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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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What are you planning to get done? If nose, rib or synthetic?

MALE here btw. Will be there on June 16th for rib rhino. Booked and confirmed. :biggrin:
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You're planning to stay 2 moths? Do you have family there or planning to party and allow time for recovery/check ups? Have you decided where you're having it done and staying?
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i heard that skin sagging is quite normall,
what if you need lifting your face, what is your main concern ?
im also want to do zygoma reduction and v line
thats the reason im asking
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Wahhhh?!?! And you only mention you're a male now? :P

I'm just going for facial contouring but whether or not i get just my jawline shaped + zygoma reduction is down to what the surgeons say. Cos i have such a wide face and high cheekbones, i think i'll probably be more susceptible to sagging if i do opt for Zygoma reduction.

I'm going for 2 months so that i can stay and maximise my recovery time on top of getting my skin fixed as well. I don't fly very well the best of times so i think it'd be a disaster if i try flying whilst still recovering. It's a 17 hour journey from the UK to Korea which is practically torture for me.

My chief problem at the moment is actually accomodation which does make me wish i had some sort of family in Korea, would make things so much easier. Every place i like the look of on Airbnb is either booked up, too expensive or doesn't have the months available.

Clinics i'm consulting with, though subject to change, are Migo, Dream, The Line, Faceline, and View.
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LOL. I've mentioned it a couple of times that I'm a guy. However, I can see how it's confusing because girls on here use the word guy themselves or "yo" this and that making it hard to discern. It's good to know there are other guys that are going and going around same time I will be.

Facial contouring huh? Interesting. I think you're one of two guys on here that either are planning or just had it done. I think sagging is a real possibility. However, if you take it easy and wear the head dressing as instructed to keep the muscles in its place when healing, hopefully it will reattach and hold firm. Keep in mind when skin/muscles get cut, it will only regain ~85% of its original strength/elasticity.

My flight will be 17 hours and 5 minutes. That is even including the one stop here in the US before flying nonstop there. It is not as bad as I had originally thought. I love flying though so it doesn't bother me. I'll bring plenty of games/electronics to keep myself occupied.

I wish I could stay for 2 months or more! However, I wouldn't have a job when I come back and I'd be dirt poor. Haha. I'll be staying for 13 days. I think that should be enough for what I'm getting done. I know the stitches will come out at 7 days. I'm allowing another week for the bruises to resolve and swelling to minimize so I wouldn't look like I just came out of a pub/bar. I wouldn't want everybody at the airport to have that knowing but not exactly what I had done to my face look on their faces.

Finding accommodations for 2 months is tough and I'm sure expensive. Airbnb has a couple of places going for $60-70 a night. Not bad. You're coming from the UK so your currency would stretch further than mine would be. Good thing the clinic I'm going to (rib :smile:) will be providing free accommodations for my entire stay.

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Oh man, i hate flying now for some reason. I didn't really have a problem with it before but i went a period where i was busy with college and uni so i never flew anywhere for a period of 5 years or so and in that time i became really sensitive to loud noises so jet engines can give me ear ache after 30 minutes and the small seats are just uncomfortable, period. Seems all my flights will actually have a stopover in Hong Kong, so it'd be 14 to HK and then another 3 to Korea. Or i may just opt with an airline that flys straight from London to Korea.

Yeah, the sagging is giving me real worries. I have quite a young looking face that gets me id'ed all the time (despite being 27 this year), so my worry is that any sagging would age me a lot.

I wasn't originally going to go for 2 months but then i just kept looking at recovery pictures and thinking i could never travel like that. I'm a guy who took 2 weeks off work after having my wisdom teeth out due to the swelling, so i'm sure as hell not gonna be getting on a plane looking like a balloon.

Accomodation isn't as expensive as i thought to be fair, the airbnb places seems to be in the region of £1300-£1600 for a month, so around £3000 for 2 months. Having my own rented place would beat bouncing from hotel to hotel.
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I know what you mean. My ears used to hurt and pop especially with take off and landing due rapid changes in pressure. I guess I don't really love the flying as much as the excitement of going somewhere. It's fun.

I just turned 30 2 months ago. I still get carded/ID'ed so yeah, I know what you mean. :biggrin: That can be a good thing or a bad thing.

Two weeks for wisdom teeth extraction? Mine were impacted; had it extracted under general anesthesia. Went to work the next day. By the end of the day people were asking me if I wanted to go home as one of my tooth site got infected and became swollen. Went got a course of antibiotic; took the next day off, then went back to work the following day.

I hope the office hotel that the clinic is providing is private. I'd hate to share it with someone I don't know. Will see. I'll survive though so doesn't matter.

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If you're still there when I'm there, we should hang out. Of course, only after the first couple of days as I'll be a hermit during that time. :lol:

I'm on Kakao talk with same sn if you want to keep in touch.

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Yeah I can see into the future haha.....

I don't think your doc touched your chin, if he did you would definitely know about it as genioplasty hurts more than the V Line due to having more nerves in your chin. Even now I am a little tender under my chin and can feel the nerves if I touch it.

I read another posting from you regarding the compression band - I wore mine a lot as I was told by my doc that it helps with fusing tissue and muscle back to the bone but it only works for 2 weeks after that I guess you would have finished forming new tissue. Having said that, I do notice that if I wear it my face is slimmer as it reduces the water retention in my cheeks due to my high intake of salt.

I couldn't get on with the heat packs they never got hot enough and I didn't have a microwave either so what I did was soak 2 towels in really hot water in the basin, wring out most of the water so it doesn't drip everywhere and covered my face with the towel until it cooled down then I would use the 2nd towel, wring it etc etc... I did this 5 times per session twice a day. After I had done it I could immediately feel my face wasn't so tight and it felt like heaven!!!!

Keep us posted on how you get on with your follow up regarding your chin. If you feel the doctor didn't do as you asked then at the very least get him to agree a free genioplasty if you decide to return to Korea next year.
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Yeah, a whole 2 weeks. I had impacted wisdom teeth as well but my dentist was an utter disaster. He not only chose the wrong method to extract them (i did all mine under local so was pretty traumatic) but he took way too long as well. He ended up cancelling all his afternoon appointments just to get my teeth out. By the end, looked like i'd gone a round with Mike Tyson. 2 weeks was probably too much tough in hindsight, my swelling had subsided after a week and i probably could've gone back to work then but my lip hadn't healed at all (my dentist had split the corner so opening my mouth would keep ripping the skin) so i took another week to let that heal as well. Hey, 30 is the new 20! May i ask what ethnicity you are?

Oh i'm totally going down the route of being a hermit till most of the swelling is gone. :P

I think i'll be there until the end of June so we should definitely hang out! 2 men about town getting plastic surgery? Welcome to the 21st Century people! :biggrin:
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Hey, I still feel like I'm 18. Haha. I'm Vietnamese. Yourself?
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My paternal grandparents were Chinese. I was born in Vietnam; I don't speak Chinese so it's hard to claim being Chinese. :smile: I've lived in the US since grade school.
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