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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Yeah, i'd be slightly miffed if i saw my GF one day, all normal and the next day her eyes were all bruised and swollen. She told you she was having it done though right?

I'm not really clued up on big city life or how the entertainment industry works but you're definitely making it sound pretty depressing!
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I would say Seoul is an exciting place to live, but if you are an impressionable person, which admittedly I am, you have to develop an emotional and mental anchor somewhere in the middle of many extremes because unlike most places the current is much stronger here, and you can get swept away. And that's saying a lot, especially since I grew up in North Hollywood.

Surprisingly her eyes don't look bad in terms of swelling post-opp. This is 4 hours post opp and it took only 15 minutes for the procedure.

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Oh wow, i guess if she hadn't told you, you'd probably be none the wiser after a day or 2, theres practically no swelling which is incredible. What exactly did she have revised?
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I'm really sorry this happened to you! Whatever you do, try not to get depressed and let this situation consume you. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to be strong and stay as positive as you can! Hope you will find another job soon too once you get yourself together... good luck :smile:
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Thanks :smile:

I've been trying to walk as much as possible and it really has been helping a lot. Water also helps a lot too!
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Day 5 Post OP: Monday morning went back to the clinic with Nicole. Finally got my all my bandages off… what a relief! Dr. Lee checked on the stitches in my mouth and said they looked really good and clean. Also that my swelling looked good as well…. good progress. I asked him about the right side of my lip being numb. He said that it was normal and that it can take up to 2 months for the full feeling to come back. It'll come back gradually. The nurses instructed me on how to were my compression mask and using the hot pack etc. I got a shot for my swelling and that was pretty much it for my visit. Looked in the mirror and I did notice one side was more swollen that the other… I guess that's normal too. Even though I still have swelling I can already see the V shape and the "witch's chin" I used to have in my profile is gone! I'm also relieved because I can finally wash my hair, wash my face, and brush my teeth! So far I can only open my mouth 2 fingers… I will start doing my mouth exercises asap

Day 7 Post OP: I been doing my mouth exercises and now I can open my mouth 3 fingers and chew a little pieces of beef and chicken. Glad I didn't need to get full V line because I know my recovery would've been slower if I did get that. I don't feel like doing much today but I will still make myself do some walking around Sinsa because I know it'll help with the swelling. There's about 60% of swelling left. I'm really trying my best to get rid of most of it before I have to go back to NYC

I will try to update again at 14 days post op.

Does anyone know after getting facial contouring done when I can be able to smile "normal" again? Right now obviously I can't… I look really goofy when I try to smile with my teeth. Hopefully I can start to smile normal again within a month

Also one thing I wanted to mention. If you're a person of color (black, dark skinned Latina, etc) don't be scared to come to Korea to get surgery done! I'm West Indian and Dominican (my skin color is like Beyonce's or Rihanna's just to give you an idea) and to be honest I was really scared to come to Seoul to have surgery because I knew I would stick out like a soar thumb here lol. But it really hasn't been bad at all. One thing you have to be prepared for is that you will probably get some stares. I mean it is what it is… if you're a foreigner here with darker skin you will stand out even more, so yeah some people are gonna stare. But they won't stare at you in a mean way… at least I didn't experience that for myself. So far everyone that I have encountered with have been very nice… no issues. So, I just felt like I needed to put that out there that if you are a person of color, don't be intimidated to come and have surgery :smile:
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I got a message from Grand (who I am not thinking of not using anyways) about pricing for my procedures, and I wanted to see what people think, so when I am bargaining I have some idea of what a good price would be. I am planning on getting all these at the same time, including possible deviated septum correction which is not listed.

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I agree with this sentiment 100%

During their economic growth, one of their greatest export (and they actively pushed fot it) was entertainment media. And you're right, it has totally worked.

Even when I was in high school, before anyone knew about the PS phenomenon, Koreans were seen as the epitome of beauty. A girl could completely average looking, but as soon as word got out that she was Korean, everyone thought she was an angel sent from heaven. It's psychologically locked.

