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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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This is FALSE. Our bodies need a small amount of iodine to function. Every day diet contains iodine e.g., vegetables and meat products all contain them. It's a matter of how much. Most reaction to iodine are concentration related. Seafood just happen to have more. If you live in the US, our table salt is iodinated salt.
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Yeah, thanks for all the articles that back this up... don't think you should call it out as being false without something to prove otherwise.

Anywho, i decided to find some stuff out myself and what Lexethan has pointed out is basically some wording error on my part. Iodine is present in our diet but only in traces, like, really small amounts. People who eat a lot of seafood in their daily diet increase this exponentially:

"As of 2000, the median intake of iodine from food in the United States was 240 to 300 μg/day for men and 190 to 210 μg/day for women. In Japan, consumption is much higher, ranging between 5,280 μg/day to 13,800 μg/day"

But this doesn't really answer why its bad for us to eat post surgery. Well, someone touched upon it earlier, some of us can have iodine sensitivity which can lead to rashes on contact or even worse anaphylactic shock to those uber sensitive.

But i think the real reason is because excess iodine can denaturate proteins and enzymes in the blood i.e. wounds would not heal properly. So, i think the fact that your immune system is weakened after surgery and problems of this nature are probably why they tell you to stay away from seafood during your initial recovery.
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Touche. Did you provide an article(s) to support your misinformation? Or was it hearsay? And, I didn't provide any articles because it was done in the spur of the moment with the information I have in my noggin. I didn't do it to step on anyone's feet.

Off subject, I still don't get why Asian doctors recommend avoiding sea foods, soy sauce, spicy foods, hot air, etc... lol. Just kidding about hot air.
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Yeah, my bad, i admit a lot of it is gleamed from hearsay. But to say its false, well, its not. I've elaborated on my point, don't think you have yet...

Oh, and just to add, i think we're told not to eat seafood and spicy food more as a precaution than anything else and to also optimise healing time/results. It won't kill you but it may very well affect your healing.
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Nah, I'm not going to go back and forth. I'm sure most aren't interested it in. And, one would need a medical background to understand. I'll add another point, iodine is used quite effectively as an antiseptic agent. It has nothing to do with the immune system. The only thing about surgery that would "compromise" your "immune system" is your primary defense mechanism, the skin, is render defective.
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Its actually iodine compounds which are used as antiseptics, and most of these compounds will try and reduce the amount of iodine absorbed. This is because too much iodine is toxic to most human tissue. If not for its incredible ability to keep bacteria infection at bay, it wouldn't be used at all.

But this is going back and forth. Agree to disagree! :P
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Yes, if humans are single-celled microorganisms. And, no we're not a collection of single-celled microorganisms. Our cellular walls are more complex than that. It has to do with hydrophilic and hydrophobic characteristics of a substance.
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Hi RitchAllTheTime,

Thanks for your reply. I just joined recently and do not have privileges yet. Can you please email me? my email is [email protected] Please feel free to share any clinics/drs advices - I'm looking to get rhinoplasty done and would really appreciate any suggestions.
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I don't even know why thats been brought up. Iodine is poisonous in large concentrations especially through direct application. This is why most antiseptics are compounds and not iodine on its own.
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Thats sent! :P
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Hello Everyone!

Man I haven't been in this thread for ages as the server was down on the APP and I didnt even realize it was working on the web.
But I thought I would update everyone with my experience. I am back from my two week trip to Seoul and I have to say I miss it sooo much! I LOVE SOUTH KOREA! The food, shopping and culture, and weather as well, so nice and lovely and amazeballs. Was so down when I left :sad:
So, I am 1week and 2days post op from rhinoplasty and revisional eyelid surgery.

I shall first start my post with who I consulted with, which was BK clinic, Dream medical centre (spotted a celebrity here! and this is where SM artist go for their surgery), Migo clinic, JW beauty and Teuim Plastic Surgery.


I have been to BK clinic before 5 years ago when I was 18/19 years old and had revisional eyelid surgery and muscle levator surgery. Though my results were good, I wanted my eyes to be bigger and take away some of the sagging skin, so went back to see what they said.

I waited in the consultation room for a while as I was late for my appointment, but they seemed quite unorganized with me anyway, not realizing I had an appointment or that I was a former patient and kept mixing up paperwork. It was mid-day, so I think they were just unorganized.
There were a lot of receptionists there in the reception and all were quite pretty, some more natural whilst some looked fake. And in the waiting area almost all the patients were Chinese with only 1 or 2 being Korean.
Anna Jeong was the consultant and I went through what I wanted done. She mentioned I didnt need my eyes re-done and to just do nose, which was nice as she didnt try to push the sale, she was actually being honest, but there was something about her I didnt really like.
Waited a bit again to see Dr Kim then, when I first met him in 2008, he was nicer, still blunt but went through everything that you wanted done with explanation. This time it was so different. He was on his phone for ages while I waited to talk to him and he was short. He didnt examine my face just looked at it and said what he was going to do. He even mentioned I had a long chin and I should correct it, which I knew but didnt like the fact he pointed that out. The only thing I did like about him was that he asked if I wanted an implant, rather than telling me I needed one, he gave me the option!
The consult with Dr Kim only last 5mins, if that, and then went with Anna to go through prices.

