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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I know this is all out of order, but if you go to p30 of 2nd forum, it has the list of the first forum summarized pgs 1-120.
And it also has list of the second forum summarized pgs 1-30.

1st forum pgs 121-170
now that I am compiling my questions for the doctors and trying to plan my trip, i decided to add extra info. I also included price quotes people were getting via email from the doctors to use as reference. Of course a lot of forumers said to bargain down. I think you should really read Asin and Shane77 follow-ups. They both had a lot to say about their experiences recovering from surgery and some helpful tips/explanations. For those of you who have not read the 1st forum yet, some of the forumers mentioned here are deactivated, but I am continuing to post their posts to be consistent. I've included page #s and post#s for you to read up on it.

Forumers who have had PS on pgs 121-170:
The vast eyes p121 #1801 JEWELRY pd 11mil krw cement for forehead
Babyheart p121 #1804 lipo of thigh n waist @ GRAND 8mil krw
Want2bepretteh p121 #1809 (mite b same person as vast eye) Dr. Hong, JEWELRY cement moulding for forehead
Asin p157 #2346, #2352, #2374, #2390, p161# 2402, p165 #2461 BANOBAGI, Dr. Lee vline, nosetip revision, cheek fat grafting. Posted experience on cozycot cheekbone reduction forum (surgery was mid May)
Susan58 p122 #1816 BK Dongyang Dr. Kim upper/lower eyelid
Dan4Me p124 #1858, p140 #2091 Dr. Hong, BK nose, zygoma, vline posted pic p127 #1892 cost for her surgeries
Worries p125 #1875 eyelid revision BK Dr. Kim
Elena.nanaland p131 #1962 teium eyebags
Babyheart p133 #1993 4,600,000 krw double eyelid n nose
Worries p135 #2019 EVE PS Dr. Chung epi reversal, fat graft
(Started new thread about her experience) 1.5mil krw p136 #2029 EVE clinic email address
Ferlina p146 #2176 JEWELRY rhino, genioplasty
Illumi p146 #2177-why she chose REGEN
Karagiselle + 2 others from cozycot p161 #2406 JEWELRY zygoma and mandible
Shane77 p164 #2457, p169 #2515 (a must-read follow up for 2 jaw) ID 2-jaw, vline revision, sliding
genio 18.5mil krw
P170 #2545 HongKongPhoey consultations

VIP offers free hairwash and facials p121 #1802
Regen offers free perks w facial contouring p121 #1802

Yong Dong-25 min walk from banobagi (asin stayed here) (spelling could be wrong)

Basic tips on travels
P122 #1817-20 susan58 gives tips on shopping, food, lodging
P126 #1889 pay cash to avoid paying 10% tax, P 126 #1890 is in reply to #1889 and says tax is charged regardless of paying cash, if u r getting eyes or nose done

Basic surgery info (lots of tidbit of info)
P122 #1823-24, #1826-28 (BK info and swelling info)
P123 #1838 BK top 10 sued clinics
P123 #1845 korean link to lawsuits (hard to understand using google translate)
P138 #2069 info re: L shape nose implant
P144 #2156 explains difference of v & t osteotomy
P151 #2254 nose dermal fillers and surgery
P161 #2402 asin's explanation of vline
P167 #2492-shane77 suggestion on whether to get 2 jaw (asymmetry exceeds 5mm)
P168 #2501-possible chewing problems later w 2-jaw & #2513 is shane77 reply to #2501
P169 #2522-shane77 advice on how to go about having PS
You can buy suppliments @ Amazon.com or makemeheal.com
You can buy pumpkin juice @ pharmacy next to BK
Regen has good post op care
P170 #2550 walk everyday 2-3 hrs after vline.

Places celebrities may have gone
P149 #2222-CINDERELLA g.na, afterschool

Website info:
P127 #1905 link to chungdam u
P149 #2228-banobagi, id, item, grand oz
P149 #2231-jewelry
P154 #2309-regen email address

Price quotes and/or clinics' replies to forumers
P127 #1905 zygoma and nj 2 grand, view, jw
P133 #1987 banobagi
P144 BK reply to seoulshy
P147 #2193 VIP reply to seoulshy
P156 #2332 banabagi, grand
P156 #2337 ID
P156 #2338 VIP
P156 #2339 OZ
P157 #2341 Regen, BK

P121 #1813 forumer blasts fake reviewer "isabelle"

Other forums
P144 #2151 Asian Nose Job

Zoe: p146 #2184 (email) p162 #2439 (price for consultation)
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Well your not alone. I'm sitting in my hotel as well just waiting. i have 3 days till my surgery.

Took a walk on the strip earlier in Apgujeong where all the PS clinics are it was surreal overwhelm on just how many ppl walking in n out of these clinics.

Keep us posted...wish ya well.
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Anyone heard abt Reborn Aesthetic clinic before? The transformation seems dramatic but I dnt understand a single korean word when I look at their korean website. Their English website does not show the same dramatic pictures. When I was looking thru their korean website, I noticed at the bottom, it says, "copyright of small face aesthetic clinic". Are the 2 clinics linked or are they the same?

So confusing!
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Ohhh Dear Karime... I love u more and more :hugs::hugs::P

u really did ur homework very well, u'll definitely get what u wanna achieve with such efforts.. Best of luck to u .. looking forward to read ur contribution after ps..
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I haven't come across people being able to find it in singapore yet. Will post it if I do. I PMd you.

Fyi: A good way to take sinecch is twist the capsule open and drop the little beady balls under your tongue. Tastes likebcandy too :smile:
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Mini V-Line for ID is about 5.5M
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Yo Iaan - I pm'ed you. Am leaving tomorrow and having dinner wtih Zoe, Tony and their significant others tonight. let me know if you would like to join!
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Hey Karime!