There was a notion that Korean girls were the hottest of them all. It's still, and dare I say, even more prevalent today. Korean pop culture is emulated all over Asia and is revered on the same level as Hollywood is to the western world. In SE Asian countries I've visited, I've heard comments such as, "You look Korean!" and that's supposed to be a compliment.

On the other hand, I've met white people who regard Korean women to be more premium than other Asians based on their media... but they're also more vehemently opposed to plastic surgery. How little they know..

But following the principles of capitalism, that is, supply and demand, there wouldn't be a thriving market for plastic surgery if Koreans were indeed the most naturally beautiful Asians on planet Earth. If you know what I mean.

So South Korea, your plan worked. Everyone has bought into your little scheme, and now you're top dog.
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Getting stares is not as bad as 6 years ago, but people look out of curiosity, they're used to seeing everyone that looks like them, so when someone doesn't it catches their eye. I even stare at foreigners because it's not a common sight.
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You're pretty much going to have the same diagnosis from other doctor's except some will not feel comfortable using septal cartilage, they might use your ear cartilage. Ear is commonly used for the tip.

The two chin methods have their pros and cons. The second method "advancement by osetootmy" is known as a sliding genioplasty. Your chin bone is cut and then slid forward by a few mm and then secured in place with a titanium bracket and screws.

YouTube it to see what that entails. If you can PM a side profile photo with your mouth naturally closed I can tell you from my experience what might work.
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Personally, I think Korean media is popular due to a combination of reasons, and not just based on the way the stars look. Korea is hitting its stride in a number of areas, and it's simply having a synergistic effect.

Gangnam sounds a lot like the entertainment industry in the US or any big city where young people are striving to hit it big. I don't think one neighborhood represents all of Korea and its people.

Looking forward to seeing it all firsthand in a couple weeks. I'm now confirmed at Teium and IOU! Finally ready to book a flight and accommodations.
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i was told that donated rib cartilage has the highest reabsorption rate. is this true? i called VIP clinic yesterday and this is what the consultant told me. she asked me to go with own rib cartilage... i dont want scar on my chest :nono:
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Back in the day, I took a graduate course on Korean Pop Culture Phenomenon at Yonsei (yes it was a real class), and there were many viewpoints to why it's sweeping Asia. Although looks are not the only reason, it's what's getting them noticed. It's what puts them a notch above Japan and Chinese popular culture because lets face it, if Rain did not look like Rain he would not be Rain. Also, Korean TV dramas and pop music from an artistic standpoint is nothing new nor clever.

Korean pop culture icons from the 80's, 90's and present are anatomically a different breed of Korean. It's not just makeup and hairstyles that have changed. If you took James Dean and Marylin Monroe and transplanted them to the present they would still have a shot at stardom because the anatomical requirements of celebrity-hood have not changed so much in the West. If you took a star from Korea's 80's and put them in the present their chances would be slim without meeting the surgery bar today's Korean stars have set.

Although I hate Psy, I tip my hat because he practically gave the middle finger to all these KPOP stars who were trying to get by on sexy moves and looks to break it globally, but a fat middle aged man dancing on a fake horse stole their thunder. My prediction is that Koreans will have a cultural revolution and a lot of Kpop as we know it will fade, and only have its place with teenage girls, this will give rise to organic and natural talent. And the whole beauty esthetic may change as a consequence (Psy is already touting cosmetic products), who knows, smaller eyes and rounded faces, may come back, and the ID doctor will probably invent the O-line.

" I don't think one neighborhood represents all of Korea and its people."

Gangnam represents 90% of the nation's wealth. If a nuke hit Gangnam, Korea as we know it would be over. And the 1 Billion plus views of Gangnam Style now have made that neighborhood represent the nation to the average lamen. One year ago, if you asked an American housewife what do you know about Korea? She might not have an answer or might say something from another culture like Sushi, or even say something about North Korea. If you ask her now, she might say "Gang - Nam Style"
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