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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I don't know if they have an english site, I've just used google translate and a massive amount of back and forth to figure out how to get around.

I believe Jewelry's doctor replied to my inquiry (they took 6 days), although no one left a signature, he mentioned "this is one surgery that I do.." .. so i'm assuming he has basic english skills. Just to be on the safe side you should hire a translator if your worried or very specific in your surgery details.
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I've seen Xiaxue on a youtube video regarding her plastic surgery:

Very information for people who are considering rhinoplasty.
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I think that getting a "translator" is really unncessary unless you really need an "extra hand" to get around. I think of it more as a personnal assistant who takes care of your schedule while you're there. Although, this would be very convenient, it really isn't warranted. There are some clinics who invest in training their staff to become english proficient and some even hire people who 've lived overseas to serve as internal translators. If you're travelling with someone, they can be your support systme instead of some "translator." I've also leraned that some can arrange airport pick-up services and take care of lodging for you. If you want to travel they'll take care of your needs to.
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Hi guys, I am 3 days post op. Wanted to post something yesterday but the internet didn't work and I lost all that I've written. So here it iss again. ")

For those who don't know, I had vline, zygoma reduction and tiplasty for a total of 12 million, at Grand Clinic.

I must say, the worst is really after waking up from the surgery. I'm a person of quite high pain tolerance, but it was really a traumatic experience for me. The GA is really a B****, and immediately after waking up, I thought i would be better off dead. LOLZ. i was giddy for almost 12 hours. I can't breathe through my nose so just had to do so thru my mouth, thus it was contantly very dry and hurts well.

Probably it due to me having anemia and also cold is my weakness since I come from Sunny Singapore (I don't know why the hell they would switch on the aircon when outside is already -7 degrees.) thus it might very well just happen to me only.

But do prepare yourself for those who are going for PS. It's no joke, and I would never go again.

I really respect those who tolerated not drinking any water for 6 hours!
For my case, I couldn't drink for 2 hours and it was already so tough for me that I cheated by asking them for wet pieces of tissue, and drank the water from it. Thankfully I was doing well, and was allowed water after1.5 hours. :smile:

I can't feel anything on my lower lips still, but at least after 2 days, I can finally close my lips together now. For the past 2 days, having to breathe from my mouth as my nose was stuck with cotton, there were many times I was salivating but i didn't realized it.

I went back to the clinic for removal of bandages and cleaning of wound today, and to my shock, I had to remove it myself?
Did anyone else who went to other clinics had to do it themselves? The nurse just asked me to go and wet the bandages and take them off.
The tape was super stuck unto my flesh, and can you imagine how worried I was trying to wet the bandages and slowly peeling it off my skin when I weren't sure if my flesh has mended to my bones.

After taking it off, My zygoma is smoothen out and I kinda like the result althought I'm still swollen. As for my chin, when I took off the bandages, I was shocked that it was protruding out a lot than before, which was what I wanted to get rid off so currently I'm quite upset about this... Specificlly told the doc that protusion gone, and now it seems more prominent. We had this conversation whereby he said he has to stick my flesh to the front of my chin to prevent sagging, whereby I reminded him that I wanted to have vlin is so that the protrusion will be gone. I hope he didn't forget about it and insist on his likes.

Will have to wait and see because it might just be the swelling but it's really too much to be so. :sad:
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hey theifcat!
did u do ur thigh lipo @ 365 as well? results look great now..!! how long did it take for thigh bruises to be gone? was the bruising bad?

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Hi onlyif,

Did they insert urinary catheter into your vajayjay? I hate that thing.

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Glad to hear you're doing well.

You definitely need to wait at least 3 months for the swelling to go down to make any judgments
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Good luck with the recovery! :biggrin:

Getting over the first couple of days is the worst period judging by what most forumers post when they're talking about their experience.

Remember to walk around as much as you can when you're able!
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Gosh, I really hate my lappy or this website..
Each time I type a whole lots of things and disappear for awhile to do something, upon coming back my whole post that I've type but not yet posted would disappear!

Sigh, anyway here it is again -

avagoddess, yup tey stuck the tube up my private. Consultant asked me to take off everything before heading to the ops, and I asked why.She explained that it's to prevent you from wetting yourself in the midst of ops, and to me, I certianly didn't want to head to the bathroom after I woke up from the stupid GA either.
It wasn't painful when they pull it out. Just a weird sensation. LOLZ!

Anyway I realized that my operation started at 10, and I woke up at 6. Is that long?

Also, thanks to all for the encouragement! Really glad to know there are people here that I can speak to regarding what I am facing. It's certainly diff when you are actually going thru it yourself. I do feel better day by day, and today is only day 3. Hope day 4, the swelling will be further down! They told me that I can brush my teeth but I find it hard to do so since my lower lips is still swollen and numb, and they said I have to asolutely avoid touching the 4 incision area inside. Talk is always so easy man. LOLZ.
So I'll just continue to use the gargling fluid. Havent been wearing my teeth retainers as well! Hope the teeth won't shift away much and I will still be able to put them back!

