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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Well, I don't think anyone here would be counting out their $100 bills while walking to the clinic...
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Just want to clarify few things that might be getting jumbled up: customs hassle and avoiding tax/getting a cash discount)

First, if you travel to Korea with more than $10,000 USD you need to declare it to customs (it's not a big deal). Basically you tell customs, why you have that much money and what your intentions are for bringing it into Korea.

Now as for tax and cash discount on surgery, either way you are paying some form of tax for your operation and it's hidden in the final total price you are quoted, so you can't avoid tax. What you are avoiding by using cash is the credit card processing fee the clinic will pass onto you.

It depends on the conversation order with your consultant. If the consultant asks you before you are quoted, "How will you be paying?" and you say credit. She's going to mark up the price a little bit to cover the credit card company's processing fee. Then you say, "What if I pay cash?" Then she knocks down the price because you eliminated the fee. She basically removed the processing fee. In theory, business owners should absorb the fee as the cost of doing business, but merchants love to pass it to the customer.

Have you ever been to a gas station and they tell you "it's 45 cent fee" for using your credit card? There's been a long on-going legal battle about that, and VISA used to tell its merchants it's a violation of their policy, and consumers also filed class action lawsuits, but on Jan 27 of this year, it's now legal for merchants to do that in the USA. http://usa.visa.com/personal/using_visa/checkout_fees/index.html. I don't know how the Korean law works, but corporate and business law has always been a joke in Asia i.e. Samsung vs Apple, and just about 90% of business deals in China and India.

My point is you get a cash discount because you are not paying the sub-charge credit card processing fee that the clinic is passing onto you - that's it. They might shave a little bit more because they like getting cash because it's liquid and easy to hide and cook the books with.

When you are quoted, it should include tax. For example, let's say your surgery cost $100. In their books the surgery cost $90.99 + 10% Tax = $100


The Art of Bargaining

Also, most of you on this forum are some type of 2nd generation Asian, and something unfortunate happens to this generation in that they lose something their fobby parent's were masters of - being cheap, and the ability to hunt and fight for a bargain. I'm guilty of losing it too, but it's a skill you can learn to develop. Just take your mom, dad or grandparent to a traditional market or swapmeet and watch them do their magic, and just mimic that attitude here, don't feel embarrassed or ashamed. It's more embarrassing when I see a shy, clumsy and gullible tourist get suckered into the first offer price.

You can try to getter a better price, they want your business and they know you have other options. The question is can you develop the confidence and essence to show them that you know you can go else where that's how you can get a counter offer.
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Lexethan brings up a very valid point - and to be honest it has not even occurred to me.

So let me offer my two cents.

Crime is extremely low in Seoul, you don't get mugged on the street with the same probability as say New York City, but there are cat thieves and burglars.

Just don't advertise to people that you're here for a procedure and keep your money in a place that is safe, lock up when you leave, and place your valuables in a place where it wouldn't occur for a burglar to look. For example, NOT in your suit case or jewelery drawers.

You can avoid everything by just paying everything via your debit or credit card, but you should call and tell your bank ahead of time about this, and see if there will be a problem, if all of the sudden you have a $15,000 transaction at a plastic surgery clinic in Seoul, well that will trip a fraud alert system.

If people are really concerned, then 3 star to 5 star hotels can alleviate this since they have safes in their rooms.

I'm also checking to see the process for tourists opening up bank accounts or safety deposit boxes at banks in Seoul.
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I totally agree. Sometimes I feel as if being "beautiful" depends on how the plastic surgeon envisions you to come out. It's like hot red is the new fuchsia and then all of a sudden say that orange is the new pink.

I don't want to be branded. I just want to look as natural as possible.

Yeah, I saw on my news feed a korean doctor talking about industry regulation in Korea versus HK and SG. The article mentioned that there are 500+ in Gangnam alone. What shocked me was that only 100 are board-certified. It's scary to think that even if all clinics have a permit and are run by real licensed doctors, 4 out 5 of them aren't certified to even do what it is they're doing.

What clinics have you got?
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Hi! I'm not sure but I deff will only go to aboard certified PS. From what I've read the best clinics are the big ones like JW and ID on sinsa road in Gangnam. There's a korean doctor in my city that's board certified and has a lot of good reviews. I might go to a consultation and see what he has to say. I don't think he does jaw surgery though, he specializes in eyes and nose.Good luck yourself! ^_^
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Well, you seem to think that forumers are going to advertise that they're carrying that much cash, otherwise you wouldn't be warning us NOT to, right? Of course crime can happen to anyone at any time, but if you don't say anything, the chance of you getting mugged while carrying NO cash and carrying $10,000 is the same. It would be unfortunate if someone stole your purse when you just happened to be carrying that much money, of course, but like SeoulforReal said

Unfortunately, it will probably be quite obvious that many of us our tourists, which makes us good targets. I guess that's the point you're trying to make? Because I'm sure that the people in that area can spot people coming for medical tourism.

Personally, I feel uncomfortable carrying that much cash anywhere, so I'll be using plastic, whether or not that ends up being more expensive for me.
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Hi Everyone,

Im new in this forum :smile: and happy to be a member.

i am planning to go to korea for plastic surgery. I wanna do epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty and I would like to find some people who had experienced this procedures...
I am very scared but I wanted it for so long :smile:

I have choosed JW plastic surgery hospital and i've been exchanging a few e-mails with them but... i don't know if it is fake or real.

PLease... I need to know if someone already went to JW hospital and if this hospital is real.
i went to their website and wrote to the e-mail address but how can I know this is the real JW website??

I really need some help. This is so new to me...

Thank you so much for your help :biggrin:
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Can you tell me more about that "april forum"? i'm planning on going to korea in apris in JW hospital but haven't heard about this hospital in this forum.

i'm new here so can have access to PM yet :sad:

hope to hear from you soon :smile:
take care!
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Which clinic and time and date? PM me
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Hi there!

I would like to do vline jaw, nose and eyes surgery in Korea but looking at BK.
when you all planning to go?

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In my opinion, if you're going to do facial contouring. It should be done by someone who is a maxillofacial surgeon. If you have one surgeon doing your eyes, nose and jaw. Can he really be a master of all three?
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