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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi Guys, Head for cover quick!!! Just wanted to share this:


I saw it on the news but couldn't understand a damn thing they said so I just googled it up...Looks like they're playing scare tactics and a show of force but the locals here act like it's "normal" and that the North just want to make some noise.

Been to a few of my choice clinics and snooped around a lot because I couldn't stand to fall in line with the rest. I just looked at their picture portfolios laying around in the lobby like it was some catalog and looked at how their staff and patients look. I tried to make small talk with some of the locals but we'd just laugh it off and smile pretending that we understood each other.

It is true that you could really sense a vibe of how a clinic is when you walk in and get an idea of how you'd come out looking if you did it there. I noticed though that some look "anime" like it was too fake. Although they look pretty, they just lacked something "organic." I don't know.

I even met a person that literally had her nose falling off, I think she had an infection or an implant rejection. Scaaaary!
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Hi Kianpark,

Thanks for update. If I'm not mistaken, you are heading to Pitangui. How's the consultation so far ? thanks
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This makes me want to meet up if only I get get my mom off my back, or better yet, have her join us. Your doing all of us a favor by sharing what you know from providing a "normal person" standpoint. It really is a relief having someone to trust with all those advertisers and promoters on this site like some here say.
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haha yeah, I totally understand. I feel the same when I travel with my folks. It makes sense for clinics to be on here, but they would be more credible if they just say who they are from the beginning.
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Yeah, I think that's where I'm going to be headed (if the North doesn't strike). My mom and I went early because her friend dropped us off on her way to work. Nicole was waiting for us at the lobby when we got there and made me fill up some bio forms. It was nice to actually meet her in person and felt that we were bffs right away. I don't remember if I have said this before but at first I thought that she was the "nicole" that everyone has been talking about when they can't book Zoe as a translator. But they're two different people.

Anyway, I didn't wait that long because Dr. Yoo was just wrapping up consultations with an even earlier client. He asked why I wanted to have surgery and what I felt needed to be done. Then he went on to talk about my physical features and how it can be improved. Angles and proportions and balance and so on... And the different techniques to be used and which was best in to use in my case. Good thing I did some MODEST reading before coming over, so it really wasn't hard to digest. He did speak english but had Nicole translate most of the time. He then asked if printed out the photoshop during the online consultation of how i would look like after the procedure. He went on to explain why this angle was more appropriate and why having a smaller or bigger one wouldn't be natural. That was what I liked most, because I printed out some photos of what I wanted. He could've easily said "yes we can do that for you, let's set up a schedule right now" but instead gave me the pros and cons of it all.

I liked his aura. He wasn't rushing things or telling me what to do. He had somewhat a calm, laid back personality when he talked. This was one of the things I took notice of because I want to go to a doctor that would actually look out for MY best interests and not rush things just to get onto the next consultation. So yeah, it went pretty good. I think it lasted over an hour coz my mom kept butting in. I think she's even considering to have a facelift and fat grafts after seeing how good everything went. ha ha

We're still going around town though to experience what other clinics have to say and peek in. It's fun. If you have a mother or daughter, you definitely should tag them along because this has certainly been a bonding experience I will never forget.

* I think that I'm going to paste this in the other thread as well just for reference.
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Yes they would if they'd just reveal themselves. Out of topic, do you know any good tour groups? I'd love to go to Jeju island or at least get a peek of it. I saw the "official" site and said that it costs $720/person for 3days, 2 nights.
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Ditto. I'm a little concerned about the possible advertisers in our midst. For instance, one forumer sent me a private message suggesting a clinic, and I wondered why she didn't just reply on the thread itself to provide this recommendation for everyone to benefit. I actually ended up sharing this suggestion, by indicating that I had received it via private message. At the time, I appreciated the additional suggestion, but it did make me wonder. Another forumer had offered her services as a translator. On the one hand, it would seem that people are being friendly and offering their help, which of course is wonderful. But the other side of the coin would suggest caution and taking what people have to say with a grain of salt (or a second look at possible motives).

