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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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This definitely needs to be highlighted to the surgeon if we are performing rib rhino ! :smile:
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3-4 mm is more than enough to do augmentation actually. Some if the surgeons don't even recommend to raise more than 4mm :smile:
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Thank you for your reply

How long did your face swell for and how severe was the swelling?
What type of stitches were used?
How much did you pay?
Which clinic?
Why buccal fat removal and not facial lipo?
Can you request how much is removed or is it surgeons discretion?
Are you pleased with results, noticeably thinner?
Do you have dimples, if so, did you lose them?

You did say ask anything ha ha. Thank you
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Hi, yea it is still being used. :smile:
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Hi HKP! Just messaged you. :smile:

Wow, 7 mths and you still swell up?! Gosh.. And the chunkmunk look is actually what I'm kinda worried about as well.

I just took a warm bath and my face deswell a bit. Looking at myself in the mirror, I kinda like how I look now.
After coming out from the bath room, I talked to my host and he suddenly said that my face has become smaller and I looked younger. His wife commented that I look handsome.
Well, it's good for a start for 7 days post op!

Of course I believe I will look hotter if my chin is not that long.

I told the nurse and the consultant that I'm not really happy with my chin and they actually told me it's the swelling. But you know, the lowest part of my chin is very hard which I believe is the bone already! How can that be swelling? Lolz..
I just want to know the truth, instead of just waiting for something that will never happen and keep having false hope.

Does anyone knows if swelling can become so hard like a bone or rock? I don't think so right?I'm not sure sure if they are just trying to dismiss me or what. But when I see the doc who did my face I'll see what he says too.

Anyway I went to the Grand's facial conturing clinic for f/up appt today, and after that, went to the main building (they are situated in 5 buildings) to remove my nose stiches. I was quite surprised there to see so many people waiting for their turn (about 20 of them). It's almost like a polyclinic.

When it's my turn (after about 30 minutes), out of the 6-7 stiches on the outside of the nose (below the tip), ONE was not taken out as the wound has not recovered and I have to wait for 1 week for it to be taken out together with the stiches in my mouth and the remaining ones in my nose, but still, at least the nose bandage is out and I can walk around looking normal! And this time, it was't self service - the nurse took it out for me! Shoo.. no complains for nose as of now, as I think it's better than before (not like my chin), and it's still swelling so it looks a bit big so given time, I believe it wil be better. :smile:
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LOLZ!!! This is funny Lexethan!

Did you add that MALE thingy to your signature?
Well done! I should have one that earlier too! Hahaha
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LOL. Amma gonna turn this into a dating forum. Lol.
Hey, we're a rare breed on here. Gotta do what's needed to stand out.
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Sure, I will keep everyone updated! Hopefully, this will be the last time my nose being operated.
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No problem.

How long did your face swell for and how severe was the swelling?
I had many surgeries done at once so it's hard to isolate how much swelling just the buccal fat removal alone caused. But if I had to gauge it, it wasn't bad. The majority swelling went down within a week, and after that theres residual swelling that slowly starts to come down over time. Because I had a large amount of buccal fat to begin with, I started seeing the changes within 7-10 days when I could start seeing more definition of my cheekbones in 3/4 view. Mind you I had very very round cheeks to begin with. What the swelling feels like is as if cotton balls were stuffed inside your cheeks, like chipmunk. Doesn't hurt, but it's uncomfortable when eating because when you open your mouth, the cheeks tend to fill the space between the teeth. Again, don't take this as gospel because like I said I had more surgeries on my face at the time and it's hard to tell what degree of swelling the buccal fat removal alone would've caused.

What type of stitches were used?
Doctor said they were dissolvable. But I had them removed after about 2 weeks. Few sutures were missed and from my observation, they didn't dissolve. I had to remove them myself (yes, as in me and a pair of tweezers). Dissolvable stitches are usually made from organic material like sheep intestines or something, but my stitches were fibrous. I wouldn't concern myself too much over what type of stitches were used because (1) they take months to dissolve (2) you would want to get them removed within the first 2 weeks anyway. Everything goes uphill once they're removed.

How much did you pay?
For the buccal fat removal alone - 20,000 baht.

Which clinic?
Charan Clinic - Bangkok. Scarce information about Dr Charan online, no website, goes through word of mouth but very popular among the locals. Very prestigious credentials. I can supply more info if you're interested.

Why buccal fat removal and not facial lipo?
I actually had facial lipo done at the same time. haha. Facial lipo gets rid of subcutaneous fat, that fluctuates with your overall fat level. Buccal fat is a self-contained gland of fat that sits inside a pocket between your mucous layer (inside your mouth) and dermal layer (outside skin). Buccal fat is hereditary and aside from removal, it is not effected by external intervention such as exercise or diet.

Can you request how much is removed or is it surgeons discretion?
You can request. Dr Charan has good discretion though. I had a lot so he told me he removed enough to make a difference but not enough to make it look sunken. He showed me the fat after I woke up from the GA and asked jokingly if I wanted to keep it. I declined, but I'm still waiting for him to email me the picture he took of it.:cool:

Are you pleased with results, noticeably thinner?
Yes, quite pleased, especially for 1 month. Excited to see how it will look once the residual swelling subsides in the coming months though. I do look noticeably thinner, my mum swore I lost weight. But it's all dependant on how much buccal fat you have to begin with. If you don't have much, then you won't see much. I had a lot, and a lot was removed so yes, luckily for me that yielded a more dramatic result.

Do you have dimples, if so, did you lose them?
I don't have dimples unfortunately. Hopefully Dr Charan can hook me up with some in the future. :smile: Assuming you have dimples, I doubt removing the fat will have any effect on them.

Hope this helps!
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Could anyone give me some advice?
I want to have surgery to reduce the size of my face. I do not have prominent cheekbones on the front, but from the side, I do not want the skin and muscles lose elasticity, since I already have nasolabial folds.
Then I would even do liposuction in the lower part of the face, in this regard I read that at Banobagi they remove also part of the muscle. Does anyone know what kind of intervention is? Is also done in other clinics?
Finally, I want to make the eyes to make tem bigger, but since I have the crease very marked I wonder if there is a possibility to reduce it a little.
My problem is that communicating with them is very bad. Sometimes they respond quickly, other times they do not answer me for a long time and I have to solicit their responses, send the photo again and ask once again the questions. That effort!
For me to do such a trip would be very complicated, I couldn't do it lightly!
Which clinic do you think is the best? Regen, Banobagi, ID...or none of these? I do not know much about other clinics...

Thanks a lot!
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Hey Twinnie,

I did mandible reduction, buccal fat removal, liposuction around the cheek, under the chin and jawline and chin implant. All lower face so sounds like something you might me interested in.
Removal of the muscle probably means removing part of the masseteur muscle, which is usually done along with mandible reduction anyway.

I had all this done while I was by myself, so it's totally do-able. Not in Korea though.
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Is Cathy a translator?
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Thanks for the answers!
Reduction of the masseter interests me very much, but my jaw is normal, I had no intention to reduce it ... :wondering

why not in Korea?

Among other things, I'm very concerned for my skin, I don't want it to be sagging (since I already have the nasolabial folds)...
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From what I gather, skin sagging only happens with cheekbone reduction. I emailed my doctor about this concern and his response was: "The sagging can be prevented by re-attachment of the Masseter muscle which without re -attachment, it will cause sagging that you mentioned."

Why not Korea? Well, it was much cheaper to get it done in Thailand, I wanted to go to Thailand, and I trusted this doctor very much.
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