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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi lennymon,

My eyes had blood in them for about 2 weeks, and completely disappeared around 20 days. People thought I was wearing halloween contact lenses, I think it was from the osteo, which is the narrowing of the nose bridge. But many patients who had Rhino in Korea had blood in their eyes. So I think it's normal.

I started wearing makeup about 8th day. but it doesn't cover up the yellow bruises, after surgery your skin becomes really dry, so makeup makes it even more flaky. At one week, I already walked and shopped, but got tired very easily. 2 weeks is when I think you can go back to work. 3 weeks is when you will start to feel normal again.

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Hi. I'm new here! Emisa, were there any screws or 'fixtures' put into your cheek bones after the reduction? I read this is done to prevent any sagging. Would there be side effects in the future, with and without the screws?
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Hello all,
Would just like to introduce myself to the thread. Seeing as my consult is in 5 hours time and surgery is tomorrow (if all goes wells with consult ofc), I thought there is no better time than now. Having read through everyones journey has been amazing. I can only hope to give back after my own nose operation. I will be having rib rhinoplasty, however for my bridge I am not sure whether I will be using the diced collagen wrapped method or a whole single graft hence lots of discussing to do with the doc this afternoon! Anyhoo, ribgoers, feel free to chime in if you have any info or opinions with the two method, I would loveto hear it,especially now! I'll be letting you all know how my consultation goes and from there on. For now, I would like to keep the clinic hush.

xx Liv
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Hi egg_tartlet,

Thanks for sharing your experiences. You look fantastic!! You advised against going for cheek bone reduction. Why? I have quite wide side cheekbone protrusion, making my face very uneven. My chin is just slightly short, i think. For yourself, do you feel the mini-v line is good enough to improve your facial asymmetry? Is it less invasive than cheek bone reduction. I'm thinking of just doing cheek bone. Wondering how much swelling there will be....
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Hi everyone. I've been lurking around these plastic surgery threads for quite some time now. It's only now I've decided to join since I'll be going to Korea sometime in mid January. If anyone else plans to go around this time perhaps we can meet up or go together. My main concern for surgeries right now is double eyelids with epi and rhinoplasty. Depending on the in-person consultations with the doctors, I may or may not have ptosis. I think I'm borderline on ptosis status.

For my nose I'll most likely be getting a silicon implant on the bridge and then using ear cartilage for the tip. I've been researching these surgeries and clinics for almost a year now and I have some of the cost estimates for them if anyone was interested. These were done via email based on a picture I sent them, so when I finally meet them in person the costs may vary. All costs were given in Korean won, except for BK which I have already ruled out as a no.

-Double eyelid: 1.8-2 million (recommended incisional)
-Epi: 1 million
-Nose: 4.5 million

-Double eyelid: 1.5-1.7 million (recommended partial incision)
-Epi: 1.1 million
-Ptosis: 700-900,000 won (they said it's difficult to tell if I actually have ptosis based on my photo)
-Nose: 2.75-3 million

-Double eyelid: 2.1 million (including ptosis)
-Nose: 2.5
They must have forgotten to include the price for epi, but I'm assuming it's around 1 mil.

-Double eyelid: 1.8 million
-Epi: 1.2 million
-Nose: 3-4 million

-Double eyelid: $1500-2000
-Incisional w/ ptosis: $3000-$4000
-Epi: $1000-$1500
-Nose: $3500-$5500

Earlier today I contacted Cinderella and Regen as my last two contacts and am waiting for their replies. As I've already said, I'm ruling BK out just because I've seen enough reviews on them to know that they won't be suited for me. Banobagi was my first choice before, but then I looked more into Item and Grand. Without even asking the clinics I assumed Item and Grand were going to be way too expensive, but it seems like Banobagi is the more pricey one. I'll definitely be visiting Item and Grand, and then one more clinic...but which one?! There's so many so I have a bit more researching to do. Plus I'm sure things will be different once I visit face to face. I'm also planning to use Zoe's services.

Since I'm already spending a considerable chunk of money for my eyes and nose, I'll be saving up afterwards to go back and get a breast augmentation. For this one I'm thinking either Grand, Item, or Migo. Does anyone know any clinics that are especially good with breast implants?
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are you planning to get both surgeries done at the same clinic & same time?

i'm leaving in a week to get my eyes done and i've short listed Regen, Teium & Dream.
You should maybe try calling the international line and make a consultation?

Also, my friend said that you can negotiate once you get there since there's so much competition! I was considering banobagi but decided not to go with them because they quoted me so much! As for Grand, they emailed me listing all these things that I should get done.. some of which I don't even know.. and quoted me almost 6 grand!!! so i took them off the list too.

Once I go to Korea I can find out some info for you about breast augmentation! What country are you from though?
Because I've had breast augmentation.. and to be honest I actually prefer getting it done in the same country... because I've had to go back a few times to check up and what not... just something to consider :smile:
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sounds like a scary surgery... hope all goes well :smile:
please let us know how you're surgery went!
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Its feels so surreal, this whole day from getting onto the plane to come here to preparing for the consultation to now, in my hotel room alone, taking the first Sineech tablet awaiting my surgery that's in less than 12 hours!!!:woohoo::yahoo::woot:

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Exciting! Where are you consulting? Let us know what you'll decide on and how much in debt you will be in :smile: Good luck!

Any guys looking to go next year? Wanna get a count on how many guys/male are going/doing this. I hate it how women always comment, oh you're a guy, you don't need it. Whatever!
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Well I'll be in Korea for at least a year because I'm going to be working there. Btw I'm coming from the US, and that would be great to get info for it thanks! What kind of implants do you have? What method did you use and what size did you go up to?
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That's awesome!
Where are you going to be working? I'm from Canada.. so we're neighbors! haha

I have gel implants... and I got incision in the armpit because I didn't want any scarring. I got 450 cc and i LOVE them!

Why don't you get them done in the states? I heard its actually pretty cheap there and there's a lot of good doctors! I guess it's up to you though, but I think I heard people say that Korea goes for a more natural look?
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Hey guys,

So just wanted to notify all you who are heading to Korea to get plastic surgery because I will be going very soon too.

My mom just emailed me from Korea and said her and my dad were at the airport, and they turned around for a second and my dad got his bag stolen. She was so shocked because it happened so quickly! They went to the lost and found and retraced their steps, and luckily the person who stole it just left it behind, because there wasn't anything valuable in there.

She told me to be EXTRA careful, because I am travelling alone, and to not carry anything valuable. I know a lot of you will be carrying quite a bit of cash.. for surgeries and what not, so please be careful!! The last thing we all want is one of us to go and not be able to get what we want, because our bag was stolen :sad:

Also, my dad watches the Korean news on a daily basis, and he said there is quite a lot of kidnappings going on. He said Korea is a very scary place, especially for women... So everyone PLEASE take extra caution!! It worries me because I myself, am a foreigner as I know a lot of you are too.. and we will probably stick out .. so just a heads up!

Not to scare any of you guys, but just things to keep in mind! Hope everyone who has had surgery recently is healing well!! :smile:
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My dad watches the Korean news online every day too and is always telling me about all the things that happen to women by the crazies. I was in Korea for half a year and didn't run into any problems, but that's because I didn't really put myself into any situations that I normally wouldn't do here at home. I wouldn't walk downtown by myself at night with no one around and I wouldn't go off with some random stranger. Just keep some common sense in mind!
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O good luck :smile: wishing you the best!
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Wow, good to know. Thanks for looking out :smile:
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