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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I did consider Thailand. But the price seems like quite a bit more, and it is also almost 4 times as much to get there. It would almost be better to just do it in America. Also, I heard korea is really good for faces?
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Hi just added myself on the list- I'll stay in sunshine would love to meet up if anyone it's in the same hotel at the same period:smile:

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Lexethan MALE (June 15th - June 28th). Confirmed and Ticket Booked!
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Added!!! I m Sooo excited but can't confirm where to do yet....
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Zoe turned mme down for my 6 April arrival :sad:
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Hi OnlyIf,

I'm so sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience with Grand. Other than the dent on your chin, I don't think your chin looks bad. Your chin is not long/protruding as what you claimed before. And I think you look kinda sexy with all those stubbles... so manly... LoL

Thank you.

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This is a great list of how someone should think about PS. I have to admit that even reading this thread can be a bit seductive in considering more surgeries so it's always good to remind yourself not to take it too lightly, given the inherent risks involved. It's also worth noting that as you get older you begin to appreciate your original features. After all, they do make us unique.

I had my primary eyelid surgery many years ago with a suboptimal result, despite going to a well known surgeon at the time. I tried getting it fixed, which didn't work, and I've lived with the results for a decade. I'm only now going to try again because I do think there are advancements that weren't available before, and objectively, I think an improvement is possible.
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A forumer offered to help me and act as a translator. :smile: I'm waiting to get confirmed appts before booking the flight and hotel, but I requested consult dates to match the dates I listed.

As for accommodations, I'm torn between trying airbnb or a hotel. I know Young Dong, Highland and Sunshine are near the areas but the bnb route sounds like fun and more personable, either renting an apt or room. Would love additional suggestions if others have them.
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I m likely going for a bnb ....
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Help! ! can anyone recommend a translator to me please? Mine couldn't make it the last minute:sad:
im going to teuim and worry that I won't be able to communicate with Dr Kwon:sad:
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Hello! I am new to this forum. Been reading some of the thread on/off for the past two weeks.

I currently live in USA, and I plan to fly out in early-mid September for eyes, nose, and possibly cheek (reduce cheeks). So far, I have contacted JW, OZ, & VIP... and only heard back from 1 of the 3. Please let me know any other clinics (english friendly) I should reach out to.

Any idea on how much the prices should average for the following:
-Rib cartilage rhinoplasty
-Double eyelids incision method
-Mid face augmentation

I feel like, they raised my estimates because I live in USA.
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Ok, so I have a couple more questions for everyone. In case you didnt read the previous posts, I am a caucasian male, 22, looking for rhinoplasty and chin augmentation. I plan on going to korea on the 25th of March. I have appointments for consultation with the following doctors:

Regen - Dr. Lee
Grand - (they said they will recommend a doctor when they see me?)
VIP - Dr. Lee

(There are a lot of doctor lees? This isnt the same guy right? haha)

**Do any of these doctors bring up a red flag? Or does anyone know about them?

Also, will I be able to take care of myself after the surgery. I booked a modest hotel with wifi and a TV. How is best to prepare everything the day before the surgery. Will I be able to go out to the convenience store after surgery? What will that be like alone?

Also, any reasonably priced hotels that would be conveniently located among these three? I have never been to korea

Finally, lets say best case scenario, I get to do the surgery the next day. How many days should I book the hotel?
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Don't know about red flags, but onlyif's experience with Grand doesn't exactly fill you with confidence with their surgeons.

You'll be able to walk around no problem, its actually encouraged so that the swelling subsides a lot quicker. You'll be able to walk around Seoul as well, obviously bandaged up but it won't be anything new to the populace, they won't be pointing or laughing at you.
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For your nose, all them will offer a similar game plan, but the actual execution will vary. The tricky part is your chin. All of the doctors above will have a different approach based on their skills and experience. You may be a better fit for a genioplasty, but some of these docs may be uncomfortable doing it and recommend an implant or others may not like implants, and recommend fat graft depends on how much augmentation you need. Sometimes, "I don't recommend that" can be Doctor speak for "I'm not comfortable doing that procedure or don't know how, even though it might be better" that's why second opinions are good to get a balanced view.

Also from what I noticed, Korean chin implant shapes and sizes are more befitting to achieve a more effeminate Korean look, and you may need a shape and size to suit western aesthetics that is not in their stock. Assuming that's what you're going for.

Typically after 2 weeks, you'll be 100% presentable. You'll be able to walk around just fine after the procedure, but will feel woozy from the after effects of anesthesia for a day.

You probably need the hotel for at least a week after surgery up to 10 days for stitches, bandages and splints to be removed at a follow up appointment. After that you could fly back and recover from home.

2 weeks before your procedure stop alcohol and recommend at least a month of non-smoking before and after, if you smoke. Avoid aspirin or any medications 2 weeks prior.
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By the way, these days I'm communicating with Jw and I would say that I'm really impressed by the speed of their answers!
I do not know if I will choose their clinic, but they are very exhaustive and thoughtful! +++ :tup:
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