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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Updates: Day of Operation (Mini V-Line and Eye-Lid)

7:30am: Was at the hospital; my surgery was scheduled at 8am. I thought I was ready - I had mentally prepped myself. For those of you who are considering facial contouring, I would suggest reading and looking up pictures of Peggy Heng and likes who have done it. I was scared **** - but I tried to prepare myself mentally as much as possible. When I arrived at the hospital and changed into my hospital gown, I had a sudden panic attack because I saw three girls heavily bandaged in their face and lots of gauze and blood on them - and they were hooked up on IV. It looked like they were in a bad accident - my whole body became weak. I asked my translator if I was going to look like them post surgery - he was so nice, he just said "Everyone's case is different".
Then, I met with Dr. Park and Dr. Gim one last time to discuss about what I wanted adn what I didnt want. I think at that time, I was so nervous that I could hardly digest what was said. It's all a blur to me now. I did show Dr. Gim the eyes that I wanted adn he said he recommended me to do epi as well, otheriwse I may have 2 folds. I didnt want my eyes to look red for a few months so I skipped epi. At this time, I am not sure if I made the right decision - but I guess it's too late now and I will have to wait for the final results.

9:00am: I was put into GA and I blacked out. The next thing I knew, the nurses were violently shaking me to wake me up. [read up Bambii Namky's experience - mine was very similar with hers]. I was extremely cold when they woke me up and I was shivering - i thought I was going to die! My head was heavily bandaged up and my throat hurt so so SO bad!!!!!! I wanted to drink some water but they told me I could only drink after 6 hours. The next few hours were the worse ... One saving grace I had was the ability to breath. I am so thankful that I didnt get rhino the same time as mini v-line (again, thanks to other forumers here who had suggested this!). When I was in so much pain, and my face was having so much trauma, and i was questioning myself if I did the right thing... the least I could do for myself was to BREATH! It was very calming and very relaxing to hear your own breath. You are alive!!!!!!!

The next 6 hours were brutal, but I was very lucky to have Zoe and her assistant Tony with me. At this time, I was still not allowed to drink or sleep - so it was very tough. They were my support system, my friend and my strength at that time. While I couldnt speak, I wrote on a white board to communicate with them and to past time. For those of you considering facial countouring surgeries - my advice is 1) Please think properly if this is what you want - it is not a small surgery 2) Please do yourself a favour by bringing a friend/ a family or hire someone like Zoe.

The rest of the night was uneventful. I didnt sleep one bit. My face was getting heavily congested and I had developed a lot of mucus and phelgm. The phelgm was very very thick, and once it gets caught up in my throat, i will jump up of my bed because I was Suffocating and i had to quickly detach my ice packs from my face so that I could let the phelgm out. The after care at ID was very goodd - the nurses came to check on me every few hours. Folks - dont discount having good post op care - especially if you are doing a few surgeries at once.

The next day, I was discharged. THe nurses came and took me to do an X-ray. Dr. Park came to check on me again. The nurses gave me a big pack of medication, pillow, ice packs, etc so that I could go home. I was relieved the worst was over, and then its just recovery. Patience, patience, patience!!
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hi... glad all went well so far...
how's the healing coming along?
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Hi Rein Rain,
Yes - Dr. Gim is Dr. Kim Jun Sung. He is the specialist for eyes and nose at ID. He is really, really, REALLy busy though - so if you are going for consultation there, be prepared to wait for a few hours. I do like him a lot - I feel that he is extremly knowledgable, has a great eye for detail, provides truthful answers (i.e. your eyes will be red for a few months vs. a few days, etc). Now, I am just waiting for my eyes to heal to see the final results!
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Yo London Chick! It's been a while missy - so sorry I couldnt reply to your emails before I left, but your results were already so amazing! I told another friend of mine to consider OZ if she's looking for nose surgery - I think yours turned out so beautifully and I can't wait to see if now that the swelling has worn off! HOpe all is well!!
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Aww - thanks for the well wishes and thinking of me! :smile:
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Thanks MiaAnn for describing the experience!

Take care and you are so brave!!!