Wow, I wished you joined the forum much earlier so that I could utilize your research here!! Thanks a bunch - it will come in very handy to others. I had to re-read the 500+ pages and take general notes!

One area of possible conflict - There was a forumer who went to Regen (Bambii) and she said that the after care was minimal. I think that's different from your research on top. SOmething to take note of for those of you who are considering Regen.

Also, another thing that I realized from Jewelry that made me reeled. Again, this is only personal observation. Jewelry has this advertisement/ poster on 3 before and after pictures of woman, who went from old looking/ haggard to pretty looking faces. The scary thing is that - all three woman looks pretty much the same after the surgery. If you pay close attention, the nose, chin and eyes were all the same! I was standing in teh subway and was facing this poster on my way to MyeongDong and it was then that it dawned on me.
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Hi everyone,
I am back!! Ok updates (mini V-line and Double Eyelid)

Day 1 -3 Post Op
The swelling maximizes between day 2 and 3. By the end of Day 3, it started taking a toll on me mentally. The nights for some reason, are worse than the days. The swelling is more prominent and you feel worse. However, remain positive that when the next day arrives, you will feel better. At this time, my lower face felt very tight and my lips were extremly dry.
Tips for gettign better: Walk at least 3 hours a day. I break it out to early morning, afternoon and evening (especially when I feel terrible!).
Drink a lot of water - I took about 4 Liters a day. Do the cold compress as much as you can. I also wake up in the middle of the night to take my pumpkin juice and do the cold compress. I think that helped a lot.
Also, wet a mini tissue and keep it close to you so that you can wet your lips with it whenever necessary.

Day 4-6 Post Op
My healing process accelerated rapidly from Day 4 to Day 6. I had minimal swelling by the time Day 6 rolls by for my mini Vline, however, my face still felt tight (or a little plastic). My eyes still look like they had sausages sewn on them. lol. I also had minimal bruising. When I visited both doctors on Day 6 - both mentioned that my recovery was very smooth and rapid and they were surprised at how well I healed. For those of you going to ID, the face care that they provide at Face Diet is heavenly!!! I think that really helped in my de-swelling as well.
TIp for healing: Do the warm compress as much as you can during this time. I find that to be extremely helpful to help dissipate the remaining swell. Also, put mosturizer where you had your V-line or where your skin feels tight.

Day 7-8 Post Op (Today)
I look pretty much normal now. With make up, one can't tell I had a procedure done. I went to wash and blow dry my hair yesterday and the owner couldnt tell I had a surgery just 7 days before! She was amazed.

For those of you looking for P.S. I would say that healing really depends on the individual. Pay close attention if you bruise easily or if you recover quickly from wounds. That will give you an indication if you are a quick healer.
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Thanks so much for replying!! :smile: and thanks too for ur update! I love that you can't tell you had surgery! You must be loving it right now. Hey can you open your mouth normally? Do you feel any numbness?

Re: regens post op care. Thanks, good to keep in mind. I have Regen on my shortlist bcuz of their post-op care . I should have written the pgs down for the Regen post op so that people could reference who said it. But i guess we can just check back to those who have gotten surgeries @ regen. I will definitely make note of bambis post op @ regen. I know she wrote on the last few pgs of the first forum and the beginning of 2nd forum.

I know you said you paid around 5.5mil for vline, how much did they charge for your eyes? do you like the outcome? Was it ptosis and double eyelid?

What is mini vline? One forumer said it was sliding genioplasty, is it?

Re: jewelry ad. Omg, r u saying like cookie cutter surgery? Well, I guess it wouldn't be so bad if they all looked like angelababy. Then id say sign me up! Hehehe
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thanks for the update... how about your double eyelid... how's the healing like?
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Hey turningpoint,
As i was typing it up last night, I was wondering if the list was confusing for others to use and thought of not posting the rest because it might be too overwhelming, so people might not use it. I would have loved to have made it more user friendly, but my writing document program crashed a few months ago, so I am writing everything by hand and typing it on my phone.
But i am really glad you can use it :smile: I guess i will finish the first forum then and if you want, just PM me if you need cozycot's cheek reduction forum. i am barely starting to reread that-so it will take me a cpl of weeks.

Since you are using the list, I just wanted to point out that on pages 121-170 forumers said Regen's post op care was good. But MiaAnn pointed out that Bambi (forumer who posted later in forum did not care for post op at Regen) I will post that later on those pages.

Well good luck to you too! i am very apprehensive about this surgery, so I am just trying to go in prepared.
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Hello RainRein,
Double eyelid surgery recovery takes the longest to heal, according to Dr. Gim. For rhinoplasty, many can't tell that you have gotten a nose job after 2 weeks. However, for the eyes, the eyes will look puffy and swollen for at least the first 3 weeks. It will look "artificial" - in Dr. Gim's words. If you are getting epi, it will be red in the corner of your eyes for a few months!

As for me now, my eyes do look puffy. If you know me from before, you definitely could tell something's not quite right with my eyes. They look extremely puffy. (thick eyelids. Think as if you have cried buckets for 3 nights straight). If you do not know me previously, you'll think I have deep set eyes - a little caucasion-like.

It can take approximately 6 months for all of the eyes swelling to go away - however, according to many, after the 1 month mark, the eyes are pretty much set and the swelling will be very very minimal. So, at that time, you can gaudge how your eyes will look like eventually.

For me, I think my eyes will still need to deswell for 1/2 the size of the current eyelid now. Hope this helps!
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