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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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That was really interesting, seems like I don't fall under that category but more people should see this video!
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I'm a Korean-American living in the States and I am contemplating getting primary double eyelid surgery mid-April(when I'm done with grad school). My relatives live in Apgu-jeong and Daechidong, but I am going without them knowing as my entire family is against cosmetic surgery. I've been wanting to get this procedure done for several years and I plan on staying at an AirBnB place and staying for 10 days.

I am seriously considering ITEM clinic as they've quoted me the lowest price for incisional + medial("magic") epi - $2100 as opposed to some other clinics (over $3500). I've read a few good reviews, but not enough to be confident in my decision. Anyone have any information on this particular clinic or anything regarding pricing?
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I don't remember which website it was sorry, it was only a little cheaper but I just wanted you to know it isn't a good deal, not enough to make you commit to that clinic.

There are 3 hotels all a few minutes apart from one another and approx 10 mins walk to the cosmetic surgery clincs. They are Hotel Sunshine, Highland Hotel, Young Dong Hotel. The most expensive is Sunshine then Young Dong then Highland, you get what you pay for so Sunshine is a lot nicer than Highland, you should know all of these hotels are basic and at the low end, you won't walk in and think WOW! I looked on Airbnb and for the same money you can rent a whole apartment so I am going to book into a hotel until I have my surgery then move to an apartment. The reason is I don't want to travel far after my surgery as I will be weak and want to be close by just in case I need to see the Doctor. After a few days I will feel a lot stronger so will move. I will stay in one of the three hotels too.

Last year I took USD because it was less bulky to carry, for the equivalent amount in KRW it was twice as bulky (more notes). So I paid for my surgery with USD but DO NOT DO THIS as my clinic charged me for the 'buy rate' not the 'sell rate' so I was over 150USD out of pocket, I was very annoyed!! So this year I will only bring KRW then you know exactly the price you are paying.

Make sure you know what the maximum limit is for your country before you need to declare it through customs, it's really really easy all you need to do is fill in a form and show the customs office at the airport, it's basically to stop money laundering, you may want to take some evidence with you as to why you have this large amount of money, I printed off a few emails from the clinics to show them and this was good enough. If you choose to not go through customs and chance your luck and you are caught, customs will take the excess money from you, you may NOT GET IT BACK so be warned, think how terrible this would be to not have enough money for your surgery all because you didn't print off a simple form, it's crazy but I've read people posting on here saying they couldn't be bothered, all that hard planning only to cut corners at the last stage, madness!!
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Hi Taurodont!
If you do decide to travel in April we can meet up so you won't be on your own. There are currently 7 of us in the April group so feel free to join us.

You may want to also consider Teium for your eye surgery, a lot of ppl on here have given good reviews for this clinic. I am going there for a consultation too.

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Thanks so much for your invaluable info, I will make sure I take your advice regarding the skylift when I go to the zoo! I will also check out the other places you mentioned. Don't forget to take your photos and email them to me nearer the time. I hope you are well and a bit more relaxed. Stay positive! ;)
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I still do not know, I have not planned anything. I want to first hear the answers by the various clinics.
Good luck for the surgery!
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Where are you from? I am flying from Singapore in July too. Hope we can meet up. :cool:
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I checked prices of several clinics (total 6 clinics); item is the cheapest in terms of price. My suggestion is that you email to several clinics a list of questions/ concerns / prices & observed their replies. At the end of the day, it is not about the prices cos you must be comfortable with the doctors & clinics.

I consulted with Dr Kim before & he seems to be quite a nice person. As he is the only doctor I met in person to discuss on the procedures, I prefer to meet other doctors for more opinions before I make the final call.

Just email several clinics for more information; it definitely will aid u in making a more informed choice.
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Double embedding(natural adhesion methods) vs. Incisional

I've emailed 4 clinics over the weekend with my photos and they all recommended the suture method(variation of terms).

I had my mind set on getting incisional in fear that the less invasive method of suturing would inevitably revert back to pre-surgery conditions based on various numbers that I've seen thrown around.

My eyelids are thin and there is very little adipose tissue so the double embedding method seems like a viable option now, but I've become rather indecisive as I don't want to be constantly traveling for revisional surgery if it is indeed a less permanent method of blepharoplasty.

Anyone have experience with this method(1 - several years) and satisfied with the results?
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These email consultations don't seem all that reliable as the people who are replying are typewriter monkeys who reply about fees and scheduling all day. They don't understand the intricacies of eye anatomy and are just throwing random suggestions out based on intuition. I sent the same exact photos under different aliases to the same clinic and one email recommended "ptosis, medial, incisional" and the other was "double suture/natural adhesion method"...

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