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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi SeoulforReal, need your advise. Airport limo bus can go to any places/locations which we preferred right? if im travleling with my family members eg.3 adults and 2 children will it be better to call a cab instead? Can we engage a tour guide with vehicle to bring us around korea for 1-2 days like a day tour to places of interests?
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Not everyone will need the ptosis correction so send soem emails to the clinics you have shortlisted and take a preliminary advice. If majority says you need it...factor it into your cost. Ptosis is bascially for those with sleepy eyes or fatty eyelid (like in my case).

Try to shorlist to 3 after the preliminary advice so that you wont be in dilema when you are there. Those that you mentioned above are similar to those that I have shortlisted. The dbl eyelid makes lots of difference, trust me.

It depends on the days you spend there and your recovery. My friend only removes her eyebag but she spend two days stoning because of the anethesia, but I went out till midnight right after I got out of the clinic. I did everything as per normal for the next 9 days I'm there.
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I think Via's nosejob looks reallyyy good.
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If there are five passengers then taking a cab from the airport might be better and would cost you about 50,000 to 60,000 KRW about $55-$65 USD. Cabs are usually midsize sedans - Kia Optimas or Hyundai Sonatas. So if you think your luggage and all of you can fit, it should be OK. There are mini-van taxis too, but will cost a little more.

Seoul Tours (Private)
http://www.cosmojin.com/ (I used this one for my parents and thought the price and service was the most reasonable)

For tour services you can charter a private driver, and tour guide who can either build a custom tour package and shuttle you around or you can choose premade tour package. This might cost you about $200 to $300 per day some charge up to $900 to $1,000. Google Seoul Private Tours. Of course you can always find some random dude who will do it a lot cheaper, but he's a freelancer and a little risky.

Seoul Tours (Public)

This is a government operated tour bus with 2 different courses. You basically buy a day pass that ranges between 10,000-15,000 krw per person depends on time and route. And it goes to all the major points of interest and you basically hop on and off the bus as you please. It has an audio tour with headphones, but audio kinda sucks. When you buy a ticket you get a discount book for other attractions. Like a discount off seoul tower admission fee etc...

Getting Around in General (Bus Cabs, Subways)

Buy a T-Money Card (Subway station or any convenience store and charge it with cash). This is an electronic travel card you can use in Busses and Subways. 10,000 won per person should be fine for 2 days worth of travel.

Cabs - Taxi fares are pretty cheap in Seoul. You can go from one side of the city to the far opposite in a 30 to 40 minute journey and still pay only 10,000 to 15,000 won. Don't take black color taxis they are considered luxury cabs and cost more (any other color is fine)

FYI - This is how you know a taxi is available if it says this:

If it's not lit up, is flashing a phone number or says something else, it means its reserved (although sometimes drivers forget, so still wave at the cab anyway)

Subway - Reliable and easy to figure out and cheap, but you spend more time underground

Bus- Difficult if you can't speak or read Korean.
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Bella and AngieBellex,

Dr Choi in JW is the eye surgeon in JW. Search for 'DR Choi JW Plastic Surgery' video, or go to their FB page.

Eating spicy food and drinking slcohol retains water...so u will de swell slower. Well I started eating for dinner after i left the clinic thought. Just try to eat in moderate.
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Did you apply the non-scarring oniment? I'm post 2 weeks and no redness since I remove stitch on post 7 days.
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OK... so as I'm getting consults here in the US, two surgeons I've seen want to use my ear cartilage for the nose tip because it's already a curved shape and will stay that way in the long run. They explain it as the cartilage having memory and it'll usually revert to its previous state so ear cartilage is better than septal for tip.

I'm not really sure I want to cut into the back of my ear if I don't have to. Did anyone else hear this or if anyone can confirm it's true?
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Firstly,when you name yourself something like "SeoulForReal", do you seriously think by calling yourself "for real" people will believe that you aren't maybe flaky? I could call myself names like "Seoul even more for real" or something could I not?

Hence, if I wanted to lie, or market, I would just go write it that I did the rhinoplasty, not my sister.

You are right at one point. I am an absolutely extreme person at this point, because I've seen just how terrible a bad rhinoplasty can do to a person. You want more information? Sure. But understand that I was writing a blog, not writing a marketing piece, hence I was new at this. If not, I would have included prices on the first writeup.

If you really want names of the Taiwan clinic, I am willing to tell you. It is this clinic called dr shine. I'm infuriated so I'm writing a blog. Just like I was infuriated after spending money at a clinic and hearing your own sister wail and scream when her nose was inflamed. Rhinoplasty isn't like having a paper cut. You wait days for the swelling to subside, and weeks for the color to go off and months for a shape to appear.

You know what happened to us in between? Besides spending money at that cursed clinic? And getting ignored by them when things went wrong? They said they would not be returning us the money but we could have other services at their clinic. Listen, the cost of rhinoplasty at that clinic was about 1K USD, it wasn't much at all and recommended by a friend who vouched for it. Later he said, he didn't know they sucked.