Total for Rhinoplasty (shaving hump, tip plasty using septal cartilage, narrowing of wide bridge) plus removal of excess skin on eyelid - 7,500,000won
I dont know what that is broken down... but Anna said as I am a former patient there is a discount plus dont have to pay 10% tax.
Didnt try to bargain as I knew I didnt want to go with BKclinic but Anna did say if I wanted to discuss price more I can contact her and they can do something about it.

Dream Medical Clinic

I came here (and the next two clinics with a translator) and was told this clinic is known as the clinic the SM artists go to. I even saw a celebrity here, a well known one too who was in a boyband and also in a popular teen k-drama (wonder if you can guess who it is)! Obviously didnt take any pictures I thought that was inappropriate, but that was cool!!
Anyway, I really liked the feel of this clinic. Very clean, spacious and modern and all the patients that I saw there were Koreans. I was probably the only foreigner. The receptionists were all pretty but very natural looking as if they havent had surgery, which I guess is why celebrities choose them for a reason!!
The consultant we had was very nice and we went through what I wanted done. She suggested a couple things for my eyes - forehead lift to lift the saggy skin rather than cut, or eyelid surgery with muscle correction - and also went through my nose. She was quite thorough and even examined my face and looked at my eyelids carefully, and noted everything down.
We waited a bit then and soon met with the Doctors. I would have had two different doctors, I cant remember who they were though, but I was mixed on them. The nose doctor I didn't like. He was thorough, however he said I would definitely need an implant to "smooth my nose after I shave it", when he said that it made me feel his technique isnt good enough for no implant.
The eye doctor on the other hand I really liked. He check my eyes for a while and made me open and close them and examined my muscle in my eyelid too by holding my eyebrows down and making me open my eyes as wide as possible. He only suggested eyelid revision as my eye muscles were fine. He did mention I can have muscle correction if I wanted my eyes really shocked looking but he didn't really recommend it. I really liked his outcome as i felt he really did examine my eyes properly and gave good explanation too.

Total Price :: 10,000,000 won
Very expensive clinic. We didn't try to haggle as we wanted to wait and see what other clinics were like , plus I wasn't overly fussed on the nose doctor, which was my main concern. So we moved on.

Migo Clinic

A couple steps away from Dream clinic. Migo was nice but it wasn't as nice as Dream but I have to say I did prefer it in terms of doctors. The consultants and receptionists were quite pretty, and again, quite natural with only 1 or 2 that I thought was more obvious.
The clinic was very busy and was filled with locals again. No Chinese people except me!
We went in straight away and even got to see the doctor straight away.
I had to take an x-ray scan for my nose, which was new but I thought was good as he doctor was able to examine my nose even better.
Dr Kang was the nose doctor at Migo and he was amazing. Very very very thorough during consultation and explained everything. He showed me my scans and pointed out what he was going to do and even explained everything he would do to the tip using q-tips to show a rough guide of how it would look. This was funny as it tickled my nose. Overall, he was very thorough and at this point my number 1 choice. He said I definitely didnt need an implant and would use septal cartliage for the tip but also said he would use ear if there wasn't enough septal. Which is fair enough but not ideal.
Eye doctor was Dr Lee. Again, he was quite thorough and seemed passionate about his work and happy but as I liked dreams eye doctor and how thorough he was, Dr Lee in Migo wasn't as good. He explained everything well but felt he wasnt as thorough in looking at my eyes as the Dream DR was. He even suggested muscle correction too as a must to make my eyes open more.

Total Price :: 11,000,000 won
VERY expensive. no budging on price either as I tried to haggle. The consultant said we will only give you a deal if you choose us and pay deposit. I wasn't prepared to do this, so off to JW i went! Sucked as I really liked Dr Kang for my nose.

