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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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How long should you wait until exercising again? Does it depend a lot on the procedure? I've seen a ton of different things.

Also, I don't know if my routines are considered mild, moderate, or heavy, either. How do I determine this? I like to run 4-ish miles at a pretty slow pace and lift heavy weights, but would running 3 miles or less and just doing things like pushups be okay? When I got my wisdom teeth out, I felt ready to work out within 2-3 days but didn't because of an intense fear of dry socket...
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I sent you an e-mail! :biggrin:
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Hi! :smile:
I wrote to various clinics:
Teuim - mainly for eyes, cheeks (maybe)
Regen - masseter, midface lipo, nasolabial crease, eyes (maybe)
ID - face, eyes (but after what I've read about this clinic, I'm not so sure)

If anyone had any other clinic you can recommend...


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Just like Ritch said infection. Some say eating seafood except fish would swell too. I guess better to be safe than sorry :smile:
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Seems like the swelling on my face is not improving.. Going to remove stitches on fri mrng n flying back to sg on sat.. Oh no!
It swell to the extend my face like distorted. Looks scary. No bruising but the swelling is driving me nuts.
Anyone can tell me what should I do. Already cut down on sodium n I took sinecch religiously yet why is it still like this.
Try pineapple, sleep with head elevated... Dun tell me this is gonna be it. Oh help.
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Good point. I totally forgot about celebrities! Putting this down on my checklist of what to ask.

I did some research and all I got was the connection of "fish oil" and surgery. It's a blood thinner and should be with held from 7-14 days (average of 10) before the surgery to decrease the risk of bleeding. However, I don't think that eating regular amounts of fish would be the equivalent of what's inside a single capsule of fish oil. With regards to infection,idk...
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Fish oil is different. There is one whole list of what should be taken or not. Don't think I could avoid everything :biggrin: anyhow, since you're doing eyes, shouldn't be a prob
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Yeah I know, but that was the closest thing to fish that I could find. I think that as long as you get the proper lab test done and have completely filled up your medical form, especially if you have any medical condition, then you should be fine. Most food are associated with the risk for bleeding but if you're healthy then, no worries.
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I guess i'll elaborate on my post!

You're told not to eat seafood after surgery because most seafood contains iodine. A small amount of Iodine in the blood can cause swelling or a minor allergic reaction so imagine what it can do to an weakened immune system post surgery. So if you want the swelling to go down a lot quicker i'd avoid the seafood.
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Know I get it!! he he he You said 'infection' in your previous post that's why I got confused. Yeah, if you're allergic then you should avoid it. Out of topic, I remember in my nursing class about dyes used to assist in imaging that any allergies to iodine are contraindicated. Just makes me wonder if there are any of these radioactive or fluorescent imaging tests done in plastic surgery...
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Hey guys!

Just a quick update... I'm now in the recovery room at Small Face clinic. I had mini V line done. I'm not in pain but just kinda uncomfortable with the bandages wrapped around my head so tightly. Soar throat is a pain too but thank God I have cough drops and water! Couldn't drink water for 6 hours after surgery... I think that was the hardest part of the whole thing! I also have to say that Nicole my translator is really a true blessing! Not only did she help me with the consultation but she helped me go shopping after, took me to have some good Korean bbq, and it really meant a lot to me that she was ther when I woke up from surgery... It was really comforting to see a familiar face! I'm really thankful that I was able to hire her!

Now I'm gonna go back to rest... will give some updates thru the next couple of days :smile:
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Hi NYC Angel,

I'm glad to hear your surgery went well. Can you please provide Nicole's contact info? I'm looking to do surgery in Korea too and would need a translator.

Does anyone has Zoe contact info that they can pls provide to me as well? I don't speak a word of Korean so it would be extremely helpful to hire a translator to help me get around.

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If you unlock PM's i can PM you a list. We're not allowed to post contact info for people services anymore.
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