We had a lot of BS people who tripped us just like that.

In the interim, who went online and stumbled across forums like these and researched for information? I did. Because my sister was too distraught with herself for sitting there for 14 months in pain. This clinic gave her nose fillers after they saw that her nose became a little upturned. Imagine that, a rhinoplasty and 2 months later, fillers.
I wasn't as informed as you guys, so I just accompanied her and let it happen. Later every single doctor we saw said her nose had too much stuff inside. Ie. both her ear cartilages were used. And a sillicon implant and fillers with thread.

This nose never went down in size after swelling subsided in like 6 months. Why six months? Here's the reason. When you go to a good doctor, the swelling would be less. A not so great doctor= massive swelling. Now imagine, not so good plus complication after too much material and fillers= very big disaster.

We went to Seoul after I saw information online. We saw a few doctors who were nice and friendly. One of them was Dr Park from Oz. He spoke excellent English and told us revision rhinoplasty was not advisable even though my sis is more than a year since her nose job in Taiwan. He said the nose looked red and fragile even after 1 whole year. He advised us to live with it for now. Even after revision, it wouldn't be much different.

Then we went to Item and Dr Kim saw us. To be honest, I liked how nice and pretty Item was. Dr Kim said my sister's nose was severe once again, but he actually expressed some hope at treating it. He said to come back in another year. When her nose became less fragile.

Then we went to Bao surgery, because we saw it along the same building as Oz.

Finally when we were about to leave Korea, I saw some things on Shimmian. I was hesitant after reading the negative review from that lady you said was on the extreme negative. But I went to Dr Jung's website and saw pictures of damaged noses, noses that were inflated, or crooked and swerved to one side. I felt that there was a chance we could make good our trip in Korea.

When we went to Shimmian we really expected nothing. But in actual fact Dr Jung assured us that he could do the job. I was really grateful. Sometimes when you watch a person suffer it feels a lot worse than you suffering on your own. Sometimes when you watch your own sister tell you she wants to kill herself because all the ugliness and disappointment plus consecutive needles are going into her even for fillers ; you just watch helplessly.

I am writing the Shimmian review because I'm really thankful that there was a remedy after going to several doctors. Hey who knows, maybe some other doctor could have helped if not Dr Jung but we are really only at day 17 now, everyday we are waiting for results.

Here's what happened during the operation and in regards to the review of that lady who set up a blog just to attack Shimmian.

We were told at least 5 times i advance that my sister would be using the rib for her nose. The rib surgery wasn't something that I was experienced with after seeing my sister with only implants and ear cartilages inserted into her nose. But Shimmian did tell us clearly.

When the surgery was done, my sister complained that she was in severe pain the first night whenever she breathed too hard or she coughed.

When you cough, I believe is is due to the blood and the phlegm stuck at the underside of your throat after rhinoplasty. It hurt her at the ribs because she had this band wrapped around. I was going to blog more in detail at the future blogs but understand that I was writing for the first time. So maybe I should have taken more tips from you before writing, since my blog lacked content. Hence it wasn't as "well written" as you claimed.

Now back to the motivations behind writing this blog. When you have gone through so much and so many doctors and seen so many disappointments, you will be geared to "DO SOMETHING" either because you don't want other people to end up as clueless as you did or you want to chart the recovery progress or you are simply grateful to the guys that actually helped you and you feel sorry that they had a review as extreme as the negative one. In fact I saw that review just as you mentioned. The search engine popped those words up when I googled. Initially I wrote my blog at toughtoughcookie blogspot.tw because I felt we went through a lot, hence we became "tough".

Later I changed the address because I just thought if another person who went through a bad experience could find a good revision doctor, maybe it would be better to make the search easier when you google.

I'm not somebody Shimmian paid to do this. I'm an angry sister.

Oh yes, price. Because it was a revision this did not come cheap at any of the clinics that quoted us. My sister had the fillers in her nose and a revision once in Tw, both of which didn't work, because they were from the same place. Hence at item plastic surgery we were quoted based on the number of times operations had been done. It was about 8K USD.

Oz didn't quote but ask us to come back nx time. Neither did any other doctors.

Shimmian charged us 11K USD in total.

It has been a long arduous and expensive progress but I hope it turns out ok.
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Seoul Tours (Private) how much did it cost u and is this a customized tour just for u?
u can choose where u wanna go and they will take u there?
do they charge u per day?
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i booked a full day tour to take my parents to a korean folk village and a fortress tour. i had to work so a private driver and tour guide took them. it cost around $200 USD.
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Thank you bleuya :smile:

I have given some information above and I'll keep updating more.
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Hi SeoulforReal, these are very useful tips and info. Thanks alot...;)
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Thanks! This is helpful. I'm going to Korea next month on the 18th.
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