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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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So excited for u! All the best for the surgery! Any reasons why u choose ID instead of JW? What type of surgery are u doing with ID?

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what clinics are you considering? i'm going to get my eyes done too! pm me!
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Hey y'all,

I've gotten some request as to why I chose ID over JW - so I am going to post my personal opinion and decision making thought process here. Agai, this is just my experience and my opinion - so, please make your own judgment when making your decision.

Prior to going to Korea, I was impressed by Yumi, the English Consultant at JW. She made me feel extremely comfortable and I was hoping to avoid foreign-central places (or more well known places like the usual ones mentioned here). There were also a couple of videos from JW that seemed to indicate great job done that made me more comfortable. So prior to going to Korea, I was pretty set on JW being my first choice.
I also shortlisted ID and Regen as my other choices becuase I know they a re bigger hospitals, with good reputation in Korea - among locals as well as foreigners. I wanted there to be choices so I could compare and contrast.

Consultation at JW
When I arrived at JW, I have to admit I was slightly dissapointed with the ladies working there. I was constantly checking them out and felt that they looked a little "awkward". I don't know exactly what was wrong, (they do not by any means look bad - but just awkward"). That was a bad indication because I've heard that many nurses/ girls would get job done at the clinic they work for.
Within 30 minutes, I saw the doctor for consultation. He was not very impressive. While he gave me an OK diagnostic, I didnt feel very comfortbale with him. His diagnosis was relatively short and he told me the following:
1) I didnt have any major issues, but small fixes
2) Recommended: Ptosis correction, epi and double eyelid
3) Nose: Silicone and tip projection
4) Chin: Silicone

I didnt agree with the epi because my eyes were close enough in my opinion and with a nose job, it should give an even closer illustration. So I think recommending epi was not a very good idea. In addition, from what I've read - it's better to do osteotomy for the chin if you have smaller chin although some doctors would recommend silicone becuase it's easier to perform. And when I asked the doctor why he recommended silicone - that was exactly what he said "it's a much simpler procedure"!! WTH???!!! So I left feeling dissapointed and scratch that off my list.

Consultation at ID
ID hospital was slightly bigger and their consultants were generally better looking, or should i say "more natural looking". I had to wait for a really long time to see the doctor, but my translator assured me that it was worth the wait. After waiting for about 1.5 hours (including filling out forms and taking x-rays, etc), we met with the Consultant. She was pretty thorough and asked me to explain what type of nose I had wanted.
Nose: I met with Dr. Gim. From his explanations and diagnosis, one could tell that Dr. Gim is extremely detailed and has an eye for great precision. This is really a double edge sword because he gave me observations that I never thought I needed - but he was right (and I thought I had a pretty nice nose!)
So he said I had a slight hump (mind you it is so tiny weeny that in my 29 years of age, I hadnt notice until today!). He also said that my nose was slightly deviated and he showed it to me via a tool. He then mentioned that i needed a little projection, some silicone, etc. etc. etc. Basically, at the end of the consult, I was totally overwhelmed because I didnt think I needed that many fixes. nevertheless, that also proved that he was a great doctor at diagnosis and possesses a high level of precisoin which is extremely important for eye and nose surgeries.
Eyes: He agreed with slight ptosis correction and double eyelid. He said no need for epi, which I totally agree.
Next I met with Dr. Park - he was also pretty good, though not as detailed as Dr. Gim. He recommended mini V-line. I thought I only needed a genioplasty. Again, overwhelmed because I've heard V-line is a very invasive surgery and I am not sure if mini V-line is that much better.
After both doctors left, I felt extremely overwhelmed and the pricing came to be much more expensive than I was ready to pay. The earliest appoitnment they had available was the day after tomorrow and i felt obligated to make a quick decision. So, I did and I paid for my deposit. Never made it to Regen.

Now, sitting here in my hotel room - I am extremely scared and anxious. I think what I am going through is a pretty common set of emotions. It is not funny - and I am starting to question my decision. However, I have finally calmed down and I have decided to skip my nose job. I think my biggest problem areas are my eyes and my chin - and I can do without the nj for now. I also think that recovery will be relatively brutal, so I would like to give a little break to my face. While Dr. GIm may be right in all the diagnosis, but I dont think I need a perfect nose. No natural nose will be perfect and I think I am fine with mine for now. if not - i can always come back at a later time.
Plastic surgery is no joke - once done, one can't simply press "Un-Do", so I am giving it a real deep thought. Once I decided against the NJ, I do feel a big sense of relieve/ pressure and stress off me. While recovery is still going to be brutal - i will still swell up like a balloon but at least I have 2 less things to worry (inability to breath and a heavily bandaid ear!!)

