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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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It sounds a little simplistic to me, but what do I know? :P

I'm not sure how fluent you are in Korean, but it's possible you may be missing some of the subtleties of Korean culture and behavior. It sounds like you're taking a look at things on the surface and adding things up that aren't necessarily true. Koreans aren't much different than other people anywhere else. That's what I meant earlier.

It's not surprising that Yonsei would have a class on Korean Pop, as most universities do have cultural studies. Rain isn't the epitome of male hotness. Marilyn Monroe was a size 12 or 14, not a size you'll find among Hollywood starlets these days. A neighborhood doesn't hold the "wealth" of a nation. It's a location. Wealth is calculated and defined in many ways.

Let's agree to disagree and get back to a more substantive topic like PS, shall we? :biggrin:

For instance, is there board certification for surgeons in Korea like in the US? If so, I would love to know if the doctors I'm interested in are certified.
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Yes there's board certification for surgeons in Korea. You can ask the doctor if he is board certified and where, when you meet them. They won't lie. Jung from Shimmian when I last checked a year go is not board certified for example, and I don't think he needs to be. He's an ENT with 5K+ nose jobs.

I'll just leave you with a modified line of what Morpheus told Neo, "Unfortunately, no one can be told what Gangnam is. You have to see it for yourself."
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That's quite a prediction considering the fact that people are more aware of the local plastic surgery scene. We all have our own beauty standards. Some prefer having small round eyes and a rounded face (touche on the "latest" jaw surgery trend) and I know some Americans who love that. But, that still isn't the beauty "standard" in most instances.
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By the way, I'm surprised this hasnt come up already but... Is anyone that is about to go for surgery worried about the current stuff with North Korea? I currently live in Japan, so I'm no even sure if I am better off at home or in South Korea, both seem at risk :wtf:
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There is the KSAPS or Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. This was one of the things I googled first when I looked at Korea, but their site isn't that useful.


I haven't tried contacting them yet to ask if a certain doctor is board-certified. But if you ask the clinics, I guess they'll say it. If they don't then, you'll know that they're not. You can always verify if they're lying or not when you go to their clinic because those kinds of awards are always displayed.
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You're fine, nothing will happen. The most they will do is sink a Navy ship or bomb an outlying island where hardly any people live, and the South and US will send an angry warning, and then throw some food aid and money at the North to be quiet, and the cycle will repeat itself a year or 2 later.
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mine did go away 100% under my columella but i don;t have tendency for scars to develop...I don't have tendency for keloids
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I don't know about reabsoprtion rates. But I'll be more worried dwhere it came from. Won't a donor graft have a higher risk of rejection?
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i had my fat repositioning on lower eyelids and fat graft for under eyes, also had the sub-brow lift on March 8. bargained with Teuim. Initially they wanted 4M won, and said they had fixed price. All locals and foreigners pay the same price. I actually pulled their pricing list on my cellphone and showed to them that according to the pricing sheet, it's about 10% lower than what was quoted. She was surprised the pricing sheet was still there on the English site and said prices had gone up on Jan 1, 2013 by 10%. Anyway after bargaining, she let me had it for 3.5M won all in cash. When she said she wanted 4M, I honestly said I didn't have that much, other doc quoted me only $3.3M. I paid all in cash and they put me under sedation. Not just local anesthesia.

Translator was Zoe. I only went to Teuim for consult (only one clinic) as I had very limited time in Seoul. I was her client before for VLine and zygoma reduction 16 months ago. She said Teuim normally has this policy of 30% deposit down before scheduling surgery. I didn't want to put deposit down. The consultant said Zoe asked her a favor so I could have surgery on the same day as the consult without the 30% down. She said Zoe had never asked her for a favor before. Had consult at 11.30 and went for surgery at 12.15pm. Woke up at 3.45pm. Before I went in, I saw another patient in the recovery room. As I went in, I saw the doctor was operating on another patient in another OR room and he let the door open so I could peek in. In the OR, the temperature surprisingly was room temp. I've had a lot of surgeries, normally the OR has temps around 60 F. So I was surprised. Zoe was even in the OR! I was like, "huh? how come people without scrubs can go into the OR? It's not sterile". Anyway the doctor started with jabbing my thigh to harvest for fat. It would have been nicer if the doctor started by saying, "here it comes..." but he didn't. Zoe squeezed my hands to comfort me. After that, they pumped the sedation into my vein and I started to see white things floating until I passed out.

