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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I just update the list with my name on it! Feel free to contact me if you are in Seoul presently. We can exchange info. I am here for revision eye surgery

February 2013
Puffy123 (feb 21-Mar 5) mrsbabydust AT gmail Dot com
EevaLeena (Feb 3rd - Apr 20th)
apples. ( Jan 30th - Feb 17th)
Cherrykiss (Feb15-Mar 15)
onlyif (Feb 18th - 1st March)
MsNovember (Feb 18 - Mar 7) - confirmed!
sesamekiss (27th Feb - 12th Mar)
Cher87 (Feb 14th - March 8th) postponed from Jan to Feb due to unforeseen circumstances

March 2013
spartakooks (7th-16th)
R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
bella147 (26 march - 6 April)
Cherryzz around 24th
san ard mar.
angiebellex (28 March- 7 April)

April 2013
Reneesyd( 3 April - 18 April)

May 2013
Go2Kr (May 8th-May 25th)

June 2013
Lexethan (June 15th); planning to stay for 2 weeks.
Janersmaners (towards the end of June)
Plasticbuns (1 month)
Crystallinesnow (end of June)
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Hi Puffy123, I've done my revision just now at OZ!
I'll just stay hotel room tomorrow and ice my eyes..but I've found if I want to ice,I need to close my eyes so I can't do anything!Just need to sleep or listening music:sleepy:
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February 2013
Puffy123 (feb 21-Mar 5) mrsbabydust AT gmail Dot com
EevaLeena (Feb 3rd - Apr 20th)
apples. ( Jan 30th - Feb 17th)
Cherrykiss (Feb15-Mar 15)
onlyif (Feb 18th - 1st March)
MsNovember (Feb 18 - Mar 7) - confirmed!
sesamekiss (27th Feb - 12th Mar)
Cher87 (Feb 14th - March 8th) postponed from Jan to Feb due to unforeseen circumstances

March 2013
spartakooks (7th-16th)
R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
bella147 (25 march - 2 April) **confirmed :smile:
Cherryzz around 24th
san ard mar.
angiebellex (28 March- 7 April)
itsumobaby (19-24 March)

April 2013
Reneesyd( 3 April - 18 April)

May 2013
Go2Kr (May 8th-May 25th)

June 2013
Lexethan (June 15th); planning to stay for 2 weeks.
Janersmaners (towards the end of June)
Plasticbuns (1 month)
Crystallinesnow (end of June)
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February 2013
Puffy123 (feb 21-Mar 5) mrsbabydust AT gmail Dot com
EevaLeena (Feb 3rd - Apr 20th)
apples. ( Jan 30th - Feb 17th)
Cherrykiss (Feb15-Mar 15)
onlyif (Feb 18th - 1st March)
MsNovember (Feb 18 - Mar 7) - confirmed!
sesamekiss (27th Feb - 12th Mar)
Cher87 (Feb 14th - March 8th) postponed from Jan to Feb due to unforeseen circumstances

March 2013
spartakooks (7th-16th)
R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
bella147 (15 march - 2 April) **confirmed :smile:
Cherryzz around 24th
san ard mar.
angiebellex (28 March- 7 April)
itsumobaby (19-24 March)

April 2013
Reneesyd( 3 April - 18 April)

May 2013
Go2Kr (May 8th-May 25th)

June 2013
Lexethan (June 15th); planning to stay for 2 weeks.
Janersmaners (towards the end of June)
Plasticbuns (1 month)
Crystallinesnow (end of June)
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Hi Emma,

how much OZ charge u for revision? how many clinics did u go for consultation ? thanks
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I am so sad to read your experience with Zoe, this was not my experience at all. I used Zoe last June to help me consult for 5 procedures, I thought she would just come with me for consultations to translate, accompany me to the clinic for surgery then accompany me for post surgery check ups this was what I expected from her. In reality what she did for me was this,

She didn't want my money upfront but I insisted and paid in USD
Took me for consultations and translated,
Took me for lunch,
On the day of surgery helped me with my luggage as I moved out of the hotel,
Made sure my surgery was on time,
Reminded me of what to expect immediately after surgery, waved me goodbye as I was going into surgery.
Immediately after surgery she was the first person I saw with the nurses. She held my hand and told me everything went well and that I was to be taken to my room. Money can not buy that reassurance especially as my body was in shock, none of the nurses could speak English.
Settled me into my new room,
Made sure I had a constant supply of ice packs for the swelling and helped me put them on as it's difficult when you've got lots of tubes coming out from your face.
Fetched ice cold water for me regulary to flush out the GA
Calmed me down when I had panic attacks as I couldn't breathe very well
Answered all my questions in a very professional manner, if she didn't know the answers she would immediately find a nurse who did
Later in the week took me grocery shopping and all my check ups
When I requested her presence when I had my tubes removed from behind my ears the nurses said she was not allowed in the room but she was insistent and did come in with me holding my hand and reassuring me. So pleased she was there!
Calmed me down and held my hand when I had all my stitches in my mouth and nose removed.
Helped me, Shane, Spartan Warrior go on a sight seeing tours and Kung Fu shoes etc
Gave general advice about getting around Seoul and best places to shop and visit

Personally I think I got a bargain. The amount of time she spent with me amounted to her making not much money and I told her she was too cheap. I think she charges everyone a different price depending on how much time you will spend with her which makes sense as you can't expect her to charge the same money for a person having eyelid surgery and a person having 2 jaw surgery, of course the 2 jaw surgery person would need much more looking after so much more of her time.