Also i'm thankful for the homestay hosts (an old couple) who really help to look after me. They called the cab and wrote down the directions in korean. Even called the consultant to call a cab for me after my surgery and wanted to wait for me below their apartment.
Really sorry that I made them so worried! Lolz! Sine I was the first guest who went thru such major operation. Was laughing and chatting with them the day before, and after my surgery, I seemed so sick (well I'm not, but I just can't talk)

Even provided me with ice pack when the clinic forgot to give it to me.

I'll just end with some pictures which I hope you guys will find it useful. :smile:

GRAND Post Surgery Precaution for Facial Conturing (I did Vline, and Zygoma)

GRAND Post Surgery Prcaution for NOSE (I did tiplasty only so if you are doing more, your precautions will change definitely)

FREE SIM CARD - Get it FREE from K BOOKSTORE (comes with 8 mins free calltime, and 35 mb free data) at Incheong Airport! It's free, and all you need to pass them your passport, and you can choose microsim or normal sim. It can be used immediately and topped up at their GS 25 (a well-know and everywhere minimart. much like 7-11)
At least get it so that you can make phone calls and your consultant can contact you, and you get at least some 3g data roaming first. It's esential here (you can check maps or kaokao people)

Station's Map - get it from any station counter or at the airport. Very useful.
(But please note that DON'T take trains when people are getting off from work. I got pushed in further when I actually wanna come out!!!)

Porridge which you can get from 7-11 stores here. You can eat directly like me, or heat it up first using a bowl n microwave.
(Grand's English Translator June was actually so nice she got a pumpkin porridge with honey for me out of her own pocket. I went on to buy the rest because it's the exact thing we can eat for the first few days. There's tuna, beef, abalone and veggiesontop of the pumpkin with honey incase you wanna know. Cost about 2800 won each, and 3500 won for abalone)

Universal adapter I bought from gmarket doesn't work here! Their sockets are deep and you need an adapter for that.Thankfully my homestay host has one. :smile:
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"I went back to the clinic for removal of bandages and cleaning of wound today, and to my shock, I had to remove it myself?"

That doesn't sound too good, when I had my V Line I got a compression band like a large headband that wrapped around the top of my head to my chin and it was really tight but its to keep the swelling at bay but I did go to a different clinic.

"The GA is really a B****, and immediately after waking up, I thought i would be better off dead."

It is a major shock when you come round from surgery and yes GA can play all sorts of mind games so if you have just split up from a relationship or someone has recently died or if you suffer from depression I would strongly advise you to not have surgery with GA as it has been known for patients to commit suicide, you must have a strong mind before undertaking any major surgery. For me it felt like I'd been in a car crash!

"As for my chin, when I took off the bandages, I was shocked that it was protruding out a lot than before"

If you have V Line which is shaving of the bone both sides of your jaw then yes it will make your chin look longer as your face is slimmer this will not change I'm afraid. I had V Line and Sliding Genioplasty (chin bone reduction) at the same so I had harmony around my jaw and chin. I hope this isn't a result of mis communication due to the language barrier. If you decide to have Genioplasty then I think you need to wait a minimum of 6 months as doctors won't operate on you if you have any swelling.

Your swelling will peak on day 3 after that it will start to subside. Don't forget to walk as much as you can, this will dramatically help with deswelling but for best results you should walk a lot within the first 48 hours but even after 48 hours it will still help but slower. Make sure you wear your compression band and ice your face as much as you can. I didn't wash my hair or brush my teeth for 5 days I used the red mouth solution all the time as I was scared of infection in my mouth.

I hope this helps!
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Hey HKP! It does helps! Someties it's so hard to find back earlier messages from others like you who have posted about their experience. It's really different going thru it yourself. LOLZ.

I do have the head band you are talking about too! But beneath it were layers of bandages stick on tight, which I had to remove myself. The nurse said now, I have to keep wearing it for 5 days, and can only take it out when eating.

Today is the start of day 4 so I hope my face will deswell fast! And that my chin is not what I think due to mis comm! If not I will e so upset and angry with the doc.

So when could you start to eat normal food?
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Yeah I agree. I felt the same way as i'm not really that scared to go off into a different country, not know the language, and pretty much do what I gotta do. I've done it before in south america alone but this time I have a paranoid mother and she already thinks i'm crazy, she wants to be sure our message is conveyed and understood 100% to the doctors operating our face.

I had a hard time emailing Jewelry, Dream, Cinderella, Teuim, View, Migo.. Some stop responding after the 1st email and others just didn't respond. IF I had chosen clinics like BK, Grand, Regen, VIP, ID, there would be no problem. View actually told me they will not respond unless I hire a translator.

Teuim didn't reply as I was trying to schedule a surgery for my mom, I was waiting days, so i advise the translator and she got it booked immediately.

I agree though, even if I had a hard time emailing, I couldve got a korean friend to give them a ring. I needed to be assured my mom will be fine though, and if there were anything to happen after surgery the translator can help her since I won't be there.

If I had gone alone, I probably would have buddied up here and did this thing solo, it would've been a different scenario for sure.
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