My brows burned for the whole night. Swelling set in immediately after surgery. I looked like an alien for the next 5 days. My right eye was blood shot red, the veins burst big time. My left eye was fine, but swelling was worse on the left side. In 8 days, the redness was totally gone but I still have 15-20% swelling left on my upper lids. My lower lids still have bluish tinge but not as bad as before. My husband said I totally looked the same as before the surgery. But it's that kind of thing that bugs me and only me can see the problem clearly, other people can't specifically pinpoint what it was, but they just say " you look tired". I definitely look more refreshed now.

One other thing that maybe of some values to you guys: I had surgery on March 8, left Korea on the 10th. I thought it would be easy for doctors at home to pull stitches out. After a week, I looked for a dermatologist to take stitches out. Initially she agreed, then started pulling and pulling, she couldn't do it! And my stitches bled a lot!!! Darn it. Anyway I went to a plastic surgeon next but he was out of town. And I went to another plastic surgeon who said he couldn't help me because if the results came out badly, he would be blamed for it. So he wouldn't budge and wouldn't do it. I was really bummed. In korea, taking stitches out is normally done just by nurses, not even doctors! Anyway I finally went to an eye doctor/ opthalmologist who after looked at my brows thorougly, agreed to do it. She said the doctors in her clinic do this type of operations a lot, why did I go to Korea to spend all those $$? Yeah right, and then she was surprised to see the "new technique" that Dr Kwon did. She only managed to take the stitches out after using a microscope. She asked if the doctor used microscope when doing the op, I said I didn't know, I was sleeping when it happened. Finally after 30 min, she got it all out for $100 USD. I hope she really took everything out. Fortunately I have bushy eyebrows so I hope that hides the scars really well (because that first doctor tugged and pulled at my stitches and they bled badly).

Zoe said she had fat graft and eyebag op at ID a couple months ago, but I still saw bluish tinge under her lower eyelids. Anyway I am hoping for the best for my upper eyelids, I now have a diagonal ridge forming under my eyebrow towards my nose because the skin under the eyebrows were cut a little and pulled up, I certainly hope this is due to swelling and not due to bad stitches that Dr Kwon did (I think this can happen if he stitched the skin poorly)
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Thanks for the nice advice.

I was never really fond of plastic surgery growing up, but I have always hated my nose. I really think it was because of how the media portrays it here in USA. I remember I had a best friend in 5th grade and her mom got a nose job. My best friend was really upset at her mom for being 'selfish' because she spent money on getting something done that only benefitted herself. I always wonder if she knew what "selfish" really meant back then, or did she just look up to her father and agree/copy what he said. Still today--major or multiple plastic surgery procedures are 'frowned upon' here.. or at least, that's the feeling I am getting.

It wasn't until 3 years was when I THOUGHT about getting plastic surgery, specifically my nose & eyes. Now, I've been gravitating to actually go through with plastic surgery and I hope to fly out to Seoul this September. I really want to get these procedures done before I graduate college next summer :smile: It is like, a treat for myself.
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Is it required to actually book a translator, or can I survive going there with staff that can translate?

My primary language is English, but I speak conversational level of Cantonese, Chinese. (Even the, I kind of struggle).
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yes they did ,they asked me to go back in feb. but i didn't and pushed it back to March.I think there must be some miscommunication btw the translator n the clinic. When i wanted to go back this month, i was informed that my fats was no longer there...they threw it away:cool:
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initially i wanted to do at grand because i read online that Dr Seo was good. however when i was in Korea, the translator told me that Grand is notorious for lousy job. Dr Seo is not good at all...

so if you wanna do facial contouring, maybe you can just drop Grand from consultation.
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So I guess this is why they really urge us to stay there until they can remove the stitches. But I'm wondering why the first doctor even agreed to take it out and tried to force it when obviously, wasn't capable of doing so. Why was she surprised of Dr. Kwon's "new technique"?
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I am shocked to read the operating room is a free for all, yes you are correct it should be a sterile room, did you question this with Zoe or the nurses? Also are you happy with your results so far?

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