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JW Beauty Clinic

Next door to Migo clinic. Nice interiors, again not as nice as Dream but better than Migo. Was modern but not like medical looking, definitely looked more like a beauty clinic than a medical centre, and was quite bright. The waiting room, like Migo, was very busy and filled with Korean locals, with maybe 1 or 2 foreigners.
The receptionists and consultants I thought out of all clinics I went to were the prettiest, with a mixture of natural and obvious looking.
Had to wait a bit to see the doctor but they had computers for the patients to surf on.
Like Migo, saw a doctor first, rather than a consultant, had Dr Ahn first and honestly, didn't think much of him. He was nice and definitely knew what he was talking about but he didn't seem very thorough. He did examine my face and touched it like the others but what he suggested made me feel he wasn't as experienced. He suggested shaving of the hump and only shave the sides too rather than break the bone to narrow it, and tip plasty with ear cartilage, he also said implant is a must to smooth it out.
With eyes he suggest revisional surgery to remove fats and skin and also muscle correction to help open the eyes.
After this, had a talk with one of the consultants to go through pricing and timing with appointments.
Total price for Dr Ahn was 4500000won for nose and 4500000 for eyes, so 9million won, no tax included, if I decided with my friend to have surgery I couldve had it for 8,800,000won.
I was unsure so had to think about it so I was allowed some time to think while I was there. Quite disappointed at this point as JW were my top choice in the beginning but by this point they were my bottom choice.
However, after about 10minutes, the consultant came out and said there was no time for Dr Ahn to do my surgery so can come in next day to consult with Dr Suh and Dr Choi as there was a cancellation for Dr Suh (how lucky?!).

So Next day I came in again for consult with Dr Suh (rhinoplasty specialist) and Dr Choi (eyelid surgery specialist) and again clinic was filled with locals, this time there was no foreigners.
Before I went with the Drs, I had my pictures taken then I went in with the Drs and these consults were quite long. Dr Suh was very nice an quite chilled but very thorough, much like Dr Kang at Migo, they are probably on par with each other. Dr Suh examined my pictures and then touched my nose and tip. He asked me what I thought was wrong with my nose and I told hm everything that I didn't like. He agreed with my and then went on to explain everything that he was going to do, showing me in the mirror and even drawing on my picture showing me where the bones were and how he would do it. Unlike Dr Ahn, Dr Suh would break my nose bone to make the bridge narrower and shave the hump too. He said he would use septal cartilage for the tip to build it up. He said I didn't need an implant as I had a good height, but he asked me how I felt about height anyway, saying if I wanted one he can put one in but he recommended none at all.
After I then had consultation with Dr Choi. He was very thorough as well. I probably spent the most time with Dr Choi as he was explaining to me all my options very carefully. He examined my eyes for a while and did the eyebrow test like Dream DR did and concluded I definitely did not need muscle correction. He even had "words" with the consultant asking why I was advised this when it was no necessary!
He gave my three options though, full forehead lift to lift sagging skin, eyebrow lift (incision on eyebrow) to remove skin and lift the lid or eyelid surgery and remove the skin and make eyes bigger. He said it was up to me as all three would have similar results.
I then went with the consultant again to go through pricing. Rhinoplasty was more expensive with Dr Suh and as I had bone narrowing so that went up to 5,500,000won, and then for eyes, it would be either 3,000,000won for the eyebrow lift or 3,300,000won for eyelid revision.

Total Price :: 8,500,000won or 8,800,000won depending which eye surgery I go for.

I was happy with JW clinic so booked with JW clinic and had surgery with them !! Ended up doing eyelid revision rather than eyebrow lift, so paid 8,800,000won.

Teuim Plastic Surgery

So, for Teuim the consultation was actually for my cousin who was getting primary eyelid surgery. I tagged along, so I thought I would write about them anyway.

Teuim is close to JW beauty clinic, and was quite nice interior, a bit outdated, the couches were quite old, and it was also quite empty. It wasnt ever busy when I went but all the patients that did go were Korean locals. The receptionists were okay looking, with the main consultant being rather pretty in a natural way, others looked a bit awkward but none were ugly!
My cousin got to see Dr Kwon straight away and he was quite nice, quite blunt and laid back but he was confident in what he was saying and was quite good at examining the eyes. He suggested full incisional surgery with muscle correction and epi surgery. My cousin didnt initially want epi surgery, but she did need it and all doctors suggested it to her but as an option, but Dr Kwon told her she definitely needed it and was pretty adamant about it, which was fair enough, but I didn't really like that about him.

Went then spoke to the consultant and went through prices

Epi + Full Incision + Muscle = 4,200,000 won
Not including 10% tax.
We managed to go down to 4,000,000won but they were quite hard with haggling. My cousin however did want to pay by card and initially the consultant said she would need to pay 4.2million then but we said if we book now, can we hav it at 4,000,000won. So no tax paid even with card, she was hesitant with it but in the end gave in. So my cousin went with Teuim.

Overall, JW and Migo were definitely my favourite clinics in terms of overall, Dream comes in at third with BK and Teuim coming in last.

But I will update again with my surgery post. Need to give my hands a rest after writing so much! haha,
Any questions, feel free to ask obviously ^___^
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