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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hey u
I am heading to Seoul 2nd Apr for two weeks. The procedure we are getting done are quite similar . Plus I wanna lipo n face grafting to my face. Lets buddy up :smile:
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Just take an airport limo bus, it's only 14,000 won one-way ($14 USD). When you walk out of Incheon Airport you will see the bus ticket office outside on the sidewalk. Tell them your hotel or location and they will tell you know where to stand.

Your hotel it located near this intersection

강남을지병원사거리 (Gangnam-ul Jee-Byong Won Sa Go Rhee)

if you copy and paste it into google translate and tell google to read the Korean out loud you can hear how it's pronounced.
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We should! :smile: have you shortlisted the clinics you want to go to? also, are you planning to hire a translator?
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I notice a lot of people asking about translators, and I can honestly say that after going to most of the major clinics that you don't really need one. Most of these clinics have staff that can speak English, and most of the doctors can speak English or understand it, especially when you use medical terminology.

I think the translators come in handy to navigate Seoul and coordinate consult times, but you could schedule and do these on your own just as easily.
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hello! no i didnt.. are there any good ones here? have you gone for consultations? do share with me if you think there are any that are worth visiting. well, from the doctors that i have liaised with, they all said roughly 6-7 days for stitches removal...
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I have shortlisted a few : view teium regen grand and VIP . I have booked Nicole in translating for me. I will spend the first1-2 on consultation and I think tats necessary n worthwhile :smile:
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very similar to mine..im thinking teuim, VS, view, dream, regen and grand. i was in touch with both nicole and zoe as i wasnt sure if either one would be free then. are you going to stay around the area?
will this be your first time having the procedures?
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I think you pointed out yourself why people do need translators, yes, a lot of the major clinics will have English speaking staff to assist you but some of us have shortlisted/have gone/or want to consult with the smaller clinics like View and Migo for example.

It also very much depends on the person, if they're confident enough that they can get their message across than by all means, they probably should save themselves money and go it alone. But most of us will be travelling alone, to a country where we don't speak the language, where the populace sometimes struggle to speak our native language, and without any form of modern communication that we've become accustomed too in our normal lives. Its a lot to take on mentally on top of your eventual surgery so i think having a translator is a great boost in this respect. Not to mention, most of the translators you hear a lot about in this thread (Z & N) actually help out their clients a lot more than just mere translation services.

Anyway, thats my 2 cents on translators.
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Have u finalized ur trip date cherryzz?
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Yes those are for the first time . But I had nose surgery once before in Oz:smile:
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Hey thiefcat,
Ur result is amazing !!! So excited for u ;) if u don't Ming I ask his much did tat cost u? As I am considering lipo at 365mc myself
Many thx
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hi im planning to have the same surgeries that you mentioned, do you mind showing me before & after pictures as im still deciding on the clinics and doctors. thank you :smile:
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Hmmm... Not bad...

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And looking forward to your share on this :smile:

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hi can you send me a list of your english consultants as well, thank you :smile:
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