, be ready to put aside 3-4 days JUST for consulting. Imagine ALL the radiation you will get from 8-9 CT scans and X rays.

I think the purpose of translators is not only translating. She was there with me the whole way. The fact that when I was wheeled out of the operating room, and she was there to pat me and tell me everything is ok, is worth double what I paid already. When I was not fully woken from the GA, she was there to help me and change my ice pack, and stayed a few hours with me until a translating nurse came to work the night shift.

She helped my buy food when I was feeling down, she went with me to every single checkup post op, which was 7 times in 7 days. She comforted me when I was going through the "OMG what have I done, will I look like this forever phase." during the swelling time.

She was there for me when I needed a shoulder and someone to talk to during my mental and physical up and downs before and after surgery. Most of all, she was being a friend, someone I relied heavily upon on when I was alone in Korea. To be honest, I think the best thing that I did was hiring her. I think I would have gone crazy if I was going through this alone.

Yes there was a translator at Regen, where I had my surgeries, but she was very mechanical and she didn't care about me at all. She won't even remember me the next day. She also didn't translate everything.

I don't know about commission or no commission, I don't really about that, but if you do enough homework, you can decide which clinic, which Doctor you want, but for the price we pay translators. I think it's worth every penny.

I ended up paying her 1.5 times more than I needed to, because I appreciated her sooo much.

Just my 2 cents, and my personal experience.

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hey, can i know who is your translator? =)
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Agree, zoe also do the same to me at first, thats why I prefer nicole so much better, I think she has lots of client based and rave reviews, thats why she became like so. No hating , i just feel she became quite 'market' instead or personalised.Anyway im 1 week post op, so far so good. My friend had her vline+zygoma+nose+alar done quite shocking how its swollen and all o_o , so i suggest you guys to be mentally prepared what you gonna look like after surgery not just think about the prettier side of plastic surgery. The process can be quite tough , i was told its like dying moment and you gonna swell so freaking bad .Anyway,we're staying together at awesome studio apartment. I'll elaborate more when im back , but so far im healing quite nicely, did my skin clinic treatment too ^^ so I guess i have done whatever i planned to do, not more not less. haha. done some shopping, nails and all those vain things too, quite glad in a way i did not so invasive procedure so i still have spare energy+time+cash for other things.
Note that ,I only hire nicole for skin clinic translation and airport pick up and first day accompany. The rest of it ,I was with my friend (the surgery and other stuff)
That being said, feel free to ask questions or PM me for nicole email , trust me shes tons better :3
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Hi Cherryzz,

This was exactly what me and my friend, another forumer thot too. Initially, we had decided on some clinics which she often brings foreigners to. But when my friend wanted to change to another clinic which is not under her "recommended" list, she dropped her first, even thought it was like 3-4 weeks in advance notice.

I didn't know she would do this to me too when I asked if I can change one clinic but we still keep the same time and the rest of the 2 clinics remain the same, no changes, given one month notice. She dropped me like a hot potato too.

I have no proof that she is taking commission from some of the popular clinics hence this is my pure speculation only. I am fine if she takes commission as long as she does a gd job helping me. But to suddenly tell me that she can't help me, I was surprised cos I had been a good client and I dnt bother her a lot, gave her my clinic list at least 1.5 months ago and even made my own appt with JW and update her. When I emailed JW consultant that I am bringing Zoe along, she replied back by asking me not to bring Zoe along as she can help me with the consultation. So I was also puzzled by her reaction abt me bringing Zoe along. I told her that I have already booked Zoe hence I can't drop Zoe like this. Who knows... Zoe ditched me.

Anyways, I am glad Zoe ditched me now cos I find that her service is getting more commercialised, getting assistant to help. Not that it is bad cos ultimately, she also wants to make money and she is running a business. But I believed I will be in a venerable state after PS so I need someone who can give me a personalised service. I believed Zoe is good based on all the gd feedbacks. Maybe she is just not suitable for my style. I am also scared that when I woke up from my PS, I see Tony beside my bed, rather than Zoe...lolx.

I am not sure if I can reveal my translator name here but her name starts with N. If u are not sure who exactly, let me know then I pm u or if u like, u can pm me first and I will pass her email to u. I dnt kw if her service is gd or not cos I haven't used her yet so I dnt want to promote her here. :smile: Just that I also got her email from this forum after others use her service.
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hi all, M new to this forum. I am keen to go to Seoul next mar 2013 and also looking for buddies so we can look out for each other.
may i know for those going , any1 engaging zoe to translate and take care of us? or juz the ladies going to seoul and doing the consulatation, surgeries, n post-op care alone. pls advise and share :smile: thanks much.
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