Obviously, word of mouth is a valuable source of information that people need. The problem is when you pair that with a potential audience of people who are vulnerable or impressionable due to their desire to find the right surgeon in another country. It could even override common sense as people may take these potentially false leads as gospel or inspiration to fly off to Seoul.

That's why it would be so helpful to have some way of verifying board certification for ourselves. In the US, you can easily search by a physician's name by each state and know if an MD is certified and if they have any malpractice claims against them. You can also find information on society memberships that also list members by name.

I don't want to diminish the genuine good reviews that are provided on this forum, but I am going to be more careful in how I process the input into my decision making. I think this is a good reminder that we all need to do some independent research and not overly rely on just this forum (or a forumer) as our sole source of information about a clinic, a surgeon or anything else.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. :biggrin:
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I don't smoke, I am cutting alcohol out, and I do take vitamins. Curious, why not take vitamin E? I take a multivitamin that contains vitamin E. I guess I'll just buy separate vitamins.

As for the wedding, we have to RSVP this week. I don't want to be the empty chair, but I also don't want to be without a seat. I know how important a wedding can be, especially to the bride. I plan on going since I probably won't be healed 11 days post op to work an 8 hour shift. I just don't want to look too plastic.

Letting my BF know is not an option because he does not know I am going to get work done in Korea. I know, I am a bad girlfriend. But knowing him, he will worry too much and I do not want him to worry about me. I've told him my plans on getting rhinoplasty. He is against it. Whenever I bring it up and ask him whether or not he will take care of me or whether I should surprise him or tell him when I am getting it done, he replies, "Just get it done over a weekend then come back to me. Don't tell me." (It's not like he doesn't care, he DOES care, he is just against me going under the knife.) Since he said that, I think it's fair.

He also wanted to go to Korea with me. He loves to travel and explore the world. But I did not invite him, and he was hurt at the fact that I didn't invite him and that I told him I wanted to go alone. I just don't want him locked up inside a room to take care of me instead of exploring Seoul every day while we are there.
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Exactly. I got the same thing, but appreciated their help nonetheless. We really should be more discriminate, but then again, this forum is VERY helpful in knowing where to start and to see what other people having been doing. From their preparations to how they are coping afterwards, all very useful.

This shouldn't definitely be your ONLY source of info, read books, do research, talk to the clinics themselves. Some of them will offer to talk to skype or send emails. Every piece of info helps. If there's one thing to get out of all of this, it's the bond we share with another; having similar goals to enhance our features and become beautiful. Becoming our own little community to support each other.

Considering how Korea is as a country, they really should look into this and provide more transparency of who is certified. But like one forumer said (was it @seoulforreal??), the government backs up the clinics. And with more than half of ALL the clinics being run by regular MDs, without any board-certification, we really have to be more vigilant and spot those who have real-world training and experience from those who are just jumped on the bandwagon.
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Honestly? I don't know. They put so long to answer, I thought it was useless to rewrite an email.
I am a bit surprised: they write on their website that they also perform buccal fat removal (of which I had asked for information) and I honestly think that the "cheeks" are neither Asian nor Western. I think they have just dismissed me without too much explanation, they completely ignored my email (details and photos).

I think it would be at least "dangerous" to offer them more money to be operated.
If they say they are not able to do so, it would be dangerous, right? At least they were honest!
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Got it, yeah that's understandable. You're ok with vitamin e in a multivitamin, but excessive vitamin e can impair wound healing.
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Not sure I understand. Does this mean there are two different people named Nicole who work as translators? If so, does the Nicole you're working with have an email address that begins with "free?" Just want to be sure which one I was in touch with. How do you know there are two of them and how did you get in touch with the one who is helping you?
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The Nicole shes referring to is Pitangui's in-house translator i assume who she was in contact with via email before her visit.
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