In my opinion if you cancel surgery once then fair enough your nerves got the better of you but to cancel twice I think you should lose all your money. They are a business and you took a slot that they may not be able to fill and the doctors and staff still need to be paid for that time even if they don't do anything. Here in the UK you are not allowed to cancel, if you do you lose all your money so I think you were very lucky to have got your money back and can see you probably put Zoe in a very difficult position, refunds are not the norm.

I personally don't believe she is taking any commission from the clinics. I chose ID Hospital, she did not encourage me to go with them it was purely my choice based on my consultations.

I have recommended Zoe to over 10 PF forumers and every one of them has the same verdict, she was extremely helpful above and beyond what you would expect from a translator and will treat you like you are her sister.

I just wanted to balance the odds so readers can look at both sides.
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Ha ha, it was not quite a grumpy smile but a restricted one. As I had paranasal implants I found it very difficult to smile properly and 7 months on it is much better but I am not happy that it has lowered my smile so I can no longer do the big massive smile like Julia Roberts and I miss that so I will be going back to either have them removed or made smaller. Paranasal implants for mid face depression not only helps with the flatness but it lowers your top lip, this is great if you have a gummy smile but I didn't, for me it lowered my top lip by at least 3mm so when I have my mouth slightly open you can no longer see any of my top two teeth and I miss that too as for me it is a sign of beauty.
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Has anyone had any plastic surgery done at Grand, BK, ITEM, or JW?
I heard some good reviews about these clinics but it would be more helpful if I could actually hear some reviews or experience from an individual who had some procedures done in any one of these clinics. Thanks.

If you have any before and after pics can you please send it to my email

[email protected]
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Has anyone been to Grand? If so, can you post me a review of how it was please or if you had a surgery there can you please send me the pictures. Thanks!

My email is [email protected]
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Probably, but then again most translators have a fee if they refer anyone for surgery so I'd doubt if they know everything regarding the local plastic surgery scene because they tend to be biased.

That was one of my top considerations because I'm afraid that they may mistake what I want with something else. Luckily, I have some friends who can speak a lil Korean and so some rough translations for me whenever I feel that the online consultant doesn't understand what I'm trying to say...

If a clinic has a good english speaking consultant, then that would be a bonus for me!
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I wish there were some direct answer to this but we really can't tell. As long as there are interns, there's always the possibility of them being present in the operating room. Although a more experienced surgeon will always be present, should things go wrong, I bet that they let their interns do some of the surgeries.

And definitely, I would only want to be in the best hands possible and not be practiced on!!!
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that's odd. I guess that some other person did your consultation. Mine was perfectly fine and I had all of my questions answered. Looks like I'll to be more cautious if they're just copy pasting answers like you suggested.
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I'm planning to visit JW, View, Jewelry, Teuim and Dream (if I have time) for rhino. I'm leaning towards JW and Jewelry for my surgery though, just wanted to get some quotes from other clinics so I have something to bargain with. These may not be the best choices for everyone, as I'm looking for clinics that can "create" a nose. I think shimmian, banobagi, dream, grand, regen, are all good clinics too and highly reputable, but I'm looking for a more dramatic change.
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Have you looked into Migo or Cinderella? They do dramatic changes. JW I hear isn't as dramatic.
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You know, I hired Zoe for my translator next month. She was actually, dare I say it, my 3rd choice. I was worried she would be biased or make commission on the clinics (i've read about some of this stuff in this forum). Although I hear raving reviews about her too. My first two choices for translators were not available for my time.

I asked her the best place for eye surgery, which she recommended Teuim. I've heard so much stuff in this forum about Teuim so i knew about them, they have a good reputation but a bit pricey. I asked her to get a quote for my mom's eye surgery at Teuim since they are not replying to my emails. I requested Ptosis only as she just has droopy eyelids, she said the doctor quoted 1.4 million and the doctor recommended Epi as well which is 2.8 million.

I've read on Teuim's website and this forum of their prices for Ptosis, all being very consistent priced at 1.2 million and Epi is 2.5m - 3m.

I just hope she's not adding on top of the quote. I do like her and I think she charges rather cheap, although her price is $150 prior to being $100, I still think it's a good smoking deal, I just want to be able to trust that she's honest. Maybe the clinic raised their prices (which I doubt because I've read on their online consultation page they charge 1.2m won), but an extra $200 US for ptosis? I don't think my mom needs EPI and her Ptosis isn't even bad. Just a little skin needs to be tightened.

If you don't mind, what do you think or what does anyone else think on this forum about my mom's eyes? Does she need epi.. I cant see how much more they could cut into her inner eyes. And what about her Ptosis?

Thanks for any input! :biggrin:
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