I hope this helps those that are reading and considering PS. I found this forum to be extermely helpful and it's now my time to give back to you all! Cheers & wish me luck!!
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hi... miaAnn, was just wondering the dr. gim you are referring to is it actually dr kim jun sung from the eye/nose centre? coz there were couple of Kims in the hospital

also, did you show to both doctors pictures of maybe celebs with the result you want to achieve?
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Best of luck girl! I know you are scared, but you got us cheering for u.
Hope your surgery comes out just the way you want it to with a quick, easy recovery :smile:
O n thanks so much for the update.
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Pink is good :smile:
Honestly tho, I guess I am going to have to fess up once at work. There is no way I'm gonna be able to hide this from my coworkers. I think I can possible get away w subtle nj, little fat graft, zygoma reduction and even v-line surgery, but when my eyes are like margaret cho's n I'm hoping to look like angelababy. Houston, we have a problem :/
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It's good that you chose what you felt comfortable with in the end. Good luck and wishing you a speedy recovery!! And kindly share with us your post-op journey!
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Hi forumers,

I'm a newbie to this forum (and thread) but I've been considering PS for many years. I've never known until now how many people were in the same boat as me!

Anyway I'm interested in getting a jaw reduction but am getting confused with all the terminology. Is the mandibular angle (square jaw) reduction the same thing as a vline surgery? Also, has anyone gotten a jaw reduction in conjunction with a zygoma reduction and/or buccal fat removal in one go?

I've been trawling through the pages and am now considering BK, Banobagi, OZ, ID etc...but not sure which clinic is the most reputable for these surgeries?
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i can help you abit. mandibular angle reduction is jus the reduction of the jawline whereas, v-line is combine with jaw+chin. There are pple who do zygoma+vline or zygoma+mandibular reduction in one shot but i'm not too sure if buccal fat removal to.

So far, from old thread till here, i've never come across forumers who relate their experiences with all 3 procedures together, usually jus the first 2 procedures... *i maybe wrong so you might want to go through the threads again*

as for clinics, you have to do alot of research and do consultations (online or in person) to decide. Coz even if there's a clinic who is reputable for such surgeries they might not be in tune to what you are looking for.

ID i heard is good for facial contouring, so as a start you might want to send in ur photos for consultation. NOT only ID but also to various clinics of your choice and then short list them. Hope it helps.

p.s. alot of information can be found on the thread... take a bit of time to read thru... esp the old thread.
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Thanks for the clarification, ReinRain...I'm not sure which surgery is most ideal for me yet, whether it is the vline, zygoma or buccal fat removal or a combination of them. But I certainly do not want all 3 at once!

Another question for everyone- how many consultations did people manage to fit in one day? And upon deciding, is the surgery usually able to proceed the next day?
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Yes Banobagi tends to charge quite a bit. They quoted me a lot for my rhinoplasty too. I know a friend who used to work there and she said they did but their surgeons are good and its also quite a big hospital too. I had my rhino done with Dr Park at OZ clinic on 14th Sept. I can't believe the time has passed so quickly but I am SO happy with my results :smile:
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It is overwhelming I know, and after you pay your deposit you're thinking omg I'm going to definitely do surgery now! But stay positive and make sure you have a mini consultation with your surgeon before you go into the operation room and make sure you understand 100% what he is going to do. I did that and re-asked questions again so I was 100% sure of what my doc was going to do! You don't wanna be lying on the surgery bed thinking if the doc knows what exactly you want or don't want! Best of luck!
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So Bano does charge higher, i just wanted to make sure that I was quoted the right price:smile:. I also consulted Dr Park at OZ last year through email and his price was a bit less, more affordable. Good for you that you are happy with the result of your nj.
I will try again to consult other clinics and then compare. The price does not bother me much as long as i get the result i want (i get what i pay for). Guess just want surgeon who is very experienced on his craft and produced very good result as I don't like any revision at all, will scare me more:wtf:. I'm into natural looking nose, does not look fake or out of place with rest of my face feature coz I can tell if a person got a nose job if it's not done properly, like a stick bein inserted on their nostrils dying to come out and obviously I don't like this to happen on my nose:smile:
If u dont mind, could you send me a photo after your rhino? thanks!
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Most people say 2-3 for one day. Modt clinics open 10-7 and people suggest leaving 2-3 hours between each appointment. So if you start at 10am you could do 3 with time in between for lunch :smile: some people have done 4 but if u are going to big clinics like ID or BK youd prob have to wait longer :smile:
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