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The thing is, I need it because i did acculift and i think the doc took way too much fat frm my face so now I need fat-graft which is sad. And the fact that some people said fat graft cant last but some says it could last frm 5-10 yrs makes me hesitate whether its worth it or not. i read on the website that Dream clinic uses a different technique that other clinics, they use this 'one time for all" special method to make fat survive up tp 90% whther other clinics uses another type of method which requires 2-3 times touch up since the first op only 50% could survive. How long has her client done it? u should ask ur translator how long has she done it and did it last for ur own sake
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I want fat graft under my eyes, I wonder if that one time method really works.. ><
Btw where did you do your acculift?
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Well really glad you are recovering well, but omg, i think the no water is going to be hard for me. It'd be one thing if they'd let me sleep it off, but awake will be too crazy.

btw, how much did you pay for your mini vline?
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Thanks for the advice, I will ask and let you know if I hear back from her.
What part of your face did you do acculift?
Do you know how much Dream charges for fat graft? Their website has a very limited English section and they didn't reply to my email.
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90% fat surviving is impressive !!:smile: is tat the stem cells enriched fat transfer ??
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I am new to this forum and am interested in going to Korea next year to have eyelid surgery. I am from Melbourne, Australia and was wondering if there was anyone else who would be interested in travelling with me.

My email address is : [email protected]

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hey there, I'm planning to go to Korea as well....but not til sep/oct! When are you going? I'm from Sydney :biggrin:
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Hi. It's my first post ever and I just realised that a big no no is leaving a personal email address! :nogood:
Anyway...I am planning to leave mid to late next year. I'm still doing my research but I think that I would feel more comfortable if I have some consultations.
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Hi Everyone, I am now 3.5 weeks post OP (rhino/osteo,Mini V line) and back for an update. For those of you who knows nothing about my surgery, please look at the earlier posts and then ask questions please. :smile:

The swelling has gone down, I don't look like avatar anymore. The last 2 weeks was hellish for me because I looked completely different from what I did before. I was swollen, still am, but much better now. My eyes looked funny, and I looked extremely plastic.
When I talked, it was very apparent something happened to me, the muscles aren't yours yet, if you know what I mean.
I was so depressed, I didn't care about the money I spent, or the swelling/healing, but I just wanted to look normal. I didn't even care if I looked worse than I did before. As long as I didn't look plastic.

Luckily at 3.5 weeks I look more normal, but I think things are still improving as I still don't have feelings in my chin pad. The blood patches in my eyes finally dissolved after about 3 weeks. The bruising has almost all disappeared.

I am definitely still swollen in the bottom part of my face, and my eyes are still pulled together because of the added height in my nose, but I think that's improving as well.

I think if you want to have 2+ surgeries at one time, and if anything involved bones, expect 1-1.5 months to look normal and undetected. They are lying when they tell you, you will look fine after 2 weeks. Yes, you CAN go back to work, but you will look horrible.

I saw my bank manager today, this guy has seen me maybe 5 times in the past. He kept commenting how much weight I lost. In fact I only lost 2 kg. But I think because of the chin, my face appears so much smaller/pointy than it was before. All my features were round round round! Eyes, nose, face.
A lot of people thinks my face has become smaller, but of course that is only an illusion.

I am really glad I didn't get my cheekbones reduced. Initially i thought that was my problem. But had I gone and did the chin as well as cheekbones I think my face will be very flat. My cheekbones are very prominent as you will see in photos, and they are asymmetrical (But hair covers that up)

So I urge everyone who wants to get their cheekbones reduced, please think twice, if you want a smaller face, maybe it's not the cheekbones that's the problem! Mini V line had no loose skin/fat problem. My face is extremely fatty. My X ray showed that I had very small mandibles/chin, it's the fat on the face thats making my face looking so round, again, please think about the cheekbone surgery carefully before you go ahead and do it! It's not something you can reverse.

PS. I think the swelling and bruising is about 30% worse on me than the average person, I have very fair skin and I think that is why. If anyone has any qyestions, feel free to ask, I will do all I can to answer.

PHOTO TIME! Password is egg
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There are photos of me very swollen, and the progress I have made so far, I will continue to update as time passes.
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