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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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If you are Caucasian I would recommend Shimmian - Dr Jung it will be around 4500 to 4800 USD and worth checking out Dr. Lee at VIP it's around the similar price as well.
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I managed to access it on Chrome and Safari just fine..

$11,000 USD is not similar to $4,500 USD
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Are you looking for height augmentation or reduction?
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Thanks for the advice and sharing your experience! It's very useful! Didn't think about doing the photo taking thing with the signage. Probably I'll post just a photo of my chin here to show you and the rest what I mean..

Anyway I have to resort to growing a beard for now to see if I can hide it, so pardon for the unkempt photo.


And wow, you will stay in Korea for 3 weeks! That's really awesome! I do really miss Korea and the sub zero temperature (though I have to wrap myself up like a dumpling even just to head outside to buy a bottle of drink)! The month you are going will be Spring time which will be so wonderful! Not too hot or cold.

I'll probably send my photos of my problem to you when the date draws nearer (if I feel more comfortable then). I really hope your doc at ID have other ways to solve this ugly chin fold thingy other than what my doc suggested which is fillers.
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Well I'm assuming the 11,000 was for rib or an implant to build a bridge? Usually a Caucasian nose for a primary rhino does not require building a nasal bridge, if anything they have plenty of septal cartilage so it should not cost 11,000, an asian nose on the other hand that wants a bridge requires more work, especially if rib is chosen, and thus costs more.
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I'm no doctor, but the crease could be a result of the following:

It sounds from your prior posting you did a chin reduction which may have previously been stretching down your soft tissue. Reducing the bone that is no longer stretching down your chin pad may have resulted in the fold.

Also the mentalis muscle may have not been reattached to the bone at an optimal position and may be causing your lower lip to play a role in the fold.

Proper diagnosis is needed from a real doctor, but from my own guess it could be resolved by one or a combination of these options from the top of my head

- reattachment of the mentalis (possibly permanent fix)
- injection fillers (1 to two years)
- fat graft (possibly permanent or long term)
- aloderm implant (permanent)*
- silicone rubber (Permalip) implants. (permanent)*

*the implant will be small material about the size of the cleft or fold. A small incision on one end of the fold would be made and the custom cut implant would slide under the skin filling in the fold.

This Dr is an expert in labiomental folds: http://www.eppleyplasticsurgery.com/

I would contact him and explain exactly what kind of procedure you had done and send before and after pics at front, side and 45 degree angle with before and after xrays if you have them.

Contact the clinic and get it spelled out in medical terms what was done, in milimeters, what was cut and how was it moved, etc... Doctors in the west don't know what V-line means. It's a marketing term in Korea that the ID doctor coined. I think the doctor above would be able to explain what your options are.
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YAY! add myself to the list! 27 march - 9 apr :smile::biggrin:

March 2013
spartakooks (7th-16th)
NYC Angel (12th-27th) - confirmed
kianpark 17 (15-22) - confirmed consultation
bella147 (15 march - 2 April) **confirmed :smile:
AEREE (Feb 15th - April 4th) **I'm Here**
kisskissbang + mom (18 March - 31 March) Confirmed
itsumobaby (19th - 24 March)
R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
Cherryzz around 24th
san ard mar.
angiebellex (28 March- 7 April)
daa_vaa (March 23rd)
xsh (27 March-9 April)

April 2013
Reneesyd (3 April - 18 April)
HongKongPhooey & friend 9th to 30th April, flights booked
SeekingBeauty (April 6th - 17th)
Snowcup (April 2-16)

May 2013
Go2Kr (May 8th - May 25th)

June 2013
Lexethan MALE (June 15th - June 28th). Confirmed and Ticket Booked!
Soong sister (June 18th - July 5th). Bought air ticket.
Janersmaners (towards the end of June)
Plasticbuns (1 month)
Crystallinesnow (end of June)

July 2013
turningpoint (14July-28July)
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you can download still download those apps to your ipad :smile:
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good luck. yeah, i did the same too for the tpf app but still having problem :sad:
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That's why I asked him in the next post if he was going for reduction or augmentation. lol. Don't think its safe to assume just because he's caucasian that he has a big nose.

Yep. If you read the 2nd update in my post, I said you gotta hit the TAB key to navigate through the input boxes.
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Thanx for posting a photo, I can see what you mean now but of course I'm not a surgeon so can't advise on what is best, it looks better than what I had in my head but it's not good either so I do feel for you. I am more than happy to show Dr Park photos, as you said you will send pics to me nearer the time, can you also include a couple of photos of the inside of your mouth with your lip pulled away from your teeth so he can see where your line of stitching was. Did you get a copy of your before and after X Rays and scans on a disc?

I just read back some of your replies to me and you said you had visited all the main places even the zoo and was a bit bored. Did you get to Lotte World? (Or if anyone reading this has been there) I just wondered if it is worth going as I want to suggest it to the April group, we could all go with our bandages on but didn't want to scare the kids ha ha!!

I chose April as Zoe my translator and all the doctors said it was the nicest month to be in Seoul and they have a lot of cherry blossom which will be in bloom not to mention the weather which should be in the mid 20's so very comfortable to walk around in. I am hoping to really explore this time but as I'm thinking of having eye surgery, rhino revision, paranasal revision, buccal fat removal and maybe teeth straightening (decided against dimple surgery for now) I don't know how I will feel but I do know these surgeries are less invasive compared to my surgeries last year for facial contouring.

I think it is lovely that so many PF members have replied to you offering advice, opinions and well wishes to what is a total stranger and I hope more PF members after surgery remain on here to help others at the beginning, middle and end of their journey but alas, a lot of them leave which is a shame.
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Thanks! I hadn't even been considering or seen Shimmian, I was just looking at Cinderella Clinic, Regen, Grand, ID, Banobagi, manly because they come up the most. I'll look into it! Any other experiences?

Definitely reduction and refinement. I have a bulbous tip and a small bump. And my nose is a little oversized. Thanks for any advice!
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